How to create testruns in polarion if there's no testruns page in my project? - polarion

So, I'm using the 30 day polarion trial.
If I go to the left navigation panel there should be a shortcut that would take me to a page named "testruns". In this page I should be able to create testruns but the page doesn't even exist!
Is there a way to create this page? I've aready looked into the polarion instructional videos but since the page does not exist I cannot follow them properly. Thanks in advance!
I've already looked for polarion tutorials on the web but I need to have the "testruns" page beforehand.
I haven't been able to copy testruns.
I have tried by creating rows within the database using postgres but since there's no primary key for that table I cannot do so either.

I came into same probleme here is my solution:
Go to your project administration > Choose "Portal" > Select "Topics" > Click on "edit" for prefered view > Check your scripting tags and you'll be fine!
<topic id="workitems"/>
<topic id="wiki"/>
<topic id="testruns"/>
<topic id="baselines"/>
<topic id="builds"/>
<topic id="dashboard"/>
<topic id="quality"/>
<topic id="reports"/>
<topic id="monitor"/>
<topic id="global_shortcuts"/>
<topic id="project_shortcuts"/>
<topic id="user_shortcuts"/>

1st check if you clicked on the expand icon at the bottom of the nav pane.
If TRs are still not there you need to enter the Administrationm view.
There's an option called testing. In "configuration" check that testing is enabled.


How to set custom starting page number for MDBDataTable in React

I have a pagination problem. MDBDataTable jumps back to first page upon data edit. Looks like, it's a bug. So, I decided to set the current page number in order to keep the current page.
paginationLabel={['Prev', 'Next']}
Couldn't find the documentation for attribute list. Is there any attribute to set starting page, or any other solution?
Try setting property disableRetreatAfterSorting={true}
I solves the problem with resetting the page. So no need to track and modify it manually
Solution was found from discussion here here

How can I pass encoded values by `Link` using react-router?

Sorry to disturb, guys. I'm so new to react and react-router and I've been struggling for few days already.
Actually I am trying to pass some values before jumping to a new page (using Link attribute target="_blank") and in the new page, I want to use these values to communicate with the server and when the data from the server comes, the new page will load its content.
the route path is something like this
<Route path="/root/the_page" component={the_component} />
and the link will be like this:
<Link to="/root/the_page" target="_blank" />
What I have checked is this discussion about using a function to pass the value, but I really cannot re-produce it. As for the query-params, I cannot retrieve the query in this.props.location even I set the link as follows:
<Link to={{pathname:"/root/the_page", query: {the_key: the_value}}} target="_blank" />
Any advice will be helpful.
Thank you in advance!
I don't see any reason why you would want to use React-Router to navigate to an external page. React-Router is meant for navigation in single-page applications but opening a link with target="_blank" would mean leaving that single-page app and opening new window/tab.
As such, why not just use a regular anchor tag? That's perfectly viable for external navigation.
Click me
Obviously, your history object won't be carried over because you are opening a new window/tab - so you won't be able to go "back" or do any of that.
Check this codepen (click on users submenu item). The new window is opened with params.
<Link to={{pathname: "/users", query: { someParam: 'someValue' }}} target="_blank">Users</Link>
Then, you can get your params from string.

Avoid Concat URL in React-Redux-Router

I am using react-router + react-router-redux in my app.
What I want to achieve is every time user click a tab in the dashboard it will change the URL to /dashboard/messages, for instance.
However, using push('dashboard/' + page), every time I click a tab it will append the link.
My current situation:
Current URL is /dashboard.
Click a Messages tab.
The URL changes into /dashboard/messages.
Click a Home tab.
The URL changes into /dashboard/messages/dashboard/home.
Is there any way to just replace the /dashboard/messages into /dashboard/home when we click Home tab after cliked the Messages tab?
Many thanks!
I found the silly mistake, sorry for this.
So apparently it has to be push('/dashboard/' + page) instead of push('dashboard/' + page).
If you're coming in here from a react-router-dom perspective, please note that <Link to='stringUrl' /> concatenates whatever you place on the to attribute to the current path. So, if you are currently on /home path, it will produce /home/StringUrl as a result.
However, if you place a forward slash / instead, i.e. <Link to='/stringUrl' /> it won't do that, thus producing /StringUrl path.
use this
push('/dashboard/' + page)

Adding list of the same blog posts to multiple pages in Composite C1 (Orckestra CMS)

I've added a blog post to my Orckestra CMS site - fine.
However, when I try and add the blog control to another page - it doesn't work.
<f:function name="Composite.Community.Blog.BlogRenderer" xmlns:f="">
<f:param name="BlogEntriesCount" value="6" />
<f:param name="BlogListOptions" value="Show image" />
<f:param name="BlogItemOptions" value="Show title,Show image,Show content" />
If I add another blog page it creates a new blog.
I have added 'Blog' as an application to the new page. It doesn't work. I have duplicated the original blog page - again the blog wont show.
How can I do this?
Did you try setting the IsGlobal (labeled 'Show posts from all blogs') to true when implementing the BlogRenderer function?
If this doesn't work, you can try modifying the BlogRenderer function itself by replacing the
var entries = BlogFacade.GetEntries(IsGlobal);
with something like
var entries = "Data.Get<Entries>()
This should give you all blog entries on the site, which you can filter with lambda expressions as you see fit.
I hope this helps.

How to add a link to a jsp page in an adf tree node?

I have made an adf tree but I am not able to add links to each child node.
You didn't mentioned that whether or not you are in WebCenter Portal application. But if you are in Portal Application you can take help of NavigationContext for navigation, you can find more information and examples in the documentation. Also you can use NavigationContext from backing bean. You could define actionListener of your commandLink and from that method you can navigate to the various pages from backend as well as from the jspx page.
If you are not in Portal application, in Fusion Web Application you should define your navigation by control-flow-case of adfc-config.xml. Don't use FacesConfig for navigation. Read this documentation to know how navigation system works.
Since you are in a Tree Model and if you need to parameter then you can set some value to session as:
<af:tree value="#{ConnectorTest.model}" var="node" >
<af:commandLink text="#{node.text}" action="#{node.action}">
<af:setPropertyListener from="#{node.value}" to="#{sessionScope.value}" type="action"/>
here the action will be defined in adfc-config. If you don't need to pass parameter then ignore the af:setPropertyListener but you should define the action in config file.
Hope this will help.
Suppose you have two pages: Page1.jspx and Page2.jspx. Now you need to define the action (specifically from-action) in adfc-config.xml as following way:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<adfc-config xmlns="" version="1.2">
<view id="p1">
<view id="p2">
Now if you have a commandLink:
<af:commandLink id="link" action="goToP2" /> will navigate you to the Page2.jspx. The action attribute also accept el expression.
Have u mean to add hyperlink on child node?
<af:tree var="node" value="#{myBean.myTree.root}" id="t1" focusListener="#{myBean.eventMethod}">
<af:commandLink text="#{node.firstname}" />
when u click on node it fire focus event and call method eventMethod that accepts FocusEvent obj as arguments, in this method u set navigation rule etc etc.....
try it
You can use the <af:switcher> tag, if you want to display different action, for different child nodes
