How to fix: "Disk Read Error" in my bootloader - c

I am using Windows 10 and Windows subsystem for linux.
I have started creating my own Operating System in Assembly and C.
I am following a tutorial.
I got stuck into 2 problems.
Error 1:
When I Link and create bin files, i am getting a warning:
"ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000000001000"
Does this matter?
Error 2:
After compiling my code, there was no error. But when i boot my operating system, it shows an error: Disk read error!
Please help me.
[org 0x7c00]
KERNEL_OFFSET equ 0x1000
mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl
mov bp, 0x9000
mov sp, bp
call print
call load_kernel
call switch_to_pm
jmp $
%include "printstr.asm"
%include "diskload.asm"
[bits 16]
load_kernel :
call print
mov dh, 15
mov dl, [ BOOT_DRIVE ]
call disk_load
[bits 32]
mov ebx, MSG_PROT_MODE
call print_string_pm
jmp $
MSG_REAL_MODE db " Started in 16 - bit Real Mode " , 0
MSG_PROT_MODE db " Successfully landed in 32 - bit Protected Mode " , 0
MSG_LOAD_KERNEL db " Loading kernel into memory. " , 0
times 510 -( $ - $$ ) db 0
dw 0xaa55
disk_load :
push dx
mov ah , 0x02
mov al , dh ;
mov ch , 0x00
mov dh , 0x00
mov cl , 0x02
int 0x13
jc disk_error
pop dx
cmp dh , al
jne disk_error
disk_error :
call prints
jmp $
; Variables
DISK_ERROR_MSG db " Disk read error !" , 0
or al, al
jz printdones
mov ah, 0eh
int 10h
jmp prints
Compiling commands:
nasm boot.asm -f bin -o boot.bin
nasm kernel_entry.asm -f elf64 -o kernel_entry.o
gcc -ffreestanding -c kernel.c -o kernel.o
ld -o kernel.bin -Ttext 0x1000 kernel_entry.o kernel.o --oformat binary
cat boot.bin kernel.bin > os.iso

ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000000001000
The effect of this error will be that the entry point address stored in the executable file will not be correct.
However, "raw" binary files only containing some memory content; they don't contain any additional information - such as the entry point - as an ELF or COFF file would do.
In other words: For "raw" binary files (--oformat binary) this warning message has no meaning at all.
But when i boot my operating system, it shows an error: Disk read error!
I'm not sure, but there are two possible errors:
Are you sure that the ES register contains the correct value?
(If you want to load your kernel into absolute address 0x1000, you have to set ES to 0.)
Many drive types don't support reading too many sectors at once.
(However a real 1440K drive should support reading 15 sectors starting at sector #2.)

I had this problem too , the disk read error may be caused by your final os image being too small for 15 sectors read.
if you use qemu , try to resize your os image with :
qemu-img resize os.iso +20K
this is going to resize your image to 20 KB
(you can put your own value instead of 20K).
I think qemu considers the os image as the whole disk , so you should resize it accordingly .


Cross-compiling c kernel from x64 system to x32 binary

I'm trying to create an OS kernel in educational purposes.
Using this guide I've written a bootloader in fasm:
org 0x7c00
jmp kernel_start
KERNEL_OFFSET equ 0x1000
dd 0x0
dd 0x0
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
db 10011010b
db 11001111b
db 0x00
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
db 10010010b
db 11001111b
db 0x00
dw gdt_end - gdt_start - 1
dd gdt_start
CODE_SEG equ gdt_code - gdt_start
DATA_SEG equ gdt_data - gdt_start
push dx
mov ah, 0x02
mov al, dh
mov ch, 0x00
mov dh, 0x00
mov cl, 0x02
int 0x13
jc .disk_error
pop dx
cmp dh, al
jne .disk_error
jmp .done
mov bx, ERROR_MSG
call write_string
mov ah, 0x0e
cmp al, 0x00
je .done
int 0x10
jmp .repeat
mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl
mov ax, cs
mov ss, ax
mov sp, start
mov bp, start
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov si, BOOT_MSG
call write_string
mov dh, 15
mov dl, [BOOT_DRIVE]
call read_disk
lgdt [gdt_descriptor]
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 0x01
mov cr0, eax
jmp CODE_SEG:kernel_launch
mov ax, DATA_SEG
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ebp, start
mov esp, start
jmp $
KERNEL_LEN file "": 0x0, 1
BOOT_MSG db "Booted in real mode...", 0x0d, 0x0a, 0
ERROR_MSG db "Could not load second boot loader!", 0x0d, 0x0a, 0
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
I've compiled it with fasm loader.asm and made an iso using dd. It works fine printing message in OracleVM.
And now it's time to combine it with c part. But the problem is: I can not build on target (x32) device. I'm forced to use x64.
According to this manual I've found a way to compile elf executables and link them with multiboot. But I don't want to use multiboot standart - I'd rather prefer to use a self-written bootloader (the one above).
Which tools, arguments and configurations should I use to compile c code to x32, link it with assembler part and create a binary?
Or maybe I should compile assempler-part binary and c-part separately and then write them to disk image one after another?
So far I couldn't find any answer in internet. Is it possible to bring these two kernel parts together at all?
Here is my c code:
void main() {
char* video_memory = 0xb8000;
*video_memory = ’X’;
I've tried the following comands:
$nasm loader.asm -f bin -o loader.bin
$gcc -m32 -fno-pie -ffreestanding -c kernel.c -o kernel.o
$ld -m -elf_i386 -o kernel.bin -Ttext 0x1000 kernel.o --oformat binary
$cat loader.bin kernel.bin > os-image
to compile bootloader and kernel as binaries and then write them to disk image. Bootloader works as expected, but no message from kernel is shown.
I found a bug (in case someone will meet the same problem), there was a problem with building script, I should've used:
$ gcc -m32 -ffreestanding -c kernel.c -o kernel.o
Instead of:
$ gcc -m32 -fno-pie -ffreestanding -c kernel.c -o kernel.o
(no need in -fno-pie flag).
Also the command:
$ ld -m -elf_i386 -o kernel.bin -Ttext 0x1000 kernel.o --oformat binary
Should've been splitted in two parts:
$ ld -m -elf_i386 -o kernel.elf -Ttext 0x1000 kernel.o
$ objcopy -O binary kernel.elf kernel.bin
And that's it!

How to execute C code on barebones correctly? [duplicate]

I'm trying to make my own custom OS and I need some help with my code.
This is my bootloader.asm:
[ORG 0x7c00]
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov es, ax
mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl
mov bp, 0x8000
mov sp, bp
mov bx, 0x9000
mov dh, 5
mov dl, [BOOT_DRIVE]
call load_kernel
call enable_A20
call graphics_mode
lgdt [gdtr]
mov eax, cr0
or al, 1
mov cr0, eax
jmp CODE_SEG:init_pm
[bits 32]
mov ax, DATA_SEG
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ebp, 0x90000
mov esp, ebp
jmp 0x9000
[BITS 16]
mov ax, 0013h
int 10h
; load DH sectors to ES:BX from drive DL
push dx ; Store DX on stack so later we can recall
; how many sectors were request to be read ,
; even if it is altered in the meantime
mov ah , 0x02 ; BIOS read sector function
mov al , dh ; Read DH sectors
mov ch , 0x00 ; Select cylinder 0
mov dh , 0x00 ; Select head 0
mov cl , 0x02 ; Start reading from second sector ( i.e.
; after the boot sector )
int 0x13 ; BIOS interrupt
jc disk_error ; Jump if error ( i.e. carry flag set )
pop dx ; Restore DX from the stack
cmp dh , al ; if AL ( sectors read ) != DH ( sectors expected )
jne disk_error ; display error message
disk_error :
mov bx , ERROR_MSG
call print_string
[bits 32]
; prints a null - terminated string pointed to by EDX
print_string :
mov edx , VIDEO_MEMORY ; Set edx to the start of vid mem.
print_string_loop :
mov al , [ ebx ] ; Store the char at EBX in AL
mov ah , WHITE_ON_BLACK ; Store the attributes in AH
cmp al , 0 ; if (al == 0) , at end of string , so
je print_string_done ; jump to done
mov [edx] , ax ; Store char and attributes at current
; character cell.
add ebx , 1 ; Increment EBX to the next char in string.
add edx , 2 ; Move to next character cell in vid mem.
jmp print_string_loop ; loop around to print the next char.
print_string_done :
ret ; Return from the function
[bits 16]
; Variables
ERROR_MSG db "Error!" , 0
VIDEO_MEMORY equ 0xb8000
%include ""
%include ""
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55
db 0xAA
I compile it with this:
nasm -f bin -o boot.bin bootloader.asm
This is kernel.c:
void main(){}
I compile it with this:
gcc -ffreestanding -o kernel.bin kernel.c
and then:
cat boot.bin kernel.bin > os.bin
I want to know what I am doing wrong because when I test with QEMU it doesn't work. Can someone give some tips to improve kernel.c so I don't have to use the call_main() function?
When testing I use:
qemu-system-i386 -kernel os.bin
My Other Files
call check_a20
cmp ax, 1
je enabled
call a20_bios
call check_a20
cmp ax, 1
je enabled
call a20_keyboard
call check_a20
cmp ax, 1
je enabled
call a20_fast
call check_a20
cmp ax, 1
je enabled
mov bx, [ERROR]
call print_string
push ds
push es
push di
push si
xor ax, ax ; ax = 0
mov es, ax
not ax ; ax = 0xFFFF
mov ds, ax
mov di, 0x0500
mov si, 0x0510
mov al, byte [es:di]
push ax
mov al, byte [ds:si]
push ax
mov byte [es:di], 0x00
mov byte [ds:si], 0xFF
cmp byte [es:di], 0xFF
pop ax
mov byte [ds:si], al
pop ax
mov byte [es:di], al
mov ax, 0
je check_a20__exit
mov ax, 1
pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
mov ax, 0x2401
int 0x15
in al, 0x92
or al, 2
out 0x92, al
[bits 32]
[section .text]
call a20wait
mov al,0xAD
out 0x64,al
call a20wait
mov al,0xD0
out 0x64,al
call a20wait2
in al,0x60
push eax
call a20wait
mov al,0xD1
out 0x64,al
call a20wait
pop eax
or al,2
out 0x60,al
call a20wait
mov al,0xAE
out 0x64,al
call a20wait
in al,0x64
test al,2
jnz a20wait
in al,0x64
test al,1
jz a20wait2
dd 0 ; null descriptor--just fill 8 bytes dd 0
dw 0FFFFh ; limit low
dw 0 ; base low
db 0 ; base middle
db 10011010b ; access
db 11001111b ; granularity
db 0 ; base high
dw 0FFFFh ; limit low (Same as code)
dw 0 ; base low
db 0 ; base middle
db 10010010b ; access
db 11001111b ; granularity
db 0 ; base high
dw end_of_gdt - gdt_start - 1 ; limit (Size of GDT)
dd gdt_start ; base of GDT
CODE_SEG equ gdt_code - gdt_start
DATA_SEG equ gdt_data - gdt_start
There are a number of issues, but in general your assembly code does work. I have written a StackOverflow answer that has tips for general bootloader development.
Don't Assume the Segment Registers are Set Properly
The original code in your question didn't set the SS stack segment register. Tip #1 I give is:
When the BIOS jumps to your code you can't rely on CS,DS,ES,SS,SP
registers having valid or expected values. They should be set up
appropriately when your bootloader starts.
If you need ES it should be set as well. Although in your code it doesn't appear to be the case (except in the print_string function which I'll discuss later).
Properly Define the GDT
The single largest bug that would have prevented you from getting far into protected mode was that you set up the global descriptor table (GDT) in starting with:
dd 0 ; null descriptor--just fill 8 bytes dd 0
Each global descriptor needs to be 8 bytes but dd 0 defines just 4 bytes (double word). It should be:
dd 0 ; null descriptor--just fill 8 bytes
dd 0
It actually appears that the second dd 0 was accidentally added to the end of the comment on the previous line.
When in 16-bit Real Mode Don't Use 32-bit Code
You have written some print_string code but it is 32-bit code:
[bits 32]
; prints a null - terminated string pointed to by EBX
print_string :
mov edx , VIDEO_MEMORY ; Set edx to the start of vid mem.
print_string_loop :
mov al , [ ebx ] ; Store the char at EBX in AL
mov ah , WHITE_ON_BLACK ; Store the attributes in AH
cmp al , 0 ; if (al == 0) , at end of string , so
je print_string_done ; jump to done
mov [edx] , ax ; Store char and attributes at current
; character cell.
add ebx , 1 ; Increment EBX to the next char in string.
add edx , 2 ; Move to next character cell in vid mem.
jmp print_string_loop ; loop around to print the next char.
print_string_done :
ret ; Return from the function
You call print_string as an error handler in 16-bit code so what you are doing here will likely force a reboot of the computer. You can't use the 32-bit registers and addressing. The code can be made 16-bit with some adjustments:
; prints a null - terminated string pointed to by EBX
print_string :
push es ;Save ES on stack and restore when we finish
push VIDEO_MEMORY_SEG ;Video mem segment 0xb800
pop es
xor di, di ;Video mem offset (start at 0)
print_string_loop :
mov al , [ bx ] ; Store the char at BX in AL
mov ah , WHITE_ON_BLACK ; Store the attributes in AH
cmp al , 0 ; if (al == 0) , at end of string , so
je print_string_done ; jump to done
mov word [es:di], ax ; Store char and attributes at current
; character cell.
add bx , 1 ; Increment BX to the next char in string.
add di , 2 ; Move to next character cell in vid mem.
jmp print_string_loop ; loop around to print the next char.
print_string_done :
pop es ;Restore ES that was saved on entry
ret ; Return from the function
The primary difference (in 16-bit code) is that we no longer use EAX and EDX 32-bit registers. In order to access the video ram # 0xb8000 we need to use a segment:offset pair that represents the same thing. 0xb8000 can be represented as segment:offset 0xb800:0x0 (Computed as (0xb800<<4)+0x0) = 0xb8000 physical address. We can use this knowledge to store b800 in the ES register and use DI register as the offset to update video memory. We now use:
mov word [es:di], ax
To move a word into video ram.
Assembling and Linking the Kernel and Bootloader
One of the issues you have in building your Kernel is that you don't properly generate a flat binary image that can be loaded into memory directly. Rather than using gcc -ffreestanding -o kernel.bin kernel.c I recommend doing it this way:
gcc -g -m32 -c -ffreestanding -o kernel.o kernel.c -lgcc
ld -melf_i386 -Tlinker.ld -nostdlib --nmagic -o kernel.elf kernel.o
objcopy -O binary kernel.elf kernel.bin
This assembles kernel.c to kernel.o with debugging info (-g). The linker then takes kernel.o (32-bit ELF binary) and produces an ELF executable called kernel.elf (this file will be handy if you want to debug your kernel). We then use objcopy to take the ELF32 executable file kernel.elf and convert it into a flat binary image kernel.bin that can be loaded by the BIOS. A key thing to note is that with -Tlinker.ld option we are asking the LD(linker) to read options from the file linker.ld . This is a simple linker.ld you can use to get started:
. = 0x9000;
.text : { *(.text) }
.data : { *(.data) }
.bss : { *(.bss) *(COMMON) }
The thing to note here is that . = 0x9000 is telling the linker that it should produce an executable that will be loaded at memory address 0x9000 . 0x9000 is where you seem to have placed your kernel in your question. The rest of the lines make available the C sections that will need to be included into your kernel to work properly.
I recommend doing something similar when using NASM so rather than doing nasm -f bin -o boot.bin bootloader.asm do it this way:
nasm -g -f elf32 -F dwarf -o boot.o bootloader.asm
ld -melf_i386 -Ttext=0x7c00 -nostdlib --nmagic -o boot.elf boot.o
objcopy -O binary boot.elf boot.bin
This is similar to compiling the C kernel. We don't use a linker script here, but we do tell the linker to produce our code assuming the code (bootloader) will be loaded at 0x7c00 .
For this to work you will need to remove this line from bootloader.asm :
[ORG 0x7c00]
Cleanup The Kernel (kernel.c)
Modify your kernel.c file to be:
/* This code will be placed at the beginning of the object by the linker script */
__asm__ (".pushsection .text.start\r\n" \
"jmp main\r\n" \
/* Place main as the first function defined in kernel.c so
* that it will be at the entry point where our bootloader
* will call. In our case it will be at 0x9000 */
int main(){
/* Do Stuff Here*/
return 0; /* return back to bootloader */
In bootloader.asm we should be calling the main function (that will be placed at 0x9000) rather than jumping to it. Instead of:
jmp 0x9000
Change it to:
call 0x9000
loopend: ;Infinite loop when finished
jmp loopend
The code after the call will be executed when C function main returns. It is a simple loop that will effectively halt the processor and remain that way indefinitely since we have no where to go back to.
Code After Making All Recommended Changes
[bits 16]
global _start
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x8000 ; Stack pointer at SS:SP = 0x0000:0x8000
mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl; Boot drive passed to us by the BIOS
mov dh, 17 ; Number of sectors (kernel.bin) to read from disk
; 17*512 allows for a kernel.bin up to 8704 bytes
mov bx, 0x9000 ; Load Kernel to ES:BX = 0x0000:0x9000
call load_kernel
call enable_A20
; call graphics_mode ; Uncomment if you want to switch to graphics mode 0x13
lgdt [gdtr]
mov eax, cr0
or al, 1
mov cr0, eax
jmp CODE_SEG:init_pm
mov ax, 0013h
int 10h
; load DH sectors to ES:BX from drive DL
push dx ; Store DX on stack so later we can recall
; how many sectors were request to be read ,
; even if it is altered in the meantime
mov ah , 0x02 ; BIOS read sector function
mov al , dh ; Read DH sectors
mov ch , 0x00 ; Select cylinder 0
mov dh , 0x00 ; Select head 0
mov cl , 0x02 ; Start reading from second sector ( i.e.
; after the boot sector )
int 0x13 ; BIOS interrupt
jc disk_error ; Jump if error ( i.e. carry flag set )
pop dx ; Restore DX from the stack
cmp dh , al ; if AL ( sectors read ) != DH ( sectors expected )
jne disk_error ; display error message
disk_error :
mov bx , ERROR_MSG
call print_string
; prints a null - terminated string pointed to by EDX
print_string :
push es ;Save ES on stack and restore when we finish
push VIDEO_MEMORY_SEG ;Video mem segment 0xb800
pop es
xor di, di ;Video mem offset (start at 0)
print_string_loop :
mov al , [ bx ] ; Store the char at BX in AL
mov ah , WHITE_ON_BLACK ; Store the attributes in AH
cmp al , 0 ; if (al == 0) , at end of string , so
je print_string_done ; jump to done
mov word [es:di], ax ; Store char and attributes at current
; character cell.
add bx , 1 ; Increment BX to the next char in string.
add di , 2 ; Move to next character cell in vid mem.
jmp print_string_loop ; loop around to print the next char.
print_string_done :
pop es ;Restore ES that was saved on entry
ret ; Return from the function
%include ""
%include ""
[bits 32]
mov ax, DATA_SEG
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ebp, 0x90000
mov esp, ebp
call 0x9000
loopend: ;Infinite loop when finished
jmp loopend
[bits 16]
; Variables
ERROR db "A20 Error!" , 0
ERROR_MSG db "Error!" , 0
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55
db 0xAA
dd 0 ; null descriptor--just fill 8 bytes
dd 0
dw 0FFFFh ; limit low
dw 0 ; base low
db 0 ; base middle
db 10011010b ; access
db 11001111b ; granularity
db 0 ; base high
dw 0FFFFh ; limit low (Same as code)
dw 0 ; base low
db 0 ; base middle
db 10010010b ; access
db 11001111b ; granularity
db 0 ; base high
dw end_of_gdt - gdt_start - 1 ; limit (Size of GDT)
dd gdt_start ; base of GDT
CODE_SEG equ gdt_code - gdt_start
DATA_SEG equ gdt_data - gdt_start
call check_a20
cmp ax, 1
je enabled
call a20_bios
call check_a20
cmp ax, 1
je enabled
call a20_keyboard
call check_a20
cmp ax, 1
je enabled
call a20_fast
call check_a20
cmp ax, 1
je enabled
mov bx, [ERROR]
call print_string
push ds
push es
push di
push si
xor ax, ax ; ax = 0
mov es, ax
not ax ; ax = 0xFFFF
mov ds, ax
mov di, 0x0500
mov si, 0x0510
mov al, byte [es:di]
push ax
mov al, byte [ds:si]
push ax
mov byte [es:di], 0x00
mov byte [ds:si], 0xFF
cmp byte [es:di], 0xFF
pop ax
mov byte [ds:si], al
pop ax
mov byte [es:di], al
mov ax, 0
je check_a20__exit
mov ax, 1
pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
mov ax, 0x2401
int 0x15
in al, 0x92
or al, 2
out 0x92, al
[bits 32]
[section .text]
call a20wait
mov al,0xAD
out 0x64,al
call a20wait
mov al,0xD0
out 0x64,al
call a20wait2
in al,0x60
push eax
call a20wait
mov al,0xD1
out 0x64,al
call a20wait
pop eax
or al,2
out 0x60,al
call a20wait
mov al,0xAE
out 0x64,al
call a20wait
in al,0x64
test al,2
jnz a20wait
in al,0x64
test al,1
jz a20wait2
/* This code will be placed at the beginning of the object by the linker script */
__asm__ (".pushsection .text.start\r\n" \
"jmp main\r\n" \
/* Place main as the first function defined in kernel.c so
* that it will be at the entry point where our bootloader
* will call. In our case it will be at 0x9000 */
int main(){
/* Do Stuff Here*/
return 0; /* return back to bootloader */
. = 0x9000;
.text : { *(.text.start) *(.text) }
.data : { *(.data) }
.bss : { *(.bss) *(COMMON) }
Create Disk Image Using DD / Debugging with QEMU
If you use the files above, and produce the required bootloader and kernel files using these commands (as mentioned previously)
nasm -g -f elf32 -F dwarf -o boot.o bootloader.asm
ld -melf_i386 -Ttext=0x7c00 -nostdlib --nmagic -o boot.elf boot.o
objcopy -O binary boot.elf boot.bin
gcc -g -m32 -c -ffreestanding -o kernel.o kernel.c -lgcc
ld -melf_i386 -Tlinker.ld -nostdlib --nmagic -o kernel.elf kernel.o
objcopy -O binary kernel.elf kernel.bin
You can produce a disk image (in this case we'll make it the size of a floppy) with these commands:
dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=512 count=2880
dd if=boot.bin of=disk.img bs=512 conv=notrunc
dd if=kernel.bin of=disk.img bs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc
This creates a zero filled disk image of size 512*2880 bytes (The size of a 1.44 megabyte floppy). dd if=boot.bin of=disk.img bs=512 conv=notrunc writes boot.bin to the first sector of the file without truncating the disk image. dd if=kernel.bin of=disk.img bs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc places kernel.bin into the disk image starting at the second sector. The seek=1 skips over the first block (bs=512) before writing.
If you wish to run your kernel you can launch it as floppy drive A: (-fda) in QEMU like this:
qemu-system-i386 -fda disk.img
You can also debug your 32-bit kernel using QEMU and the GNU Debugger (GDB) with the debug information we generated when compiling/assembling the code with the instructions above.
qemu-system-i386 -fda disk.img -S -s &
gdb kernel.elf \
-ex 'target remote localhost:1234' \
-ex 'layout src' \
-ex 'layout reg' \
-ex 'break main' \
-ex 'continue'
This example launches QEMU with the remote debugger and emulating a floppy disk using the file disk.img(that we created with DD). GDB launches using kernel.elf (a file we generated with debug info), then connects to QEMU, and sets a breakpoint at function main() in the C code. When the debugger finally is ready you'll be prompted to press <return> to continue. With any luck you should be viewing function main in the debugger.

Interfacing C functions with asm code at booting level?

I am following a tutorial about creating a 32bit operating system. I have managed to switch to the 32bit protected mode happily but could not get further.
Below, boot_sect.asm is the main assembly code. After switching to protected mode inside boot_sect.asm, an external C function (kmain) is called via kernel_entry.asm (calls the c function) from boot_sect.asm. The location of the C function in the ram is 0x1000000.
The kmain() is supposed to print an x on the screen. However, this does not happen. Indeed, to diagnose the code, I put an infinite while loop inside the kmain(), but the program did not hang there; instead it directly ended. I guess the files are not linked properly or there is a memory overlap problem. I could not get any further, and I am stuck at this point.
I would appreciate any idea or help to get over this step.
boot_sect.asm (the main asm code)
; A boot sector that boots a C kernel in 32-bit protected mode
[bits 16]
[org 0x7c00]
KERNEL_OFFSET equ 0x100000 ; This is the memory offset to where kernel will be loaded
mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl
mov bp, 0x9000 ; stack origin.
mov sp, bp
mov bx, MSG_REAL_MODE ;print that we are starting
call print_string ; booting from 16-bit real mode
call load_kernel ; Load our kernel
call switch_to_pm ; Switch to protected mode, from which
; we will not return
jmp $
; Include our useful , hard-earned routines
%include "print/print_string.asm"
%include "disk/disk_load.asm"
%include "pm/gdt.asm"
%include "pm/print_string_pm.asm"
%include "pm/switch_to_pm.asm"
[bits 16]
; load_kernel
mov bx, MSG_LOAD_KERNEL ; Print a message to say we are loading the kernel
call print_string
mov bx, KERNEL_OFFSET ; Set-up parameters for our disk_load routine , so
mov dh, 15 ; that we load the first 15 sectors (excluding
mov dl, [BOOT_DRIVE] ; the boot sector) from the boot disk (i.e. our
call disk_load ; kernel code) to address KERNEL_OFFSET
[bits 32]
mov ebx, MSG_PROT_MODE ; Use 32-bit print routine to
call print_string_pm ; announce its in protected mode
;the program manages to come here perfectly.
;here the kmain() function is called via kernel_entry.asm
;but after this call, the program gets "lost", it ends somehow.
;it cant even get here, it ends before getting here. Probably the kmain() is not located at KERNEL_OFFSET due to a problem.
jmp $ ;Hang.
; Global variables
MSG_REAL_MODE db "Started in 16-bit Real Mode", 0
MSG_PROT_MODE db "Successfully landed in 32-bit Protected Mode", 0
MSG_LOAD_KERNEL db "Loading kernel into memory.", 0
; Bootsector padding
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
kernel.c (c code)
void kmain()
char* screen = (char*)0xb8000;
screen[0] = 'X';
kernel_entry.asm (calls the c code)
[bits 32]
[extern _kmain]
call _kmain
jmp $
Finally, to obtain the os-image , I used the following commands
kernel.c and kernel_entry.asm are converted to object files (nasm and gcc commands), then they are linked to create kernel.bin file (by using ld command and the address 0x100000 of the kmain()).
Then kernel.bin and boot_sect.bin are combined using type command to obtain an os image.
gcc -m32 -ffreestanding -c kernel.c -o kernel.o
nasm kernel_entry.asm -f elf -o kernel_entry.o
ld -m i386pe -T NUL -o kernel.bin -Ttext-segment 0x100000 kernel_entry.o kernel.o
nasm boot_sect.asm -f bin -o boot_sect.bin
type boot_sect.bin kernel.bin > os-image

Far jump after switching from real to protected mode

According to this tutorial it is sufficient to create a simple operating system with switching to protected mode as simple as the following code without the need for other well known actions such as enabling A20...
Anyway, I am newbie to this domain, I wrote the following code as they mentioned exactly with the modification inspired from this SO.
Code Structure:
This simple operating system should load briefly as follows:
Load/read 15 sectors
Enable GDT
Switch to protected mode (And print "Successfully landed in 32-bit Protected Mode").
Load kernel and print "X"
However the emulator is still rebooting. Please find enclosed the entire code.
[bits 16]
[org 0x7C00]
KERNEL_OFFSET equ 0x1000
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl
mov ax, 0x07E0 ; End of stack
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x1200 ; Size of Stack. By this, we assume that stack starts at 9000h
; of size 1200h and ends at 7E00h to avoid being overwritten.
call load_kernel
call switch_to_pm
jmp $
%include "src/functions/disk_load.asm"
mov dh, 15
mov dl, [BOOT_DRIVE]
call disk_load
; Global variables
MSG_PROT_MODE db "Successfully landed in 32-bit Protected Mode" , 0
%include "src/functions/gdt.asm"
%include "src/functions/switch_to_pm.asm"
[ bits 32]
; This is where we arrive after switching to and initialising protected mode.
mov ebx , MSG_PROT_MODE
call print_string_pm ; Use our 32 - bit print routine.
;call KERNEL_OFFSET ; Now jump to the address of our loaded
; kernel code , assume the brace position ,
; and cross your fingers. Here we go !
jmp $ ; Hang.
%include "src/functions/writing_video_mode.asm"
; Bootsector padding
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55
; 15 sector padding
times 15*256 dw 0xDADA
mov [SECTORS], dh
mov ch, 0x00 ;C=0
mov dh, 0x00 ;H=0
mov cl, 0x02 ;S=2
mov di, 5 ;Max 5 tries
mov ah, 0x02 ;Read sectors
mov al, [SECTORS]
int 0x13
jc maybe_retry
sub [SECTORS], al ;Remaining sectors
jz ready
mov cl, 0x01 ;Always sector 1
xor dh, 1 ;Next head on diskette!
jnz next_group
inc ch ;Next cylinder
jmp next_group
mov ah, 0x00 ;Reset diskdrive
int 0x13
dec di
jnz again
jmp disk_error
mov ah, 0x0e
mov al, 'Y'
int 0x10
jmp $
DISK_ERROR_MSG db "Disk read error!", 0
dd 0x0 ; ’ dd ’ means define double word ( i.e. 4 bytes )
dd 0x0
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0
db 0x0
db 10011010b ; 1 st flags , type flags
db 11001111b ; 2 nd flags , Limit ( bits 16 -19)
db 0x0
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0
db 0x0
db 10010010b ; 1 st flags , type flags
db 11001111b ; 2 nd flags , Limit ( bits 16 -19)
db 0x0
dw gdt_end - gdt_start - 1
dd gdt_start
CODE_SEG equ gdt_code - gdt_start
DATA_SEG equ gdt_data - gdt_start
[ bits 16 ]
lgdt [ gdt_descriptor ]
mov eax , cr0
or eax , 0x1
mov cr0 , eax
jmp CODE_SEG:init_pm
[ bits 32 ]
mov ax, DATA_SEG
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ebp , 0x90000
mov esp , ebp
And in order to make sure that we landed in the protected mode:
[ bits 32]
VIDEO_MEMORY equ 0xb8000
push eax
push ebx
push edx
mov edx , VIDEO_MEMORY ; Set edx to the start of vid mem.
mov al, [ebx]
cmp al, 0
je print_string_pm_done
mov [edx], ax
add ebx, 1
add edx, 2
jmp print_string_pm_loop
pop edx
pop ebx
pop eax
void main () {
char * video_memory = (char *) 0xb8000;
*video_memory = 'X';
By the way, I am using this Makefile:
all: bootloader.bin kernel.bin
bootloader.bin: src/bootloader.asm
nasm src/bootloader.asm -f bin -o output/bootloader.bin
kernel.o: src/kernel/kernel.c
gcc -ffreestanding -c src/kernel/kernel.c -o output/kernel.o -m32
kernel.bin: kernel.o
ld -o output/kernel.bin -Ttext 0x1000 --oformat binary output/kernel.o -melf_i386
rm -f output/*.* output/*
and in order to move it into the flash memory, I use these commands:
cat output/bootloader.bin output/kernel.bin > os-image
sudo dd if=os-image of=/dev/sdb bs=512 conv=notrunc && sync
In order to run it, I am using qemu with this command:
qemu-system-i386 -hda /dev/sdb
Noting that /dev/sdb is my flash memory drive.
Indeed, the code is landing into the protected mode (I.e. Printing "Successfully landed in 32-bit Protected Mode") just when disabling/commenting the call KERNEL_OFFSET in the bootloader.asm. However when enabling this line it starts booting and rebooting.
I hope I have provided every needed information. It seems for me that the far jump should not be done this way. Any comment is appreciated.
Just remove
times 15*256 dw 0xDADA
(btw, why DADA?)
then compile your kernel, after that
cat output/bootloader.bin output/kernel.bin > os-image
and somehow make your os image 8192 byte long (16 sectors, bootloader + 15). I'm not Linux/Unix fan (even can't use them), but I think dd command (something like dd if=dev\zero of=temp_file count=(8192 - file actual size), and then cat os-image temp-file > os-image) should do the job. I'm also not sure is this compilation command correct (only not sure). I would remove "-melf_i386" from linker command, but idk, I have only used MinGW on Windows (it's only similar to GCC).
Sorry for my bad English, I hope I helped.

JMP not working

Okay, so I've been trying to make a two-step bootloader in assembly/C but I haven't been able to get the JMP working. At first I thought the read was failing, but, after the following test I ruled that out:
__asm__ __volatile__(
"xorw %ax, %ax;"
"movw %ax, %ds;"
"movw %ax, %es;"
"movb $0x02, %ah;"
"movb $0x01, %al;"
"movw $0x7E00, %bx;"
"movw $0x0003, %cx;"
"xorb %dh, %dh;"
"int $0x13;"
"movb 0x7E00, %al;"
"movb $0x0e, %ah;"
"int $0x10;"
//"jmp 0x7E00"
This printed 'f' as expected (the first byte of the sector is 0x66 which is the ASCII code for 'f') proving that the read is successful and the jmp is the problem. This is my code:
__asm__("jmpl $0x0000, $main\n");
void main(){
__asm__ __volatile__(
"xorw %ax, %ax;"
"movw %ax, %ds;"
"movw %ax, %es;"
"movb $0x02, %ah;"
"movb $0x01, %al;"
"movw $0x7E00, %bx;"
"movw $0x0003, %cx;"
"xorb %dh, %dh;"
"int $0x13;"
"jmp $0x200;"
When run, my program simply hangs, this means that the program is probably jumping to the wrong location in memory. By the way, I am obviously running this in real mode under VMWare player. I am compiling this with the following commands:
gcc -c -0s -march=i686 -ffreestanding -Wall -Werror boot.c -o boot.o
ld -static -Ttest.ld -nostdlib --nmagic -o boot.elf boot.o --no-check-sections
objcopy -0 binary boot.elf boot.bin
and this is test.ld:
. = 0x7C00;
.text : AT(0x7C00)
.sig : AT(0x7DFE)
Note: I have confirmed this is not a problem with the inline asm - I have tried a pure assembly implementation too with the same results - the only reason I am using C is because I plan on expanding this a bit and I am much more comfortable with C loops and functions...
EDIT: I've uploaded the first three sectors of my floppy drive here
EDIT 2: I have been unable to get my boot loader working using any of the suggestions and, based on advice from #RossRidge I have written an assembly version of the same program and a simple assembly program to echo input. Sadly these aren't working either..
org 0x7c00
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ah, 0x02
mov al, 0x01
mov bx, 0x7E00
mov cx, 0x0003
xor dh, dh
int 0x13
jmp 0x7E00
Program in sector 3:
xor ax, ax
int 0x16
mov ah, 0xe
int 0x10
These are both compiled with: nasm Linux/boot.S -o Linux/asm.bin and behave the same as their C counterparts..
I am pretty sure your assembler is generating the wrong jump offset, it's probably interpreting the 0x7e00 as relative in the current text section, but that's mapped at 0x7c00 by the linker script so your jump probably goes to 0x7c00+0x7e00=0xfa00 instead. As an ugly workaround you could try jmp 0x200 instead or use an indirect jump to hide it from your tools such as mov $0x7e00, %ax; jmp *%ax. Alternatively jmp .text+0x200 could also work.
Also note that writing 16 bit asm in a 32 bit C compiler will generate wrong code, which is also hinted by the first byte of the loaded sector being 0x66 which is the operand size override prefix. Since the compiler assumes 32 bit mode, it will generate your 16 bit code with prefixes, which when run in 16 bit mode will switch back to 32 bits. In general, it's not a good idea to abuse inline asm for such purpose, you should use a separate asm file and make sure you tell your assembler that the code is intended for 16 bit real mode.
PS: learn to use a debugger.
Update: The following code when assembled using nasm boot.asm -o boot.bin works fine in qemu and bochs:
org 0x7c00
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ah, 0x02
mov al, 0x01
mov bx, 0x7E00
mov cx, 0x0003
xor dh, dh
int 0x13
jmp 0x7E00
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
; second sector
times 512 db 0
; Program in sector 3:
xor ax, ax
int 0x16
mov ah, 0xe
int 0x10
jmp $
times 1536-($-$$) db 0
You can download an image here (limited offer ;)).
I have written many boot loaders.
There needs to be two(2) separate executables,
1) the boot loader
2) the main code
so the loaded code (the main program) can be updated without doing anything to the boot loader.
The boot loader, when done needs to jump to a known location.
The main program needs to place a jump instruction at the known location, that jumps to a function in the librt library. (usually start())
start() will set I/O, heap, etc and call main()
Both the linker command file for the boot loader and the linker command file for the main program must agreed on the address of the known location
The known location is usually the only thing in a unique section of both linker command files.
The boot loader must be smart enough to place all the parts of the main program in the right areas in memory.
It is best if the main program is in motorola S1 (or similar) format rather than a raw .elf or .coff format; otherwise the boot loader can get very big very quickly.
