HERE API - Autocomplete Issue - maps

I am using the HERE API Autocomplete service, but I had a problem. I am looking for a place in Peru, "Jorge Chavez" (Airport) but it does not return the result of the airport but other addresses despite changing the maximum results to 20
In the demo that is in the same documentation does not show me the result []
In the WEGO search engine, when searching for "Jorge Chavez" if he returns the result of the airport [].
Thank you.

Search on HereWeGo will find addresses and places including Airports.
Geocoder and Autocomplete are specialized to return addresses only.
An Autocomplete like functionality that also returns places is "Autosuggest". See the developer portal for details.
Autosuggest will return what you are looking for:
title:Jorge Chávez International Airport (jorge chávez airport)
However, the Geocoder offers a search endpoint that can return places of selected categories. One of them is "airports". So using the following search will return the airport you are looking for


How to replicate gatsbyjs filter and search, like the one they have for their starters page?

I want to build a search page that lets user query data based on certain criteria that they can choose from select and radio checkboxes, on behalf of which a query string is generated that gives the key/value pair for searching, the functionality is somewhat similar to what they have for their staters page.
Please check the link below to get an idea of what I am looking for: <---- query string.
These pages need to be shareable so query strings are essential and data fetching need be as quick as it is on their website.
From what I have understood so far, according to documentation:
I have two options:
Get data during build time
Get data during run time
For a run time, I think, I would need to use redux-thunk to make network calls to an ExpressJs, MongoDB REST API but my concern is that it can be slow.
For build time, I am sure on how can I source data from Graphql queries, and render them.
Any help on this will be great. Thanks
The Gatsby Starters Library is parsing the URL param in this urlToSearch method in the PluginSearchBar component:
urlToSearch = () => {
if ( { // get the params from the location prop
const match = /(\?|&)=([^&]+)/.exec(
if (match) return decodeURIComponent(match[2])
return ``
return ``
Mainly, it uses the Gatsby location prop (from #reach/router under the hood) to get the search keyword from the query string.
Search is then implemented client-side using Algolia's react-instantsearch library. You can find the complete implementation in plugin-searchbar-body.js.
There are naturally other ways to implement search. A good place to start for inspiration is Gatsby's Adding Search documentation.

Solr metrics API get number of docs

I'm not sure what is the correct property to get the number of docs with the new metrics API in Solr
Going to the URL directly will give you all available metrics. If you search this list for doc, one of the first hits will be:
These are located under the metrics/solr.core.<core_name> element.

Where is defined orderProp in AngularJS and why is not present in API documentation?

I started to study AngularJS from the official tutorial and at a certain point, it use:
this.orderProp = 'age';
To give the possibility to order the list based on age. Now the question became inevitable:"What are the other properties? and where is the doc for orderProp" I tried to search it in API documentation without any success.
I supposed the orderProp was something related to the orderBy, but is not mentioned.

how to query watson discovery api?

I am experimenting IBM watsons' Discovery API to get data insights. I want to query using multiple filters. I am using python to accomplish the task. I have tried this for now, but this is not working.
qopts = {'filter':[{'enriched_text.entities.text:Recurrent Neural
Networks,Machine Learning classifiers'}]}
my_query = discovery.query(env_id, coll_id, qopts)
with only single entity : 'recurrent Neural Networks' through the discovery UI and through my python query, I get 3 documents from the collection.
but with two entities, 'Recurrent Neural Networks,Machine Learning classifiers', in the UI I get 2 documents but through my code, I get 2 documents.
Below is then right format which works for me. with multiple concept and keyword filters, I get a total of 2 search results, which match with the UI query
qopts = {'filter':{'enriched_text.concepts.text:"Neural network",enriched_text.keywords.text:"Neural Network",enriched_text.keywords.text:"generative conversational models"'}}
with only entity I get 3 match results
qopts = {'filter':{'enriched_text.concepts.text:"Neural network"'}}
in this example I am querying the documents with concept 'Neural network' , keywords 'Neural Network' and 'generative conversational models'
Inside Watson discovery documentation, inside the UI you'll use (according to the documentation):
But obviously, without the ! operator inside the second text.
and I think inside your code you need to use , between the values.
Not sure because I don't use the enriched_text.entities.textinside my filter, just the Strings.
One possible reference for another example to test:
filter=field1:some value,field2:another value
Official reference documentation: here.

obtain demographic data with google analytics api

im trying to obtain some demographic data from the google analytics api, my intention is to integrate this on a cms to generate reports, etc... is this possible?
if it is, is there someone who knows a tutorial or something? i have used the examples provided and i get some sessions that have been in the last 7 day period. But nothing besides that. If that is not possible, what kind of things i can obtain with this api?
here is what i have tried:
function getResults(&$analytics, $profileId) {
return $analytics->data_ga->get(
'ga:' . $profileId,
thanks in advance.
You can obtain everything that's listed in the Dimensions and Metrics Reference. This includes ga:userAgeBracket and ga:userGender for demographic information.
To include additional metrics (numerical data) you put it as a parameter where you now have ga:sessions (separate multiple metrics with a comma). You need at least one metric for a query to work.
To add dimensions (i.e. categorical data) you need to pass an options array to your query that has a key/value pair for dimensions. This may also include additional options like filters or sort options, see the example here..
$optParams = array(
'dimensions' => 'ga:userAgeBracket,ga:userGender'
return $analytics->data_ga->get(
'ga:' . $profileId,
This for version 3 of the API. If you are just getting started an have no legacy code to maintain you might as well start with there current version (v4).
To be able to get age and gender informations from analytics, you should Enable Demographics and Interests reports on your GA account.
doc :
