left shifting unsigned int to 32 bits, generates warning [duplicate] - c

I recently picked up a copy of Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier and it's been a good read. I now understand how several algorithms outlined in the book work, and I'd like to start implementing a few of them in C.
One thing that many of the algorithms have in common is dividing an x-bit key, into several smaller y-bit keys. For example, Blowfish's key, X, is 64-bits, but you are required to break it up into two 32-bit halves; Xl and Xr.
This is where I'm getting stuck. I'm fairly decent with C, but I'm not the strongest when it comes to bitwise operators and the like.
After some help on IRC, I managed to come up with these two macros:
#define splitup(a, b, c) {b = a >> 32; c = a & 0xffffffff; }
#define combine(a, b, c) {a = (c << 32) | a;}
Where a is 64 bits and b and c are 32 bits. However, the compiler warns me about the fact that I'm shifting a 32 bit variable by 32 bits.
My questions are these:
What's bad about shifting a 32-bit variable 32 bits? I'm guessing it's undefined, but these macros do seem to be working.
Also, would you suggest I go about this another way?
As I said, I'm fairly familiar with C, but bitwise operators and the like still give me a headache.
I figured out that my combine macro wasn't actually combining two 32-bit variables, but simply ORing 0 by a, and getting a as a result.
So, on top of my previous questions, I still don't have a method of combining the two 32-bit variables to get a 64-bit one; a suggestion on how to do it would be appreciated.

Yes, it is undefined behaviour.
ISO/IEC 9899:1999 6.5.7 Bitwise shift operators ¶3
The integer promotions are performed on each of the operands. The type of the result is that of the promoted left operand. If the value of the right operand is negative or is greater than or equal to the width of the promoted left operand, the behavior is undefined.
C11 aka ISO/IEC 9899:2011 says the same.
You should first cast b to the target integer type. Another point is that you should put parentheses around the macro parameters to avoid surprises by operator precedences. Additionally, the comma operator is very useful here, allowing you to avoid the braces, so that the macro can be used as a normal command, closed with a semicolon.
#define splitup(a,b,c) ( (b) = (a) >> 32, (c) = (a) & 0xffffffff )
#define combine(a,b,c) ( (a) = ((unsigned long long)(b) << 32) | (c) )
Additional casts may be necessary for `splitup to silence warnings about precision loss by over-paranoid compilers.
#define splitup(a,b,c) ( (b) = (unsigned long)((a) >> 32), (c) = (unsigned long)((a) & 0xffffffff) )
And please don't even think about using your self-written encryption for production code.

Shifting a 32-bit value by 32 bits or more is undefined in C and C++. One of the reasons it was left undefined is that on some hardware platforms the 32-bit shift instruction only takes into account 5 lowest bits of the supplied shift count. This means that whatever shift count you pass, it will be interpreted modulo 32. Attempting to shift by 32 on such platform will actually shift by 0, i.e. not shift at all.
The language authors did not want to burden the compilers written for such platform with the task of analyzing the shift count before doing the shift. Instead, the language specification says that the behavior is undefined. This means that if you want to get a 0 value from a 32-bit shift by 32 (or more), it is up to you to recognize the situation and process it accordingly.

what's bad about shifting a 32-bit variable 32 bits?
Its better to assign 0 to n-bit integer than to shift it by n-bits.
0 0 1 0 1 ----- 5 bit Integer
0 1 0 1 0 ----- 1st shift
1 0 1 0 0 ----- 2nd shift
0 1 0 0 0 ----- 3rd shift
1 0 0 0 0 ----- 4th shift
0 0 0 0 0 ----- 5th shift (all the bits are shifted!)
I still don't have a method of combining the two 32-bit variables to get a 64-bit one
Consider: a is 64 bit, b and c are 32 bit
a = b;
a = a << 32; //Note: a is 64 bit
a = a | c;

Unless this is some "reinventing the wheel to understand how it works" project, don't implement your own crypto functions.
It's hard enough to use the available algorithms to work (and to choose the right one), don't shoot yourself in the foot by putting in production some home grown cryptor API. Chances are your encryption won't encrypt

What's bad about shifting a 32-bit variable 32 bits?
In addition to what have been already said, the 32nd bit is the sign bit, and you may get sign extension to preserve the sing, thereby losing significant bits.


AVR uint8_t doesn't get correct value

I have a uint8_t that should contain the result of a bitwise calculation. The debugger says the variable is set correctly, but when i check the memory, the var is always at 0. The code proceeds like the var is 0, no matter what the debugger tells me. Here's the code:
temp = (path_table & (1 << current_bit)) >> current_bit;
//temp is always 0, debugger shows correct value
if (temp > 0) {
DS18B20_send_bit(pin, 0x01);
} else {
DS18B20_send_bit(pin, 0x00);
Temp's a uint8_t, path_table's a uint64_t and current_bit's a uint8_t. I've tried to make them all uint64_t but nothing changed. I've also tried using unsigned long long int instead. Nothing again.
The code always enters the else clause.
Chip's Atmega4809, and uses uint64_t in other parts of the code with no issues.
Note - If anyone knows a more efficient/compact way to extract a single bit from a variable i would really appreciate if you could share ^^
1 is an integer constant, of type int. The expression 1 << current_bit also has type int, but for 16-bit int, the result of that expression is undefined when current_bit is larger than 14. The behavior being undefined in your case, then, it is plausible that your debugger presents results for the overall expression that seem inconsistent with the observed behavior. If you used an unsigned int constant instead, i.e. 1u, then the resulting value of temp would be well defined as 0 whenever current_bit was greater than 15, because the result of the left shift would be zero.
Solve this problem by performing the computation in a type wide enough to hold the result. Here's a compact, correct, and pretty clear way to correct your code to do that:
DS18B20_send_bit(pin, (path_table & (((uint64_t) 1) << current_bit)) != 0);
Or if path_table has an unsigned type then I prefer this, though it's more of a departure from your original:
DS18B20_send_bit(pin, (path_table >> current_bit) & 1);
Realization #1 here is that AVR is 1980-1990s technology core. It is not a x64 PC that chews 64 bit numbers for breakfast, but an extremely inefficient 8-bit MCU. As such:
It likes 8 bit arithmetic.
It will struggle with 16 bit arithmetic, by doing tricks with 16 bit index registers, double accumulators or whatever 8 bit core tricks it prefers to do.
It will literally take ages to execute 32 bit arithmetic, by invoking software libraries inline.
It will probably melt through the floor if attempting 64 bit arithmetic.
Before you do anything else, you need to get rid of all 64 bit arithmetic and radically minimize the use of 32 bit arithmetic. Period. There should be no single variable of uint64_t in your code or you are doing it very very wrong.
With this revelation also comes that all 8 bit MCUs always have an int type which is 16 bits.
In the code 1<<current_bit, the integer constant 1 is of type int. Meaning that if current_bit is 15 or larger, you will shift bits into the sign bit of this temporary int. This is always a bug. Strictly speaking this is undefined behavior. In practice, you might end up with random change of sign of your numbers.
To avoid this, never use any form of bitwise operators on signed numbers. When mixing integer constants such as 1 with bitwise operators, change them to 1u to avoid bugs like the one mentioned.
If anyone knows a more efficient/compact way to extract a single bit from a variable i would really appreciate if you could share
The most efficient way in C is: uint8_t variable; ... if(variable & (1u << bits)). This should translate to the relevant "branch if bit set" instruction.
My general advise would be find your tool chain's disassembler and see what machine code that the C code actually generated. You don't have to be an assembler guru to read it, peeking at the instruction set should be enough.

constructing key by bit shifting 3 integers in C

I want to construct a key composed of 3 values by using bit shifting operations:
According to my understanding, the C statement code I am starting from creates a hash table by constructing its keys from certain data variables:
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)c->pos<<32 | c->isize;
My interpretation is that key is a combination of the last 32 digits
of c->pos, which must be a 64 bit unsigned integer, and c->isize, also a 64bit unsigned integer.
But I am not sure if that is the case, and maybe the | pipe operator
has a different meaning when applied to bit shifting operations.
What I want to do next is to modify the way key is constructed and
include a third c->barc element into the variable. Given the number
of possibilities of c->barc and c->isize, I was thinking that instead
of building key with 32+32 bits (pos+isize), I would build it
with 32+16+16 bits (pos+isize+barc) splitting the last 32 bits between
isize and barc.
Any ideas how to do that?
What I think you need is a solid explanation of bitmasking.
For this particular case, you should use the & operator to mask out the upper 16 bits of c->isize before shifting it up, and then use the & operator again to mask the upper 48 bits of c->barc.
Let's look at some diagrams.
c->pos = xxxx_xxxx_....._xxxx
c->isize = yyyy_yyyy_....._yyyy
c->barc = zzzz_zzzz_....._zzzz
x, y, and z are bits.
note: underscores are to identify groups of 4 bits.
If I understand correctly, you want a 64-bit number like this:
As you already know, we get the upper 32 x's by doing
|-----32 bits of pos----|---32 0 bits--|
(uint64_t)c->pos<<32 = xxxx_xxxx_...._xxxx_xxxx_0000_...._0000
Now, we want to bitwise-or that with the following:
|----------32 0 bits----|
To get that number there, we do this:
((c->isize & 0xffff) << 16)
c->isize & 0xffff gives
& 0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
and then we shift it left by 16 to get
|--------32 0 bits------|
Now, the final part, the
|-------48 0 bits-------|
is the result plain and simply of
(c->barc & 0xffff) =
& 0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
So we take all of these expressions and bitwise-or them together.
uint64_t key = ((uint64_t)c->pos << 32) | ((c->isize & 0xffff) << 16)
| (c->barc & 0xffff);
if we diagram it out, we see
or 0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_zzzz_zzzz_zzzz_zzzz
The "pipe operator" is actually a bitwise OR operator. The code takes two (presumably) 32-bit integers, one of them shifts left by 32 bits and combines them together. Thus you get a single 64-bit number. See Wiki for more info about bitwise operations.
If you want to compose your key from three 32-bit integers, then you obviously have to manipulate them to fit them into 64 bits. You can do something like this:
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)c->pos<<32 | (c->isize & 0xFFFF0000) | (c->barc & 0xFFFF);
This code takes 32 bits from c->pos, shifts them in the higher 32 bits of the 64-bit key, then takes the higher 16 bits of c->isize and finally the lower 16 bits of c->barc. See here for more.
I wouldn't do it. It is not safe if you are not designing whole thing by yourself. But let's explain some things.
My interpretation is that key is a combination of the last 32 digits of c->pos,
Generally, yes.
which must be a 64 bit unsigned integer, and c->isize, also a 64bit unsigned integer.
No. You know nothing about size of type of pos andisize, it is cast onto uint64_t it might be any type that allows such a cast.
My bet is that both values are 32-bit. 1st value is being cast onto 64bit type, because bit shift equal to or greater than the width of the type is undefined behaviour. So to stay safe it is widened.
The code probably packs two 32bit values into a 64bit one, otherwise it would loose information.
Moreover, if it wanted to construct key from values which would overlap it would most probably use xor rather than or. Your way is not a good approach, unless you precisely know what are you doing. You should find out what types your operands are and then choose a method for creation keys out of them.

left shift operation in C doesnt work as expected [duplicate]

When I write the following program and use the GNU C++ compiler, the output is 1 which I think is due to the rotation operation performed by the compiler.
#include <iostream>
int main()
int a = 1;
std::cout << (a << 32) << std::endl;
return 0;
But logically, as it's said that the bits are lost if they overflow the bit width, the output should be 0. What is happening?
The code is on ideone, http://ideone.com/VPTwj.
This is caused due to a combination of an undefined behaviour in C and the fact that code generated for IA-32 processors has a 5 bit mask applied on the shift count. This means that on IA-32 processors, the range of a shift count is 0-31 only. 1
From The C programming language 2
The result is undefined if the right operand is negative, or greater than or equal to the number of bits in the left expression’s type.
From IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual 3
The 8086 does not mask the shift count. However, all other IA-32 processors (starting with the Intel 286 processor) do mask the shift count to 5 bits, resulting in a maximum count of 31. This masking is done in all operating modes (including the virtual-8086 mode) to reduce the maximum execution time of the instructions.
1 http://codeyarns.com/2004/12/20/c-shift-operator-mayhem/
2 A7.8 Shift Operators, Appendix A. Reference Manual, The C Programming Language
3 SAL/SAR/SHL/SHR – Shift, Chapter 4. Instruction Set Reference, IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual
In C++, shift is only well-defined if you shift a value less steps than the size of the type. If int is 32 bits, then only 0 to, and including, 31 steps is well-defined.
So, why is this?
If you take a look at the underlying hardware that performs the shift, if it only has to look at the lower five bits of a value (in the 32 bit case), it can be implemented using less logical gates than if it has to inspect every bit of the value.
Answer to question in comment
C and C++ are designed to run as fast as possible, on any available hardware. Today, the generated code is simply a ''shift'' instruction, regardless how the underlying hardware handles values outside the specified range. If the languages would have specified how shift should behave, the generated could would have to check that the shift count is in range before performing the shift. Typically, this would yield three instructions (compare, branch, shift). (Admittedly, in this case it would not be necessary as the shift count is known.)
It's undefined behaviour according to the C++ standard:
The value of E1 << E2 is E1
left-shifted E2 bit positions; vacated
bits are zero-filled. If E1 has an
unsigned type, the value of the result
is E1 × 2^E2, reduced modulo one more
than the maximum value representable
in the result type. Otherwise, if E1
has a signed type and non-negative
value, and E1×2^E2 is representable in
the result type, then that is the
resulting value; otherwise, the
behavior is undefined.
The answers of Lindydancer and 6502 explain why (on some machines) it happens to be a 1 that is being printed (although the behavior of the operation is undefined). I am adding the details in case they aren't obvious.
I am assuming that (like me) you are running the program on an Intel processor. GCC generates these assembly instructions for the shift operation:
movl $32, %ecx
sall %cl, %eax
On the topic of sall and other shift operations, page 624 in the Instruction Set Reference Manual says:
The 8086 does not mask the shift count. However, all other Intel Architecture processors
(starting with the Intel 286 processor) do mask the shift count to five bits, resulting in a
maximum count of 31. This masking is done in all operating modes (including the virtual-8086
mode) to reduce the maximum execution time of the instructions.
Since the lower 5 bits of 32 are zero, then 1 << 32 is equivalent to 1 << 0, which is 1.
Experimenting with larger numbers, we would predict that
cout << (a << 32) << " " << (a << 33) << " " << (a << 34) << "\n";
would print 1 2 4, and indeed that is what is happening on my machine.
It doesn't work as expected because you're expecting too much.
In the case of x86 the hardware doesn't care about shift operations where the counter is bigger than the size of the register (see for example SHL instruction description on x86 reference documentation for an explanation).
The C++ standard didn't want to impose an extra cost by telling what to do in these cases because generated code would have been forced to add extra checks and logic for every parametric shift.
With this freedom implementers of compilers can generate just one assembly instruction without any test or branch.
A more "useful" and "logical" approach would have been for example to have (x << y) equivalent to (x >> -y) and also the handling of high counters with a logical and consistent behavior.
However this would have required a much slower handling for bit shifting so the choice was to do what the hardware does, leaving to the programmers the need to write their own functions for side cases.
Given that different hardware does different things in these cases what the standard says is basically "Whatever happens when you do strange things just don't blame C++, it's your fault" translated in legalese.
Shifting a 32 bit variable by 32 or more bits is undefined behavior and may cause the compiler to make daemons fly out of your nose.
Seriously, most of the time the output will be 0 (if int is 32 bits or less) since you're shifting the 1 until it drops off again and nothing but 0 is left. But the compiler may optimize it to do whatever it likes.
See the excellent LLVM blog entry What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior, a must-read for every C developer.
Since you are bit shifting an int by 32 bits; you'll get: warning C4293: '<<' : shift count negative or too big, undefined behavior in VS. This means that you're shifting beyond the integer and the answer could be ANYTHING, because it is undefined behavior.
You could try the following. This actually gives the output as 0 after 32 left shifts.
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 1;
a <<= 31;
cout << (a <<= 1);
return 0;
I had the same problem and this worked for me:
f = ((long long)1 << (i-1));
Where i can be any integer bigger than 32 bits. The 1 has to be a 64 bit integer for the shifting to work.
Try using 1LL << 60. Here LL is for long long. You can shift now to max of 61 bits.

Bitwise operations and shifts

Im having some trouble understanding how and why this code works the way it does. My partner in this assignment finished this part and I cant get ahold of him to find out how and why this works. I've tried a few different things to understand it, but any help would be much appreciated. This code is using 2's complement and a 32-bit representation.
* fitsBits - return 1 if x can be represented as an
* n-bit, two's complement integer.
* 1 <= n <= 32
* Examples: fitsBits(5,3) = 0, fitsBits(-4,3) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 15
* Rating: 2
int fitsBits(int x, int n) {
int r, c;
c = 33 + ~n;
r = !(((x << c)>>c)^x);
return r;
c = 33 + ~n;
This calculates how many high order bits are remaining after using n low order bits.
((x << c)>>c
This fills the high order bits with the same value as the sign bit of x.
!(blah ^ x)
This is equivalent to
blah == x
On a 2's-complement platform -n is equivalent to ~n + 1. For this reason, c = 33 + ~n on such platform is actually equivalent to c = 32 - n. This c is intended to represent how many higher-order bits remain in a 32-bit int value if n lower bits are occupied.
Note two pieces of platform dependence present in this code: 2's-complement platform, 32-bit int type.
Then ((x << c) >> c is intended to sign-fill those c higher order bits. Sign-fill means that those values of x that have 0 in bit-position n - 1, these higher-order bits have to be zeroed-out. But for those values of x that have 1 in bit-position n - 1, these higher-order bits have to be filled with 1s. This is important to make the code work properly for negative values of x.
This introduces another two pieces of platform dependence: << operator that behaves nicely when shifting negative values or when 1 is shifted into the sign bit (formally it is undefined behavior) and >> operator that performs sign-extension when shifting negative values (formally it is implementation-defined)
The rest is, as answered above, just a comparison with the original value of x: !(a ^ b) is equivalent to a == b. If the above transformations did not destroy the original value of x then x does indeed fit into n lower bits of 2's-complement representation.
Using the bitwise complement (unary ~) operator on a signed integer has implementation-defined and undefined aspects. In other words, this code isn't portable, even when you consider only two's complement implementations.
It is important to note that even two's complement representations in C may have trap representations. even states this quite clearly:
If the sign bit is one, the value shall be modified in one of the following ways:
-- the corresponding value with sign bit 0 is negated (sign and magnitude);
-- the sign bit has the value -(2 M ) (two's complement );
-- the sign bit has the value -(2 M - 1) (ones' complement ).
Which of these applies is implementation-defined, as is whether the value with sign bit 1 and all value bits zero (for the first two), or with sign bit and all value bits 1 (for ones' complement), is a trap representation or a normal value.
The emphasis is mine. Using trap representations is undefined behaviour.
There are actual implementations that reserve that value as a trap representation in the default mode. The notable one I tend to cite is Unisys Clearpath Dordado on OS2200 (go to 2-29). Do note the date on that document; such implementations aren't necessarily ancient (hence the reason I cite this one).
According to, shifting negative values left is undefined behaviour, too. I haven't done a whole lot of research into what behaviours are out there in reality, but I would reasonably expect that there might be implementations that sign-extend, as well as implementations that don't. This would also be one way of forming the trap representations mentioned above, which are undefined in nature and thus undesirable. Theoretically (or perhaps some time in the distant or not-so-distant future), you might also face signals "corresponding to a computational exception" (that's a C standard category similar to that which SIGSEGV falls into, corresponding to things like "division by zero") or otherwise erratic and/or undesirable behaviours...
In conclusion, the only reason the code in the question works is by coincidence that the decisions your implementation made happen to align in the right way. If you use the implementation I've listed, you'll probably find that this code doesn't work as expected for some values.
Such heavy wizardry (as it has been described in comments) isn't really necessary, and doesn't really look that optimal to me. If you want something that doesn't rely upon magic (e.g. something portable) to solve this problem consider using this (actually, this code will work for at least 1 <= n <= 64):
#include <stdint.h>
int fits_bits(intmax_t x, unsigned int n) {
uintmax_t min = 1ULL << (n - 1),
max = min - 1;
return (x < 0) * min + x <= max;

What's bad about shifting a 32-bit variable 32 bits?

I recently picked up a copy of Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier and it's been a good read. I now understand how several algorithms outlined in the book work, and I'd like to start implementing a few of them in C.
One thing that many of the algorithms have in common is dividing an x-bit key, into several smaller y-bit keys. For example, Blowfish's key, X, is 64-bits, but you are required to break it up into two 32-bit halves; Xl and Xr.
This is where I'm getting stuck. I'm fairly decent with C, but I'm not the strongest when it comes to bitwise operators and the like.
After some help on IRC, I managed to come up with these two macros:
#define splitup(a, b, c) {b = a >> 32; c = a & 0xffffffff; }
#define combine(a, b, c) {a = (c << 32) | a;}
Where a is 64 bits and b and c are 32 bits. However, the compiler warns me about the fact that I'm shifting a 32 bit variable by 32 bits.
My questions are these:
What's bad about shifting a 32-bit variable 32 bits? I'm guessing it's undefined, but these macros do seem to be working.
Also, would you suggest I go about this another way?
As I said, I'm fairly familiar with C, but bitwise operators and the like still give me a headache.
I figured out that my combine macro wasn't actually combining two 32-bit variables, but simply ORing 0 by a, and getting a as a result.
So, on top of my previous questions, I still don't have a method of combining the two 32-bit variables to get a 64-bit one; a suggestion on how to do it would be appreciated.
Yes, it is undefined behaviour.
ISO/IEC 9899:1999 6.5.7 Bitwise shift operators ¶3
The integer promotions are performed on each of the operands. The type of the result is that of the promoted left operand. If the value of the right operand is negative or is greater than or equal to the width of the promoted left operand, the behavior is undefined.
C11 aka ISO/IEC 9899:2011 says the same.
You should first cast b to the target integer type. Another point is that you should put parentheses around the macro parameters to avoid surprises by operator precedences. Additionally, the comma operator is very useful here, allowing you to avoid the braces, so that the macro can be used as a normal command, closed with a semicolon.
#define splitup(a,b,c) ( (b) = (a) >> 32, (c) = (a) & 0xffffffff )
#define combine(a,b,c) ( (a) = ((unsigned long long)(b) << 32) | (c) )
Additional casts may be necessary for `splitup to silence warnings about precision loss by over-paranoid compilers.
#define splitup(a,b,c) ( (b) = (unsigned long)((a) >> 32), (c) = (unsigned long)((a) & 0xffffffff) )
And please don't even think about using your self-written encryption for production code.
Shifting a 32-bit value by 32 bits or more is undefined in C and C++. One of the reasons it was left undefined is that on some hardware platforms the 32-bit shift instruction only takes into account 5 lowest bits of the supplied shift count. This means that whatever shift count you pass, it will be interpreted modulo 32. Attempting to shift by 32 on such platform will actually shift by 0, i.e. not shift at all.
The language authors did not want to burden the compilers written for such platform with the task of analyzing the shift count before doing the shift. Instead, the language specification says that the behavior is undefined. This means that if you want to get a 0 value from a 32-bit shift by 32 (or more), it is up to you to recognize the situation and process it accordingly.
what's bad about shifting a 32-bit variable 32 bits?
Its better to assign 0 to n-bit integer than to shift it by n-bits.
0 0 1 0 1 ----- 5 bit Integer
0 1 0 1 0 ----- 1st shift
1 0 1 0 0 ----- 2nd shift
0 1 0 0 0 ----- 3rd shift
1 0 0 0 0 ----- 4th shift
0 0 0 0 0 ----- 5th shift (all the bits are shifted!)
I still don't have a method of combining the two 32-bit variables to get a 64-bit one
Consider: a is 64 bit, b and c are 32 bit
a = b;
a = a << 32; //Note: a is 64 bit
a = a | c;
Unless this is some "reinventing the wheel to understand how it works" project, don't implement your own crypto functions.
It's hard enough to use the available algorithms to work (and to choose the right one), don't shoot yourself in the foot by putting in production some home grown cryptor API. Chances are your encryption won't encrypt
What's bad about shifting a 32-bit variable 32 bits?
In addition to what have been already said, the 32nd bit is the sign bit, and you may get sign extension to preserve the sing, thereby losing significant bits.
