why is pointer to struct behaving like an array of structs - c

I have the following code
typedef struct{
int fildes;
char key[MAX_KEYLEN];
} item_t;
static int nitems;
static item_t *items;
FILE *filelist;
int capacity = 16;
char *path, *ptr;
if( NULL == (filelist = fopen(filename, "r"))){
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file in content_init.\n");
items = (item_t*) malloc(capacity * sizeof(item_t));
nitems = 0;
while(fgets(items[nitems].key, MAX_KEYLEN, filelist)){
/*Taking out EOL character*/
items[nitems].key[strlen(items[nitems].key)-1] = '\0';
// and there's more code below which is not relevant to the question
In the above code,
Item_t is a struct defined as below
typedef struct{
int fildes;
char key[MAX_KEYLEN];
} item_t;
Then, items is defined as
static item_t *items;
items is initialized using the following code
items = (item_t*) malloc(capacity * sizeof(item_t));
Then, the following is done with items
fgets(items[nitems].key, MAX_KEYLEN, filelist)
items is supposed to be a struct. How did it become an array? I said array because, items[nitems] is being done
which made me feel that items is an array of item_t structs

Pointers and arrays can (for the most part) be used interchangeably.
array[i] is just syntatic sugar for *(array+i).

Answer to your question "why is pointer to struct behaving like an array of structs ?"
(The answer below is applicable to any data type regardless of it being structure or some other data type)
When you initialize an array (of any data type) with 'N' elements you are simply asking for memory of size equal to (N * sizeof(data-type)) whose base address is the address of 1st element in the array (i.e. element at index zero).
So when you access any element in an array what you are effectively doing is de-referencing a value stored at particular address in memory.
#define N 3
int32_t array[N] = {11, 22, 33};
Suppose now I want to print the last element in the array (i.e. element at index 2).
Since I know the base address of array, I can access the elements in the array in following ways:
printf("%d \n", array[2]);
/***** OR *****/
printf("%d \n", *(array + 2));
In second printf()from machine's perspective what is happening is this:
*( base-address + index * sizeof(data-type) )
since from machine's perspective the concept of data-type, array, etc doesn't exist.
(Simplified explanation without touching the assembly level code)
array[i] is just a syntactic-sugar for *(array + i)


How to initiliaze a dynamic 2D array inside a struct in c?

I want to use a struct to contain some data and passing them between different functions in my program,this struct has to contain a dynamic 2D array (i need a matrix) the dimensions change depending on program arguments.
So this is my struct :
struct mystruct {
int **my2darray;
I have a function that read numbers from a file and has to assign each of them to a cell of the struct array.
I tried doing this :
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
int rows;
int columns;
struct mystruct *result = malloc(sizeof(struct mystruct));
result->my2darray = malloc(sizeof(int)*rows);
int tmp[rows][columns];
for(int i = 0;i<rows;i++) {
for(int j = 0;j<columns;j++) {
fscanf(fp, "%d", &tmp[i][j]);
But this is giving me a strange result : all the rows are correctly stored except for the first.
(I'm sure that the problem is not in the scanning of file).
While if i change the fourth line of code in this :
result->my2darray = malloc(sizeof(int)*(rows+1));
it works fine.
Now my question is why this happens?
Here's an answer using some "new" features of the language: flexible array members and pointers to VLA.
First of all, please check Correctly allocating multi-dimensional arrays. You'll want a 2D array, not some look-up table.
To allocate such a true 2D array, you can utilize flexible array members:
typedef struct
size_t x;
size_t y;
int flex[];
} array2d_t;
It will be allocated as a true array, although "mangled" into a single dimension:
size_t x = 2;
size_t y = 3;
array2d_t* arr2d = malloc( sizeof *arr2d + sizeof(int[x][y]) );
Because the problem with flexible array members is that they can neither be VLA nor 2-dimensional. And although casting it to another integer array type is safe (in regards of aliasing and alignment), the syntax is quite evil:
int(*ptr)[y] = (int(*)[y]) arr2d->flex; // bleh!
It would be possible hide all this evil syntax behind a macro:
#define get_array(arr2d) \
_Generic( (arr2d), \
array2d_t*: (int(*)[(arr2d)->y])(arr2d)->flex )
Read as: if arr2d is a of type array2d_t* then access that pointer to get the flex member, then cast it to an array pointer of appropriate type.
Full example:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct
size_t x;
size_t y;
int flex[];
} array2d_t;
#define get_array(arr2d) \
_Generic( (arr2d), \
array2d_t*: (int(*)[(arr2d)->y])(arr2d)->flex )
int main (void)
size_t x = 2;
size_t y = 3;
array2d_t* arr = malloc( sizeof *arr + sizeof(int[x][y]) );
arr->x = x;
arr->y = y;
for(size_t i=0; i<arr->x; i++)
for(size_t j=0; j<arr->y; j++)
get_array(arr)[i][j] = i+j;
printf("%d ", get_array(arr)[i][j]);
return 0;
Advantages over pointer-to-pointer:
An actual 2D array that can be allocated/freed with a single function call, and can be passed to functions like memcpy.
For example if you have two array2d_t* pointing at allocated memory, you can copy all the contents with a single memcpy call, without needing to access individual members.
No extra clutter in the struct, just the array.
No cache misses upon array access due to the memory being segmented all over the heap.
The code above never sets rows and columns, so the code has undefined behavior from reading those values.
Assuming you set those values properly, this isn't allocating the proper amount of memory:
result->my2darray = malloc(sizeof(int)*rows);
You're actually allocating space for an array of int instead of an array of int *. If the latter is larger (and it most likely is) then you haven't allocated enough space for the array and you again invoke undefined behavior by writing past the end of allocated memory.
You can allocate the proper amount of space like this:
result->my2darray = malloc(sizeof(int *)*rows);
Or even better, as this doesn't depend on the actual type:
result->my2darray = malloc(sizeof(*result->my2darray)*rows);
Also, there's no need to create a temporary array to read values into. Just read them directly into my2darray:
for(int i = 0;i<rows;i++) {
for(int j = 0;j<columns;j++) {
fscanf(fp, "%d", &result->my2darray[i][j]);
In your provided code example, the variables rows and columns have not been initialized before use, so they can contain anything, but are likely to be equal to 0. Either way, as written, the results will always be unpredictable.
When a 2D array is needed in C, it is useful to encapsulate the memory allocation, and freeing of memory into functions to simplify the task, and improve readability. For example, in your code the following line will create an array of 5 pointers, each pointing to 20 int storage locations: (creating 100 index addressable int locations.)
int main(void)
struct mystruct result = {0};
result.my2darray = Create2D(5, 20);
// use result.my2darray
result.my2darray[0][3] = 20;// for simple example, but more likely in a read loop
// then free result.my2darray
free2D(result.my2darray, 5);
return 0;
Using the following two functions:
int ** Create2D(int c, int r)
int **arr;
int y;
arr = calloc(c, sizeof(int *)); //create c pointers (columns)
arr[y] = calloc(r, sizeof(int)); //create r int locations for each pointer (rows)
return arr;
void free2D(int **arr, int c)
int i;
if(!arr) return;
arr[i] = NULL;
arr = NULL;
Keep in mind that what you have created using this technique is actually 5 different pointer locations each pointing to a set of 20 int locations. This is what facilitates the use of array like indexing, i.e. we can say result.my2darray[1][3] represents the second column, forth row element of a 5X20 array, when it is not really an array at all.
int some_array[5][20] = {0};//init all elements to zero
Is what is commonly referred to in C an int array, also allowing access to each element via indexing. In actuality (Even though commonly referred to as an array.) it is not an array. The location of elements in this variable are stored in one contiguous location in memory.
|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0... (~ 82 more)
But C maintains the locations such that they are all indexable as an 2D array.

can i use "int" as my dynamic array inside a struct?

In general, i'm trying to allocate values of first.a and first.b
to a array's in struct secon.
typedef struct {
int a;
int b;
} firs;
//secon is my struct which contains dynamic array
//can i use int here ?
typedef struct {
int *aa;
int *bb;
} secon;
//pointer to secon intialised to NULL;
secon* sp=NULL;
int main()
firs first;
//plz assume 2 is coming from user ;
//setting values
/* what i'm trying to do is assign values of first.a and first.b to my
dynamically created array*/
/* plz assume first.a and first.b are changing else where .. that means ,not
all arrays will have same values */
/* in general , i'm trying to allocate values of first.a and first.b
to a array's in struct second. */
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
*( &(sp->aa ) + (i*4) ) = &first.a;
*( &(sp->bb ) + (i*4) ) = &first.b;
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
printf("%d %d \n", *((sp->aa) + (i*4) ),*( (sp->bb) +(i*4) ) );
return 0;
MY output :
10 11
4196048 0
Problems with my code:
1. whats wrong with my code?
2. can i use int inside struct for dynamic array?
3. what are the alternatives?
4. why am i not getting correct answer?
Grigory Rechistov has done a really good job of untangling the code and you should probably accept his answer, but I want to emphasize one particular point.
In C pointer arithmetic, the offsets are always in units of the size of the type pointed to. Unless the type of the pointer is char* or void* if you find yourself multiplying by the size of the type, you are almost certainly doing it wrong.
If I have
int a[10];
int *p = &(a[5]);
int *q = &(a[7]);
Then a[6] is the same as *(p + 1) not *(p + 1 * sizeof(int)). Likewise a[4] is *(p - 1)
Furthermore, you can subtract pointers when they both point to objects in the same array and the same rule applies; the result is in the units of the size of the type pointed to. q - p is 2, not 2 * sizeof(int). Replace the type int in the example with any other type and the p - q will always be 2. For example:
struct Foo { int n ; char x[37] ; };
struct Foo a[10];
struct Foo *p = &(a[5]);
struct Foo *q = &(a[7]);
q - p is still 2. Incidentally, never be tempted to hard code a type's size anywhere. If you are tempted to malloc a struct like this:
struct Foo *r = malloc(41); // int size is 4 + 37 chars
Firstly, sizeof(int) is not guaranteed to be 4. Secondly, even if it is, sizeof(struct Foo) is not guaranteed to be 41. Compilers often add padding to struct types to ensure that the members are properly aligned. In this case it is almost a certainty that the compiler will add 3 bytes (or 7 bytes) of padding to the end of struct Foo to ensure that, in arrays, the address of the n member is aligned to the size of an int. always always always use sizeof.
It looks like your understanding how pointer arithmetic works in C is wrong. There is also a problem with data layout assumptions. Finally, there are portability issues and a bad choice of syntax that complicates understanding.
I assume that wit this expression: *( &(sp->aa ) + (i*4) ) you are trying to access the i-th item in the array by taking address of the 0-th item and then adding a byte offset to it. This is wrong of three reasons:
You assume that after sp[0].aa comes sp[1].aa in memory, but you forget that there is sp[0].bb in between.
You assume that size of int is always 4 bytes, which is not true.
You assume that adding an int to secon* will give you a pointer that is offset by specified number of bytes, while in fact it will be offset in specified number of records of size secon.
The second line of output that you see is random junk from unallocated heap memory because when i == 1 your constructions reference memory that is outside of limits allocated for *secon.
To access an i-th item of array referenced by a pointer, use []:
secon[0].aa is the same as (secon +0)->aa, and secon[1].aa is equal to (secon+1)->aa.
This is a complete mess. If you want to access an array of secons, use []
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
sp[i].aa = &first.a; // Same pointer both times
sp[i].bb = &first.b;
You have two copies of pointers to the values in first, they point to the same value
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
sp[i].aa = malloc(sizeof(int)); // new pointer each time
*sp[i].aa = first.a; // assigned with the current value
sp[i].bb = malloc(sizeof(int));
*sp[i].bb = first.b;
However the compiler is allowed to assume that first does not change, and it is allowed to re-order these expressions, so you are not assured to have different values in your secons
Either way, when you read back the values in second, you can still use []
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
printf("%d %d \n",*sp[i].aa ),*sp[i].bb );

Expression must be a modifiable lvalue (pointer to struct)

I've looked at similar questions but haven't really found an answer to my problem.
In my program, I have a function, sortdata, as follows:
void sortdata(Person *arr[], int noElements)
/* temporary pointer to Person data type to aid with swapping */
Person *tempptr = (Person *)malloc(sizeof(Person));
int i = 0;
/* loop I am working on to sort my data */
if (arr[i]->zip > arr[i + 1]->zip)
/* stores value in index i for array inside of temporary pointer */
tempptr->name = arr[i]->name;
I'm receiving the error described in the question at this line:
tempptr->name = arr[i]->name;
temp is not recognized as a modifiable lvalue. Why is this? I have this code in another function within my program:
while ((gets(teststring)) != NULL && i < 50)
/* dynamically allocates memory for each index of the array */
arr[i] = (Person*)malloc(sizeof(Person));
/* takes in data from user/ input file */
strcpy(arr[i]->name, teststring);
I haven't previously initialized arr[] (arr[] is an array of pointers to a structure passed from elsewhere in the program).
How do I make it so that I can store the values in arr[i] within tempptr?
Here is my structure definition in case it is needed:
/* structure defintion with typedef */
typedef struct person{
char name[50];
char address[50];
char citystate[30];
char zip[10];
This program is for a class assignment so while I appreciate any efforts to help, I am only concerned with how to be able to store values in tempptr so I can perform swaps. Thank you.
You need to use:
strcpy(tempptr->name, arr[i]->name);
You can't assign a char[50] array, you have to copy to it instead.
You need use strcpy to modify char[].

Pointer to struct elements

I need to write a function that sums monoms with the same power,
the monoms are defined by the following struct:
typedef struct monom {
int coefficient;
int power;
And the function I wrote from the job is:
int sumMonomsWithSamePower(MONOM** polynomial, int size)
int i, powerIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if ((polynomial[powerIndex])->power == (polynomial[i])->power)
if (powerIndex != i)
(polynomial[powerIndex])->coefficient += (polynomial[i])->coefficient;
*polynomial = (MONOM*)realloc(polynomial, powerIndex);
return powerIndex;
Which is being called with the following call:
*polySize = sumMonomsWithSamePower(&polynomial, logSize);
polynomial array is being sent to the function as a sorted array of MONOMs (sorted ascending by powers).
My problem is that on the 7th line of sumMonomsWithSamePower() the function crashes since it can't see the elements in the array by the following way. When I put the elements of the array in Watch list in my debugger I also can't see them using polynomial[i], but if I use (polynomial[0]+i) I can see them clearly.
What is going on here?
I assume outside sumMonomsWithSamePower() you have allocated polynomial with something like polynomial = malloc( size * sizeof(MONOM) ); (everything else wouldn't be consistant to your realloc()). So you have an array of MONOMs and the memory location of polynomial[1] is polynomial[0] + sizeof(MONOM) bytes.
But now look at polynomial in sumMonomsWithSamePower() In the following paragraph I will rename it with ppoly (pointer to polynomial) to avoid confusing it with the original array: here it is a MONOM **, so ppoly[1] addresses the sizeof(MONOM *) bytes at the memory location ppoly[0] + sizeof(MONOM *) and interpretes them as pointer to a MONOM structure. But you have an array of structs, not an array of pointers. Replace your expressions by (*ppoly)[i].power (and all the others accordingly of course) and that part will work. By the way that's excactly the difference of the two debugger statements you have mentioned.
Besides, look at my comments concerning the use of powerIndex

How can I set a certain value to a member of a struct within multiple functions?

i am a beginner so please cut me some slack on this one. So I have two functions and a struct in a header file I am currently working with.
This is the struct:
typedef struct ArrayList
// We will store an array of strings (i.e., an array of char arrays)
char **array;
// Size of list (i.e., number of elements that have been added to the array)
int size;
// Length of the array (i.e., the array's current maximum capacity)
int capacity;
} ArrayList;
Here is the first function, which creates and dynamically allocates memory for an array of strings. Capacity is the length of the internal array and size is the current size (how many strings are in the array which is essentially 0.)
ArrayList *createArrayList(int length){
char **array = NULL;
ArrayList *n;
int size = 0;
if (length > DEFAULT_INIT_LEN)
array = malloc(sizeof(int) * length);
n->capacity = length;
array = malloc(sizeof(int) * DEFAULT_INIT_LEN);
n->capacity = DEFAULT_INIT_LEN;
if (array == NULL)
panic("ERROR: out of memory in Mylist!\n");
n->size = size;
printf("-> Created new ArrayList of size %d\n", n->capacity);
return *array;
When I try to implement a pointer to the capacity member of the ArrayList struct inside another function within the same file, it is uninitialized instead of set as the value from the previous function. I.e. in createArrayList, n->capacity is equal to 10, but when used in printArrayList it is uninitialized and a random number appears such as 122843753.:
void printArrayList(ArrayList *list)
printf("\n%d", list->capacity);
return NULL;
My question is, how can I make it so all these functions "share" the same value when referring to the struct members. I.E. the first function prints -> Created new ArrayList of size 10, and the second function prints 10 as well. Also, I have to do this without changing the struct function itself. Sorry if this is a poorly worded question, but I can further clarify if it is confusing. Thanks in advance!
I see a couple of major issues with this code, in createArrayList you are returning array which is a char ** but you should be returning an ArrayList * which is what n is. So it looks like you want to assign array to n->array. The next issue is that n is an ArrayList * but you do not allocate memory for n.
