FontAwesome SCSS Tree-Shaking - reactjs

using the method described at I believe I will end up accumulating almost 2.8MB of web fonts in the src folder of my React project. I need to use CSS to add icons to a calendar style, but won't that affect tree shaking? In other words, won't I end up with a huge package size just for using a single icon?

The method #Mike Poole presented is the most correct one for tree shaking. If you use the webfont method, you have no option but to load the entire set. But if you need to use just a few icons, and can't load 'em via js for some reason, you can simply get the svg files you need and add them directly, as either <img> tags or background-images.

Tree shaking using FontAwesome is straightforwards. If you only use a single icon then you only need to import that icon (and certainly don't need to use SASS to do so).
Here is the example that FontAwesome use if you only want to use the solid fa-coffee icon:
import { faCoffee } from '#fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'


What do I need tvParallaxProperties for? (react-native-elements Icon)

I wanted to use icons in my react-native app, so I installed react-native-elements. The Icons itself work but I have to add a property called tvParallaxProperties on the Icon element like that:
<Icon tvParallaxProperties={undefined} name={'up'} type="antdesign" />
I read the docs and google about that, but I cant find the use of that. Does anyone know why I need this property and whats the use of it?
If you don't want to write this option under all of the Icons there's 2 solutions.
First which I don't recommend if you are creating real project not for training purpose.
Install RN Elements bleeding Edge from docs and the newest BETA version (unstable).
Or which worked for me is change imports of Icons like:
import { Icon } from 'react-native-elements' to: import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign';. The last element of import of course is your Icons package and you can change it fe. to: MaterialCommunityIcons
After adding this import you can delete option type: antdesign and this tvParallaxProperties={undefined}
Like docs says tvParallaxProperties are for (Apple TV only) Object with properties to control Apple TV parallax effects.

AntD - how to use dark theme for a single component?

So the component lib has a dark theme.
I would like to use dark style only for a single component, say a Popover. All the rest sd remain default.
Is there a way to achieve that?
you could use less reference import feature for theming single component. Sudo code would be something like
#import (reference) "#ant-design/dark-theme"
.my-popover {
&:extend(#popover-prefix-cls all);
you can find the class name #popover-prefix-cls by going into individual components styles file and checking the class

How to exclude global styles in a React App?

I am using Material UI for building my React Project.
However there is a component which has to be embedded to a different site. Meaning, I am providing the production build of this component to embed it to a different site.
My React app's css is getting overridden by the global styles defined in that website.
I don't want this behaviour. Is there any way I can isolate the css of my react app and the global css of the other website.
I saw this question but the solutions didn't help me.
If iframes and Web Components are out of the question, the only remaining option is CSS resets.
Create a CSS class and a series of rules that reset the styles of any elements that occur inside that class.
.my-reset {
/* Global resets (e.g. font family) */
.my-reset p {
/* Reset paragraph styles */
.my-reset label {
/* Reset label styles */
/* etc. */
Apply that class to the root-level component:
function MyApp() {
<div className="my-reset">
{ /* app goes here */ }
There are plenty of CSS reset libraries out there. Since you have no control over global styles, you're going to have to be heavy handed with the resets. So if it's at all possible, make your component embeddable as an iframe.
I see multiple solutions to this problem
Use !important in those styles possible.
Use id to give styling instead of class, as id has higher presidence.
If you give more specific styling to the elements then the build file css will override the outer site's css, i.e like if we write our css like .parent#child this is more specific styling and it will override the wrapper site's css.
Check this out
There's another sort of scrappy solution that you could use in the case where you don't need the old table style and the new Material-UI tables on the same HTML page.
If you own the site that you are trying to embed the React app in (i.e., you have control over the new environment's CSS), another thing you could do to reset the CSS styles for the components in your app is to remove the classes that are overwriting your styles.
For example, if you're using Material-UI tables and your existing table styles are affecting the render, you could put the existing table styles into a separate CSS file that you only import when you render your existing tables, on another HTML page.

Using Styled Components, is there a way to select a className

I am using StyledComponents in a React project, and I'm planning to overwriting the styles in Airbnb's react-dates library. They are using a CSS file with classes, but I want to overwrite their CSS using a wrapper component through StyledComponents (to keep my project consistent with not using CSS files).
Is this possible? I'm not finding anything on it.
Try to be as specific as possible and if necessary add the !important flag.
For example:
#TheID .theClassName .otherDIV .someDIV .divDIV .divitisDIV {
color: purple!important;

Load static svg file in react and add dynamic styling

I am trying to load an SVG containing a map of country regions and then dynamically colorize the paths based on other data in the render function.
Is there a way in react to load a static SVG file at build or runtime and modify styles dynamically when rendering based on properties passed in?
You can use . This is how you can load an svg file and change an attribute. (No need to paste the svg code into the jsx)
<Samy path="">
<Proxy select="#Star" fill="red"/>
A Proxy element will select an svg element (using CSS selectors) and forward all its props to the selected element as attributes.
There is nothing hard about it.
Loading SVG file - just use $.ajax call for the resource, with dataType: 'text'
Use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to put it anywhere.
Changing of colors really depends on the way your SVG is structured. Ideally you should be able to change colors just using CSS (e.g. swap classes or generate style dynamically). If everything else fails, SVG is just text so you can do any text processing (color replacement) between steps 1 and 2.
I think it would be quite tough if even possible.
There are some approaches that claim to solve similar problem of converting string to react components (react-jsx-parser, html-to-react), or alternatively you can try converting html -> JSX -> JS (last step using babel) and subsequently requiring resulting js to obtain generated component.
Taking into account complexity of the steps above it might be simpler just to render SVG as html content of some div (using dangerouslySetInnerHTML) and later modify its styles using JS/jquery directly.
