Having signing issue when running react native ios app on physical device - reactjs

I am having trouble in running react native ios app on physical device:

For installing the react-native app on your physical device, you should use Xcode!
So, open Xcode and press (Command +,) to go to preferences.
Then go to the Accounts tab and click on the + button, then click on Apple ID and sign in to your apple id.
After all of this follow the picture
On the fourth step, select your apple id and let apple sign your free development account.
If you got this error :
Failed to create provisioning profile.
The app ID "YourAppBundleID" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
you need to change your Bundle Identifier value, for example, add .ios in the end of your Bundle Identifier.
After signing you need to select your connected device from the select box beside play and stop button :-)
Also, you can set your build schema to Debug or Release mode.
For set your schema you have to press (Command + Shift +,), then click on play (run) button and then you can change Build Configuration there.
And finally click on play(build) button.


SecureAuth Sign in Popup - ROBOT Framework

Hi Robot Framework experts.
Using Robot Framework I had automated a portal which uses secureAuth for sign in and I'm able to execute the tests in local desktop no Single sign on issue as I'm already signed into company portal, so scripts automatically sign into the application.
But I have to run these tests in a remote server and when the script clicks on Login in button Secureauth displays a pop up as seen in the attached screenshot. I am unable to enter text in the pop up or do anything with script.
Sending ID and password in URL( https://ID:Password#uri ) did not work.
Tried Alert keywords did not work. I guess it is not a alert at all.
Can someone point me in right direction Please.
Thank you for your timeā€¦Login screen shot

GAE Custom domain mapping failure after adding SSL Wildcard certificate

We have three projects in Google App Engine, each of them have a custom sub-domain name mapped to it like this:
Project A: projecta.domain.com
Project B: projectb.domain.com
Project C: projectc.domain.com
That worked very well until we added a wildcard ssl-certificate to Project A. Suddenly all three subdomains are mapped to Project A.
They appeared under Project A, custom domains (Project A->App Engine->Settings->Custom Domains) and not one under each Project B and Project C, and when browsing to projectb.domain.com and projectc.domain.com, we get content from projecta.domain.com and not from b and c.
We have tried this but none of it fixes the problem:
Removed the SSL-certificate
Removed all custom domains and added them again
Disabled all projects, removed all domains, added them again
and enabled the projects
Logged in as different users, verify the domain again, add/remove etc
Two more notes:
We also have a fourth project, Project D (projectd.domain.com), which strange enough has not been affected and still works.
When trying to add a custom domain under project B or C (Project [B/C]->App Engine->Settings->Custom Domains), clicking on Add button does not give any response at all. Checking network, the click performs a call to Console servers, and when checking Project A (App Engine->Settings->Custom Domains), the custom domain name has appeared there instead.
Edit 1:
After deleting all custom domains in every project, when trying to add custom domain projectb.domain.com to Project B, we get this error message "This domain points to another app. If you point it to this app, the other app will stop working." But it does not appear in any another app. After confirming domain is not added.
Edit 2:
After deleting all custom domains in every project, when adding projectb.domain.com to Project B first, nothing appears. But when adding projecta.domain.com to Project A afterwards, both projectb and projecta appears under Project B. And when trying to delete projecta from projectb, we get the error message "Error. Failed to delete mapping.". Something is really wrong here.
Does anyone know how to access the domain mappings settings in any other way? It seams like the domain mapping data has been corrupted and we are stucked.
Edit 3:
For some unknown reason everything worked again after 8 hours of trying and failing, and I have no idea why. Suddenly I could delete all custom domains and when I added them they appear under the correct project. I've tried the exact same thing several times before. However, when I now add the SSL-certificate again every custom domain mapping moved by itself from their own project to the very project I added the SSL certificate to. Can somehow the SSL-certificate change the domain mappings?
I found a solution! There is a bug in Google App Engine Console when adding custom domains and connect to a ssl-certificate in different project right after each other.
Steps to reproduce the bug:
Select a project in the toolbar
Goto App Engine->Settings->Custom Domains and after pressing "Add Custom Domain", add a sub-domain and press "Add"
Nothing happens, but when going back to "Custom Domains" the new subdomain appears there
Change project in the toolbar
Click on "Custom Domains", press "Add Custom Domain"
Add a sub-domain and press "Add"
The domain added in step 6 is now in fact mapped to the project selected in step 1.
Make a page refresh in the browser between step 5 and 6.
Steps to reproduce the bug
After uploading a Wildcard SSL-certificate
Select a project in the toolbar
Goto App Engine->Settings->SSL Certificate
Click on your SSL-certificate, then check the domain and press "Save"
Change project in the toolbar
Click on "SSL Certificate",
Click on your SSL-certificate, then check the domain and press "Save"
The custom domain previously connected to the project selected in step 5 is now added to the project selected in step 2.
Make a page refresh in the browser between step 6 and 7.

How do I completely delete my App Engine instance?

I've decided to go with Google Compute Engine instead of App Engine.
I want to completely disable the App Engine.
I've already deployed an empty project (app.yaml + empty index.php) instead of the older one to save on storage space, but the URL (*.appspot.com) is still accessible and it'll create instances when accessed.
How do I disable that?
If you go to application settings on the console then Disable or Delete Application you can stop instances spinning up by disabling the application or queue it for actual deletion.
You may need to go to the "original" console as I'm not sure this option is available yet on the new 'cloud' console.
This link might help with getting to that original console if needed:
Here's a screenshot of the location of the disable application button on settings page:
You need to shutdown your project and that will queue it for deletion.
To do that, go to IAM & admin > Settings for that particular project.
Then click on SHUT DOWN.
It will take 30 days for the appengine project to be completely deleted.
For the Cloud Developer Console you need to select the App Project that you want to delete. Then you have to go to "Billing & settings". Then click "Delete project" to delete your App project.
Use this console to delete your app.
Click the "Remove" Icon to delete your apps.
You can see all of those deleted apps by clicking "Projects pending deletion".
You will receive an email next day, whose title is "Project Removal Announcement".
The Google Developers Console team will remove your project permanently one week from the time of your request.

salesforce: packaging the app with custom profile

I add custom profile in the package, however, I can't create the custom profile by installing. After more investigating, if I created the custom profile before the installation the package can update the fls and permissions. There is no way creating custom profile on installation? If so can I do that with installation script?
Took me a while to figure it out but here's the solution:
Clone Standard Platform User profile (because is the one that has the Salesforce Platform license) and name it something meaningful like MyApp_Profile
Customize MyApp_Profile to match your desired access level for the users that will test or use your app
Add custom profile settings MyApp_Profile to the package
Go ahead an finish the package
Pre-create a profile by cloning the Standard Platform User profile and name it something meaningful like MyApp_TestProfile
Assign MyApp_TestProfile to a user
Install the package and on Step 2 (Choose security level) of the wizard you have to select the third option (Select security settings)
Under "Customize security" section make sure the MyApp_TestProfile (created on step 5) has the MyApp_Profile assigned (created on step 1)
Finish the Package installation
Log to the test or customer org with the user that has the MyApp_TestProfile assigned and choose your App from top right menu.
You're welcome!
I hope this solves your issue too!

How to delete a project from Google Cloud Console

It seems that, from Google Cloud Console there is no way to delete a project.
Note: As of 2013-09-19 this is no longer an issue because
Google had fixed it.
- Now you can click on the check box and then
click delete
As 2017 approaches, Raptor's answer pretty much nailed it, but here is a screenshot and the basic steps to delete a project from the google cloud platform.
Go to console.cloud.google.com
Select your project (from drop-down on top nav-bar)
Select IAM & Admin (from hamburger menu on top-left nav-bar)
Click Settings in the left-side-bar nav.
Click SHUT DOWN (image shows DELETE PROJECT)
Enter text per instructions to confirm project shutdown.
UPDATE 11-2020
After clicking SHUT DOWN, you'll see the final dialog popup with instructions on what to type to confirm.
Try to change back to old console design.. You can find delete button there.
This is the old url
Then you click in the left sidebar on the project name, you'll have a "delete" link :)
Deleting your project from old console is no longer available!
So in the new console go to Billing and Settings and delete your project from there.
And you are done. Project will get deleted after 7 days waiting period!
You must first disable billing before deleting any project. See link https://developers.google.com/console/help/#deletingaproject
Since the console design has changed, many of the given solutions here won't apply anymore. Here is what Google help says here: https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6251787?hl=en&ref_topic=6158848
To shut down a project:
Go to the Cloud Platform Console.
Open the console menu Gallery Menu on the top left and select IAM & Admin, then select All projects.
Find the name or project ID of the project you want to shut down, then
click DELETE PROJECT. A confirmation screen describing what will
happen appears.
To confirm, enter your project ID and click Shut down.
Shutting down a project stops all billing and traffic serving, shuts
down any Google Cloud Platform App Engine applications, and terminates
all Compute Engine instances. All project data associated with Google
Cloud and Google APIs services becomes inaccessible.
After a 7-day waiting period, the project and associated data are
permanently deleted from the console.
As of July 2017 the waiting period has increased:
After a 30-day waiting period, the project and associated data are permanently deleted from the console.
As of Dec 30, 2017, this appears to be different (yet again). I did the following.
Logon to the Google Cloud Console, Select IAM & Admin then Settings (from hamburger menu on top-left nav-bar). This is a cascading menu. After choosing that I saw the following.
On the bottom left of the screen is a button/link labeled Manage resources, click on it.
After clicking on it, I saw the following screen, on which I selected the project name I wanted to delete and clicked the Delete ICON/button.
Then I was asked if I wanted to "SHUTDOWN" the project and to do so I had to enter the project ID number, so I did and then clicked on the SHUTDOWN button/link.
Hope this helps someone. The others answers did help me out but were not the exact steps I had to follow.
Important Note: The terms "Shutting Down" a project and "Deleteting a Project" seem to mean the same thing, so if you stumble across something that says "Shutdown the project" you have likely come across another way to "delete the project".
open cmd in google cloud(which can be found after clicking in your project in right top corner) and type
gcloud projects delete [..your-project-id..]
Login with your Google Account
Navigate to this page: https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-resource-manager?organizationId=0
Select a single project
Click "DELETE" (on top, above projects table)
You may need to visit https://appengine.google.com/, select an application, then go to Administration -> Application Settings, scroll down half-way and click "Disable Application" under "Disable or Delete". One the next page you can also request permanent deletion.
Just found that Google doesn't allow you to delete project in old console anymore. For now, you need to click on project, then "Billing & Settings", you will find delete button there.
Deletion of projects is no longer available under the old Google Cloud Platform Console. To delete a project, open the latest console. Once done, you should be able to see a list of your projects as well as the delete icon(s) on the right side:
You must be a project owner to shut down a project.
It's July 2018, none of the above works. Here is what I spotted and successfully deleted un-needed projects.
You need to delete all the unwanted project(s) else will be billed regardless.
Answering the question after a long time its been asked. Hopefully it will help someone who is looking for it in 2022.
As per the documentation of creating and managing projects in google cloud. its a simple process.
Search for IAM & Admin in global search.
Once we click on IAM & Admin we will land up in a page as follows.
Go to settings page from the left menu
It will take us to the currently selected project's settings page. On top there is a shutdown button. Press that for deleting the project.
Please note as per the official documentation,
This method immediately marks a project to be deleted. A notification email will be sent to the user who initiated the delete operation and the Technical category contacts that are listed in Essential Contacts. If there's no contact in the Technical category, the fallback contact will not be notified. A project that is marked for deletion is not usable. If the project has a billing account associated with it, that association is broken, and isn't reinstated if the project delete operation is canceled. After 30 days, the project is fully deleted.
Once we press the shutdown button, GCP will show a popup as shown below.
As a confirmation GCP is asking for project id to be manually entered in the popup. Enter the project id with caution and press shutdown in the popup.
It will show the success message as show below.
That's it. Hope it will help someone.
This Will Help For Manage Google cloud projects
To delete projects created using Google cloud console, you can use the following method:
1: Create a dummy gmail account.
2: Add the dummy gmail account as an owner of the project.
3: Login into the dummy gmail account.
4: Accept your role as owner of the project.
5: Visit Cloud console.
5: Go to Cloud Console -> Permissions and delete the main user from the project.
NOTE: Other than Step 2, rest all the steps should be performed using dummy gmail account.
Step By Step to disable and request permanent deletion from Google Cloud Console and Google Appengine Project.
Step 1 - Navigate to appengine project and Click on Application Settings.
Step 2 - Scroll/Find the button to Disable Application. Click the button.
Step 3 - Click on "Disable Application Now"
Step 4 - Click on "Request Permanent Deletion". You will screen update showing the scheduled delete.
Step 5 - Navigate to Google Cloud Console. The status corresponding to the disabled/deleted project is shown as "Disabled" in red.
Go to Google Cloud Platform,
select the project & click "DELETE PROJECT" on top right corner.
