react.js file not uploading spring server - reactjs

In my project, I have Spring Boot in the back-end and React.js in the front.
My back-end is working fine, I know, because I have tested it with Postman.
In the front-end to upload file, I have a named SubmitAssignment, which looks like this:
uploadFile = (e) =>{
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", this.state.file);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "http://localhost:8080/uploadFile");
xhr.onload = function() {
var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(xhr.status === 200) {
console.log("upload successful");
} else {
console.log("upload failed");
onInputChange = (e) =>{;
render() {
return (
<h1>Please select file(s):</h1>
<input className="input-file" id="my-file" type="file" onChange={this.onInputChange}/>
<button onClick={this.uploadFile}>Upload</button>
But the problem is upload is failing every time. Maybe the reason is the path, not sure. I tried to console.log the path. And what I got is C:\fakepath\Screenshot (187).png
Now my question if it is because of path, how can I do it correctly(as far as I know browser doesn't allow it for security concern)?
Otherwise, what is the problem? How to solve it ?
The error in browser console :
POST http://localhost:8080/uploadFile 400
{"timestamp":"2019-09-16T07:20:30.382+0000","status":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Required request part 'file' is not present","trace":" Required request part 'file' is not present\r\n\tat
Here is the full error message.
If the REST is needed, for any reason :
public UploadFileResponse uploadFile(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
String fileName = fileStorageService.storeFile(file);
String fileDownloadUri = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentContextPath()
return new UploadFileResponse(fileName, fileDownloadUri,
file.getContentType(), file.getSize());

From what I could see, in onInputChange() you are assigning the target value; (This has the file path not the actual file)
Instead change to below, Important ![0];
And some suggestions are, use Fetch Api to send post request rather than using Plain old Javascript
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", this.state.file);
fetch('http://localhost:8080/uploadFile', {
method: 'POST',
body: formData
.then(success => console.log(success))
.catch(error => console.log(error));
In your Spring boot controller use #RequestPart("file")
public UploadFileResponse uploadFile(#RequestPart("file") MultipartFile file) {


Spring API request giving "Content type 'application/octet-stream' not supported" error, however request is successful when using Postman

I am trying to send an API request through my React frontend to Spring backend. When I send the request I get this error:
Could not resolve parameter [0] in private org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity com.example.bottlecap.controllers.BottlecapController.entryForm(com.example.bottlecap.domian.Bottlecap,org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile): Content type 'application/octet-stream' not supported
However, when I set up the request using Postman it goes through fine. I presume there may be an issue with how I am setting up my FormData on the React end. However, I have had little luck figuring it out.
My API is supposed to recieve an object that holds data about my submission as well as an image that goes with the submission. In my Postman request, I am creating a form data that holds a JSON file that holds all the object data and a random image just for testing. As I said, the requets goes through fine with this. However, in the frontend code, I am parsing through the object data as Json and adding it to a FormData as well as adding the image to the FormData.
Here is my Spring Controller:
#RequestMapping(path ="/bottlecap/entry", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = {MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE})
private ResponseEntity entryForm(#RequestPart("cap") Bottlecap cap, #RequestPart("file") MultipartFile image){
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
Here is my react Frontend form submission handler:
handleSubmit = event =>{
const cap ={
const stringCap = JSON.stringify({cap});
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('cap', JSON.parse(stringCap));
formData.append('file',this.state.imageFile)'http://localhost:8080/bottlecap/entry', formData, {headers:{'Content-Type':'multipart/form-data'}})
//window.location = "/success"
Here is a screenshot of my Postman request if it may help.
Also here is the contents of the json file I am sending through on Postman, if it may help as well.
The last change I did was adding a header to the axios API request, but still no luck.
In postman, for parameter named cap, you're sending a .json file. But in your reactjs code, you're doing
formData.append('cap', JSON.parse(stringCap));
JSON.parse will create a javascript object which is not what your backend is expecting. You need to send it as a JSON file.
Not tested, but this might give you the idea.
const json = JSON.stringify(cap);
const blob = new Blob([json], {
type: 'application/json'
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('cap', blob);
formData.append('file', this.state.imageFile)'http://localhost:8080/bottlecap/entry', formData, {headers:{'Content-Type':'multipart/form-data'}})
This is my fetch sample in Vue3, and it works thanks to you. Thanks!
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('productJsonData', new Blob([JSON.stringify(productJsonObject)], {type: 'application/json'}));
formData.append('file', image); // This image comes from an <v-file-input> TAG
const response = await fetch(
headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' },
method: 'POST',
body: formData
const responseData = await response.json();
if (!response.ok) {
console.log('REST error: [' + responseData.error + ']')
throw error;

upload image to S3 presigned url using react-native-image-picker and axios

I am trying to get an presigned url image upload working correctly. Currently the upload succeeds when selecting an image from the IOS simulator, however when I actually try to view the file it seems the file is corrupted and will not open as an image. I suspect it has something to do with my FormData but not sure.
export async function receiptUpload(file) {
const date = new Date();
const headers = await getAWSHeaders();
const presignUrl = await
{file_name: `${date.getTime()}.jpg`},
.then(res =>;
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', {
name: `${date.getTime()}.jpg`,
uri: file.uri,
type: file.type
const fileUpload = presignUrl.presignUrl && await request.put(
.then(res => res.status === 200);
I have tried from other fixes to change the file uri like so...
Platform.OS === 'android' ? file.uri : file.uri.replace('file://', '');
however this does not seem to work either.
I did this just recently in my current project and the following code is a working example for my use case. I didn't need to convert to a blob either though I am uploading to AWS S3 so if you are uploading elsewhere that may be the issue.
export const uploadMedia = async (fileData, s3Data, setUploadProgress = () => {}) => {
let sendData = { ...fileData }; = sendData.type;
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('key', s3Data.s3Key);
formData.append('Content-Type', fileData.type);
formData.append('AWSAccessKeyId', s3Data.awsAccessKey);
formData.append('acl', 'public-read');
formData.append('policy', s3Data.s3Policy);
formData.append('signature', s3Data.s3Signature);
return axios({
method: 'POST',
url: `https://${s3Data.s3Bucket}`,
data: formData,
onUploadProgress: progressEvent => {
let percentCompleted = Math.floor((progressEvent.loaded * 100) /
I would first check to see where the issue is occurring. After uploading can you view it on whatever storage service you are trying to upload it to. If so it's something on React Native side. If it doesn't ever get uploaded to the location you know its an error in your upload process. Might help you track the exact location of the error.
I had to do this recently for a project. I believe the data is a base64 string when coming directly from the file input. So the issue is your are uploading a base64 string not the image by simply passing the data field. I had to process it before uploading to the signed URL with the following method.
private dataUriToBlob(dataUri) {
const binary = atob(dataUri.split(',')[1]);
const array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) {
return new Blob([new Uint8Array(array)], { type: 'image/jpeg' });
This answer fixed it for me: How can I upload image directly on Amazon S3 in React Native?
I had tried uploading with axios and fetch with FormData. The download went through but the image file was not readable, even when downloaded to my Mac from the S3 console:
The file "yourfile.jpg" could not be opened. It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize.
Only after trying to upload with XHR with the correct Content-Type header did it work. Your signedUrl should be correct as well, which seems to be the case if the download goes through.

How to send image with React to AspNetCore

I am trying to get a file on my react application like so:
<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
<label htmlFor="Images">Images:</label>
<input type="file" id="Images" onChange={this.onChangeImage} accept="image/png, image/jpeg"/>
<button type="submit" value="SubmitImage" onClick={this.onSubmit}>Submit</button>
And onSubmit looks like this:
onSubmit = (event) => {
if( === "SubmitImage"){
fetch("https://localhost:5001/api/projects/edit/image/" + this.props.projectId + "/add",
method: "PUT",
body: JSON.stringify({photo: this.state.Images[0]})
And I am trying to receive this on my backend like so:
public void EditProjectImage(string id, string toDo, IFormFile photo)
if(toDo == "Add")
var result = mContext.Projects.Single(project => project.Id.Equals(id));
(ignore the lack of logic inside the if statement, I am currently just trying to have this function run)
What am I doing wrong? I have tried using [FromBody], using formdata but nothing works.
Use FormData for sending files
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("photo", this.state.Images[0]);
fetch("https://localhost:5001/api/projects/edit/image/" + this.props.projectId + "/add",
method: "PUT",
body: formData
And leave IFormFile photo as is. Model binder binds parameters from form data by default which is correct behavior in this case. Or you may add [FromForm] to this parameter which is effectively the same in this case.

File upload with react + Vertx

I am working on a web application and i must upload a file the server which is written in Java + VertX
The endpoint is made like this:
private void uploadFromExcel(RoutingContext ctx) {
new ImportFromExcel(ctx.getBody(), ctx.vertx()).startImporting(ev->{
}else {
And the frontend like this:
accept="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/"
<label htmlFor="flat-button-file">
<IconButton component="span">
<Icon className={'material icons'}>cloud_upload</Icon>
onUploadFile = (e) =>{
const {reduxApi, setError, setWait, removeWait} = this.context
const { dispatchUploadFile } = this.props
const fileToUpload =[0]
dispatchUploadFile(reduxApi, fileToUpload , (err,data)=>{
// = null
dispatchUploadFile: (reduxApi, file, cb) =>{
I can upload the file via postman using the Header "Accept-Type":"multipart/form-data". It works fine!
Unfortunatelly I cannot upload the file via react, it throws an error. So I decided to try another solution
let reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = (event) => {
let arrayBuffer =
let array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)
let binaryString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array)
dispatchUploadFile(reduxApi, array , (err,data)=>{
This piece of code reads the file but the backend part says "Zero byte long file". Do you have any solutions? Thanks!
I assume that on the server side you have the BodyHandler in your router:
Now depending on the way you upload your file it might end up in 2 places:
If it is a multipart/form-data it will be available in the context under the fileUploads() getter:
Set<FileUpload> uploads = routingContext.fileUploads();
// Do something with uploads....
It it is a body upload, for example something like AJAX call application/json it ends up in the body() getter. So be sure that you're using the right headers as they are processed differently both by the browser and server during the upload.
SOLVED! The problem was in Frontend. I rewrote the upload method using the XMLTHTTPRequest this way:
onUploadFile = (e) =>{
if(! || return
const {reduxApi, setError, setWait, removeWait} = this.context
const fileToUpload =[0]
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'POST', getRootURL() + "/cryptoindex/index/excel")
xhr.onload = () => {
setError({...xhr, responseJSON: JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)})
It is not the best solution but it works!

Multiple file uploads to Cloudinary with Axios in React

I have tried implementing the superagent way of uploading multiple files in axios. But somehow, I'm getting an error in console
Failed to load
Request header field Authorization is not allowed by
Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.
My upload handler looks like this
const uploaders = => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", file);
formData.append("upload_preset", "xxxxx");
formData.append("api_key", "xxxxx");
formData.append("timestamp", ( / 1000) | 0);
return, formData, {
headers: { "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" },
}).then(response => {
const data =;
const fileURL = data.secure_url
// Once all the files are uploaded
axios.all(uploaders).then(() => {
// ... perform after upload is successful operation
console.log("upload completed ", uploaders);
I have got this example from here
Another thing is confusing to me. In superagent we can attach parameters to the request field which includes API Secret Key of Cloudinary like this:
const paramsStr = 'timestamp='+timestamp+'&upload_preset='+uploadPreset+secretKey;
const signature = sha1(paramsStr);
const params = {
'api_key': 'xxxx',
'timestamp': timestamp,
'upload_preset': uploadPreset,
'signature': signature
Object.keys(params).forEach(key => {
uploadRequest.field(key, params[key])
But in that example, it is not mentioned how to append the secret key and other params to axios.
You will need to generate the signature on your backend, and then perform the upload with the generated signature.
You can generate a signature via the following instructions-
You can also take a look at the following example on how to append the signature to your request. It's in PHP, however, the guidelines still apply.
