What are the access levels on Salesforce orgs? How to get retrive Managed Package metadata? - salesforce

I am working on a application developed by third party on salesforce , This is a managed package application. I have access to UAT org and some other orgs. When I tried to retrieve the packaged application metadata using salesforce Ant migration tool,I got all the components in the package retrieved successfully. But the content of this components is shown as "(Hidden)". I am not able to see any real code in this components.
Are there any access level restrictions on Managed package? if yes How can I know the restrictions?
Also It will be very great if someone can help with application life cycle management of a managed package application in salesforce. As I am new in this field , Please recommend any tools for the same.
Thanks in advance.

Managed packages are typically used by salesforce.com partners to distribute and sell applications to customers. The code of managed packages cannot be retrieved.


Build salesforce integration like hubspot or workbench

I'm created a connected app in salesforce and consume contacts in my application, but for this, a need a consumer key from connected app.
I would like to create an application that consumes my customers' contacts without them having to create a connected app and generate a consumer key, in order to access their list
I saw this in a hubspot integration in salesforce, where it was possible to install a hubspot package and consume the contacts, I tried to create something on the appExchange but I was unsuccessful.
Can anyone tell me a tutorial for this? I've been searching for days and I can't find anything.
without them having to create a connected app and generate a consumer
Good. They don't have to. Have you actually tried connecting with 1 org's client id/secret to another org? Have you hit any issues?
Think about it. You're making a new awesome mobile app that connects to Salesforce. You'll want to make it work just like that, on any phone, any SF org, without org admins having to do any installation steps. You can generate OAuth2 keys in any org, even your personal Developer Edition. You could generate them in sandbox - but they'll be deleted when you refresh it.
Check if my answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/69810951/313628 helps you understand the whole thing.
Now, there might be some things you do want in every org, maybe some config custom table... You'd have your mobile app and then maybe a Salesforce plugin published on AppExchange. But that's battle for another day and you don't need it for basic functionality.

Salesforce: is it possible to develop a web application on top of Salesforce

Let me start with a bit of background: I'm helping a non-profit organization that would like to have a browser-based application that is backed by Salesforce, but has very specific requirements.
I see Salesforce has a REST API that we can call, so we can develop a standalone application to serve the web pages they want and use the REST API to call Salesforce when needed.
I'm wondering if there is a way to host a web application directly on Salesforce; this way we don't have to have a separate application server. Any recommendations or pointers to documentation/open source products is greatly appreciated.
Yes, you can create services that will allow your app to hit Salesforce
Depending on the type of application, yes you can host it on salesforce using the Salesforce Sites feature, also you can develop and host your app on Heroku which is owned by salesforce and can sync data to and from salesforce using Heroku Connect, or you can build and host it on another service like AWS and connect via the REST API. You just need to investigate and choose the option that best fits your use-case. One thing to be aware of is that there are API limits (the number of calls you can make to salesforce in a rolling 24hr period). Depending the the needs of the app be sure to see if those limits will be an issue. Because if the app makes constant calls to salesforce that could be an issue. But there are things you can do to get around that, like caching.
Yes, both Force.com Sites and Site.com features allow you to host webpages on the Force.com Platform. The markup is stored in Visualforce Pages and can use Apex to access records in the Database. I have migrated multiple websites (including our company's www.mkpartners.com) to Force.com using Force.com Sites.
One thing to keep in mind is that you are limited to 500,000 views per month and the rendering of a page with images that are also stored on the platform will incur a single view for the page and a single view for each image. If you already have a very popular website, I wouldn't migrate. If you're a small business or nonprofit, then it should be fine.
Another thing to keep in mind is that dynamic functionality based on records in the database will not work during maintenance windows. There is the ability to upload a static version of your website to be rendered during these windows though.

Create multiple databases dynamically in Microsoft Azure

I am a newbie in Microsoft Azure platform. I want to create multiple databases dynamically (We are developing multi-tenant model. So, Each organization should have their own database. Whenever an organization is registered with our system, we need to create a new database dynamically). Please provide some insights on this.
By using Azure Resource Manager Templates you can reliably deploy the whole infrastructure required by each organisation. So if they need a webserver, database and middleware servers, you can define the whole thing in a template and reliably deploy that for every client.
(from the above link)
You can deploy, manage, and monitor all of the resources for your solution as a group, rather than handling these resources individually.
You can repeatedly deploy your solution throughout the development lifecycle and have confidence your resources are deployed in a consistent state.
You can use declarative templates to define your deployment.
You can define the dependencies between resources so they are deployed in the correct order.
You can apply access control to all services in your resource group because Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is natively integrated into the management platform.
You can apply tags to resources to logically organize all of the resources in your subscription.
You can clarify billing for your organization by viewing the rolled-up costs for the entire group or for a group of resources sharing the same tag.
The link above has a lot of resources for learning how to use templates as well as the syntax and usage.
There are a large number of templates at the Azure ARM Template Github page and even some pre-existing templates to get you started deploying SQL Server to Azure (there's also mysql and postgress if you prefer)
Plus many others that you can work through to get accustomed to how they work.
you can use the AZURE SQL Database REST API to do so, its as simple as sending a PUT Request to a URL https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/microsoft.sql/servers/{server-name}/databases/{database-name}?api-version={api-version}
Check out these links for more details

Sonarqube plugin development 'Decorator' alternative?

With the release of sonarqube 5.2, the decorator and batch components have been deprecated. Going through the code I found that they want us to use MeasureComputer instead.
Now, I had a plugin which needs the email settings of the sonar setup, fetch some basic user information and the assignee of each issue.
How do I access the email settings and user information?
As per this JIRA ticket, the data associated to the analysis is sent to some compute engine which resides at the sonar server. This is where the issues are created, assigned e.t.c. So, the information regarding the issue will no longer be available even in some PostJob.
User finder alternative: I am now using the user web service to fetch information I require as far the author of the issue is concerned.
IssueFilter helps me lay my hands on each issue that is reported.
My purpose here is to create a custom report immediately after the analysis where a link to each issue is shown. I don't think I'll be able to achieve this using the sonar plugin.

How to integrate ADF application to E-business suite

I have developed one application in Oracle Adf then i want to integrate this application to e-business suite.so please let me know any one knows the process ?
This is a HUGE question and you would be better off googling here.
When I have done integrations before we usually access custom tables produced FROM EBS within the ADF apps. We also usually send security and role info from EBS to ADF via the URL and called the ADF app as a menu/url in EBS.
