Conditionally render routes in createBottomTabNavigator react-navigation - reactjs

In my react-native application I want to conditionally render routes in my navigation menu. I use react-navigations createBottomTabNavigator for my navigation menu.
The condition is based on a users role and is retrieved through an api-call.
The api-call does not happen on initial load-up.
I am using mobx-state-tree for application state management, the role is stored in a MST store.
I have to decorate the top-level container createAppContainer with observer expecting a re-render when the observed role is changing. It seems inefficient to re-render at top-level and I could not make it to work anyway.
It is not possible to pass down props down through the HOC provided by react-navigation as far as I am concerned. And I cannot wrap them in components for achieving this, since they are used as arguments for the HOC's.
For some structural clarification I am using the following HOC's
createAppContainer for wrapping my app. I pass it a
createSwitchNavigator and pass it a
createBottomTabNavigator that gets passed multiple
createStackNavigator that gets passed the actual screens. These are the ones that needs to be conditionally rendered.
//how can I at this level conditionally render
function screenExcluder() {
const stacks = {
console.log("MainTabNavigator, profilestore ", )
if (UserStore.isRegularUser){
stacks.ProfileStack = ProfileStack
stacks.SettingsStack = SettingsStack
return stacks
export default createBottomTabNavigator(
screenExcluder(), {
tabBarComponent: Tabs,
I expect a solution to make createBottomTabNavigator conditionally render routes based on values based on changing values in a mobx-state-tree store
I am using react-navigation version 3.0.9.

This plugin doesn't allow dynamic routes at the moment.
You have to define all routes when the app is starting up. you can look for an alternative plugin like react-router
for more options join this thread
or you can change the way you plan your route security like rendering all the routes and securing them based on user
more info:


Pass onclick function to component using react router

I'm (obviously) fairly new to ReactJS. I'm using Router v6 for navigation between pages. I have a case where the action of a button on Component A must depend on which component (B or C or ...) launched the page. But, using useNavigate, it doesn't seem to be possible to send a function to the target component A, only text fields seem to be allowed in the object. That is, the following doesn't work:
let navigate = useNavigate()
function nextClick() {
navigate('/UserProfile', {state:{
okClick: userProfileOkClick,
cancelClick: backButtonClick
That is, I want to navigate to the UserProfile component, and pass the callback functions its buttons should use. It doesn't work -- in the UserProfile page, the state object is null.
So is there a way to navigate to a new page and dynamically change the button callbacks? I hope so...

React / Context API / TypeScript : How to init web app and avoid UI flickering at statup?

When a user navigate to my site, I need to initialize the React web app as follow:
If the incoming user has never requested the web app, I want to set the UI language to browser default (navigator.language).
If the incoming user has already visited the site and chosen a prefered language (lang stored in the localStorage), I want to init the UI with this language.
If the incoming user has an account and is already connected (token available in localStorage), I want to auto-connect him and render the app accordingly : login button transformed into a welcome message, UI language set to user preference.
To do so, I'm using React Context API and a defaultUser object.
defaultUser: init a default user
const defaultUser = {
language: 'en_EN',
isConnected: false
Context: create a default context
export const AppContext = createContext({
connectedUser: defaultUser,
Provider: create the provider with default context
export function AppProvider({ children }: any) {
const provider = {
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={provider}>
App: init the provider during app start up
export class App extends Component {
static contextType = AppContext
render() {
return (
<AppContainer />
AppContainer: render the app
export class AppContainer extends Component {
static contextType = AppContext
componentDidMount() {
/** If user is not connected, verify if a stored session exists and use it to connect user */
if (!this.context.connectedUser.isConnected) {
[ things...]
The whole mecanism works well except an annoying thing : the web app is systematically initialized with default user values, until the AppContainer::componentDidMount() do the real init job.
This is causing a sort of flickering effect.
I'm struggeling for 2 days on how to fix that, trying to perform Context init before <AppContainer /> rendering, and I'm stuck.
Any recommandations?
For clarity, I'm adding a diagram. Currently :
React App is rendered at start.
Context is initialized at start with default value.
Context is updated when end is reached.
React App is rendered again when end.
Any layout change during these two steps (UI language, UI modification based on user permissions) are clearly visible to the user and generate a sort of flickering.
I found sort of a solution by simply conditionning <AppContainer/> loading, postponing it to the end of the sequence. However instead of having flickering I have now a lag and other unwanted side effects.
The goal would be to differ all the sequence before React Act is rendered, and after Window is available. Then dynamically create the Context, then render all.
I think the point would be resolved if I could dynamically create the AppContext and pass a variable to createContext() during App constructor() or maybe componentWillMount() (not sure when Window is available), but then TypeScript get into play with types issues and I'm still stuck.
You didn't share the code that initializes the context, but I suspect you put the default value to be either a hardcoded value, or navigator.language and therefore experience the flickering. I'd like to suggest two ways to solve this:
Solution 1
Perhaps instead of having a hardcoded default context you could generate the default context programmatically by accessing localStorage.get('lang') or similar? There is a slight drawback to this solution though: You will be mixing concerns of react and the browser, but I think in this case it's an alternative to consider, because it's very simple and obvious to the reader.
Solution 2
Alternatively, when calling ReactDOM.render you could pass down whatever you need from localStorage as a prop to your application and so you keep the browser related logic separate from the pure React stuff.
I hope this makes sense.
Here's my follow-up after Amit suggestions, in case it can help anyone else.
Init Context with functions
Instead of initializing defaultUser with hard-coded values and update it later, I set directly it with a function returning navigator.lang as suggested. This solved the flickering issue on UI labels.
Init data before RectDOM.render
However I still had flickering on UI components for which I have to get the appropriate state from an API call.
Eg, if the incoming user has a valid session token stored in localStorage, the Login button must be disabled. Before doing so, I need to make sure the session token is valid by an async call to the API. I didn't find a way to have it «awaited» by the Context init which seems to be synchronous.
That's where Amit second suggestion get into play. Instead of struggling finding a solution inside React, I did necessary processing before ReactDOM.render, then passing stuffs as props to <Apps/>.
This works pretty well to get and pass the data...
Except that Context API didn't setSate anymore as soon as any of its data was refering to an object from outside the Context. In other word using function calls is ok to init (probably by val), but reference to external objects breaks setState.
As my project is still in early stage, this gave me the chance to get rid of Context API, do the proper init as required, and code the props/states progagation with basic React.

Generic Components with React Redux

I am struggling a bit with the concept of global state and reusable components in redux.
Let's say I have a component that's a file-selector that I want to use in multiple places inside my applications state. Creating action/reducers leads to a lot of bloat as I have to handle states with dynamic suffixes and other weird things that just don't really strike me as a smart way to go about things.
What's the general consensus on these things? I can only see two solutions:
Make the file-selector component have local state (this.setState/this.getState)
Make the file-selector be part of the global state but in it's own unique reducer that I can read from once the operation of the component is done?
Any ideas / best practices? Thanks.
Update: To clarify the file selector I am describing is not a simple component that works purely on the client side but has to fetch data from the server, provide pagination as well as filtering etc.. That's why I'd also like to reuse most of the client/server interaction. The views that display this component are of course dumb and only display values from the state - but how do I reuse the actions/reducers in multiple places around the application?
Have your reducer handle multiple instances of your component state. Simply define some "unique" ID for each instance of your FileBrowser component when it appears in the app, and wrap your current state in an object with this uniqueIds as keys, and your old complex state as value.
This is a technique I've used multiple times. If all your FileBrowser are known at compile time, you can even setup the initial state before running your app. If you need to support "dynamic" instances, simply create an Action that initializes the state for a given id.
You didn't provide any code, but here's a contrived example for a reusable Todo reducer:
function todos(state={}, action){
case 'ADD_TODO':
const id = action.todoListId
return {
[id]: {
todos: [ ...state[id].todos, action.payload ]
// ...
Usually, the rule of thumb is that you use a redux store to manage data in your application aka storing items fetched from the server and local react state for ui behaviors, like file uploads in your case. I'd make a pure react component to manage file uploads and then use redux-form to manage specific form.
Here is the example of the component I use in my project
import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react';
import Button from 'components/Button';
class FileButton extends Component {
static propTypes = {
accept: PropTypes.string,
children: PropTypes.any,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired
render() {
const {accept, children, onChange} = this.props;
return <Button {...this.props} onClick={() =>}>
ref={el => this.file = $(el)}
style={{display: 'none'}}
export default FileButton;
We came to the conclusion that reusable components must be of two kinds:
dumb components, i.e. components that only receive props and trigger "actions" via props callbacks only. These components have minimal internal state or at all. These are the most frequent of reusable components, and your file selector will probably fall in that case. A styled Text Input or custom List would be good examples too.
connected components that provide their own actions and reducer. These components have their own life within the application and are rather independent from the rest. A typical example would be a "top error message box" that displays on top of everything else when the application fails critically. In such a case the application triggers an "error action" with the appropriate message as payload and on the following re-render, the message box displays on top of the rest.

react router - keep the query string on route change

I would like to create routes that support query string.
When i say support i mean, passing it to the next route some how.
For example:
given this route: domain/home?lang=eng
and when moving to route domain/about i want it to keep the Query String and display domain/about?lang=eng.
I was sure there's a built in functionality for this but after reading the docs and a lot of search on the net, i couldn't find an elegant solution.
I'm using react-router#3.0.0 and react-router-redux#4.0.7
For react-router 4.x, try
const { history }
history.push('/about' +
To access this.props.history, make sure you have wrapped the component with withRouter HOC
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
export default withRouter(component)
You will have to "forward" query param on each page transition - bothering and you can easily forgot to...
Instead, I would do this.
read stored/persisted lang preference. localStorage is good candidate here. Fallback to default language, when no preference is found
share lang via context, so that each and every component can read this value.
create some button (or whatever), which would modify this value
Since you are using redux, I would pull redux-persist to persist this preference across page reloads.

React - comunication between components (for beginners)

I am realatively new in React JS. Few weeks ago I created To Do List app in JS, jQuery and now I am going to rebuilt it using React, just for change my point of view and practice React.
I have few components (siblings) in different files and one parent component - App, components:
- Navigation
- Task List
- Add Task
- Footer
How can my navigation component communicate with task list component?
To be more specific I want to have something like global variable selectedDay and use it in all components.
When user choose in Navigation component single day, for example Sunday , I want to save "sunday" in this variable and later use it in Task List (this is of course sample example of data). My question is how to store data in first component and use it in another one?
Should I use state for this kind of purposes? I was thinking about set initial state in parent (App) component -> selectedDay : "monday" /default/ and later update it by Navigation component and use in Task List component. Could you help me, please? I will be gratefull!
There are two solutions for this.
1- Use a library that handles a global state, like Redux (as FurkanO said). That way, your "big components" (aka containers) are connected to the global state of your application, and update it with actions.
Actions are some kind of events with a type, and sometimes a payload, that will be intercepted by a reducer and trigger a state update.
2- Use the state of the lowest common parent of the components you want to see interracting.
Basic Example for 2- : Parent Component contains Navigation & TaskList.
class Parent extends Component {
state = {
selectedDay: defaultDay,
setDay = (selectedDay) => {
this.setState({ selectedDay });
render () {
const { selectedDay } = this.state;
return (
<Navigation setDay={this.setDay} />
<TaskList selectedDay={selectedDay} />
Then you just use this setDay function in your Navigation component to set the state in the Parent Component. That way, your TaskList will receive the new value via its props.
This method has its limits (it really doesn't scale well in my opinion).
Hope that helped. Please tell me if this isn't clear for you.
What you need is redux. It provides you a global state tree which is an object, a way to manipulate it and most importantly whenever your state tree changes rerenders your components. So that your components are always up-to-date with updated state tree.
