I am trying to get the Activity ID linked to Dispatch. In the data Attrib_43 will only get populated if Dispatch is created.
What i am looking to do is to get the Activity ID of the previous row before the Dispatch created.
Attached is the code that i am using
Select sea.ROW_ID, sea.CREATED_DTTM,sea.SRA_SR_ID,sea.ATTRIB_43, tsk.CRT_DTS, tsk.TASK_DESC, datediff(ss,sea.CREATED_DTTM, tsk.CRT_DTS) as dd
, seal.x_isp_notes, seal.x_isp_comments, seal.comments, seal.x_isp_agent_desc
,LAG(sea.ROW_ID,1) over (partition by sea.ATTRIB_43 order by sea.CREATED_DTTM) AS 'FLAGID'
--, tsk.*,
join rawdata.corp_ww.FISCAL_DAY_CALENDAR fdc on sea.CREATED_DATE = fdc.ACTUAL_DATE
left join rawdata.svc_base.SFDC_TASK_DTL tsk on sea.X_ISP_EXTRNL_CASE_ID = tsk.TASK_ID
left join rawdata.svc_base.SFDC_CASE_DTL cdl on cdl.case_id = tsk.what_id
left join GSEDATA.dbo.s_evt_act_logs seal on sea.ROW_ID = seal.row_id
where --sea.ATTRIB_43 = '04391481876'
sea.SRA_SR_ID = 'A-2Q7YF57W'
order by sea.CREATED_DTTM
But it is not working as per my Expectation - Activity ID flag for Attrib 43 is coming as Null
If I understand your question correctly, you are getting null FLAGID for non- null attrib_43 becuase you are using a partition by sea.ATTRIB_43 clause.
Partition by divides the query result set into partitions. The window function is applied to each partition separately and computation restarts for each partition.
That is why the null values for ATTRIB_43 are grouped into one window and the non-null ATTRIB_43 will have a separate window for each distinct value, therefore giving a NULL for LAG() function in the first row of each window.
you should remove the clause partition by sea.ATTRIB_43 if you want lag values for all rows.
LAG(sea.ROW_ID,1) over (order by sea.CREATED_DTTM) AS 'FLAGID'
I need data from a variety of tables and below is the only way I know to do it (I just know the basics). The query below works fine but shows duplicates. I need to know how to remove those.
a.int_order_id, a.trans_id, a.wtn,a.isp_id,
d.first_name, d.middle_initial, d.last_name,
d.company_name, d.emaiL,
a.ilec_lob, a.node_type_id, a.cddd,
a.isp_ban, a.tos_version, a.isp_ckt_id,
a.isp_circuit_type, a.atm_vpi, a.atm_vci,
a.frs_dlci, b.order_create_date, b.pon,
b.order_status_id, e.trans_status_id,
e.description, c.STREET_NUMBER,
c.street_name, c.thoroughfare_id,
c.street_suffix, c.address_line1, c.address_line2,
c.unit_type_id, c.unit_value, c.city, c.state_id, c.zip
VZEXTRACT1.vvov_os_ord_dsl A
VZEXTRACT1.vvov_os_order_details B ON a.int_order_id = b.int_order_id
VZEXTRACT1.vvov_os_ord_address C ON b.int_order_id = c.int_order_id
vzextract1.vvov_os_ord_contact D ON c.int_order_id = d.int_order_id
VZEXTRACT1.vv0v_trans_status E On b.order_status_id = e.trans_status_id
a.isp_id NOT IN (657,500)
AND B.ORDER_CREATE_DATE >= to_date('01-may-15')
AND B.ORDER_CREATE_DATE < to_date('30-JUL-15')
When you want to remove duplicate rows you will have to use
Distinct : It will consider distinct of all selected columns so you will have to find out because of which column you are getting duplicate rows even if you have used distinct
Group by : You can use group by clause to get distinct rows. You can use aggregate function for column causing duplicate rows from point 1 and avoid duplicates.
over(partition by) : you can also use this clause for column causing duplicates. Like you concat values of such column ,
wm_concat(my_col)over(partition by id)
I am writing a query which will be used to populate a report used for putting away stock in a warehouse.
The report has 3 parameters, a source stock location, source bin number and a destination stock location.
The stock will be currently held in source stock location and bin number.
The destination stock location is where the stock needs to be moved to.
Each Variant has a default bin number in each stock location.
Multiple variants can have the same default bin number.
Bin numbers may not be alphabetical around the warehouse, and so each bin number is assigned a walk route, as the most efficient walking route around the warehouse.
The report will look at the default bin number associated with the item in the destination stock location, and if empty, offer that as the put away suggestion.
If the default bin number is not empty, it will look for the next available empty bin in the destination stock location (where walk route is higher than default bin), and then offer that as the put away suggestion.
The query works fine, and does exactly that, however it is reporting the same bin as previous "NextBinNo" suggestions in rows above.
How can I get the OUTER APPLY NextBinNo to filter out any previously suggested bins in higher rows of data? Also if two items have the same default bin number, it should use the NextBinNo for the second row with this default bin no.
My current query:
row_number() Over(Order by DestSL.sl_id) as RowNo,
DestSL.sl_id as 'DestinationSLID',
DestSL.sl_name as 'DestinationStockLocation',
DestDefaultBin.bn_bin_number as 'DestinationDefaultBin',
DestDefaultBin.bn_walk_route as 'DestinationDefaultWalkRoute',
isnull(DestDefaultBinQty.BinQty,0) as QtyInDefaultBin,
NextBinNo.NextBinNo as 'NextBinNo',
NextBinNo.NextWalkRoute as 'NextBinWalkRoute',
isnull(NextBinNo.BinQty,0) as 'NextBinQty',
case when DestDefaultBin.bn_bin_number is null
then 'Not Stocked in This Location'
case when isnull(DestDefaultBinQty.BinQty,0) > 0
case when NextBinNo.NextBinNo is NULL
then 'No Free Bin'
Else NextBinNo.NextBinNo
Else DestDefaultBin.bn_bin_number
End as 'Put Away Destination'
From variant_transaction_header
join bin_number on bin_number.bn_id = variant_transaction_header.vth_bn_id
join stock_location on stock_location.sl_id = variant_transaction_header.vth_sl_id
join variant_detail on variant_detail.vad_id = variant_transaction_header.vth_vad_id
join transaction_type on transaction_Type.tt_id = variant_transaction_header.vth_tt_id
left join purchase_order_line on purchase_order_line.pol_id = variant_transaction_header.vth_pol_id
left join purchase_order_header on purchase_order_header.poh_id = purchase_order_line.pol_poh_id
left join supplier_detail on supplier_detail.sd_id = purchase_order_header.poh_sd_id
join stock_location DestSL on DestSL.sl_id = #DestinationStockLoc
left join variant_stock_location DestVSL on DestVSL.vsl_vad_id = variant_detail.vad_id and DestVSL.vsl_sl_id = DestSL.sl_id
left join bin_number DestDefaultBin on DestDefaultBin.bn_id = DestVSL.vsl_bn_id
left join
(select sum(variant_transaction_header.vth_current_quantity) as BinQty,
from variant_transaction_header
join transaction_type on transaction_Type.tt_id = variant_transaction_header.vth_tt_id
Where variant_transaction_header.vth_current_quantity > 0
and transaction_type.tt_transaction_type = 'IN' and transaction_Type.tt_update_current_qty = 1
Group by variant_transaction_header.vth_bn_id) as DestDefaultBinQty on DestDefaultBinQty.vth_bn_id = DestDefaultBin.bn_id
Outer Apply
(select top 1
row_number() Over(Order by NextBin.bn_bin_number) as RowNo,
NextBin.bn_bin_number as NextBinNo,
NextBin.bn_walk_route as NextWalkRoute,
Stock_location DestSL
Join bin_number NextBin on NextBin.bn_sl_id = DestSL.sl_id
left join
(select sum(variant_transaction_header.vth_current_quantity) as BinQty,
from variant_transaction_header
join transaction_type on transaction_Type.tt_id = variant_transaction_header.vth_tt_id
Where variant_transaction_header.vth_current_quantity > 0
and transaction_type.tt_transaction_type = 'IN' and transaction_Type.tt_update_current_qty = 1
Group by variant_transaction_header.vth_bn_id) as BinQty on BinQty.vth_bn_id = NextBin.bn_id
Where NextBin.bn_sl_id = #DestinationStockLoc
and NextBin.bn_walk_route > DestDefaultBin.bn_walk_route
And isnull(BinQty.BinQty,0) = 0
order by NextBin.bn_walk_route, nextbin.bn_bin_number) as NextBinNo
where variant_transaction_header.vth_current_quantity > 0
and transaction_type.tt_transaction_type = 'IN' and transaction_Type.tt_update_current_qty = 1
and stock_location.sl_id = #SourceStockLoc and bin_number.bn_id = #SourceBinNo
You can see my current results below:
Row2 is using the NextBinNo as the default bin has stock.
Row3 is also suggesting using AA08A2 as the next bin.
Row 6 is currently suggesting AA01A2 but that has already been suggested in Row1.
Just to answer this, in the end I could not achieve what I wanted directly in SQL.
The data is ultimately being returned to a report writer which can run Visual Basic code.
I had to execute the NextBinNo sub query separately in VB.
In VB I can define a string which contains a list of all the "used" bin numbers and so on each row this is referenced in the WHERE of the query to check it has not been used in a row above.
I could then return this value as a new column dynamically inserted in the dataset at run time.
I have tried to find answers to this question on the net but am not really getting anywhere.
I tried to do screen shots but don't have enough rep. Anyway.
Here is my current query structure.
tblInventoryItems(intSerial, intItem, intStyle) -This is the list of current items that are on inventory(built or unbuilt)
tblLocations(intLocationID, chrLocationName, intLotType)
tblItemStyles(intItemStyleID, intBasic Style)
tblItemList(intItemID, intType, intSubtype, intStyle)
tblCommissions(intBuildEvent, intItemType, intItemSubtype)
tblBuildEvents(intSerial, intBuildEventType, dtEventDate)
First Set of Queries
SELECT dbo.tblInventoryItems.intSerial,dbo.tblBuildEvents.dtEventDate
FROM dbo.tblItemList
INNER JOIN dbo.tblItemStyles ON
dbo.tblItemList.intStyle = dbo.tblItemStyles.intBasicStyle
INNER JOIN dbo.tblInventoryItems ON
dbo.tblItemList.intItemID = dbo.tblInventoryItems.intItem AND
dbo.tblItemStyles.intItemStyleID = dbo.tblInventoryItems.intStyle
INNER JOIN dbo.tblCommissions ON
dbo.tblItemList.intSubType = dbo.tblCommissions.intItemSubtype
AND dbo.tblItemList.intType = dbo.tblCommissions.intItemType
INNER JOIN dbo.tblBuildEvents ON
dbo.tblBuildEvents.intBuildEventType = dbo.tblCommissions.intBuildEvent AND
dbo.tblInventoryItems.intSerial = dbo.tblBuildEvents.intSerial
WHERE (dbo.tblCommissions.ynCompletesBarn = 1)
So First we select all items that have a build event that qualifies them as completed. An item can have multiple build events but there is only one that qualifies it as completed
SELECT qryCompletedBarns.intSerial, qryCompletedBarns.dtEventDate
FROM qryCompletedBarns
WHERE (((qryCompletedBarns.dtEventDate)<=InventoryDate()));
Then we jump to Access and filter those results by a UDF that pulls the criteria for the build date of the item(Saved report definitions are stored in a table).
Now, we have a list of all Inventory items that meet the first criteria, which is that they must be built on or before the Inventory Date that the user selects.
Second set of queries:
SELECT tblHaulLogs.*, tblHaulLogs.dtmHaulDate
FROM tblHaulLogs
WHERE (((tblHaulLogs.dtmHaulDate)<=InventoryDate()));
Get all the Haullogs (or you could call them inventory transactions) that are equal to or older than the InventoryDate criteria.
SELECT t1.intSerial, t1.intHaulType, t1.intDestinationSource, t1.intDestination
FROM qryInventoryLogDateFilter AS t1
LEFT JOIN qryInventoryLogDateFilter AS t2
ON (t1.intLogID < t2.intLogID) AND (t1.intSerial = t2.intSerial)
Get the last inventory transaction for each Inventory Item. This query is actually very fast when executed on the server natively.
SELECT tblSales.intSerial, tblCustomers.chrFirstName + ' ' + tblCustomers.chrLastName
AS chrCustomerName, tblSales.dtSaleDate
FROM tblSales INNER JOIN tblCustomers ON
tblSales.intCustomer = tblCustomers.intCustID
tblSales.intSaleID = tblHaulLogs.intOrigon
WHERE (tblHaulLogs.intHaulType IS NULL) AND (tblSales.bolSaleCancelled = 0)
OR (tblHaulLogs.intHaulType <> 3) AND
(tblSales.intOrderType <4) AND (tblSales.bolSaleCancelled = 0)
GROUP BY tblSales.intSerial, tblCustomers.chrFirstName + ' ' + tblCustomers.chrLastName,
tblSales.dtSaleDate, tblSales.intOrderType;
This query does not actually return an "Inventory Item" but rather checks the sales table and returns a customer name if the inventory item was sold.
Now we finally join the two "sections" and the "Current Customer Query":
SELECT qryCompletedBarnDateFilter.intSerial, qryLastLogForBarn.intHaulType,
IIf(IsNull([intDestination]),7,[intDestination]) AS Location,
qryInventoryCurrentCustomer.dtSaleDate, qryCompletedBarnDateFilter.dtEventDate
FROM (qryCompletedBarnDateFilter
LEFT JOIN qryLastLogForBarn
ON qryCompletedBarnDateFilter.intSerial = qryLastLogForBarn.intSerial)
LEFT JOIN qryInventoryCurrentCustomer
ON qryCompletedBarnDateFilter.intSerial = qryInventoryCurrentCustomer.intSerial
WHERE (((qryLastLogForBarn.intDestinationSource)=1
Or (qryLastLogForBarn.intDestinationSource) Is Null));
Then we join to the "Locations" table to get the name of the inventory item's location, and also filter out a certain type of location.
SELECT qryBarnsOnInventory.intSerial, qryBarnsOnInventory.Location,
tblLocations.chrLocationName, qryBarnsOnInventory.chrCustomerName,
qryBarnsOnInventory.dtEventDate, qryBarnsOnInventory.intHaulType
FROM tblLocations
INNER JOIN qryBarnsOnInventory
ON tblLocations.intLocationID = qryBarnsOnInventory.Location
WHERE (((tblLocations.intLotType)=1));
The Final Query:
SELECT tblItemStyles.chrItemStyle, tblInventoryItems.intSerial,
tblItemSizeList.intItemSize, tblItemPrices.ccyPrice,
tblInventoryItems.txtOptions, qryRetailBarnsOnInventory.chrCustomerName,
qryRetailBarnsOnInventory.dtEventDate, qryRetailBarnsOnInventory.intHaulType,
qryRetailBarnsOnInventory.chrLocationName, tblItemList.intType,
tblItemList.intSubType, tblItemList.intStyle, tblItemSizes.intItemSizeID,
tblItemStyles.intItemStyleID, tblItemPrices.intPriceSheet,
FROM tblItemSizeList INNER JOIN (tblItemSizes INNER JOIN
(qryRetailBarnsOnInventory INNER JOIN (((tblItemList INNER JOIN
tblItemPrices ON tblItemList.intItemID = tblItemPrices.intItemID)
INNER JOIN tblItemStyles ON tblItemList.intStyle = tblItemStyles.intBasicStyle)
INNER JOIN tblInventoryItems
ON (tblItemList.intItemID = tblInventoryItems.intItem)
AND (tblItemStyles.intItemStyleID = tblInventoryItems.intStyle))
ON qryRetailBarnsOnInventory.intSerial = tblInventoryItems.intSerial)
ON tblItemSizes.intItemSizeID = tblItemList.intSize)
ON tblItemSizeList.intItemSizeID = tblItemSizes.intSize
WHERE (((tblItemList.intType) Like ItemType())
AND ((tblItemList.intSubType) Like ItemSubType())
AND ((tblItemList.intStyle) Like BasicStyle())
AND ((tblItemSizes.intItemSizeID) Like ItemSize())
AND ((tblItemStyles.intItemStyleID) Like SubStyle())
AND ((tblItemPrices.intPriceSheet)=1)
AND ((tblInventoryItems.bolinTransit)=False)
AND ((IIf(IsNull([intHaulType]),2,3)) Like NewUsed())
AND ((IIf(IsNull([chrCustomerName]),2,3)) Like IsSold())
AND ((qryRetailBarnsOnInventory.Location) Like LotID()));
In plain English, here is what I want to happen:
Get all Inventory Items from the inventory items table that were completed on or before the date criteria, then get the last inventory transaction on or before the date criteria for each of those items. And then filter by additional criteria that the user provides
I have the correct results but it is SLOW! Like 10-15 seconds. And we do a tremendous amount of queries every day.
What my idea was is to put this all on SQL Server in sprocs or views. If I do this all with views on SQL server and type manual criteria in, it's blazing fast. The problem I have is that every query requires a parameter. Not just the last one. I can pass parameters for the last query all right with a passthrough query but how do I pass the date criteria parameters for the first query?
Would it be possible to get the date criteria from another table? The criteria is stored in another table in the DB. If I could perform some kind of lookup to get that value and use it as the criteria that would make life really simple.
This query has been keeping me busy for the last couple of days. I tried to rewrite it with different ideas but I keep having the same problem. To simplify the problem I put part of my query in a view, this view returns 23 records. Using a left join I would like to add fields coming from the table tblDatPositionsCalc to these 23 records. As you can see I have an additional condition on the tblDatPositionsCalc in order to only consider the most recent records. With this condition it would return 21 records. The join should be on two fields together colAccount and colId.
I simply want the query to return the 23 records from the view and where possible have the information from tblDatPositionsCalc. There is actually only 2 records in the view without corresponding id and account in tblDatPositionsCalc, that means out of the 23 records only 2 will have missing values in the fields coming from the table tblDatPositionsCalc.
The problem with my query is that it only returns the 21 records from tblDatPositionsCalc. I don't understand why. I tried to move the condition on date in just after the JOIN condition but that did not help.
dbo.vwCurrPos.[Instr Type],
dbo.vwCurrPos.[Open Positions],
CAST(dbo.vwCurrPos.colExpiry AS DATETIME) AS colExpiry,
CAST(tblDatPositionsCalc_1.colDate AS datetime) AS colDate,
FROM dbo.vwCurrPos
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblDatPositionsCalc AS tblDatPositionsCalc_1
ON tblDatPositionsCalc_1.colId = dbo.vwCurrPos.Id
AND tblDatPositionsCalc_1.colAccount = dbo.vwCurrPos.Account
WHERE (tblDatPositionsCalc_1.colDate =
(SELECT MAX(colDate) AS Expr1 FROM dbo.tblDatPositionsCalc))
Any idea what might cause the problem?
(Option 1) DrCopyPaste is right so your from clause would look like:
FROM dbo.vwCurrPos
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblDatPositionsCalc AS tblDatPositionsCalc_1
ON tblDatPositionsCalc_1.colId = dbo.vwCurrPos.Id
AND tblDatPositionsCalc_1.colAccount = dbo.vwCurrPos.Account
and (tblDatPositionsCalc_1.colDate =
(SELECT MAX(colDate) AS Expr1 FROM dbo.tblDatPositionsCalc))
reason: the where clause restriction of left joined to column = some expression with fail to return for "null = something" so the row will be removed.
(Option 2) As oppose to pushing code in to additional views where it is harder to maintain you can nest sql select statements;
from X
left join
(select Z.z1 as y1, Z.z2 as y2, Z.z3 as y3
from Z
where Z.z1 = (select max(Z.z1) from Z)
) as Y
on x.x1 = Y.y1 and X.x2 = Y.y2
The advantage here is you check each nested sub query a move out quickly. Although if you still building up more logic check out common table expressions (CTE's) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175972.aspx
Hello from an absolute beginner in SQL!
I have a field I want to populate based on another table. For this I have written this query, which fails with: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated.
oK, here goes:
Update kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy
SET DepNo = (SELECT customerordercopy.DepNo
FROM kre.CustomerOrderCopy , kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy
WHERE CustomerOrderLineCopy.OrderCopyNo =kre.CustomerOrderCopy.OrderCopyNo)
WHERE CustomerOrderLineCopy.OrderCopyNo = (SELECT CustomerOrderCopy.OrderCopyNo
FROM kre.CustomerOrderCopy, kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy
WHERE kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy.OrderCopyNo = kre.CustomerOrderCopy.OrderCopyNo)
What I'm trying to do is to change DepNo in CustomerOrderLineCopy, with the value in DepNo in CustomerOrderCopy - based on the same OrderCopyNo in both tables.
I'm open for all suggestion.
If you just join the tables together the update is easier:
FROM kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy A
INNER JOIN kre.CustomerOrderCopy B ON A.OrderCopyNo = B.OrderCopyNo
The problem is that at least one of your sub queries return more than one value. Think about this:
tablePerson(name, age)
Adam, 11
Eva, 11
Sven 22
update tablePerson
set name = (select name from tablePerson where age = 11)
where name = 'Sven'
Which is equivalent to: set Sven's name to Adam and Eva. Which is not possible.
If you want to use sub queries, either make sure your sub queries can only return one value or force one value by using:
select top 1 xxx from ...
This may be enough to quieten it down:
Update kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy
SET DepNo = (SELECT customerordercopy.DepNo
FROM kre.CustomerOrderCopy --, kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy
WHERE CustomerOrderLineCopy.OrderCopyNo =kre.CustomerOrderCopy.OrderCopyNo)
WHERE CustomerOrderLineCopy.OrderCopyNo = (SELECT CustomerOrderCopy.OrderCopyNo
FROM kre.CustomerOrderCopy --, kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy
WHERE kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy.OrderCopyNo = kre.CustomerOrderCopy.OrderCopyNo)
(Where I've commented out kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy in the subqueries) That is, you were hopefully trying to correlate these subqueries with the outer table - not introduce another instance of kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy.
If you still get an error, then you still have multiple rows in kre.CustomerOrderCopy which have the same OrderCopyNo. If that's so, you need to give us (and SQL Server) the rules that you want to apply for how to select which row you want to use.
The danger of switching to the FROM ... JOIN form shown in #Avitus's answer is that it will no longer report if there are multiple matching rows - it will just silently pick one of them - which one is never made clear.
Now I look at the query again, I'm not sure it even needs a WHERE clause now. I think this is the same:
Update kre.CustomerOrderLineCopy
SET DepNo = (
SELECT customerordercopy.DepNo
FROM kre.CustomerOrderCopy
WHERE CustomerOrderLineCopy.OrderCopyNo = kre.CustomerOrderCopy.OrderCopyNo)