How to watch directive attributes changes? - angularjs

I have a directive:
app.directive("setBid", ($rootScope, Http, Toast) => {
return {
template: require('./set-bid.html'),
scope: {
newOrder: "<"
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
console.log(`$scope.newOrder:`, $scope.newOrder); // undefined
{{newOrder}} <!-- nothing -->
<set-bid new-order="newOrder"></set-bid>
As you can see, I send newOrder variable to the set-bid directive.
However newOrder will be filled async.
I want the set-bid directive to watch for changes in this attribute.
But I do not want to watch on each param like this:
$scope.$watch("newOrder", newOrder => console.log(newOrder));
This is tedious. I want that the whole directive will listen for changes in every
param that it receives. Automatically. How this can be done?
I know I can do something like this: <set-bid ng-if="newOrder" ...></set-bid> but I need the variable to continously be watched, not just for the first time.

Set the third argument to true:
$scope.$watch("newOrder", newOrder => console.log(newOrder), true);
That creates a "deep" watch.
For more information, see
AngularJS Developer Guide - Scope $Watch Depths

You could just pass one object instead of many params and watch this one (deeply). Then, you also don't have the problem that the watcher fires multiple times, even though you e.g. just wanted to switch all params together.
Another approach would be to use a $watchCollection() and watch multiple params together, but you would need them to be listed one by one.


AngularJS - How to pass data through nested (custom) directives from child to parent

I am looking to find the best way of sending scope through nested directives.
I have found that you can do $scope.$parent.value, but I understood that's not a best practice and should be avoided.
So my question is, if I have 4 nested directives like below, each with it's own controller where some data is being modified, what's the best way to access a value from directive4 (let's say $scope.valueFromDirective4) in directive1?
For the "presentational" / "dumb" components (directive3 and directive4), I think they should each take in a callback function which they can invoke with new data when they change:
scope: {
// Invoke this with new data
onChange: '&',
// Optional if you want to bind the data yourself and then call `onChange`
data: '='
Just pass the callback down from directive2 through directive4. This way directive3 and directive4 are decoupled from your app and reusable.
If they are form-like directives (similar to input etc), another option is to look into having them require ngModel and have them use ngModelController to update the parent and view. (Look up $render and $setViewValue for more info on this). This way you can use them like:
<directive4 ng-model="someObj.someProp" ng-change="someFunc()"></directive4>
When you do it like this, after the model is updated the ng-change function is automatically invoked.
For the "container" / "smart" directives (directive1 and directive2), you could also have directive2 take in the callback which is passed in from directive1. But since directive1 and directive2 can both know about your app, you could write a service which is injected and shared between directive1 and directive2.
Nested directives can always have an access to their parents' controllers via require. Let's say you want to change value from the directive1's scope from any of its nested directives. One of the possible ways to achieve that is to declare a setter in the directive1's controller setValue(value). Then in any of nested directives you need to require the directive1's controller and by doing that you'll get an access to the setter setValue(value) and other methods the controller provides.
.directive('directive1', function() {
return {
controller:['$scope', funciton($scope) {
return {
setValue: setValue
funciton setValue(value) {
$scope.value = value;
// The rest of the directive1's configuration
.directive('directive4', function() {
return {
require: '^^directive1',
link: (scope, elem, attrs, directive1Ctrl) {
// Here you can call directive1Ctrl.setValue() directly
// The rest of the directive4's configuration
Another way is to $emit events from a child directive's controller whenever value is changed by the child. In this case the parent directive's controller should subscribe to that event and handle the data passed along with it.

How to include data/scope from controller in a dynamically added directive?

I'm trying to figure out how to include scope with a directive that I add to the dom on a click event in a controller.
Step 1. On a click event, I call a function in my controller that adds a directive like this
$scope.addMyDirective = function(e, instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent){
$(e.currentTarget).append($compile("<my-directive mydata='instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent'/>")($scope));
//I'm trying to take the `instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent` and make it available in the directive through `mydata`
The above, part of which I got from this SO answer, successfully adds the directive (and the directive has a template that gets added to the dom), however, inside the directive, I'm not able to access any of the scope data mydata it says it's undefined.
My directive
app.directive('myDirective', function(){
return {
restrict: 'AE',
scope: {
mydata: '='
//also doesn't work if I do mydata: '#'
template: '<div class="blah">yippee</div>',
link: function(scope,elem,attrs) {
console.log(scope) //inspecting scope shows that mydata is undefined
I changed the name of datafromclickedscope in the OP to make it more clear. In the controller action addMyDirective (see above) instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent is an instance of an object passed into the controller method on a click event that I try to pass into the directive as mydata='instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent'. However, even if I change = to # in the directive and I try to access scope.mydata in the link function of the directive, it just shows a string like this "instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent", not the actual object data that is available to me in my method that handles the click event
When you use mydata='instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent' in a template you need instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent to defined in $scope. So before compiling you should assign a variable in $scope. I will rename this variable in code below, so that same names would not confuse you and it would be clear that a formal parameter of a function cannot be visible in a template.
$scope.addMyDirective = function(e, instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent){
$scope.myEvent = instanceOfAnObjectPassedInClickEvent;
$(e.currentTarget).append($compile("<my-directive mydata='myEvent'/>")($scope));
EDIT: slightly adapted jsfiddle not using JQuery no manipulate DOM

$locationChangeSuccess triggers four times

I am new to angular Js.
My application flow is as below:
1) I have a view controller wherein, each view controller sets the breadcrumb data with the help of Breadcrumbs factory.
2) Breadcrumbs factory takes data from view controller and attaches data to $location.$$state object.(reason for storing in state object is if back button is pressed, view controller doesn't instantiate so I can refer history data for breadcrumbs ) below is code to attach data to state object:
var state = $location.state();
state.breadcrumb = breadcrumbData;
3) I have also created breadcrumb directive on global header which will display breadcrumbs on $locationChangeSuccess event. Directive will take data from $location.state(); which was set in factory.
My problem is when location is changed, $locationChangeSuccess event callback function executes four times.
below is my directive code:
.directive('cwBreadcrumbs', function($location, Breadcrumbs, $rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
templateUrl: 'UI/Directives/breadcrumb',
link: function($scope, element){
//some code for element...
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(event, url, oldUrl, state, oldState){
// get data from history of location state
var data = $location.state();
output is as below:
Object {}
Object {key: "Core/Views/dash:1", view: "Core/Views/dash", parameters: Array[0], breadcrumb: Array[2]}
Object {key: "Core/Views/dash:1", view: "Core/Views/dash", parameters: Array[0]}
Object {key: "Core/Views/dash:1", view: "Core/Views/dash", parameters: Array[0]}
breadcrumb: Array[2] disappears 1st, 3rd and 4th times. I really don't know what is causing this callback function execute four times, and I have no clue about an issue and don't know how to debug. Please help guys!
After running into this myself, the problem lies in the fact you are using the root scope to bind the locationChangeSuccess event from within a directive that is either encountered multiple times on a single page, or encountered multiple times as you revisit the page:
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(event, url, oldUrl, state, oldState){
Since you are binding to the rootScope, and the rootScope does not go out of scope, the event binding is not cleaned up for you.
Inside your link function, you should add a listener for the element $destroy, as well as capture the return value from the original bind, so you can later unbind it.
First: capture return value:
var unbindChangeSuccess = $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess' ...
Next, unbind that value in your destroy method:
element.on('$destroy', function() {
That should solve the multiple calls to your locationChangeSuccess! :)

AngularJS setting model value from directive and calling a parent scope function holds on to the previous value inside that function

js fiddle
This is my directive
'use strict';
barterApp.directive('autosuggest', function($timeout, $http) {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="suggest in suggestions" ng-click="updateModel(suggest)">{{suggest}}</li></ul>',
link: function (scope, element) {
scope.$watch('modelupdate', function() {
$, {q:scope.modelupdate}).then(function(data){
scope.suggestions =;
}, 3000);
scope.updateModel = function(value){
scope.modelupdate = value;
controller is
barterApp.controller('openLibraryCtrl', ['$scope','$http',function ($scope,$http) {
$scope.title = "";
$scope.getBookInfo = function(value){
if($scope.title == "" || $scope.title == " ") //here title is 'r'(previous value)
if(Object.keys(res).length !== 0)
data =
//here title is 'rails' (updated value from directive).
//( used a watch function here on model update
// and checked it but inside getBookInfo it is still 'r' )
in the update model function i set the model value and call the getBookInfo function on parent scope. but the thing here is when (this is a autocomplete) i enter the value in a input field that contains ng-model say for example 'r' then triggers the watch and i get suggestions from a post url (lets say "rails", "rock") and show it through the template as in the directive. when i click one of the suggestions (say 'rails') it triggers the updatemodel function in directive and sets the model value. its fine upto this but when i call the getBookInfo function in parent scope then $scope.title is 'r' inside the function (i checked with console log outside the function the model value was updated correctly as 'rails' ). again when i click 'rock' the model value inside getBookInfo is 'rails'.
i have no clue whats going on. (i also tested with watch function in controller the model gets updated correctly but the function call to getBookInfo holds back to the previous value)
<form ng-controller="openLibraryController">
<input type="text" ng-model="title" id="title" name="book[title]" />
<autosuggest modelupdate = "title" suggestions = "book_suggestions" urlsend="/book_suggestions.json"> </autosuggest>
I didn't look deep into it, but I suspect (with a high degree of confidence) that the parent scope has not been updated at the time of calling getBookInfo() (since we are still in the middle of a $digest cycle).
Not-so-good Solution 1:
You could immediately update the parent scope as well (e.g. scope.$parent.title = ...), but this is clearly a bad idea (for the same reasons as nr 2, but even more so).
Not-so-good Solution 2:
You could pass the new title as a parameter to getBookInfo().
Both solutions result in mixing controller code with directive code and creating a tight coupling between your components, which as a result become less reusable and less testable.
Not-so-bad Solution:
You could watch over the title and call getBookInfo() whenever it changes:
$scope.$watch('title', function (newValue, oldValue) {
This would be fine, except for the fact that it is totally unnecessary.
Better Solution:
Angular is supposed to take care of all that keep-in-sync stuff for us and it actually does. You don't have given much context on what is the purpose of calling getBookInfo(), but I am guessing you intend to update the view with some info on the selected book.
In that case you could just bind it to an element (using ng-bind) and Angular will make sure it is executed properly and timely.
<div>Book info: <span ng-bind="getBookInfo()"></span></div>
Further more, the autosuggest directive doesn't have to know anything about it. It should only care about displaying suggestions, manipulating the DOM (if necessary) and updating the specified model property (e.g. title) whenever a suggestion is clicked. What you do with the updated value should be none of its business.
(BTW, ideally the suggestions should be provided by a service.)
Below is a modified example (based on your code) that solves the problem. As stated above there are several methods of solving the problem, I just feel this one tobe cleaner and more aligned to the "Angular way":
Book title: <input type="text" ng-model="book.title" />
<autosuggest modelupdate="book.title"
Book info: <span ng-bind="book.getInfo()"></span>
Just by looking at the HTML (without knowing what is in JS), one can easily tell what is going on:
There is a text-field bound to book.title.
There is a custom autosuggest thingy that offers suggestions provided by book.suggest() and updates book.title.
There is a span that displays info about the book.
The corresponding directive looks like this:
app.directive('autosuggest', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
modelupdate: '=',
suggestions: '&'
'<ul><li ng-repeat="suggest in suggestions()" ' +
'ng-click="modelupdated = suggest">' +
As you can see, all the directive knows about is how to retrieve suggestions and what to update.
Note that the same directive can be used with any type of "suggestables" (even ones that don't have getBookInfo()); just pass in the right attributes (modelupdated, suggestions).
Note also, that we could remove the autosuggest element and the app would continue to work as expected (no suggestions of cource) without any further modification in HTML or JS (while in your version the book info would have stopped updating).
You can find the full version of this short demo here.

Adding ng-change to child elements from linking function of directive

I created a directive that should add a ng-change directive dynamically to all child input tags:
myApp.directive('autosave', function ($compile) {
return {
compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs) {
return function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
var shouldRun = scope.$eval(iAttrs.autosave);
if (shouldRun) {
iElement.find(':input[ng-model]').each(function () {
$(this).attr("ng-change", iAttrs.ngSubmit);
}; //end linking fn
The problem that I have is that the ng-change directive isn't running. I can see it that its added to the DOM element BUT not executing when value changes.
The strange thing is that if I try with ng-click, it does work.
Dont know if this is a bug on ng-change or if I did somehting wrong.
Fiddle is with ng-click (click on the input)
Fiddle is with ng-change (should fire on change)
BTW, I can make this work if I move all to compile function, but I need to be able to evaluate the attribute of the directive and I dont have access to directive from compile fn.
You make your life harder than it is. you do'nt need to do all the angular compile/eval/etc stuff - at the end angular is javascript : see your modified (and now working) example here :
if (shouldRun) {
iElement.find(':input[ng-model]').on( 'change', function () {
a few notes to your approach :
ng-change maps directly to the javascript change event. so your submit handler will never be called if somebody uses cut/copy/paste on the INPUT elements. the better solution would be to use the "input" event (which catches all modification cases).
native events like change/input etc will be bubbled up to the parent dom elements in the browser. so it would have exactly the same to attach the change listener to the form instead of each input.
if you want to autosave EVERY edit that you will have an unbelievable mass of calls to your submit handler. a better approach would be to slow-down/throttle the submit event delegation (see ).
if you want to autosave EVERY edit you skip your change handler stuff completely and suimply watch the scope for changes (which will happen during angular model updates caused by edits) and everything will be fine : function() {
