Migrate google analytics app project to web project - analytics

Google recently announced of disabling google analytics for mobile app and moving
to firebase analytics
Can I Change my mobile project in analytics to web project?
And if not, can I export my data to another analytics tool?


Does cn1 google analytics support GA4

I have questions to use cn1's google analytics support.
Does cn1 google analytics support GA4?
How do I set the data stream of resources on Google Analytics for my cn1 app? Which options to choose? iOS, Android, or web?
How do I set the domain if I should choose web for my cn1 app?
No we didn't integrate it. This isn't supported at this time.

Spring boot google app engine

I am currently building a web application using Spring boot. I am looking for good tutorials that can help me integrate google App engine services with my app and also tutorials on how to configure my application for deploying it on Google App engine.
Thanks !

Using Google App Engine with mobile apps and a web app

I have just started looking into using Google App Engine for a project I'm developing. The project will have an Android and iPhone app as well as a web application that a set of users can log into. I have a couple basic questions concerning the use of Google App Engine...
Is it possible to use google app engine in conjunction with your own web app? Or would I post the web app itself on Google App Engine? Is it that I'd use my web app AND Google App Engine, or would those be the same thing? I guess this is the main point I'm not clear on.
I'm kind of concerned about putting all of our data on Google's servers and not directly owned by myself. Is this just something I'll have to get over?
Thanks for any help!
Edit: The web app will need to have a decent amount of functionality in addition to the mobile apps. Is the Google App Engine mostly for projects which only/mainly have mobile apps?
Google App Engine includes Google Cloud Endpoints for Android, iOS and web clients. The client web app can be hosted on AppEngine or elsewhere. If you host the client web app in the same application that hosts the Cloud Endpoints, authentication and data sharing is easier to achieve.
Yes, you'll just have to get over putting all of your data on Google's servers. Google does not publish or index your data, except for the data your app itself publishes to anonymous clients.

How to integrate Google App Engine to an existing web application?

I am new to Google App Engine, I have an existing web application and now I need to integrate that with Google App Engine for https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/mail/receiving purpose, how to do that?
One way would be to write your appengine application with a RPC service

web shop (shopping cart) on google app engine

there are currently no off-the-shelf shopping carts for use on Google App Engine
is the only solution on GAE at the moment to bespoke your own?
what has other people done in terms of a shopping facility on GAE?
PayPal is offering a new open source toolkit for Google App Engine that lets you integrate Java apps running on App Engine with the new PayPal Adaptive Payments API. The Adaptive Payments API lets developers embed payments into their apps, services, and platforms.
Here is a link to the google appengine blog: paypal-introduces-paypal-x-platform
There will be a Python version of the toolkit coming out soon, PayPal says.
