Microsoft graph API --> To see if the message is a reply - microsoft-graph-mail

I am using the graph API to retrieve the mail from mail folders. For example I got a mail, I will change or edit the subject line and store the conversation id for future use. if I got the reply mail for the same email chain I got different conversation id. How to handle this, I need to find out the reply mail.
"subject": "Test",
"conversationId": "AAQkADU1YWM2MjMyLTVkOGQtNDdiMy05YWM4LTE4NTNlYzg1ZWRiNwAQADofdbq8_JtJkY8M5wnunlU=",
reply msg:
"subject": "Re: Test1",
"conversationId": "AAQkADU1YWM2MjMyLTVkOGQtNDdiMy05YWM4LTE4NTNlYzg1ZWRiNwAQAHu3pWtxNmBFjdfyjYaVGKc=",
I need to find this ts reply message.

I'd suggest you use the In-Reply-To header in that way you can relate multiple replies (to the same replied to message) in a Message chain etc. You can either get the In-Reply-To header by requesting the InternetHeaders (this will return all the headers) or you can request the extended property to just get that one property eg'')/MailFolders('Inbox')/messages/?$select=ReceivedDateTime,Sender,Subject,IsRead,inferenceClassification,InternetMessageId,parentFolderId,hasAttachments,webLink&$Top=10&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(Id%20eq%20'String%200x1042'))


How to update a Azure AD user?

I have successfully created a new user in Azure AD following Create User reference.
Now I want to update that very same user following Update User reference. To keep things simple This is the JSon content I'm sending:
"userType": "T"
The documentation tells me to send a PATCH request, but I always receive an HTTP Error 400 (Bad request). If I try sending a POST request I receive an HTTP Error 405 (Method not allowed).
The destination URL is
The user-id is the one returned with the user details.
What am I missing?
Update 1
Those are the permissions set to the application:
This is exactly how you update user (PATCH).
However the userType property cannot be T, from the docs you refer:
That property can only have one of the two distinct values: Member or Guest.
Of course, the user-id in path should the id property as returned by the get users operation.
I am pretty sure that if you use a normal REST client will be able to see the whole error message, which will be more meaningful.
If you still have issue - paste the exact error message.

Emails sent using Gmail API are being flagged as phishy by Gmail

When I send an email using the Gmail API, recipients that are using the Gmail web interface are getting a phishing warning when they open the email.
However, when I send the exact same email content through the same Gmail account but using the web UI, the recipients do not get the phishing warning.
The only difference I can find between the two received emails, is that the one sent using the API has this additional header:
Received: from 114692869688 named unknown by with HTTPREST; Tue, 11 Jun 2019 11:37:51 -0500
Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?
I have the same problem.
When defining your message does not define the from parameter :
def create_message(sender, to, subject, message_text):
message = MIMEText(message_text)
message['to'] = to
#message['from'] = sender
message['subject'] = subject
encoded_message = urlsafe_b64encode(message.as_bytes())
return {'raw': encoded_message.decode()}
In fact, this parameter is also defined when giving the user_id to the send method.
message = (service.users().messages().send(userId=user_id, body=message)
In my case recipients get the emails ok, but senders got their own messages flagged as phishing in their sent messages tray.
After some time struggling with this, it seems a case-sensitive issue.
Once I capitalized the f in the "from" header the problem went away.
# sender something like "John Doe <>"
message['From'] = sender
Make sure your from-header is ['From'], and not ['from'] (like Google's guide shows).
This one-line diff:
## -129,7 +129,7 ## def create_message(sender, to, subject, message_text):
message = MIMEText(message_text)
message["To"] = to
- message["from"] = sender
+ message["From"] = sender
message["Subject"] = subject
return {"raw": base64.urlsafe_b64encode(message.as_bytes()).decode("ascii")}
Is the difference between getting this failure:
and this success:
There are two options:
Send an email through Gmail SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers)
Authorizing Your App with Gmail - All requests to the Gmail API must be authorized by an authenticated user. Gmail uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authenticating a Google account and authorizing access to user data.
When you get an email that looks suspicious, here are a few things to check for:
Check that the email address and the sender name match.
Check if the email is authenticated.
Hover over any links before you click on them. If the URL of the link doesn't match the description of the link, it might be leading you to a phishing site.
Check the message headers to make sure the "from" header isn't showing an incorrect name.**
Yes, the message header is important when sending an email using Gmail API. You will need to trace an email with its full headers.

How to insert message with Content-Type message/rfc2822 using Gmail API?

I wanna write a small application that copy Gmail messages from one user folder to another. My approach is next:
Get raw message data to temporary placeholder;
Compose message using raw message data from the previous step;
Add message to required folder.
I can get raw message data as RFC 2822 formatted and base64url encoded string using this get request.
Also I can insert message to user mailbox with insert request. As documentation states, I can use one of the next two approaches:
use /upload URL (then I need an uploadType string and I should have a content-type of message/rfc822);
not using /upload URL and simply set message metadata in the request body -
something like the next JSON:
"labelIds": [
"raw": "UmVjZWl2ZWQ6IGZyb20gMjkyODI0MTMyMDgyDQoJ..."
Unfortunately, when I don't use /upload URL (approach (2)) I can't insert message with attachment bigger than 5MB. But if I use /upload URL (approach (1)) I get response with error
"Media type 'message/rfc2822' is not supported. Valid media types: [message/rfc822]".
How can I support insertion of messages to Gmail without restriction on messages attachment size?

How to remove default disclaimer in javamail

When sending emails via javamail, the following is always appended to the bottom of each message:
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received
this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you
are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,
copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents
of this information is strictly prohibited.
How does one prevent this?
(NOTE: This problem is extremely frustrating to research on the web due to the fact that a disclaimer of this form is attached to so many indexed documents! :-(
JavaMail is not doing that, it is your outgoing SMTP server appending it to each message, probably set up by IT.
To confirm, you can use gmail's servers (with a personal account) and you will see it does not get added to the messages.
This should work. Pay attention to the form in which email body get parsed. In my case the emailBody string is on one line, so you have to put the "#Your disclaimer Here#" on one line. Answer for who will come in future.
public String deleteDisclaimer(String emailBody) {
String disclaimer = "#Your disclaimer here#";
if (emailBody.contains(disclaimer)) {
System.out.println("Deleting Disclaimer..");
return emailBody.substring(0,emailBody.indexOf(disclaimer));
System.out.println("DISCLAIMER NOT FOUND!");
return emailBody;

Change Recipient Address Google Apps Script

Is it possible to change the recipient address when using the reply function in Google Apps Script?
I want to receive an email from a random email account, mark it with a label and when scheduled, run the following code to reply to a desired email address rather than the original sender. The reason I want to reply is to keep it in the same thread. I have tried nearly all variations of the following code and can't get it to work the way I want it to:
thread.reply("This is a message.", {
htmlBody: "This is a message.",
name: "My Name",
recipient: "",
replyTo: "",
to: ""
If you're asking to generate a random email address and send a real email from that address... that's not possible.
However... you could set the replyTo optional parameter as a random address - though when users would try to reply to that thread they would get a bounce-back notification that the address could not be reached. However, the original sender (the non-random address) would still be visible in the original message.
If you look at the GmailApp docs (replying)/(sending), you'll notice a few limitations. The sender's address (from) must be a valid Alias, if you're sending mail from MailApp (Google Apps Script).
However, there are plenty of methods in the GmailMessage class such as getFrom() and getReplyTo() that would allow you to get/set the message's from/replyTo parameters and have them be the same value. That way, when you reply to a message you will always be in the same thread.
