How to implement ReactJS with AdonisJS using create-react-app? - reactjs

i made a simple CRUD system using AdonisJS (with the help of the views "Edge template system") and MySql for the back-end and i want to use ReactJS for the front-end but i don't know how to implement create-react-app so i can call the pages i created on the server to react page
here's the folders structure that i have now


Using both Django template and React

Hi guys I’m trying to bulid a website which django works as an rest-api and react works as a front side. I manage to do the whole thing just fine and about to deploy it using aws. But there is one thing I couldn’t really get. Inside my django project I have an app that uses only django template to render things to front. And other apps are working only as apis to get and post things via react. Is it possible to deploy this kind of structure without any special options? I searched internet for a while but I couldn’t really find an example that fits my situation. Thanks!
Yes, you should be able to deploy it without extra options: you can have one Django template view to host the React app entry point, and the rest would be Rest API views that are accessed by React.

migrating existing legacy laravel application in react frontend

We have an existing legacy laravel application and like to convert it into a react application for this kind of application we want to migrate but can't do in a big bang way. what is Ideally needed? make a react application and put laravel application in an iframe and then migrate one by one section? thinking of using httpclient and parse dom.
do we have a better way?
Well, firstly you need to actually analyze the scope of work that needs to happen.
Ideally, you migrate component of your Laravel app step by step to React app.

Need to Deploy Laravel + Reactjs (SEO friendly ) application

I have to create an application where users will have their unique usernames and profiles like "". for that the client asked me to develop it in any good PHP framework and client also need an android/ios app (which he disclosed after 2nd meeting) . so I was(before 2nd meeting) going to use Laravel totally. but since he said he wanted a mobile app too, so I decided to use Laravel as backend API, for Web frontend I will use Reactjs and for Mobile I would use ReactNative ( I've done same before). since Laravel provides react support so my I was planning to use React within the laravel.
Then client said he is more concern about SEO of his website. so I had two options
Use laravel as API provider only. and create ReactJS app totally separate from Laravel.
In this case I will need Nodejs server. Then I thought If I have a nodejs server than why would I go for laravel, I could use Express.
Use ReactJS within laravel and use any SSR package to cope with ssr.
If I am going for second option, can anyone point me to already live website which uses React Helmet SSR or Laravel-react-ssr?
Laravel react-ssr:
React Helmet-ssr:
I have read both, and I am too confused. I am beginner in both Laravel and React(node) so I am unable to understand what both are proposing.
i deployed your 2 option mentioned let me give you the site, i created a microservice which would take care of SSR besides my hooks and components are build on react so am totally able of enjoy the SPA frontend side with react using components and get data via laravels API

How do you add server side functionality to an already created react app?

I've already built a create react app. I'm currently learning back-end development, and I was wondering how do I separated the scripts that are to run from the server from the scripts that run from the client? My app is currently deployed on heroku.
React js is a UI toolkit and does not have the ability to do server-side processing. If you want to add back-end functionality to your react app, you can build it separately in form of a REST API. (You can use nodejs, python, java etc. whichever suits your application)
You have to make API calls from your react app to receive and send data from front-end to back-end and vice versa.

Create Lumen 5.5 - React Project from scratch

I need to create a new project using reactJS and lumen 5.5 and i was installed lumen 5.5 and reactJS. but then i was stuck, so i have some questions:
where is the position of the reactJS folders should be?
how i can add a react component in the home page with data-source from lumen api?
how we can integrate between them?
what the content of package.json should be?
i will appreciate any clear answer, because i was spent alot of time to make an integration between them without any results.
Lumen isn't intended to have views, it's primarily intended to be a lightweight API framework. If you want views and a front end, you should use Laravel. Which also comes with a react preset to get you started right away. Laravel also has API routes built in that you can use for your API. The good news is that your code from Lumen should be fairly easy to transfer over to a Laravel project.
