Best task schedule strategies in embedded applications - c

I am trying to find a better way to organize sub-tasks for embedded applications. I am more interested in Power Electronics applications. I am not a software engineer, but a Power Electronics Engineer. However, in most cases I need to develop the code.
In those applications, the main will stay in a infinite loop, and the control algorithm will run in a ISR (Interrupt Service Routine). However, in some applications extra low-priority sub-tasks are necessary (e.g. communication, alarm handling). Those sub-tasks cannot run in the ISR routine due to time limitation (the control algorithm has the higher priority). I would like to know the best ways to handle task schedule for embedded applications.
One simple way, in code snippet below, is just put all the sub-tasks inside the infinite loop (if all have the same priority). The application will run the ISR routine periodically (each switching period, for example) and use the left time to run the subtasks in a Round Robin approach. However, in this method all the subtasks will run in a unknown period. Consequently I will not be able to add timer routines (increment and check) inside those tasks. Also, if the software stays trapped (due to some bad code) in a low-priority task, the other tasks will not be executed (or the watchdog timer will be activated).
void main(void)
for(;;) /* There is a ISR routine with the control Algorithm*/
It is possible to use other ISR routines (controlled for timer modules, for example) and control the interrupt priority to run one specific task. However, this method will demand a more careful study of the device, in order to set all the interrupt priorities correctly.
Do you know a better method? What schedule tasking methods are the most efficient for embedded applications?

The question hits on some general principals in embedded software.
1) Limit what you do in ISRs to the bare minimum
2) Coordinate different activities by using an RTOS
3) Improve performance by designing the software as event driven
The way to efficiently implement the sub-tasks is to move them from a polled loop to being event driven. If they are an alarm condition you want to check for periodically, use your RTOS to call that code from a timer. For communications, have that code do a blocking wait for an event, like the arrival of a message. Event driven code is much more efficient because it doesn't have to spin through all the polling looking for the events to handle.
The tools of an event driven design (threads, timers, blocking, etc) are provided by an RTOS, point 3) leads to point 2). An RTOS also solves your issues with the sub-tasks running at unknown times and for unknown durations, if there are remaining tasks that are not event driven.
Finally, there are a variety of reasons to limit how much you do in an ISR. It's harder to debug ISR code. It's harder to synchronize what the ISR does with the rest to the tasks. The alternative is to doing the same thing as a high priority task that waits for an event from the ISR.
But the biggest reason is future flexibility. Running the control algorithm in the ISR makes it hard to add another high priority task. Or maybe there will be a new requirement for the control algorithm to report status or write to a disk. Moving the code out of the ISR give you more options.


linked list calling inside interrupts

I am working on a system where I need to achieve (virtually) a real time behavior. I am using non-blocking bare-metal programming and a dsPIC33e microcontroller for this project. Tasks communicate with each other using queues.
I have a low, medium and high priority tasks. High priority task is for example emergency shut down using tactile switch. Low and medium priority task are for communication, sensor reading and there processing respectively. All tasks are checked under RMS (rate monotonic scheduling) and working fine utilizing 60% of processor time.
The question is that I want to call the low and high priority tasks (linked list of modules) inside hardware timer ISR because the dspic33e processor provides hardware based context switching. But its often said that the interrupt routine should be small as possible and often said that use flags and read in main. If I use these flags and then read these flags in main then i don't achieve a preemption behavior.
can anybody suggest/guide me if it's still good to call the linked lists inside the timer routines?

ISR vs main: what are the trade offs of running in one or the other?

I know it has to do with time and efficiency, and how ISRs take time away from other processes, but I am unclear why this is. I am always told to keep ISRs very short. I am a bit confused why this is.
Normally, ISRs come into scene when a hardware device needs to interact with the CPU. They send an interrupt signal that makes the CPU to leave whatever it was doing to service the interrupt. That it's what ISR must care about.
Now, this depends on many factors, being the hardware environment and the nature of the interrupt maybe the most relevant ones, but it usually happens that in order to properly service an interrupt, ISRs run with interrupts disabled so they cannot be interrupted. This means that the CPU cannot be shared among other processes while it is running ISR code because the system timer interrupt that is used to run the scheduler (which is the part of the kernel that takes care of making the illusion that the CPU can do several tasks at the same time) won't work.
So, if your ISR takes too much time to perform a certain operation with the device, your system will be affected as a whole, because the percentage of time the CPU is available for the rest of processes will be less than usual. This is much noted on old system with PIO hard disks, which interrupt the CPU for every disk sector they want to transfer to the CPU, and the ISR must do the actual transfer. If there's many disk traffic, you may notice things like your mouse moving jerky (because the interrupt that the mouse device sends to the CPU is not attended)
OSes like Linux allow ISRs to defer time consuming operations with hardware devices to tasklets: sort of kernel threads that can share CPU time with other processes, yet keeping the atomic nature of hardware device operations (the OS ensures that there won't be more than one tasklet function -for the specific tasklet associated to the ISR- running in the system at the same time). The PIO transfer from disk to kernel buffers is an example of such operation.
Some precisions w.r.t. the accepted answer.
Interrupts are not necessarily disabled when running an interrupt, and that is not necessarily the reason why the kernel processes all interrupts before returning to threads.
There is the concept of interrupt priorities. An interrupt of higher priority will preempt a running ISR: if the timer interrupt is of higher priority than the running ISR, it will run. However, a kernel will not handle context switches at this time, but rather defer them until all queued/pending ISRs have run.
Also, on some processors (eg. ARM Cortex-M3), the concept of handling an interrupt is a mode of operation in the processor itself. The processor cannot go back to running threads until it gets out of interrupt mode. Once that happens, all interrupts are fully serviced: you cannot go back to running an ISR.
But the main reason why all ISRs must finish before going back to threads is that kernels do not have the concept of a thread-like running context for ISRs. An ISR thus cannot pend: it must run to completion. An ISR is thus hogging the CPU, except from higher-priority interrupts, until it finishes its purpose.
Usually, the main thread has lower priority than the ISRs. Depending on the scheduler, often the main code will be executed after all pending ISRs have been run.
Having alot of computation intensive code in one or many ISR is generally not advisable, since it may cause delays or even CPU starvation of lower priority ISRs or threads, which may be detrimental if time-critical code needs to be executed.
However, when action needs to be taken immediately at an interrupt event, the fastest way is to execute code from the associated ISR (and possibly assign it a high priority).
If you plan on using several interrupt sources that execute time-consuming code, the way to go is by using an RTOS to allow safe and efficient interleaving of several threads to service each of the interrupts.

Running user task on a core and minimally interrupted / preempted

I would like to run a long term task on a dedicated core and would like that task to be minimally interrupted / preempted. I can see 2 solutions. Which one is better or any other solution?
1) Set affinity and isolate core using isolcpus
2) Make the thread real time using SCHED_FIFO and set the priority high
- if this is the better choice how high the priority should be? Can I set it to 99?
What I am concerned about is being preempted by kernel threads, IPIs ...
Regarding the first solution you mentioned, by adding parameter isolcpus = [CPU no.] during boot will instruct Linux scheduler to not run any task on that CPU unless requested by user using CPU Affinity. But this CPU may receive interrupts and that can also be avoided by setting IRQ Affinity, so that the isolated CPU doesn’t receive any interrupt. Finally in your code of the task you set the Affinity to the isolated CPU and you are good to go.
But Even if you follow these steps, kernel tasks are executed on the isolated CPU core if you are not using a real-time kernel from RP_PREEMPT, hence it might not be possible to completely isolate a CPU core unless you are using RT kernel.
Refer -
The second solution about using SCHED_FIFO scheduling policy and using a high priority value will still not prevent the kernel threads, Timer tick interrupts, IPIs etc., from pre-empting your task. Because the scheduling policies and priority is for kernel to schedule all other User-space processes and threads and does not apply to kernel threads or processes.
So by setting high priority to your task does not mean you will get 100% CPU dedicated to your task. Also the alternative, manually setting the CPU mask of your task to a CPUSET in the system, can cause problems and suboptimal load balancer performance. Your task will still get interrupted from time to time by Linux code, including other tasks - such as the timer tick interrupt and the scheduler code, IPIs from other CPUs and stuff like work queue kernel threads, although the interruption should be quite minimal if you have don’t have much activity going on in your other cores.
But the cleanest way to achieve this should come from Kernel tweak which I found from this link,2. Though I haven’t tried this personally, I think it’s worth giving a look at this article as well before you decide upon the method you will use.

Interupts Vs Poling a Device

In my application a no. of devices (camera, A/D, D/A etc ) are communicating with a server. I have two options for saving power consumptions in a device as not all devices has to work always:
1- Do poling, i.e each device periodically keep on looking at a content of a file where it gets a value for wake or sleep. If it finds wake, then it wakes up and does its job.
In this case actually the device will be sleeping but the driver will be active and poling.
2- Using interrupts, I can awake a device when needed.
I am not able to decide which way to go and why. Can someone please enlighten me in this regard?
Platform: Windows 7, 32 bit, running on Intel Core2Duo
Polling is imprecise by its nature. The higher your target precision gets, the more wasteful the polling becomes. Ideally, you should consider polling only if you cannot do something with interrupts; otherwise, using an interrupt should be preferred.
One exception to this rule is if you would like to "throttle" something intentionally, for example, when you may get several events per second, but you would like to react to only one event per minute. In such cases you often use a combination of polling and interrupts, where an interrupt sets a flag, and polling does the real job, but only when the flag is set.
If your devices are to be woken up periodically, I would go for the polling with the appropriate frequency (which is always easier to setup because it's just looking at a bit). If the waking events are asynchronous, I would rather go for an interrupt-driven architecture, despite the code and electronic overhead.
Well it depends on your hardware and software atchitecture and complexity of software. It is alwasy better to choose interrupt mechanism over polling.
As in polling your controller will be busy continuously polling the hardware to check if desired value is available.
While using interrupt mechanism will free the controller to perform other tasks, and when interrupt arises your ISR can perform task for specific need.

Linux RTOS sleep() - wakeup() for timer task

I have a task which is basically a TIMER; so it goes to sleep and is supposed to wake up periodically.. So the timer task sleeps for say 10ms. But what is happening is that it is inconsistent in waking up and cannot be relied upon to awaken in time correctly.
In fact, in my runs, there is a big difference in sleep times. Sometimes it can vary by 1-2 ms in awakening and very few times does not come back to at all. This is because the kernel scheduler puts all the sleeping and waiting tasks in a queue and then when it polls to see who is to be awakened, I think it is round robin. So sometimes the task would have expired by the time the scheduler polls again. Sometimes, when there are interrupts, the ISR gets control and delays the timer from waking up.
What is the best solution to handle this kind of problem?
(Additional details: The task is a MAC timer for a wireless network; RTOS is a u-velOSity microkernel)
You should be using the timer API provided by the OS instead on relying on the scheduler. Here's an introduction to the timer API for Linux drivers.
If you need hardcore timing, the OS scheduler is not likely to be good enough (as you've found).
If you can, use a separate timer peripheral, and use it's ISR to do as little as you can get away with (timestamping some critical data, set some flags for example) and then let your higher-jitter routine make use of that data with its less guaranteed timing.
Linux is not an RTOS, and that is probably the root of your problem.
You can render Linux more suited to real-time use in various ways and to various extent. See A comparison of real-time Linux approaches for some methods and an assessment of the level of real-time performance you can expect.
