getting array values ruby - arrays

I have an array which is result of a query.
r = [
#<Reservation id: 27, schedule_id: 1, name: "test user", gender: "no_answer",
reservation_num: 1, zip: "", prefecture: "", address: "", street: "",
tel: "", note: "", satisfied: true, canceled: false, seq: 27,
created_at: "2019-08-28 06:04:30", updated_at: "2019-08-28 06:04:30",
created_by: 2, updated_by: 2, from_partner: false, no_counting: false,
reservation_time: nil, one_day_payment: nil, payment_id: 123456>
I want to get the payment_id but don't understand how should I write.

If you have number of records in array, you can get payment_id in form of array as below,

Looks like you should be able to select the first reservation from that array and then call on the payment_id. Like:

To get all payment_id's you can do

You can also use the collect method

You can pluck payment ids (from the required set of data) with the following :


Picking a random element from Swift Class

This is a model of my makeshift database
var categories: [Category] = [
Category(name: "X",
sign: [Sign(code: "X-1", name: "***", description: "", picture: ""),
Sign(code: "X-2", name: "***", description: "", picture: "")]),
Category(name: "Y",
sign: [Sign(code: "Y-1", name: "Yyy", description: "", picture: ""),
Sign(code: "Y-2", name: "yyy", description: "", picture: "")]),
Category(name: "Z",
sign: [Sign(code: "Z-1", name: "Zzz", description: "", picture: ""),
Sign(code: "Z-2", name: "ZZZ", description: "", picture: "")])
I need to get one random element of any category (not one from each) from this base and print it as sign.code
I prepared the variable to store the value:
var RandomSign: Sign
And tried to do it with for loop:
func randomSign() {
for categorie in categories {
randomSign = categorie.sign.randomElement()
But, in the result, my loop generate me random element from each category, and finally save only random from the last one. I would like print for example "X-2" in my consol as random selected value.
Why not pick a random category and then a random sign from that random category?
func randomSign() {
randomSign = categories.randomElement()!.sign.randomElement()!
This code will crash if any of the arrays are empty. It would be safer if randomSign was optional then you can do:
func randomSign() {
randomSign = categories.randomElement()?.sign.randomElement()
Or you could fallback to a default Sign:
func randomSign() {
randomSign = categories.randomElement()?.sign.randomElement() ?? Sign(code: "empty", name: "***", description: "", picture: "")

retrieve all data by size of array in spring mongo template

Suppose I have these:
{id: 1, name: name1, tags: [{id: 1, name: tag1}]},
{id: 2, name: name2, tags: []},
{id: 3, name: name3, tags: [{id: 3, name: tag3}, {id:33, name: tag33}]},
{id: 4, name: name4}
Then execute a query and I want this:
{id: 1, name: name1, tags: [{id: 1, name: tag1}]},
{id: 3, name: name3, tags: [{id: 3, name: tag3}, {id:33, name: tag33}]}
Getting documents that have "tags" array and its size is larger than 0. But don't know how to create my criteria.
I tried this but throws an error saying that size() has to take an argument of int...
Anyone knows the correct one?
'$size' operator doesn't accept the range parameters. You could use positional value existence to decide the size. as follows
"tags.0": {
$exists: true
In Spring, You could try as follows,
You can use $not operator:
"tags": {
"$not": {
"$size": 0
"$and": [
"tags": {
"$exists": true
Alternative: You cannot create this with Spring-data-mongo framework:
tags: {
$exists: true,
$not: {
$size: 0

How to change value of JSON property in angular

I have array of items. inside that i have objects
Please find the structure of one JSON object.
[{ApprovedBy: ""
ApprovedDate: "10/12/2019 7:27:24 AM"
AssignedTo: null
ChildClashes: [{_ClashPoint: {X: "0", Y: "0", Z: "0"},…}, {_ClashPoint: {X: "0", Y: "0", Z: "0"},…},…]
ClashFoundDate: "9/12/2019 7:27:24 AM"
ClashID: "109d3ee3-d470-4534-ac72-0b4f2c3c90eb"
ClashImage: null
ClashName: "New Group"
ClashPublishedBy: "Srini"
ClashStatus: "Reviewed"
Comments: null
Description: "Hard"
Distance: "-2.5"
GroupID: null
ID: 456
ImagePath: null
IsGroup: true
Item1: null
Item2: null
RevisionID: "1"
Viewpoint: ""},
so i want to change the format of approveddate and clashfounddate to dates with MM/dd/YYYY format.
Please let me know how to do it.
please reduce the for loops as much as possible.
thanks in advance.
Inject date pipe in construtor like
private datePipe:DatePipe
and then
date pipe demo

MongoDB - Can't push an item to an array inside an object inside an array

I have this object in MongoDB:
_id: ObjectId("1"),
data: {
city: "ccp",
universities: [
_id: "2"
name: "universityOne"
students: []
_id: "3"
name: "universityTwo",
students: []
I need to push a Student object inside the students array inside the universityOne object inside the universities array, inside the global object.
I tried documentation and come up with this queries.
Mongo shell returns { "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 0, "modifiedCount" : 0 }. And nothing changes.
Here are the queries formatted/unformatted, so you can see them:
db.pautas.updateOne({_id: ObjectId("1")}, {$push: {"data.universities.$[id].students": {name: "aStudentName", age: 22}}}, {arrayFilters: [{"id._id": ObjectId("2")}]})
db.pautas.updateOne({_id: ObjectId("1")}, {$push: {"data.universities.$[id].students": {name: "aStudentName", age: 22}}}, {arrayFilters: [{"id._id": ObjectId("2")}]})
This second query is with the name of the university on the mongo [<identifier>]. But doesn't work either.
db.pautas.updateOne({_id: ObjectId("1")}, {$push: {"data.universities.$[name].students": {name: "aStudentName", age: 22}}}, {arrayFilters: [{"": "universityOne"}]})
db.pautas.updateOne({_id: ObjectId("1")}, {$push: {"data.universities.$[name].students": {name: "aStudentName", age: 22}}}, {arrayFilters: [{"": "universityOne"}]})
Real object:
_id: ObjectId("5c6aef9bfc1a2693588827d9"),
datosAcademicos: {
internados: [
_id: ObjectId("5c6bfae98857df9f668ff2eb"),
pautas: []
_id: ObjectId("5c6c140f8857df9f668ff2ec"),
pautas: []
I need to add a Pauta to the pautas array. I've set pautas to an array of strings for debugging purpose, so just need to push a "hello world" or whatever string.
I tried this with the answers I've been given:
db.pautas.updateOne({"_id":ObjectId("5c6aef9bfc1a2693588827d9"), "datosAcademicos.internados._id": ObjectId("5c6bfae98857df9f668ff2eb")}, { $push: {"datosAcademicos.internados.$.pautas": "hi"}})
db.pautas.updateOne({"_id":ObjectId("5c6aef9bfc1a2693588827d9"), "datosAcademicos.internados._id": ObjectId("5c6bfae98857df9f668ff2eb")}, { $push: {"datosAcademicos.internados.$.pautas": "hi"}})
Update 2:
Mongo version: v4.0.2
Using Robo 3T.
I created a test database
And tried this command
Still not working.
There are 3 issues with your statement. First, the root ID field is "id" and you're querying the "_ID".
Second, you should put the match fields altogether. This update works as expected.
Third, you should use "$" to select the nested array position, not "$[id]".
{ "id": ObjectId("1"), "data.universities._id": "2"},
{"data.universities.$.students": {name: "aStudentName", age: 22}}
Answer to the question UPDATE:
The update statement worked just fine.
Update statement
Record after update - I ran my update with your data and then the update code you posted, both worked just fine.

Mongoid find_and_modify deprecated

I'm currently updating a Rails app to Mongoid 5. I've having trouble updating some code that uses a deprecated method (find_and_modify). Any help would be appreciated.
In Mongoid 4, I have this method to find and upsert:
location: "Location",
department: "Department"
"$set" => {
hours: 8,
updated_at: Time.current
"$setOnInsert" => {
account_id: ObjectId("5739f4534f4e48b2aa00091c"),
location: "Location",
department: "Department",
created_at: Time.current
}, upsert: true)
What is the equivalent using Mongoid 5?
From this changelog:
find_and_modify has been removed and replaced with 3 options: find_one_and_update,
find_one_and_delete and find_one_and_replace.
