Styled Components doesn't apply any style on page load - reactjs

I'm using styled Component on a page of my app. Code is really straightforward:
// styled component
import styled from 'styled-components'
const StyledOrdersPage = styled.div`
background-color: red;
export default StyledOrdersPage
and here is the component:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import StyledOrdersPage from './index.styled.js'
class OrdersPage extends Component {
render() {
return (
<p>Simple component</p>
export default OrdersPage;
Problem is, I have absolutely no styling on my page whatsoever.
Now, this page can be accessed by using the /order route of my app. If I navigate to homepage (/), and then to my order page, styling is applied. But if I reload the order page, all styling is gone.
Is this related to styled-components ? Or is this just some weird routing behavior ?


Mui theme not applying if within a wrapper component

With React (typescript) and MUI (5.4.2), I'm trying to put everything regarding styles within a single file, wrapping everything in my App.tsx.
Issue: The custom MUI theme does not apply to the rest of my app (fallback to default MUI theme)
The whole thing worked fine when the ThemeProvider component was placed directly within the App.tsx file, but broke as soon as I placed it elsewhere. I need to keep a separated component, for I'll add Elastic UI on top of MUI later on.
My App.tsx file:
function App() {
// ...whole app
The UiProvider component is a simple wrapper component as it follows:
import {ThemeProvider} from "#mui/styles";
import {CustomTheme} from "../../themes/CustomTheme";
import {createTheme, Theme} from "#mui/material/styles";
const UiProvider = (props: any) => {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={CustomTheme}>
export default UiProvider
Because #mui/styles is the legacy styling solution for MUI, if this is for v5, perhaps the import for ThemeProvider should be:
import { ThemeProvider } from '#mui/material/styles';

How to override prime-react component CSS styling?

I am using prime-react to style my React page. But I want a more compact website with very few padding and minimum styling. For this purpose, I want to override a few CSS properties for the prime-react components.
For eg, I am trying to reduce the padding for the MenuBar -
import {React, Component } from 'react';
import { Menubar } from 'primereact/menubar';
import 'primereact/resources/themes/saga-blue/theme.css';
import 'primereact/resources/primereact.min.css';
import 'primeicons/primeicons.css';
import styled from "styled-components";
export default class HomeMenuBar extends Component {
// menu code ...
render() {
return (
<div className="card">
<Menubar model={this.items} className={this.props.className} />
const ComponentView = styled(HomeMenuBar)`
.p-menubar .p-menubar-root-list > .p-menuitem > .p-menuitem-link {
padding: 0.1rem 1rem !important;
The above code makes no difference to the original styling.
I am trying to make use of this component.
However, particularly using these styled-components I don't like it. I am new to react and would like to know if there are better alternatives like, storing the CSS properties in another file and then importing it in the required file. I tried this part but it also didn't work out.
I work with react over a year and have seen lot of different ways to customise components and so far, I think that styled-components is the most convenient way to customize components if you cook them right.
I love to put all customized components with styled to a separate file near the index.js called styled.js of Component.js and Componnet.styled.js (in the separate folder of course MyComponent/index.js);
In styled.js you export all components like this:
export const Container = styled.div`
.p-menubar .p-menubar-root-list > .p-menuitem > .p-menuitem-link {
padding: 0.1rem 1rem !important;
In index.js file you inport them like this:
import {Container} from './styled'
// or import * as Styled from './styled' (if you have a lot of customized components);
export default class HomeMenuBar extends Component {
// menu code ...
render() {
return (
<div className="card">
<Menubar model={this.items} className={this.props.className} />
If you want to try something more like classic css try to look at css-modules.
This article can help
You can also try patch-styles, a more declarative way to apply CSS/SCSS modules to your code. Also, check out the StackBlitz example.

How to use RouterLink with Microsoft FluentUI React Link component

Pretty straight forward. I've seen examples of React Router Link usage on other Microsoft Fluent UI controls. I have not found a way to use it with the Fluent UI Link component though.
Was able to get this working using the as prop found in the Fluent UI Link implementation section:
import React from 'react';
import { Link as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Link } from '#fluentui/react';
const ComponentName: React.FC = () => (
<Link as={RouterLink} to="/pathName">
Link Text
export default ComponentName;
You can use the prop onLinkClick on the Nav,if you prevent default and push to react router history instead you'll get the same behaviour without affecting the look and feel of fluent ui
import React from "react"
import import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom"
import { Nav } from "#fluentui/react"
class MyNavComponent extends React.Component {
onLinkClick(evt, item){
return <Nav
export const MyRoutedNavComponent = withRouter(MyNavComponent)

How i can add style of a existent component in styled components?

I'm trying to use styled components to personalize a header component from semantic-ui-react.
I try:
import React from 'react';
import { Header } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import TipografiaHeader from './cabecalho.css'
const HeaderPages = () => (
<TipografiaHeader as='h2'
Workout Log
export default HeaderPages
import styled from "styled-components";
import { Header } from 'semantic-ui-react';
const TipografiaHeader = styled.Header`
background: red;
export { TipografiaHeader };
But in the console i'm receiving:
Uncaught TypeError: _styledComponents2.default.Header is not a
The syntax for styled.element can only be used for HTML elements. For eg:
For styling a custom component, the syntax to be used is:
Note that this custom component requires the className prop to be passed into the DOM element underneath for this to work.

Overriding react components styles with styled component

I tried to override style of component created by standard way of styled-components(styled.) and both the ways(styled() and style.extends) worked for me.
But when I am trying to override style of simple react component with styled() approach, its rendering the component but not overriding it's style.
Below is snippet of code
import React, { Component } from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
export default class MyLabel extends Component {
render() {
return <label>{this.props.children}</label>;
const StyledMyLabel = styled(MyLabel)`
color: green;
And for display purpose I am using following syntax
<StyledMyLabel>My Styled Label</StyledMyLabel>
Please refer the link on codesandbox which might be useful
You have to pass className to desirable styling element manually to make it works.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
export default class MyLabel extends Component {
render() {
return <label className={this.props.className}>{this.props.children}</label>;
const StyledMyLabel = styled(MyLabel)`
color: green;
Consider carefully whether to wrap your own components in a styled component, when it isn't necessary. You will disable the automatic whitelisting of props, and reverse the recommended order of styled components and structural components.
See more info here.
<label style={{color: "green"}}>{this.props.children}</label>
const style = {color : "green"};
<label style={style}>{this.props.children}</label>
