Neos CMS: Avoid duplication content nodes in multilingual setup - multilingual

I have a multilingual setup of Neos CMS 4.3.. When I create a new page I want to have it in all languages to keep the structure for all languages in sync.
But within the pages I want to be able to create a content node for just the current language. Is this possible?
When I create a content node and it exists afterwards in all languages I can even not delete it because it is going to be recreated.
I already searched the internet for other people who have this use case
and try to delete the content node in the language where I don't want to have it.
The content repository language dimension:
label: 'Language'
icon: icon-language
default: de
defaultPreset: de
all: null
label: 'English'
- en_US
uriSegment: en
label: 'Deutsch'
- de
uriSegment: de
I want to be able to be able to manage content within one page in different languages independently.


Gatsby - How to query for all YAML in a subfolder of src/data/ using GraphQL

I'm trying to query for all YAML files in a subfolder of my data folder. I'm using gatsby-transformer-yaml to parse the YAML data. My filetree looks something like this:
According to the documentation, I should be able to make a query called allBooksYaml which would return all of the quotes in quote1.yaml and quote2.yaml. However, when I look at the GraphiQL playground, the only queries I can make are allQuote1Yaml and allQuote2Yaml. (1) Is this a bug? Or is something wrong with my setup?
The reason why I want to do this is so that I can filter the result of allBooksYaml with the title of the book and display the correct quotes for each page generated with the booknote.tsx template. If I don't do this, I think I would have to make an individual page/GraphQL query manually for each book note post I want to create. (2) Is there a better way to link data in a YAML file and the Markdown/Page component?
Thanks in advance!
According to the plugin's documentation, given:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
path: `${__dirname}/src/data/`,
Where the source folder ${__dirname}/src/data/ contains the .yaml files.
Having in mind also, that you can structure your folder to generate an array or a single object:
Array of Objects: Where each file represents a collection. (you probably want this one)
Single Object: Where each subfolder represents a collection; each file represents one “record”.
So, if your path is ./src/data/books you should be able to query for all books, but this will generate a specific node for all books (single object).
For the second question, I think the best optimal solution is to generate dynamically the pages using gatsby-node.js, querying all markdown books and there, send the title (or another unique field) to the template via context and filter there for each specific book, so your quotes will need to contain a field with an identifier that will match the book, mostly what you said but without the manual approach. Which, at the same time, is more or less a blog approach.
Further reference:
You should be able to do just that by using the following config:
resolve: "gatsby-source-filesystem",
options: {
path: `${__dirname}/src/data`,
resolve: "gatsby-source-filesystem",
options: {
path: `${__dirname}/content`,

I am trying to create a diffrent list item for each string in an array

I would like for this map method to create one list item for each string but it is bunching them all together.
This is what my output looks like
-Plan and execute content marketing efforts globally to attract, engage and retain high value customersExecute content expansion efforts including incremental content-focused emails, website placements, etc.Coordinate content distribution, digital and social marketing efforts for the Ideas Center and other content related-effortsLead internal writer for new product launch for BizBox powered by Office Depot. Partnered with PWC to produce Beta site
id: '2',
position: 'Marketing Lead, High Value Customers & Businesses, Global E-commerce',
tenure: ' 4/17 – 8/17',
duties:['Plan and execute content marketing efforts globally to attract, engage and retain high value customers','Execute content expansion efforts including incremental content-focused emails, website placements, etc.','Coordinate content distribution, digital and social marketing efforts for the Ideas Center and other content related-efforts','Lead internal writer for new product launch for BizBox powered by Office Depot. Partnered with PWC to produce Beta site']
{ => {
return <ExperienceCompany id={} company={} location={resume.location} tenure={resume.tenure} duties={resume.duties}/>
{ => {
return <li id={}>{props.duties}</li>
Hard to tell with the limited context, but you should change the naming in your map callback
{, i) => {
return <li key={i}>{duty}</li>
In your use of => ..., resume is your abitrary variable name for each element in duties, and it's not being used in your return.

React (native) image storing / fetching good practices

My use case is a mobile app with react native, but I guess it's very common good practices.
I want to be able, in an app, to take an image (from the camera or the gallery), and to be able to store it so it can be fetched from the date it was added, or some metadata added by the user.
The theory seems quite simple, a way of doing it can be :
Use any library (eg this great one) to get the image,
Store image as base64 and metadata in, let's say RealmJS (some internal DB),
Query this DB to get what I want.
This should work, and should be quite simple to implement.
But I'm wondering about a few things :
According to the performance of a smartphone's camera, isn't it quite a shame to store it as base64 (and no checksum, more memory used, ...) ?
This format, base64, isn't a bad idea in general for storing image ?
Is it a good idea to store the image in RealmJS, as it will be a pain for the user to reuse the image (share it on facebook...), but on the other hand, if I wrote it to the smartphone and store a URI, it can lead to a lot of problems (missing file if the user deletes it, need to access to memory, ...)
Is this approach "clean" (ok it works, but ...) ?
If you have any experience, tips, or good practice to share, I'll be happy to talk about it :)
You can store binary data (images) in Realm. But if you are using Realm locally (not sync), I will suggest that you store the image on the file system and store the path in Realm. Your model could be something like:
const ImageSchema = {
name: 'Image',
properties: {
path: 'string',
created: 'Date',
modified: 'Date?',
tags: 'Tag[]'
const TagSchema = {
name: 'Tag',
properties: {
name: 'string',
images: { type: 'linkingObjects', objectType: 'Image', property: 'tags' }
That is, for every image the timestamp for its creation is stored. Moreover, it has an optional timestamp if the image has been modified. The property path is where to find the image. If you prefer to store the image, you can use a property of type data instead. To find image less that a week old, you can use realm.objects('Image').filtered('created >= $1', new Date(*24*60*60)).
Just for fun, I have added a list of tags for each image. The linkingObject in Tag makes it possible to find all image which have a particular tag e.g., realm.objects('Tag').filtered(' == "Dog"').

Get meta data from delegated files using QML

I'm creating a music player for Ubuntu Touch in QML and I have some things I would appreciate some help with since I'm new to QML.
I have a list of tracks from a directory, but I want to show the meta data (artist, track name, year, album and so on) instead of the filename.
Using Qt.Multimedia am able to get the meta data from the currently playing track, but I can't find how to do it per file from my FolderListModel delegated files.
How would I do that?
This is the current code:
Column {
anchors.centerIn: parent
anchors.fill: parent
ListView {
id: musicFolder
FolderListModel {
id: folderModel
folder: musicDir
showDirs: false
nameFilters: ["*.ogg","*.mp3","*.oga","*.wav"]
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
model: folderModel
delegate: ListItem.Subtitled {
text: fileName
subText: "Artist: "
onClicked: {
console.debug('Debug: User pressed '+musicDir+fileName)
playMusic.source = musicDir+fileName
trackInfo.text = playMusic.metaData.albumArtist+" - "+playMusic.metaData.title // show track meta data
It seems like the easiest thing to do here would be to go get a C++ library that can parse the meta data out of these files and use it to create a custom ListModel in C++ that populates this information onto itself. Unfortunately, this will have to be done in C++ as javascript does not have the IO capabilities to read and parse files.
Actually I think I might go ahead and use QtMultimedia, but keep data in a local database. On startup, it checks the music dir and adds/removes tracks. That way it will be only be slow at first startup (hopefully)

MongoDB: Query and retrieve objects inside embedded array?

Let's say I have the following document schema in a collection called 'users':
name: 'John',
items: [ {}, {}, {}, ... ]
The 'items' array contains objects in the following format:
item_id: "1234",
name: "some item"
Each user can have multiple items embedded in the 'items' array.
Now, I want to be able to fetch an item by an item_id for a given user.
For example, I want to get the item with id "1234" that belong to the user with name "John".
Can I do this with mongoDB? I'd like to utilize its powerful array indexing, but I'm not sure if you can run queries on embedded arrays and return objects from the array instead of the document that contains it.
I know I can fetch users that have a certain item using {users.items.item_id: "1234"}. But I want to fetch the actual item from the array, not the user.
Alternatively, is there maybe a better way to organize this data so that I can easily get what I want? I'm still fairly new to mongodb.
Thanks for any help or advice you can provide.
The question is old, but the response has changed since the time. With MongoDB >= 2.2, you can do :
db.users.find( { name: "John"}, { items: { $elemMatch: { item_id: "1234" } } })
You will have :
name: "John",
item_id: "1234",
name: "some item"
See Documentation of $elemMatch
There are a couple of things to note about this:
1) I find that the hardest thing for folks learning MongoDB is UN-learning the relational thinking that they're used to. Your data model looks to be the right one.
2) Normally, what you do with MongoDB is return the entire document into the client program, and then search for the portion of the document that you want on the client side using your client programming language.
In your example, you'd fetch the entire 'user' document and then iterate through the 'items[]' array on the client side.
3) If you want to return just the 'items[]' array, you can do so by using the 'Field Selection' syntax. See for details. Unfortunately, it will return the entire 'items[]' array, and not just one element of the array.
4) There is an existing Jira ticket to add this functionality: it is SERVER-828. It looks like it's been added to the latest 2.1 (development) branch: that means it will be available for production use when release 2.2 ships.
If this is an embedded array, then you can't retrieve its elements directly. The retrieved document will have form of a user (root document), although not all fields may be filled (depending on your query).
If you want to retrieve just that element, then you have to store it as a separate document in a separate collection. It will have one additional field, user_id (can be part of _id). Then it's trivial to do what you want.
A sample document might look like this:
_id: {user_id: ObjectId, item_id: "1234"},
name: "some item"
Note that this structure ensures uniqueness of item_id per user (I'm not sure you want this or not).
