I can't use create-react-app on my system again - reactjs

I can't do create-react-app my-app. I keep getting that error.. I don't know what's wrong

i actually cleared my npm cache and everything became fine

You will be able to resolve by force clearing the cache.
If it's not working then delete everything from C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache
You can also create react application by following command.
npx create-react-app demo-react


Why is the create-react-app command not working?

Wanted to create a new react app, and ran both npx create-react-app and init react-app command in my Mac terminal but it's not working.
Tried a couple of times, but sometimes the folder is created with a package.json file only. Then everything stopped downloading. What could be the issue?
Screenshot of the output in the terminal:
According to your screenshot, there is no problem when you initialize your react project.
I think your local network may not be good enough. To create a react app, you need to install many third-party nodes_modules then cause mistakes.
Therefore, you can try to change the npm source, such as taobao( https://registry.npm.taobao.org )
npm config set registry xxx
And then use the craete-react-app to initialize the app.

Create React App not working with no mesage

I've tried to create a new React App with every command from the official documentation
npx create-react-app my-app
npm init react-app my-app
yarn create react-app my-app
But I got every time the same result as shown here:
I tried to fully uninstall and reinstall Node.js; lower versions; I passed from 64bit to 32bit; tried to see if there was some conflicts but still nothing. Every suggestion will be loved
I fixed it by running this command:
npm audit fix --force
I had the same issue when I tried to run it with node v18... The only thing that worked was to use some previous version. If you're trying with v18, try to downgrade and see if it would work.

Not able to create react app using npx create-react-app my-app

Not able to create react app using npx create-react-app my-app
Have you tried running your terminal and/or the command as admin? Doing a rudimentary Google search gives a lot of results claiming it has something to do with antivirus software.
I myself solved this problem,The above screenshot contains the error of log in the cache and in that error we need to make it global for that we need to use the following command.
npm config set cache "C:\Users\Nvsatya\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache" --global
by this command the error got solved and now the npx create-react-app my-app is working.

Receiving error when creating new app using create react app

For some reason when trying to create a new app using create react app, it results in errors everytime. Anybody know what's going on?
Error Stack
Have you tried it without the additional --use-npm flags at the end?
npx create-react-app user-onboarding
cd user-onboarding
npm start
Official docs
Edit: Yeah, reading your errors in the screenshot it appears that the --use-npm flag is causing it to use npm which has outdated versions available, but npx always finds the newest versions. Which is a big reason it is the preferred method for installing create-react-app
If you have your heart set on using npm you can always do an npm update before running it again.

I got this error while creating react app.It is showing that it is deleting app instead of creating

I got this error. I have done same as given in documentation
First run the following command.
npm cache clean --force
Then try again . If it is a local caching issue then it should work :D
