How to parse this JSON Array in Flutter? - arrays

I am working with Flutter and am currently trying to create a graph. I am looking to parse this JSON Array from the link below. My issue is that the information provided in the "prices" object, the values are all inside arrays themselves. I want to get those values and split them into an X and Y list but I have no idea how to accomplish this. I posted a snippet of the JSON data below.
I am only familiar with parsing data by creating a class and constructor. Then create a fromJSON(Map<String, dynamic> json) class and putting the data into a list, as shown in the code snippet below that I created from another URL with object values. How could I go about parsing this array JSON data into two list data?
List<Coins> _coins = List<Coins>();
Future<List<Coins>> fetchCoins() async {
var url = 'URL';
var response = await http.get(url);
var coins = List<Coins>();
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var coinsJSON = json.decode(response.body);
for (var coinJSON in coinsJSON) {
return coins;
void initState() {
fetchCoins().then((value) {
setState(() {
class Coins{
String symbol;
String name;
Coins.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
symbol = json['symbol'];
name = json['name'];
class HistoricalData {
List prices;
List<num> listX = [];
List<num> listY = [];
HistoricalData(this.prices,this.listX, this.listY);
HistoricalData.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
prices = json['prices'];
for (var price in prices) {

You may try this...
New class Coins definition:
class Coins {
List<num> listX = [];
List<num> listY = [];
Coins(this.listX, this.listY);
Coins.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
List<List<num>> prices = json['prices'];
for (var price in prices) {
Then later you can fetch it by these lines :
// Future<List<Coins>> fetchCoins() async { // Remove This
Future<Coins> fetchCoins() async {
var url = 'URL';
var response = await http.get(url);
// var coins = List<Coins>(); // Remove This
Coins coins;
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var coinsJSON = json.decode(response.body);
// Remove This
// for (var coinJSON in coinsJSON) {
// coins.add(Coins.fromJson(coinJSON));
// }
coins = Coins.fromJSON(coinsJSON);
return coins;
Accessing Data in Widget
In Widgets , our expected variable resides as property inside Coins class.
For example, if you use FutureBuilder, you may use these lines:
child: FutureBuilder(
future: fetchCoins(),
builder: (_, __) {
return SomeChartWidget(
listX: coins.listX,
listY: coins.listY,

Generating Serializers automatically
I suggest you take a look at, which is a package that does the boilerplate code generation for you. Although it might me a bit overkill to add something like this to your code or your workflow, automatically generating serializers is very convenient.
Not that in order to have custom sub-classes, they need to provide serialization as well.
If you want to extend your knowledge even further, you can also have a look at and


Firestore add data over an object within a document's data REACT.JS

I want to add some data on the bookChapters object, like a random id and inside of it the name of the chapters, I tried this but it doesn't work, after I add the previous data I also want to add a new object "takeAways", like the previous one, inside the random id object.
export const createNewChapter = (bookId, inputText) => {
return async dispatch => {
try {
.onSnapshot(querySnapshot => {
//There I want to add the chapters to the firestore database
} catch (error) {
I wanna know how to do add from scratch the bookChapters object
The database screenshot shows that the bookChapters object is a map. So to add (populate) this object you need to generate a simple JavaScript object with some properties as “key: value” pairs.
Something along these lines, making the assumption the chapter titles are in an Array:
function arrayToObject(arr) {
var obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
obj[i] = arr[i];
return obj;
const chapterList = ['Intro', 'Chapter 1', 'Chapter2', 'Conclusion'];
const bookChaptersObj = arrayToObject(chapterList);
Or, if the document does not already exist:
firebase.firestore().doc(`Users/${bookId}`).set(bookChaptersObj, {merge: true});

MobX Observable map that stores observables maps

Is this the correct way to store multiple observable maps within a store.
I'm relatively new to working with observables and MobX. I have a store for any maintenance domain object. For example "Institution Types". Instead of using a map for each I initiate a new map based off of an enum created:
maintenanceRegistry = new Map<string, any>();
selectedMaintenanceList = new Map<string, any>();
constructor() {
Object.values(MaintenanceTypeEnum).forEach((value) => {
this.maintenanceRegistry.set(value, new Map<string, any>());
And then on my onClick I set the selectedMaintenance map using the enum as the key:
if (maintenanceRegistry.get(MaintenanceTypeEnum.InstitutionTypes).size <= 1) {
loadMaintenance<InstitutionType>({apiPath: '/institutionTypes'});
} else {
When I load the data it updates my table and values however when the data has already been fetched the table data is not being updated.
To fetch the data I am using a computed function:
get maintenanceValues() {
var mv: any[] = [];
[...this.selectedMaintenanceList.values()].map((value: {value: any}, i) => {
return mv;
and then I map the data without the id property as its a guid and unnecessary:
const data = (maintenanceValues).map(value => {
const { id, ...noId } = value;
return noId

Flutter multipart/form-data send list of items

My using package http
I have this method in my app to send post request with files. In my case I send files and also fields with dynamic values. I tried send List<String> but server (backend) return me error with message:
The seedlings field must be an array.
Example seedlings list value:
List<String> seedlings = ['Apple', 'Banana'];
Future post(String path, data) async {
await _getToken();
var url = '${ApiConstants.BASE_URL}$path';
var uri = Uri.parse(url);
var request = MultipartRequest('POST', uri);
data.forEach((key, item) async {
if (item == null) return null;
if (item is File) {
request.files.add(await MultipartFile.fromPath(
} else {
request.fields[key] = item is num
? item.toString()
: item is List
? item.toString()
: item;
request.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json';
request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json';
var response = await request.send();
In my case all fields sent to server except fields with list of values like array
This might be old, but you can easily do this by adding the array items into a form data array
final FormData formData = FormData({});
// Add all normal string request body data
formData.fields.add(MapEntry("name", "Olayemii"));
formData.fields.add(MapEntry("age", 99));
// Add all files request body data
formData.files.add(MapEntry("profile_photo", file));
// Add the array item
List<String> seedlings = ['Apple', 'Banana'];
seedlings.forEach((element) {
formData.fields.add(MapEntry("seedlings[]", element.toString()));
I have found an answer for this which I have posted in another similar question. I'll just put the code snippet here.
final request = http.MultipartRequest('Post', uri);
List<String> ManageTagModel = ['xx', 'yy', 'zz'];
for (String item in ManageTagModel) {
request.files.add(http.MultipartFile.fromString('manage_tag_model', item));
Basically you have to add the list as files with fromString() method.
Find the original answer here-

HTTPS Post URL with an Array of Objects

I've been trying to format a URL POST with objects in my array as they're required to post to my REST API. I'm forced to use an archaic API POST system from a vendor and have been trying to hack together a solution.
Basically the JSON looks similar to:
{"api_key": "12234",
"recipients": [
"name": "john doe"}]
I am trying to format the Array'd key-value pairs as part of the URL so it would post to the endpoint without much fanfare.
I have the rest of the URL together without issue, it is just the recipients' array that is the problem.
How should I write the POST URL in order to make sure that I can post the array of objects correctly?
I appreciate all the help in advance!
Does not work here, but this code will make linear structure from your JSON, create form from and submit to itself.
If you run it on local or anywhere else and add f.action = 'your get or post page', it will send data properly.
var data = {
api_key: '12234',
server_id: 'qwp2222',
recipients: [{
email: '',
name: 'john doe'
function collectItems(res, json) {
for (var a in json) {
if (json[a].constructor === Array ||
json[a].constructor === Object) {
collectItems(res, json[a]);
} else {
res.push([a, json[a]]);
var all = [];
collectItems(all, data);
var f = document.createElement('FORM');
f.method = 'post';
// default get: ...?api_key=12234&server_id=qwp2222&
for (var e in all) {
var i = document.createElement('INPUT'); = all[e][0];
i.value = all[e][1];
i.type = 'hidden'; // do not show values sent
if ( {
alert("Submit result:" & location.href);
} else {

Byte array and JSON in [FromBody]

I am trying pass an object which consists of different data type. I am always getting null value for orderDetails in Web API.
However if do this,
purchaseOrder.Attachments = null,
in the client then orderDetails is no longer null and I have other informations like "SendEmail" and PurchaseOrderNumber.
It looks I might not be correctly set the parameter in the client (angular 2).
However testing the same Web Api method from Console app works fine and I am not getting a null value.
Do I need to separate the JSON data and byte array?
public class Attachments
public int AttachmentId { get; set; }
public string FileName { get; set ;}
public byte[] FileData { get; set ;}
public class UpdatePurchaseOrderViewModel
public bool SendEmail { get; set; }
public int PurchaseOrderNumber { get; set; }
public Attachments Attachments { get; set;
Here is my Web API put method definition
public StatusCodeResult AddPurchaseOrderNumber(int purchaseOrderId, [FromBody] UpdatePurchaseOrderViewModel orderDetails)
var status = _service.AddPurchaseOrderNumber(purchaseOrderId, orderDetails);
if (status == 200)
else return StatusCode(status);//No Data
return StatusCode(400); // Bad Request
return StatusCode(200);//OK
Typescript snippet
let headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
var body = JSON.stringify(
var uri = 'http://localhost:33907/api/purchaseorder/addpurchaseordernumber/' + purchaseOrderId;
return this._http.put(uri, body , options)
.map((response: Response) => {
let data = response.json();
if (data) {
return true;
else {
return false;
The orderDetails is created as below
let file = Observable.create((observer) => {
let fr = new FileReader();
let data = new Blob([this.attachment]);
fr.onloadend = () => {;
fr.onerror = (err) => {
fr.onabort = () => {
}); => {
//build the attachment object which will be sent to Web API
let attachment: Attachments = {
AttachmentId: '0',
FileName: this.form.controls["attachmentName"].value,
FileData: fileData
//build the purchase order object
let order: UpdatePurchaseOrder = {
SendEmail: true,
PurchaseOrderNumber:this.form.controls["purchaseOrderNumber"].value * 1, //for casting purpose
Attachments: attachment
console.log("Loading completed");
return order;
When sending objects that have byte arrays as a property back and forth between a client to a WebAPI endpoint, I typically use a DTO that stores the property to explicitly define it as a Base64 string. On the server side I map the DTO to my entity by converting the Base64 string to / from the byte array for server side operations and storing in the database.
The serializer will do something like this automatically but the format passed from JavaScript may not match what the WebAPI JSON serializer is expecting (which is why it's working from your C# Console App).
You didn't include how you are creating the purchaseOrder object in your JavaScript so I can't comment on how that object is being setup - which may be where your issue is.
