How to handle errors in React Native - reactjs

I am developing a react native project.
I am first in React Native.
I have some errors in my project.
I 'd like to know how to handle error in React native.
And how can I see the errors?
if ((this.state.loadedUrl === '') && (!this.state.newsflag)){
const html =;
const $ = CheerIO.load(html);
isLoggedIn = Object.keys($(PROFILE_SELECTOR)).includes('0');
if (isLoggedIn) {
profileLink = $(PROFILE_SELECTOR).eq(0).children().attr('href');
username = profileLink.match(/members\/[a-z]+/)[0].slice(8);
if (username.endsWith('/')) username = username.slice(0, username.length - 1);
this.setState({ url: `${profileLink}messages`, loading: true });
console.log('messages page:' + profileLink);
profileLink = $(PROFILE_SELECTOR).eq(0).children().attr('href');
console.log('profile page!!!' + profileLink);
this.setState({ url: profileLink, loading: true });
else {
const loginLink = $(LOGIN_SELECTOR).eq(0).children().attr('href');
console.log('loginLink:' + loginLink);
this.setState({ url: loginLink, loading: true });

There are 2 ways to handle errors.
1.try {
var test;
} catch(err) {
// handle error here
2.const previousHandler = ErrorUtils.getGlobalHandler();
ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler((error, isFatal) => {
// handle the error here
And you can monitor the errors in React Native with Rollbar.
For further more information, you can visit this URL.

There is multiple ways to handle error in react, and it is based on the architecture or code you building.
A standard way might be
try {
//code blocks
catch {
// error .log
You can relay on method function such as
If you are making api request
class IsLoading extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// initialise our state
this.state = { isLoading: false };
componentDidCatch(error, info) {
// if we have a promise then we can deal with it
if(error instanceof Promise) {
// we have a promise so lets update our state
this.setState({ isLoading: true });
// once the promise has resolved we can update our state again and grab the data
error.then((data) => this.setState({ isLoading: false, data }));
render() {
// as props.children is a function, let's invoke it and p ass in out state
return this.props.children(this.state) }
const Loader = props => (
// this is the function that gets called in the render met hod above
{({isLoading, data}) => (
// show some loading text if we're loading
? "Loading..."
// copy our children and pass in the data as a prop :
React.cloneElement(props.children, {data})


setState not returned from render when using Axios

I'm using axios to get data from an endpoint. I'm trying to store this data inside the state of my React component, but I keep getting this error:
Error: Results(...): Nothing was returned from render. This usually means a return statement is missing. Or, to render nothing, return null.
I've struggled with many approaches: arrow functions etc., but without luck.
export default class Map extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
fillColor: {},
selectedCounty: "",
dbResponse: null,
getCounty(e) {
axios.get("/getWeatherData?county=" +
.then((response) => {
this.setState(prevState => {
let fillColor = {...prevState.fillColor};
fillColor[prevState.selectedCounty] = '#81AC8B';
fillColor[] = '#425957';
const selectedCounty =;
const dbResponse =;
return { dbResponse, selectedCounty, fillColor };
}).catch((error) => {
console.log('Could not connect to the backend');
render() {
return (
<div id="map">
<svg>big svg file</svg>
{this.state.selectedCounty ? <Results/> : null}
I need to set the state using prevState in order to update the fillColor dictionary.
Should this be expected? Is there a workaround?

React testing error "Cannot read get property of undefined"

I am trying to test the function searchTrigger in my CardMain component.
export default class CardMain extends Component {
state = {
Pools : [],
loading: false,
.then (res => {
loading: true,
message: "Loading..."
if (res && isMounted){
loading: false
// the function is for search method
// upon search, this function is called and the state of the pools is changed
searchTrigger = (search) => {
Search = search.toLowerCase();
SearchList = this.state.Pools.filter((e)=> {
if ({
loading: false
return e
if (SearchList.length === 0){
loading: true,
message: "No pools found"
render() {
return (
<Searchbar trigger={this.searchTrigger}/>
{ this.state.loading ?
<div className="d-flex justify-content-center">{this.state.message}</div>
{Search === "" ? <Card1 pools={this.state.Pools}/> : <Card1 pools={SearchList}/> }
The function searchTrigger is passed to another class component called Searchbar which basically displays the search bar. Upon searching something, the function searchTrigger is called and the searched value is passed as an argument to this function.
So, I am trying to test this function and I am new to react and testing. I found some examples online and tried a simple testing whether the function is called or not. My CardMain.test.js code looks like this:
describe("callback function test", ()=> {
it("runs it", () => {
//const spy = jest.spyOn(CardMain.prototype,"searchTrigger");
const cardmain = shallow(<CardMain/>)
const spy = jest.spyOn(cardmain.instance(), "searchTrigger");
I get the TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined pointing to the axios.get("/pools") in the CardMain component inside componentDidMount. axios is being imported from another component api.js which creates the instance of axios using axios.create. I have no idea what the problem is. I am very new to react. I have absolutely no idea, how do I test these components? Could somebody help me?
So, i tried mocking axios call:
let Wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
Wrapper = shallow( <CardMain/>);
describe("Card Main", ()=> {
it("returns data when called", done => {
let mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
const data = [{
name: "Test",
response: true
const instance = Wrapper.instance();
instance.componentDidMount().then(response => {
It says "cannot read property .then of undefined"

Mock multiple fetch calls with state updates in ReactJS

I am having a ReactJS component which does two things:
- on ComponentDidMount it will retrieve a list of entries
- on Button click it will submit the select entry to a backend
The problem is that i need to mock both requests (made with fetch) in order to test it properly. In my current testcase i want to test a failure in the submit on the button click. However due some odd reason the setState is triggered however the update from that is received after i want to compare it.
Dumps i did for the test. First one is the state as listen in the test. The second is from the code itself where it is setting state().error to the error received from the call
FAIL react/src/components/Authentication/DealerSelection.test.jsx (6.689s)
● Console
console.log react/src/components/Authentication/DealerSelection.test.jsx:114
{ loading: true,
error: null,
options: [ { key: 22, value: 22, text: 'Stationstraat 5' } ] }
console.log react/src/components/Authentication/DealerSelection.jsx:52
set error to: my error
The actual test code:
it('throws error message when dealer submit fails', done => {
const mockComponentDidMount = Promise.resolve(
new Response(JSON.stringify({"data":[{"key":22,"value":"Stationstraat 5"}],"default":22}), {
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }
const mockButtonClickFetchError = Promise.reject(new Error('my error'));
jest.spyOn(global, 'fetch').mockImplementation(() => mockComponentDidMount);
const element = mount(<DealerSelection />);
process.nextTick(() => {
jest.spyOn(global, 'fetch').mockImplementation(() => mockButtonClickFetchError);
const button = element.find('button');
process.nextTick(() => {
console.log(element.state()); // state.error null even though it is set with setState but arrives just after this log statement
This is the component that i actually use:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form, Header, Select, Button, Banner } from '#omnius/react-ui-elements';
import ClientError from '../../Error/ClientError';
import { fetchBackend } from './service';
import 'whatwg-fetch';
import './DealerSelection.scss';
class DealerSelection extends Component {
state = {
loading: true,
error: null,
dealer: '',
options: []
componentDidMount() {
document.title = "Select dealer";
onDealerListSuccessHandler = json => {
const options = => {
return {
key: item.key,
value: item.key,
text: item.value
loading: false,
dealer: json.default
onFetchErrorHandler = err => {
if (err instanceof ClientError) {
err.response.json().then(data => {
error: data.error,
loading: false
} else {
console.log('set error to', err.message);
error: err.message,
loading: false
onSubmitHandler = () => {
const { dealer } = this.state;
loading: true,
error: null
onDealerSelectSuccessHandler = json => {
if (!json.error) {
window.location = json.redirect; // Refresh to return back to MVC
error: json.error
onChangeHandler = (event, key) => {
render() {
const { loading, error, dealer, options } = this.state;
const errorBanner = error ? <Banner type='error' text={error} /> : null;
return (
<div className='dealerselection'>
<Header as="h1">Dealer selection</Header>
{ errorBanner }
label='My dealer'
>Select dealer</Button>
export default DealerSelection;
Interesting, this one took a little while to chase down.
Relevant parts from the Node.js doc on Event Loop, Timers, and process.nextTick():
process.nextTick() is not technically part of the event loop. Instead, the nextTickQueue will be processed after the current operation is completed, regardless of the current phase of the event loop.
...any time you call process.nextTick() in a given phase, all callbacks passed to process.nextTick() will be resolved before the event loop continues.
In other words, Node starts processing the nextTickQueue once the current operation is completed, and it will continue until the queue is empty before continuing with the event loop.
This means that if process.nextTick() is called while the nextTickQueue is processing, the callback is added to the queue and it will be processed before the event loop continues.
The doc warns:
This can create some bad situations because it allows you to "starve" your I/O by making recursive process.nextTick() calls, which prevents the event loop from reaching the poll phase.
...and as it turns out you can starve your Promise callbacks as well:
test('Promise and process.nextTick order', done => {
const order = [];
Promise.resolve().then(() => { order.push('2') });
process.nextTick(() => {
Promise.resolve().then(() => { order.push('7') });
order.push('3'); // this runs while processing the nextTickQueue...
process.nextTick(() => {
order.push('4'); // all of these...
process.nextTick(() => {
order.push('5'); // ...get processed...
process.nextTick(() => {
order.push('6'); // ...before the event loop continues...
setTimeout(() => {
expect(order).toEqual(['1','2','3','4','5','6','7']); // ...and 7 gets added last
}, 0);
So in this case the nested process.nextTick() callback that logs element.state() ends up running before the Promise callbacks that would set state.error to 'my error'.
It is because of this that the doc recommends the following:
We recommend developers use setImmediate() in all cases because it's easier to reason about
If you change your process.nextTick calls to setImmediate (and create your fetch mocks as functions so Promise.reject() doesn't run immediately and cause an error) then your test should work as expected:
it('throws error message when dealer submit fails', done => {
const mockComponentDidMount = () => Promise.resolve(
new Response(JSON.stringify({"data":[{"key":22,"value":"Stationstraat 5"}],"default":22}), {
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }
const mockButtonClickFetchError = () => Promise.reject(new Error('my error'));
jest.spyOn(global, 'fetch').mockImplementation(mockComponentDidMount);
const element = mount(<DealerSelection />);
setImmediate(() => {
jest.spyOn(global, 'fetch').mockImplementation(mockButtonClickFetchError);
const button = element.find('button');
setImmediate(() => {
console.log(element.state()); // state.error is 'my error'
There are several asynchronous calls required to update the state, so your process.nextTick() isn't sufficient. To update the state, this needs to happen:
your test code clicks, and the event handler callback is queued
the event handler callback runs, runs fetch, gets a promise rejection, and runs the error handler
the error handler runs setState, which queues the state update (setState is asynchronous!)
your test code runs, checking the element's state
the state update runs
In short, you need to wait longer before asserting on the state.
A useful idiom to "wait" without nested process.nextTick() calls is to define a test helper
function wait() {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve));
and then do
await wait();
as many times as required in your test code. Note that this requires you to define test functions as
test(async () => {
rather than
test(done => {

Lifecycle hooks - Where to set state?

I am trying to add sorting to my movie app, I had a code that was working fine but there was too much code repetition, I would like to take a different approach and keep my code DRY. Anyways, I am confused as on which method should I set the state when I make my AJAX call and update it with a click event.
This is a module to get the data that I need for my app.
export const moviesData = {
popular_movies: [],
top_movies: [],
theaters_movies: []
export const queries = {
export const key = "68f7e49d39fd0c0a1dd9bd094d9a8c75";
export function getData(arr, str) {
for (let i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
moviesData[arr].push(str + i);
The stateful component:
class App extends Component {
state = {
movies = [],
sortMovies: "popular_movies",
query: queries.popular,
sortValue: "Popularity"
// Here I am making the http request, documentation says
// this is a good place to load data from an end point
async componentDidMount() {
const { sortMovies, query } = this.state;
getData(sortMovies, query);
const data = await Promise.all(
moviesData[sortMovies].map(async movie => await axios.get(movie))
const movies = [].concat.apply([], =>;
this.setState({ movies });
In my app I have a dropdown menu where you can sort movies by popularity, rating, etc. I have a method that when I select one of the options from the dropwdown, I update some of the states properties:
handleSortValue = value => {
let { sortMovies, query } = this.state;
if (value === "Top Rated") {
sortMovies = "top_movies";
query = queries.top_rated;
} else if (value === "Now Playing") {
sortMovies = "theaters_movies";
query = queries.theaters;
} else {
sortMovies = "popular_movies";
query = queries.popular;
this.setState({ sortMovies, query, sortValue: value });
Now, this method works and it is changing the properties in the state, but my components are not re-rendering. I still see the movies sorted by popularity since that is the original setup in the state (sortMovies), nothing is updating.
I know this is happening because I set the state of movies in the componentDidMount method, but I need data to be Initialized by default, so I don't know where else I should do this if not in this method.
I hope that I made myself clear of what I am trying to do here, if not please ask, I'm stuck here and any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The best lifecycle method for fetching data is componentDidMount(). According to React docs:
Where in the component lifecycle should I make an AJAX call?
You should populate data with AJAX calls in the componentDidMount() lifecycle method. This is so you can use setState() to update your component when the data is retrieved.
Example code from the docs:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
error: null,
isLoaded: false,
items: []
componentDidMount() {
.then(res => res.json())
(result) => {
isLoaded: true,
items: result.items
// Note: it's important to handle errors here
// instead of a catch() block so that we don't swallow
// exceptions from actual bugs in components.
(error) => {
isLoaded: true,
render() {
const { error, isLoaded, items } = this.state;
if (error) {
return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
} else if (!isLoaded) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
} else {
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>
{} {item.price}
Bonus: setState() inside componentDidMount() is considered an anti-pattern. Only use this pattern when fetching data/measuring DOM nodes.
Further reading:
HashNode discussion
StackOverflow question

Why is the state change of my component not being detected by componentDidUpdate()?

I have a table of ships, and am trying to implement sorting (using table header clicks) and filtering (using a text field that the user types in).
I am puzzled by how React handles the state of my component.
My understanding is that componentDidUpdate() works like this:
I make a change to the component state somewhere
The state change is detected by the component and componentDidUpdate() runs
Based on this understanding, I expected componentDidUpdate() to
Re-sort when I change the state of ships
Re-filter when I change the state of ships
However, when a sorting is triggered, filtering is not done.
I thought that this would happen:
State is changed, triggering componentDidUpdate()
Ships are sorted
The state is saved
The saving of the state triggers a re-run of componentDidUpdate()
this.state.ships is now different from prevState.ships, triggering a re-filtering
But this seems to happen:
State is changed, triggering componentDidUpdate()
Ships are sorted
The state is saved
The saving of the state triggers a re-run of componentDidUpdate()
this.state.ships is the same as prevState.ships, not triggering a re-filtering
So either my understanding of componentDidUpdate() is spotty, or my understanding of state synchronicity is. I have read that state can be asynchronous in event handlers. Perhaps the sorted ships are not yet saved into the state when I try to detect if I should be filtering?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { SearchBar } from '../SearchBar';
import { Table } from '../Table/Table';
import { MoreButton } from '../MoreButton/MoreButton';
export class SearchableSortableTable extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.fetchShips = this.fetchShips.bind(this);
this.filterShips = this.filterShips.bind(this);
this.setSearchExpression = this.setSearchExpression.bind(this);
this.setSort = this.setSort.bind(this);
this.state = {
ships: [],
filteredShips: [],
searchExpression: '',
reverseSort: false
render() {
return (
this.state.error ?
<div>There was a problem fetching the ships, sorry.</div>
this.state.ships.length === 0 ? <h4>Loading...</h4> :
<SearchBar setSearchExpression={this.setSearchExpression} />
<MoreButton className="di" url={this.state.nextUrl} fetchShips={this.fetchShips} />
<Table ships={this.state.filteredShips} setSort={this.setSort} sortBy={this.state.columnName} reverse={this.state.reverseSort} />
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.columnName !== prevState.columnName || this.state.reverseSort !== prevState.reverseSort) {
// This conditional block is not entered when I sort.
if (this.state.ships !== prevState.ships || this.state.searchExpression !== prevState.searchExpression) {
async fetchShips(url) {
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response['status'] && response['status'] === 200) {
const json = await response.json();
const ships = json['results'].map(this.mapShip);
ships: this.state.ships.concat(ships),
nextUrl: json['next']
} else {
this.setState({ error: `${response['status']} ${response['statusText']}` });
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof TypeError && error.message.includes('NetworkError')) {
this.setState({ error: `${} ${error.message}` });
} else {
throw error;
filterShips() {
const filteredShips = this.state.ships.filter(ship => {
return Object.values(ship).some(shipProp => shipProp.includes(this.state['searchExpression']))
filteredShips: filteredShips
setSearchExpression(event) {
this.setState({ searchExpression: });
setSort(event) {
if (event && event['currentTarget'] && event['currentTarget']['attributes'] &&
event['currentTarget']['attributes']['name'] && event['currentTarget']['attributes']['name']['nodeValue']) {
const columnName = event['currentTarget']['attributes']['name']['nodeValue'];
reverseSort: columnName === this.state.columnName ? !this.state.reverseSort : false
sortShips() {
if (this.state.columnName) {
const sortedShips = this.state.ships.sort((a, b) => {
const propA = a[this.state.columnName];
const propB = b[this.state.columnName];
if (!isNaN(+propA)) {
return this.state.reverseSort ? Number(propB) - Number(propA) : Number(propA) - Number(propB);
return this.state.reverseSort ? propB.localeCompare(propA) : propA.localeCompare(propB);
this.setState({ ships: sortedShips });
* Maps a ship to its name, manufacturer, cost and starship class.
* #param ship The ship to be mapped.
mapShip(ship) {
const { name, manufacturer, cost_in_credits, starship_class } = ship;
return Object.assign(
The shouldComponentUpdate() method works for both props and state. In your example, after the sort/filter events, the following method is fired by React. Try using,
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return this.state.value != nextState.value;
