How can I obtain a float value from a double, with mantissa? - c

I'm sorry if I can't explain correctly, but my english management is so bad.
Well, the question is: I have a double var, and I cast this var to float, because I need to send exclusively 4 bytes, not 8. This isn't work for me, so I decide to calculate the value directly from IEEE754 standard.
I have this code:
union DoubleNumberIEEE754{
uint64_t mantissa : 52;
uint64_t exponent : 11;
uint64_t sign : 1;
double d;
char c[8];
floatval = (pow((-1), dnumber.raw.sign) * (1 + dnumber.raw.mantissa) * pow(2, (dnumber.raw.exponent - 1023)));
With these code, I can't obtain the correct value.
I am watching the header from linux to see the correct order of components, but I don't know if this code is correct.

I am skeptical that the double-to-float conversion is broken, but, assuming it is:
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Create a mask of n low bits, for n from 0 to 63.
#define Mask(n) (((uint64_t) 1 << (n)) - 1)
/* This routine converts float values to double values:
float and double must be IEEE-754 binary32 and binary64, respectively.
The payloads of NaNs are not preserved, and only a quiet NaN is
The double is represented to the nearest value in float, with ties
rounded to the float with the even low bit in the significand.
We assume a standard C conversion from double to float is broken for
unknown reasons but that a converstion from a representable uint32_t to a
float works.
static float ConvertDoubleToFloat(double x)
// Copy the double into a uint64_t so we can access its representation.
uint64_t u;
memcpy(&u, &x, sizeof u);
// Extract the fields from the representation of a double.
int SignCode = u >> 63;
int ExponentCode = u >> 52 & Mask(11);
uint64_t SignificandCode = u & Mask(52);
/* Convert the fields to their represented values.
The sign code merely encodes - or +.
The exponent code is biased by 1023 from the actual exponent.
The significand code represents the portion of the significand
after the radix point. However, since there is some problem
converting float to double, we will maintain it with an integer
type, scaled by 2**52 from its represented value.
The exponent code also represents the portion of the significand
before the radix point -- 1 if the exponent is non-zero, 0 if the
exponent is zero. We include that in the significand, scaled by
float Sign = SignCode ? -1 : +1;
int Exponent = ExponentCode - 1023;
uint64_t ScaledSignificand =
(ExponentCode ? ((uint64_t) 1 << 52) : 0) + SignificandCode;
// Handle NaNs and infinities.
if (ExponentCode == Mask(11))
return Sign * (SignificandCode == 0 ? INFINITY : NAN);
/* Round the significand:
If Exponent < -150, all bits of the significand are below 1/2 ULP
of the least positive float, so they round to zero.
If -150 <= Exponent < -126, only bits of the significand
corresponding to exponent -149 remain in the significand, so we
shift accordingly and round the residue.
Otherwise, the top 24 bits of the significand remain in the
significand (except when there is overflow to infinity), so we
shift accordingly and round the residue.
Note that the scaling in the new significand is 2**23 instead of 2**52,
since we are shifting it for the float format.
uint32_t NewScaledSignificand;
if (Exponent < -150)
NewScaledSignificand = 0;
unsigned Shift = 53 - (Exponent < -126 ? Exponent - -150 : 24);
NewScaledSignificand = ScaledSignificand >> Shift;
// Clamp the exponent for subnormals.
if (Exponent < -126)
Exponent = -126;
// Examine the residue being lost and round accordingly.
uint64_t Residue = ScaledSignificand - ((uint64_t) NewScaledSignificand << Shift);
uint64_t Half = (uint64_t) 1 << Shift-1;
// If the residue is greater than 1/2 ULP, round up (in magnitude).
if (Half < Residue)
NewScaledSignificand += 1;
/* If the residue is 1/2 ULP, round 0.1 to 0 and 1.1 to 10.0 (these
numerals are binary with "." marking the ULP position).
else if (Half == Residue)
NewScaledSignificand += NewScaledSignificand & 1;
/* Otherwise, the residue is less than 1/2, and we have already
rounded down, in the shift.
// Combine the components, including removing the significand scaling.
return Sign * ldexpf(NewScaledSignificand, Exponent-23);
static void TestOneSign(double x)
float Expected = x;
float Observed = ConvertDoubleToFloat(x);
if (Observed != Expected && !(isnan(Observed) && isnan(Expected)))
printf("Error, %a -> %a, but expected %a.\n",
x, Observed, Expected);
static void Test(double x)
int main(void)
for (int e = -1024; e < 1024; ++e)
Test(ldexp(0x1.0p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.4p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.8p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.cp0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.5555540p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.5555548p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.5555550p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.5555558p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.5555560p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.5555568p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.5555570p0, e));
Test(ldexp(0x1.5555578p0, e));
Test(0x1p128 - 0x1p104);
Test(0x1p128 - 0x.9p104);
Test(0x1p128 - 0x.8p104);
Test(0x1p128 - 0x.7p104);


How to check that a value fits in a type without invoking undefined behaviour?

I am looking to check if a double value can be represented as an int (or the same for any pair of floating point an integer types). This is a simple way to do it:
double x = ...;
int i = x; // potentially undefined behaviour
if ((double) i != x) {
// not representable
However, it invokes undefined behaviour on the marked line, and triggers UBSan (which some will complain about).
Is this method considered acceptable in general?
Is there a reasonably simple way to do it without invoking undefined behaviour?
Clarifications, as requested:
The situation I am facing right now involves conversion from double to various integer types (int, long, long long) in C. However, I have encountered similar situations before, thus I am interested in answers both for float -> integer and integer -> float conversions.
Examples of how the conversion may fail:
Float -> integer conversion may fail is the value is not a whole number, e.g. 3.5.
The source value may be out of the range of the target type (larger or small than max and min representable values). For example 1.23e100.
The source values may be +-Inf or NaN, NaN being tricky as any comparison with it returns false.
Integer -> float conversion may fail when the float type does not have enough precision. For example, typical double have 52 binary digits compared to 63 digits in a 64-bit integer type. For example, on a typical 64-bit system, (long) (double) ((1L << 53) + 1L).
I do understand that 1L << 53 (as opposed to (1L << 53) + 1) is technically exactly representable as a double, and that the code I proposed would accept this conversion, even though it probably shouldn't be allowed.
Anything I didn't think of?
Create range limits exactly as FP types
The "trick" is to form the limits without loosing precision.
Let us consider float to int.
Conversion of float to int is valid (for example with 32-bit 2's complement int) for -2,147,483,648.9999... to 2,147,483,647.9999... or nearly INT_MIN -1 to INT_MAX + 1.
We can take advantage that integer_MAX is always a power-of-2 - 1 and integer_MIN is -(power-of-2) (for common 2's complement).
Avoid the limit of FP_INT_MIN_minus_1 as it may/may not be exactly encodable as a FP.
// Form FP limits of "INT_MAX plus 1" and "INT_MIN"
#define FLOAT_INT_MAX_P1 ((INT_MAX/2 + 1)*2.0f)
#define FLOAT_INT_MIN ((float) INT_MIN)
if (f < FLOAT_INT_MAX_P1 && f - FLOAT_INT_MIN > -1.0f) {
// Within range.
Use modff() to detect a fraction if desired.
More pedantic code would use !isnan(f) and consider non-2's complement encoding.
Using known limits and floating-point number validity. Check what's inside limits.h header.
You can write something like this:
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
// Of course, constants used are specific to "int" type... There is others for other types.
if ((isnormal(x)) && (x>=INT_MIN) && (x<=INT_MAX) && (round(x)==x))
// Safe assignation from double to int.
i = (int)x ;
// Handle error/overflow here.
ERROR(.....) ;
Code relies on lazy boolean evaluation, obviously.
Please refer to IEEE 754 representation of floating point numbers in Memory
Take double as an example:
Sign bit: 1 bit
Exponent: 11 bits
Fraction: 52 bits
There are three special values to point out here:
If the exponent is 0 and the fractional part of the mantissa is 0, the number is ±0
If the exponent is 2047 and the fractional part of the mantissa is 0, the number is ±∞
If the exponent is 2047 and the fractional part of the mantissa is non-zero, the number is NaN.
This is an example of convert from double to int on 64-bit, just for reference
#include <stdint.h>
#define EXPBITS 11
#define GENMASK(n) (((uint64_t)1 << (n)) - 1)
int double_to_int(double src, int *dst)
union {
double d;
uint64_t i;
} y;
int exp;
int sign;
int maxbits;
uint64_t fraction;
y.d = src;
sign = (y.i & SIGNMASK) ? 1 : 0;
exp = (y.i & EXPMASK) >> FRACTIONBITS;
fraction = (y.i & FRACTIONMASK);
// 0
if (fraction == 0 && exp == 0) {
*dst = 0;
return 0;
exp -= EXPBIAS;
// not a whole number
if (exp < 0)
return -1;
// out of the range of int
maxbits = sizeof(*dst) * 8 - 1;
if (exp >= maxbits && !(exp == maxbits && sign && fraction == 0))
return -2;
// not a whole number
if (fraction & GENMASK(FRACTIONBITS - exp))
return -3;
// convert to int
*dst = src;
return 0;

Converting given mantissa, exponent, and sign to float?

I am given the mantissa, exponent, and sign and I have to convert it into the corresponding float. I am using 22 bits for mantissa, 9 bits for exponent, and 1 bit for the sign.
I conceptually know how to convert them into a float, first adjusting the exponent back to its place, then converting the resulting number back into a float, but I'm having trouble implementing this in C. I saw this thread, but I couldn't understand the code, and I'm not sure the answer is even right. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I need to code it in C
Edit: I've made some progress by first converting the mantissa into binary, then adjusting the decimal point of the binary, then converting the decimal-point binary back into the actual float. I based my conversion functions off these two GeekforGeek pages (one, two) But it seems like doing all these binary conversions is doing it the long and hard way. The link above apparently does it in very little steps by using the >> operators, but I don't understand exactly how that results in a float.
Here is a program with comments explaining the decoding:
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Define constants describing the floating-point encoding.
SignificandBits = 22, // Number of bits in signficand field.
ExponentBits = 9, // Number of bits in exponent field.
ExponentMaximum = (1 << ExponentBits) - 1,
ExponentBias = (1 << ExponentBits-1) - 1,
/* Given the contents of the sign, exponent, and significand fields that
encode a floating-point number following IEEE-754 patterns for binary
floating-point, return the encoded number.
"double" is used for the return type as not all values represented by the
sample format (9 exponent bits, 22 significand bits) will fit in a "float"
when it is the commonly used IEEE-754 binary32 format.
double DecodeCustomFloat(
unsigned SignField, uint32_t ExponentField, uint32_t SignificandField)
/* We are given a significand field as an integer, but it is used as the
value of a binary numeral consisting of “.” followed by the significand
bits. That value equals the integer divided by 2 to the power of the
number of significand bits. Define a constant with that value to be
used for converting the significand field to represented value.
static const double SignificandRatio = (uint32_t) 1 << SignificandBits;
/* Decode the sign field:
If the sign bit is 0, the sign is +, for which we use +1.
If the sign bit is 1, the sign is -, for which we use -1.
double Sign = SignField ? -1. : +1.;
// Dispatch to handle the different categories of exponent field.
switch (ExponentField)
/* When the exponent field is all ones, the value represented is a
NaN or infinity:
If the significand field is zero, it is an infinity.
Otherwise, it is a NaN. In either case, the sign should be
Note this is a simple demonstration implementation that does not
preserve the bits in the significand field of a NaN -- we just
return the generic NAN without attempting to set its significand
case ExponentMaximum:
return Sign * (SignificandField ? NAN : INFINITY);
/* When the exponent field is not all zeros or all ones, the value
represented is a normal number:
The exponent represented is ExponentField - ExponentBias, and
the significand represented is the value given by the binary
numeral “1.” followed by the significand bits.
int Exponent = ExponentField - ExponentBias;
double Significand = 1 + SignificandField / SignificandRatio;
return Sign * ldexp(Significand, Exponent);
/* When the exponent field is zero, the value represented is subnormal:
The exponent represented is 1 - ExponentBias, and the
significand represented is the value given by the binary
numeral “0.” followed by the significand bits.
case 0:
int Exponent = 1 - ExponentBias;
double Significand = 0 + SignificandField / SignificandRatio;
return Sign * ldexp(Significand, Exponent);
/* Test that a given set of fields decodes to the expected value and
print the fields and the decoded value.
static void Demonstrate(
unsigned SignField, uint32_t SignificandField, uint32_t ExponentField,
double Expected)
double Observed
= DecodeCustomFloat(SignField, SignificandField, ExponentField);
if (! (Observed == Expected) && ! (isnan(Observed) && isnan(Expected)))
"Error, expected (%u, %" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ") to represent "
"%g (hexadecimal %a) but got %g (hexadecimal %a).\n",
SignField, SignificandField, ExponentField,
Expected, Expected,
Observed, Observed);
"(%u, %" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ") represents %g (hexadecimal %a).\n",
SignField, SignificandField, ExponentField, Observed, Observed);
int main(void)
Demonstrate(0, 0, 0, +0.);
Demonstrate(1, 0, 0, -0.);
Demonstrate(0, 255, 0, +1.);
Demonstrate(1, 255, 0, -1.);
Demonstrate(0, 511, 0, +INFINITY);
Demonstrate(1, 511, 0, -INFINITY);
Demonstrate(0, 511, 1, +NAN);
Demonstrate(1, 511, 1, -NAN);
Demonstrate(0, 0, 1, +0x1p-276);
Demonstrate(1, 0, 1, -0x1p-276);
Demonstrate(0, 255, 1, +1. + 0x1p-22);
Demonstrate(1, 255, 1, -1. - 0x1p-22);
Demonstrate(0, 1, 0, +0x1p-254);
Demonstrate(1, 1, 0, -0x1p-254);
Demonstrate(0, 510, 0x3fffff, +0x1p256 - 0x1p233);
Demonstrate(1, 510, 0x3fffff, -0x1p256 + 0x1p233);
Some notes:
ldexp is a standard C library function. ldexp(x, e) returns x multiplied by 2 to the power of e.
uint32_t is an unsigned 32-bit integer type. It is defined in stdint.h.
"%" PRIu32 provides a printf conversion specification for formatting a uint32_t.
Here is a simple program to illustrate how to break a float into its components and how to compose a float value from a (sign, exponent, mantissa) triplet:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void dumpbits(uint32_t bits, int n) {
while (n--)
printf("%d%c", (bits >> n) & 1, ".|"[!n]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned sign = 0;
unsigned exponent = 127;
unsigned long mantissa = 0;
union {
float f32;
uint32_t u32;
} u;
if (argc == 2) {
u.f32 = strtof(argv[1], NULL);
sign = u.u32 >> 31;
exponent = (u.u32 >> 23) & 0xff;
mantissa = (u.u32) & 0x7fffff;
printf("%.8g -> sign:%u, exponent:%u, mantissa:0x%06lx\n",
(double)u.f32, sign, exponent, mantissa);
dumpbits(sign, 1);
dumpbits(exponent, 8);
dumpbits(mantissa, 23);
} else {
if (argc > 1) sign = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
if (argc > 2) exponent = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
if (argc > 3) mantissa = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 0);
u.u32 = (sign << 31) | (exponent << 23) | mantissa;
printf("sign:%u, exponent:%u, mantissa:0x%06lx -> %.8g\n",
sign, exponent, mantissa, (double)u.f32);
return 0;
Note that contrary to your assignment, the size of the mantissa is 23 bits and the exponent has 8 bits, which correspond to the IEEE 754 Standard for 32-bit aka single-precision float. See the Wikipedia article on Single-precision floating-point format.
Linked question is C++ not C. To convert between datatypes in C preserving bits, a tool to use is the union. Something like
union float_or_int {
uint32_t i;
float f;
float to_float(uint32_t mantissa, uint32_t exponent, uint32_t sign)
union float_or_int result;
result.i = (sign << 31) | (exponent << 22) | mantissa;
return result.f;
Sorry for typos, it's been a while since I've coded in C 😙

Turn int to IEEE 754, extract exponent, and add 1 to exponent

I need to multiply a number without using * or + operator or other libs, only binary logic
To multiply a number by two using the IEEE norm, you add one to the exponent, for example:
12 = 1 10000010 100000(...)
So the exponent is: 10000010 (130)
If I want to multiply it by 2, I just add 1 to it and it becomes 10000011 (131).
If I get a float, how do I turn it into, binary, then IEEE norm? Example:
8.0 = 1000.0 in IEEE I need it to have only one number on the left side, so 1.000 * 2^3. Then how do I add one so I multiply it by 2?
I need to get a float, ie. 6.5
Turn it to binary 110.1
Then to IEEE 754 0 10000001 101000(...)
Extract the exponent 10000001
Add one to it 10000010
Return it to IEEE 754 0 10000010 101000(...)
Then back to float 13
Given that the C implementation is known to use IEEE-754 basic 32-bit binary floating-point for its float type, the following code shows how to take apart the bits that represent a float, adjust the exponent, and reassemble the bits. Only simple multiplications involving normal numbers are handled.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
float f = 6.125;
// Copy the bits that represent the float f into a 32-bit integer.
uint32_t u;
assert(sizeof f == sizeof u);
memcpy(&u, &f, sizeof u);
// Extract the sign, exponent, and significand fields.
uint32_t sign = u >> 31;
uint32_t exponent = (u >> 23) & 0xff;
uint32_t significand = u & 0x7fffff;
// Assert the exponent field is in the normal range and will remain so.
assert(0 < exponent && exponent < 254);
// Increment the exponent.
// Reassemble the bits and copy them back into f.
u = sign << 31 | exponent << 23 | significand;
memcpy(&f, &u, sizeof f);
// Display the result.
printf("%g\n", f);
Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but C has a library function ldexp which does exactly what you need:
double x = 6.5;
x = ldexp(x, 1); // now x is 13
Maybe unions is the tool you need.
union fb {
float f;
struct b_s {
unsigned int sign :1;
unsigned int mant :22;
unsigned int exp :8;
} b;
fb num;
int main() {
num.f = 3.1415;
std::cout << num.f << std::endl;
return 0;

Bit shifting for fixed point arithmetic on float numbers in C

i wrote the following test code to check fixed point arithmetic and bit shifting.
void main(){
float x = 2;
float y = 3;
float z = 1;
unsigned int * px = (unsigned int *) (& x);
unsigned int * py = (unsigned int *) (& y);
unsigned int * pz = (unsigned int *) (& z);
*px <<= 1;
*py <<= 1;
*pz <<= 1;
*pz =*px + *py;
*px >>= 1;
*py >>= 1;
*pz >>= 1;
printf("%f %f %f\n",x,y,z);
The result is
2.000000 3.000000 0.000000
Why is the last number 0? I was expecting to see a 5.000000
I want to use some kind of fixed point arithmetic to bypass the use of floating point numbers on an image processing application. Which is the best/easiest/most efficient way to turn my floating point arrays into integers? Is the above "tricking the compiler" a robust workaround? Any suggestions?
If you want to use fixed point, dont use type 'float' or 'double' because them has internal structure. Floats and Doubles have specific bit for sign; some bits for exponent, some for mantissa (take a look on color image here); so they inherently are floating point.
You should either program fixed point by hand storing data in integer type, or use some fixed-point library (or language extension).
There is a description of Floating point extensions implemented in GCC:
There is some MACRO-based manual implementation of fixed-point for C:
What you are doing are cruelties to the numbers.
First, you assign values to float variables. How they are stored is system dependant, but normally, IEEE 754 format is used. So your variables internally look like
x = 2.0 = 1 * 2^1 : sign = 0, mantissa = 1, exponent = 1 -> 0 10000000 00000000000000000000000 = 0x40000000
y = 3.0 = 1.5 * 2^1 : sign = 0, mantissa = 1.5, exponent = 1 -> 0 10000000 10000000000000000000000 = 0x40400000
z = 1.0 = 1 * 2^0 : sign = 0, mantissa = 1, exponent = 0 -> 0 01111111 00000000000000000000000 = 0x3F800000
If you do some bit shiftng operations on these numbers, you mix up the borders between sign, exponent and mantissa and so anything can, may and will happen.
In your case:
your 2.0 becomes 0x80000000, resulting in -0.0,
your 3.0 becomes 0x80800000, resulting in -1.1754943508222875e-38,
your 1.0 becomes 0x7F000000, resulting in 1.7014118346046923e+38.
The latter you lose by adding -0.0 and -1.1754943508222875e-38, which becomes the latter, namely 0x80800000, which should be, after >>ing it by 1, 3.0 again. I don't know why it isn't, probably because I made a mistake here.
What stays is that you cannot do bit-shifting on floats an expect a reliable result.
I would consider converting them to integer or other fixed-point on the ARM and sending them over the line as they are.
It's probable that your compiler uses IEEE 754 format for floats, which in bit terms, looks like this:
^ bit 31 ^ bit 0
S is the sign bit s = 1 implies the number is negative.
E bits are the exponent. There are 8 exponent bits giving a range of 0 - 255 but the exponent is biased - you need to subtract 127 to get the true exponent.
F bits are the fraction part, however, you need to imagine an invisible 1 on the front so the fraction is always 1.something and all you see are the binary fraction digits.
The number 2 is 1 x 21 = 1 x 2128 - 127 so is encoded as
So if you use a bit shift to shift it right you get
which by convention is -0 in IEEE754, so rather than multiplying your number by 2 your shift has made it zero.
The number 3 is [1 + 0.5] x 2128 - 127
which is represented as
Shifting that left gives you
which is -1 x 2-126 or some very small number.
You can do the same for z, but you probably get the idea that shifting just screws up floating point numbers.
Fixed point doesn't work that way. What you want to do is something like this:
void main(){
// initing 8bit fixed point numbers
unsigned int x = 2 << 8;
unsigned int y = 3 << 8;
unsigned int z = 1 << 8;
// adding two numbers
unsigned int a = x + y;
// multiplying two numbers with fixed point adjustment
unsigned int b = (x * y) >> 8;
// use numbers
printf("%d %d\n", a >> 8, b >> 8);

Converting double to float without relying on the FPU rounding mode

Does anyone have handy the snippets of code to convert an IEEE 754 double to the immediately inferior (resp. superior) float, without changing or assuming anything about the FPU's current rounding mode?
Note: this constraint probably implies not using the FPU at all. I expect the simplest way to do it in these conditions is to read the bits of the double in a 64-bit long and to work with that.
You can assume the endianness of your choice for simplicity, and that the double in question is available through the d field of the union below:
union double_bits
long i;
double d;
I would try to do it myself but I am certain I would introduce hard-to-notice bugs for denormalized or negative numbers.
I think the following works, but I will state my assumptions first:
floating-point numbers are stored in IEEE-754 format on your implementation,
No overflow,
You have nextafterf() available (it's specified in C99).
Also, most likely, this method is not very efficient.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Change to non-zero for superior, otherwise inferior */
int superior = 0;
/* double value to convert */
double d = 0.1;
float f;
double tmp = d;
if (argc > 1)
d = strtod(argv[1], NULL);
/* First, get an approximation of the double value */
f = d;
/* Now, convert that back to double */
tmp = f;
/* Print the numbers. %a is C99 */
printf("Double: %.20f (%a)\n", d, d);
printf("Float: %.20f (%a)\n", f, f);
printf("tmp: %.20f (%a)\n", tmp, tmp);
if (superior) {
/* If we wanted superior, and got a smaller value,
get the next value */
if (tmp < d)
f = nextafterf(f, INFINITY);
} else {
if (tmp > d)
f = nextafterf(f, -INFINITY);
printf("converted: %.20f (%a)\n", f, f);
return 0;
On my machine, it prints:
Double: 0.10000000000000000555 (0x1.999999999999ap-4)
Float: 0.10000000149011611938 (0x1.99999ap-4)
tmp: 0.10000000149011611938 (0x1.99999ap-4)
converted: 0.09999999403953552246 (0x1.999998p-4)
The idea is that I am converting the double value to a float value—this could be less than or greater than the double value depending upon the rounding mode. When converted back to double, we can check if it is smaller or greater than the original value. Then, if the value of the float is not in the right direction, we look at the next float number from the converted number in the original number's direction.
To do this job more accurately than just re-combine mantissa and exponent bit's check this out:
I posted code to do this here: and copied it below for your convenience.
// d is IEEE double, but double is not natively supported.
static float ConvertDoubleToFloat(void* d)
unsigned long long x;
float f; // assumed to be IEEE float
unsigned long long sign ;
unsigned long long exponent;
unsigned long long mantissa;
// IEEE binary64 format (unsupported)
sign = (x >> 63) & 1; // 1
exponent = ((x >> 52) & 0x7FF); // 11
mantissa = (x >> 0) & 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; // 52
exponent -= 1023;
// IEEE binary32 format (supported)
exponent += 127; // rebase
exponent &= 0xFF;
mantissa >>= (52-23); // left justify
x = mantissa | (exponent << 23) | (sign << 31);
return f;
