How to restore database when files are claimed? - sql-server

I have to restore a database and am following this official documentation where I follow two steps:
- List the files
- Run the Restore command with respect to the files aforementioned.
However, I am facing "already claimed" error.
I tried to use different names but it is not possible since the backup has certain files. I also tried other answers across different domains, all have GUI.
The first command that I ran was:
sudo docker exec -it sql1 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost \
-U SA -P '<YourStrong#Passw0rd>' \
-Q 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = "/var/opt/mssql/backup/us_national_statistics.bak"' \
| tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 1-2
I got the following output:
LogicalName PhysicalName
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
us_national_statistics C:\Program
us_national_statistics_log C:\Program
Then, as per the documentation, I ran this command:
sudo docker exec -it sql1 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd \
-S localhost -U SA -P '<YourStrong#Passw0rd>' \
-Q 'RESTORE DATABASE US_NATIONAL FROM DISK = "/var/opt/mssql/backup/us_national_statistics.bak" WITH MOVE "us_national_statistics" TO "C:\Program", MOVE "us_national_statistics_log" TO "C:\Program"'
Here, I get the following error:
Msg 3176, Level 16, State 1, Server 0a6a6aac7476, Line 1
File 'C:\Program\New' is claimed by 'us_national_statistics_log'(2) and 'us_national_statistics'(1). The WITH MOVE clause can be used to relocate one or more files.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server 0a6a6aac7476, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
I expect the database to be restored.

You can't restore to C:\Program for multiple reasons. That's not a full path (you seem to have lost the string after the first space in Program Files); the data and log can't both be put in the same file; you don't typically have write access to the root of any drive; and C:\ is not valid in Docker or Linux.
You need the LogicalName, but you should not be using the PhysicalName directly, either in the case where you are restoring to Docker or Linux, or in the case where you are restoring a database alongside an existing copy that you want to keep, or in the case where you are restoring a database to a different instance (which will more than likely have a different data folder structure).
FROM DISK = "/var/opt/mssql/backup/us_national_statistics.bak"
MOVE "us_national_statistics" TO "/var/opt/mssql/data/usns_copy.mdf",
MOVE "us_national_statistics_log" TO "/var/opt/mssql/data/usns_copy.ldf";


Backup MSSQL DB Schema

I'm trying to back up my production database to my local dev machine with the following constraints:
It will be a regular backup, so using the UI should (ideally?) be avoided.
Some tables are marked to be deleted, so these should not be included in the backup.
I would like to be able to pass the solution (file/package/etc) to other members of the team and they should only have to change a couple of variables in one file and then they can execute and get their own backup.
The DB is over 100GB and contains data that I won't need. I have identified the top largest tables and would only like to take say 5k rows from each - this should provide me with enough data for my purposes and limit space used on my local drives.
I have tried beginning with backing up the schema only using the following methods:
Using the UI to backup Schema only (Tasks -> Generate Scripts)
Get the following error:
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FailedOperationException: Discover dependencies failed. ---> System.ArgumentException: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'Server[#Name='PRODSQL']/Database[#Name='Database1']/UnresolvedEntity[#Name='SomeObjectName' and #Schema='Some.Schema.SomeObjectName']' Key being added: 'Server[#Name='PRODSQL']/Database[#Name='Database1']/UnresolvedEntity[#Name='SomeObjectName' and #Schema='Some.Schema.SomeObjectName']' at System.Collections.SortedList.Add(Object key, Object value) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DependencyTree..ctor(Urn[] urns, DependencyChainCollection dependencies, Boolean fParents, Server server) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DependencyWalker.DiscoverDependencies(Urn[] urns, Boolean parents) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlScriptPublish.GeneratePublishPage.worker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)
So I moved on.
Tasks -> Copy Database
I get a message saying there is not enough space on disk
Extract Data-tier Application
Get same error as in 1. above.
Powershell script, and a batch file calling sqlcmd on the generated .sql files after the PS script was run.
I was sure this method would work and it took me 2 days to get this far, but still working through multiple errors.
Basically I am doing the following:
Create db objects from the source DB (Schemas, SPs, Tables, Views, UDFs, Triggers, Indexes) and output them to .sql files - Roughly followed with some more work added.
If the database already exists on my server, kill, drop, then recreate it (DropCreate.sql):
IF(db_id(#DatabaseName) IS NOT NULL)
SELECT #SQL = COALESCE(#SQL,'') + 'Kill ' + Convert(VARCHAR, SPId) + ';'
FROM MASTER..SysProcesses
WHERE DBId = DB_ID(#DatabaseName) AND SPId <> ##SPId
The .bat file is essentially doing this
sqlcmd -S %Server% -U %UserName% -P %Password% -i C:\Database\DatabaseScripts\TestDatabase\DropCreateDB.sql
#loop through and execute multiple .sql files in the directory
for /f %f in (`dir /b C:\Database\DatabaseScripts\TestDatabase\2018-04-18-15-13-13\StoredProcedures\`) do sqlcmd -S %Server% -d %Database% -U %UserName% -P %Password% -i %f
#Just one sql file in this directory, execute it
sqlcmd -S %Server% -d %Database% -U %UserName% -P %Password% -i C:\Database\DatabaseScripts\TestDatabase\2018-04-18-15-13-13\Schemas\AllSchemas.sql
sqlcmd -S %Server% -d %Database% -U %UserName% -P %Password% -i C:\Database\DatabaseScripts\TestDatabase\2018-04-18-15-13-13\Tables\AllTables.sql
The latest error I'm experiencing is:
Changed database context to 'master'.
Msg 6107, Level 14, State 1, Server MYSERVER, Line 1
Only user processes can be killed.
do was unexpected at this time.
Everywhere I turn I am experiencing new errors and have spent over 2 days on it, and I haven't even got to getting the data yet..
TLDR: Is there any easier way backup MSSQL Db schema and top n rows of data from certain tables?

Postgresql table backup restoration

I have a database which contains 50 tables (5 schemas, 5 tablespaces). And tried to take a backup of few tables (each table in different tablespace) using following command.
$psql -U my_db_user my_db_name -t my_table_1 -t my_table_2 -t my_table_3 > ttables.sql
Above command is working fine to take the *sql backup. But the table column value is having null values. While restoring the the dump using the following command getting some error due to null (\N) values which is in backup file (ttables.sql).
$cat ttables.sql | psql -d new_db -U new_db_user
Is there any way to avoid \N characters in backup dump file? or Any wrong with backup / restore command which I have used?
(Postgres version 9.1)

Setting up a database, schemas, tables and stored procedures all in one click

I have all the scripts to do:
Set up a database.
Create schema/s.
Create tables.
Create stored procedures.
I would like to write a batch file that will have SQL Server run those scripts and consequently my database will be created easier and quicker. For the sake of this example, lets assume that I have a folder with the address C:\folder and inside this folder I have files SetDatabase.sql, SetSchema.sql, SetTable.sql, and SetSP.sql. How would I set all that up on localhost\TSQL2012?
You can do this in powershell using sqlcmd
sqlcmd -S serverName\instanceName -i scripts.sql
The above statement will execute a script.
You can use the :r command in another file (scripts.sql) to store all your scripts.
:r C:\..\script1.sql
:r C:\..\script2.sql
set _connectionCredentialsMaster=-S MyServer\MyInstance -d Master -U sa -P mypassword
set _connectionCredentialsMyDatabase=-S MyServer\MyInstance -d MyDatabase -U sa -P mypassword
set _sqlcmd="%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE"
%_sqlcmd% -i MyFileCreateDatabase001.sql -b -o MyFileCreateDatabase001.Sql.log %_connectionCredentialsMaster%
%_sqlcmd% -i MyFile001.sql -b -o MyFile001.Sql.log %_connectionCredentialsMyDatabase%
%_sqlcmd% -i MyFile002.sql -b -o MyFile002.Sql.log %_connectionCredentialsMyDatabase%
set _connectionCredentialsMaster=
set _connectionCredentialsMyDatabase=
set _sqlcmd=
Just remember, when you run the 'Create Database' statement, you are actually USING the "Master" database. Then, after MyDatabase is created, you can use it. Thus why the first line in the example above...connects to Master.
The above will let you set the credentials "at the top" "one time"....and keep your lines in the file for each file.
Use SQL data tools to implement your needs. You should study about that before you do.

How Do I Generate Sybase BCP Fmt file?

I have a huge database which I want to dump out using BCP and then load it up elsewhere. I have done quite a bit of research on the Sybase version of BCP (being more familiar with the MSSQL one) and I see how to USE an Import file but I can't figure out for the life of me how to create one.
I am currently making my Sybase bcp out files of data like this:
bcp mytester.dbo.XTABLE out XTABLE.bcp -U sa -P mypass -T -n
and trying to import them back in like this:
bcp mytester.dbo.XTABLE in XTABLE.bcp -E -n -S Sybase_157 -U sa -P SyAdmin
Right now, the IN part gives me an error about IDENTITY_INSERT regardless of if the table has an identity or not:
Server Message: Sybase157 - Msg 7756, Level 16, State 1: Cannot use
'SET IDENTITY_INSERT' for table 'mytester.dbo.XTABLE' because the
table does not have the identity property.
I have often used the great info on this page for help, but this is the first time i've put in a question, so i humbly request any guidance you all can provide :)
In your BCP in, the -E flag tells bcp to take identity column values from the input file. I would try running it without that flag. fmt files in Sybase are a bit finicky, and I would try to avoid if possible. So as long as your schemas are the same between your systems the following command should work:
bcp mytester.dbo.XTABLE in XTABLE.bcp -n -S Sybase_157 -U sa -P SyAdmin
Also, the -T flag on your bcp out seems odd. I know SQLServer -T is a security setting, but in Sybase it indicates the max size of a text or image column, and is followed by a number..e.g -T 32000 (would be 32Kbytes)
But to answer the question in your title, if you run bcp out interactively (without specifying -c,-n, or -f) it will step through each column, prompting for information. At the end it will ask if you want to create a format file, and allow you to specify the name of the file.
For reference, here is the syntax and available flags:
And the chapter in the Utility Guide:

Override file while backup database

I want to back up a database using this code
sqlcmd -S servername -Q "BACKUP DATABASE [DBName] TO DISK = 'C:\backup.bak'"
It works. But if the backup file already exists, the data gets appended to the file instead of replacing the file. Every time I call BACKUP DATABASE the file gets bigger.
Is there an option for BACKUP DATABASE to force a replace?
sqlcmd -S servername -Q "BACKUP DATABASE [DBName] TO DISK = 'C:\backup.bak' WITH INIT"
INIT does the trick. From MSDN:
INIT Specifies that all backup sets should be overwritten
WITH INIT is not enough. Should be WITH INIT, SKIP these days. Docs
Explanation: INIT overwrites only if some conditions are met. SKIP instructs to ignore those conditions.
BACKUP DATABASE SQ_P TO DISK='D:\Data Backup\SQ_P.bak' with init;
where SQ_P is the Database Name
