Get a part of an integer in C - c

I came from python and it was easy to get the middle digit of an integer, for example, from 897 I want the 9:
>>> num = 897
>>> num2 = int(str(num)[1])
>>> num2
But how i can do this on C? It's so difficult to convert into string...

Getting a single digit as an int can be done mathematically:
int num = 897;
int dig1 = (num / 1 ) % 10;
int dig2 = (num / 10 ) % 10;
int dig3 = (num / 100 ) % 10;
Division by one on the first line is only for illustration of the concept: you divide by n-th power of ten, starting with 100 = 1.

You can try the modulus operator (%).
In your case
num = 897
lastDigit = num%10; // Which returns 7
lastDigit/= 10;
secondLastDigit = lastDigit%10; //Which returns 9
Do this using a while loop for as long as you want. EG.
digit = num%10;

The closest approximation in C to the given Python fragment, and its str operator, is sprintf/snprintf:
int num = 897;
char numstr[30];
sprintf(numstr, "%d", num);
char num2 = numstr[1];
int num2n = num2 - '0';
printf("%d\n", num2n);
To guard against buffer overflow, it's safer to get in the habit of using snprintf rather than sprintf:
snprintf(numstr, sizeof(numstr), "%d", num);
Instead of sprintf and %d, some systems provide an itoa() function (the opposite of atoi) for converting integers to strings, but it's not standard. For more information about converting numbers to strings, see Converting int to string in C.
This is "harder" in C than it is in Python for a couple of reasons. Constructing strings from numbers typically involves calls to snprintf, which is both more flexible and more of a nuisance than just calling str(). You typically have to worry about how big the destination array (here numstr) needs to be; this difficulty stems from C's lack of a first-class string type. And C has no convenience method for converting back and forth between digit characters and their values, so C programmers get used to adding and subtracting the constant '0' (or, if they like to make more work for themselves, 48).
(And the other part of the difficulty stems, I guess, from practicality. C was originally designed for writing operating systems and text editors and system utilities and things. How often do you need the middle digit of a number, anyway?)


Buggy transfer of single long long numbers to int array

I’m trying to grab a Long Long Int and split each place number into it’s own spot in an array, in order of course, with array[0] being the largest number.
So for instance, if the number was 314, then array[0] = 3, array[1] =1, and array[2] = 4.
This is part of a calculator project for a microcontroller where I’m writing the graphics library (for fun) and using arrays to display each line.
The issue is, it needs to be able to deal with really large numbers (9,999,999,999+), and I’m having dramas with the large stuff. If the Long Long is < 1,000,000, it will writes all the numbers perfectly, but the more numbers I add, they all start to be written wrong towards the end.
For instance, 1,234,567,890 displays as 1,234,567,966.
Here’s the snippet of code I’m using:
long long int number = 1234567890;
int answerArray[10];
int numberLength = 10;
for(writeNumber = 0; writeNumber < numberLength; writeNumber++)
answerArray[writeNumber] = ((int)(number / pow(10, (numberLength - 1 - writeNumber))) % 10;
I’m fairly sure this has to do with either the “%” and multiple data types, because any number within the Int range works perfectly.
Can you see where I’m going wrong? Is there a better way achieve my goal? Any tips for large numbers?
The signature of pow is
double pow(double x, double y);
When you call the function, the computation will implicitly use floating point. That is why it is no longer exact as pure integer operations.
In addition, you have to be careful how you cast to int.
In your question, you have
((int)(number / pow(10, (numberLength - 1 - writeNumber))) % 10;
The parentheses do not match, so I will assume you meant:
(int)(number / pow(10, (numberLength - 1 - writeNumber))) % 10;
However, here you cast a number that may exceed the range of int before you apply the modulo 10 operation. That can result in an integer overflow. The code is doing the same as if you had written:
((int)(number / pow(10, (numberLength - 1 - writeNumber)))) % 10;
To avoid the overflow, it would be better to perform the modulo operation first. However, you are dealing implicitly with double at this point (because of pow), so it is not ideal either. It is best to stick with pure integer operations to avoid these pitfalls.
Your issue is that you're casting what is potentially a very large number to an int. Look at the iteration when writeNumber is numberLength-1. In that case, you're dividing a long long by 1 and then forcing the result into an int. Once number becomes larger than 2^31-1, you're going to run into problems.
You should remove the cast altogether as well as the call to pow. Instead, you should iteratively grab the next digit by modding out by 10 and then dividing number (or a copy of it) by 10.
int index = sizeof(answerArray)/sizeof(answerArray[0]);
for (long long x=number; x>0; x /= 10) {
answerArray[--index] = x%10;

How do I populate an array with the digits of a given integer in C? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
convert an integer number into an array
(8 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
So lets say you have an integer in your code declared
int my_num = 967892;
and you have an array
int a[6];
How would you put that integer into the array so it looks like this?
{ 9, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2 }
Perhaps like this:
const unsigned char digits[] = { 9, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2 };
but there are many things that are unclear with your question, of course.
If you want to do this at runtime, as your comment now makes me believe, you need more code of course. Also, it will be tricky to make the array "fit" the number exactly, since that requires runtime-sizing of the array.
The core operation is % 10, which when applied to a number results in the rightmost digit (the "ones" digit).
You can do this by getting each digit and putting it into an array. Kudos to #unwind for thinking of using unsigned int because digits don't have signs. I didn't think of that.
DISClAIMER: this code is untested but would, theoretically, if I haven't made any mistakes that the community will catch, accomplish your task.
NOTE: This program is implementation-defined when theNum is negative. See this SO question for more info on what that means. Also, the accepted answer in the question of which this post is a duplicate has shorter code than this but uses log10 which (according to commenters) could be inaccurate.
//given theNum as the number
int tmp = theNum;
int magnitude = 0;
//if you keep dividing by 10, you will eventually reach 0 (integer division)
//and that will be the magnitude of the number + 1 (x * 10^n-1)
for (; tmp > 0; magnitude++){ //you could use a while loop but this is more compact
tmp /= 10;
//the number of digits is equal to the magnitude + 1 and they have no sign
unsigned int digits[magnitude];
//go backwards from the magnitude to 0 taking digits as you go
for (int i = magnitude - 1; i > 0; i--){
//get the last digit (because modular arithmetic gives the remainder)
int digit = theNum % 10;
digits[i] = digit; //record digit
theNum /= 10; //remove last digit
If this shall be done dynamically:
Determine the number of digits as N.
Allocate an array large enough (>=N) to hold the digits.
Loop N times chopping of the digits and storing them in the array allocated under 2.
The least significant digit is num % 10
The next digit can be found by num/=10;
This works for positive numbers, but is implementation defined for negative
I assume you want to achieve something like this:
int arr[SOME_SIZE];
int len = int_to_array(arr,421);
assert(len == 3);
assert(arr[0] == 4);
assert(arr[1] == 2);
assert(arr[1] == 1);
Since this is probably a homework problem, I won't give the full answer, but you'll want a loop, and you'll want a way to get the last decimal digit from an int, and an int with the last digit removed.
So here's a hint:
421 / 10 == 42
421 % 10 == 1
If you want to create an array of the right length, there are various approaches:
you could loop through twice; once to count digits (then create the array); once again to populate
you could populate an array that's bigger than you need, then create a new array and copy in as many members as necessary
you could populate an array that's bigger than you need, then use realloc() or similar (a luxury we didn't used to have!)

C: convert a real number to 64 bit floating point binary

I'm trying to write a code that converts a real number to a 64 bit floating point binary. In order to do this, the user inputs a real number (for example, 547.4242) and the program must output a 64 bit floating point binary.
My ideas:
The sign part is easy.
The program converts the integer part (547 for the previous example) and stores the result in an int variable. Then, the program converts the fractional part (.4242 for the previous example) and stores the result into an array (each position of the array stores '1' or '0').
This is where I'm stuck. Summarizing, I have: "Integer part = 1000100011" (type int) and "Fractional part = 0110110010011000010111110000011011110110100101000100" (array).
How can I proceed?
the following code is used to determine internal representation of a floating point number according to the IEEE754 notation. This code is made in Turbo c++ ide but you can easily convert for a generalised ide.
void decimal_to_binary(unsigned char);
union u
float f;
char c;
int main()
int i;
union u a;
return 0;
void decimal_to_binary(unsigned char n)
int arr[8];
int i;
//printf("n = %u ",n);
printf(" ");
For further details visit Click here!
In order to correctly round all possible decimal representations to the nearest double, you need big integers. Using only the basic integer types from C will leave you to re-implement big integer arithmetics. Each of these two approaches is possible, more information about each follows:
For the first approach, you need a big integer library: GMP is a good one. Armed with such a big integer library, you tackle an input such as the example 123.456E78 as the integer 123456 * 1075 and start wondering what values M in [253 … 254) and P in [-1022 … 1023] make (M / 253) * 2P closest to this number. This question can be answered with big integer operations, following the steps described in this blog post (summary: first determine P. Then use a division to compute M). A complete implementation must take care of subnormal numbers and infinities (inf is the correct result to return for any decimal representation of a number that would have an exponent larger than +1023).
The second approach, if you do not want to include or implement a full general-purpose big integer library, still requires a few basic operations to be implemented on arrays of C integers representing large numbers. The function decfloat() in this implementation represents large numbers in base 109 because that simplifies the conversion from the initial decimal representation to the internal representation as an array x of uint32_t.
Following is a basic conversion. Enough to get OP started.
OP's "integer part of real number" --> int is far too limiting. Better to simply convert the entire string to a large integer like uintmax_t. Note the decimal point '.' and account for overflow while scanning.
This code does not handle exponents nor negative numbers. It may be off in the the last bit or so due to limited integer ui or the the final num = ui * pow10(expo). It handles most overflow cases.
#include <inttypes.h>
double my_atof(const char *src) {
uintmax_t ui = 0;
int dp = '.';
size_t dpi;
size_t i = 0;
size_t toobig = 0;
int ch;
for (i = 0; (ch = (unsigned char) src[i]) != '\0'; i++) {
if (ch == dp) {
dp = '\0'; // only get 1 dp
dpi = i;
if (!isdigit(ch)) {
break; // illegal character
ch -= '0';
// detect overflow
if (toobig ||
(ui >= UINTMAX_MAX / 10 &&
(ui > UINTMAX_MAX / 10 || ch > UINTMAX_MAX % 10))) {
ui = ui * 10 + ch;
intmax_t expo = toobig;
if (dp == '\0') {
expo -= i - dpi - 1;
double num;
if (expo < 0) {
// slightly more precise than: num = ui * pow10(expo);
num = ui / pow10(-expo);
} else {
num = ui * pow10(expo);
return num;
The trick is to treat the value as an integer, so read your 547.4242 as an unsigned long long (ie 64-bits or more), ie 5474242, counting the number of digits after the '.', in this case 4. Now you have a value which is 10^4 bigger than it should be. So you float the 5474242 (as a double, or long double) and divide by 10^4.
Decimal to binary conversion is deceptively simple. When you have more bits than the float will hold, then it will have to round. More fun occurs when you have more digits than a 64-bit integer will hold -- noting that trailing zeros are special -- and you have to decide whether to round or not (and what rounding occurs when you float). Then there's dealing with an E+/-99. Then when you do the eventual division (or multiplication) by 10^n, you have (a) another potential rounding, and (b) the issue that large 10^n are not exactly represented in your floating point -- which is another source of error. (And for E+/-99 forms, you may need upto and a little beyond 10^300 for the final step.)
Enjoy !

Recursive function to convert between number bases fails at certain numbers

I'm trying to a create an algorithm that can convert base 10 numbers into base n numbers, where n is at most 10. However, for some weird reason the following algorithm in C fails at certain critical points for each base. For example, for base 2 and base 3 conversions, all numbers up to and including 1023 and 52,487 work, respectively, but numbers beyond that produce some weird negative result. I can't figure out why this is happening; can anyone help me?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int returnint;
int baseconvert(int number,int base) {
if(number == 0 || base == 10) {
return returnint;
returnint = (number % base) + (10 * baseconvert(number / base, base));
return returnint;
int main() {
Here is the printed result of the above print statements, if that's helpful:
Your algorithm is very limited in the range of numbers vs. bases. The smaller the base is the more digits are needed to represent it. And since you store the result in decimal form, you'll waste your available data range very quickly. There is no fundamental data type that can hold the results for all the possible inputs. E.g., maximal 31-bit decimal number (normal integer, dropping the sign bit) will result in 31-digit output!
You have several options to cope with this:
Allocate a stack large enough and push the digits into it. Upon completion, print the stack contents.
Print the digits immediately without saving, this will eliminate the need to allocate anything.
#include <stdio.h>
void baseconvert(int number,int base)
if(number > 0)
int digit = (number % base);
baseconvert(number / base, base);
int main()
It appears that the integer value is overflowing. For example, the decimal value 1023 in base two is 1111111111. If it is a 4 byte integer, then it will overflow when trying to "add" one more digit (the max signed integer in this case being 2147483647).
Since it appears your goal is to display a number in a different base, it might make more sense to store the digits in a character array.
On all processors that I know of, integers are already stored in binary form; this implies base 2. This value can be displayed in whatever base you desire, with some work on your part. printf() and friends allow you to easily print in base 10 (%d) and base 16 (%x). It is not difficult to imagine a method that would convert a binary (base 2) integer value into a character representation in base n.
I seriously doubt that you really intend to change the actual value of the integer, as you are doing. Like #ThoAppelsin said above, the number of apples in the bag stays the same, regardless of which base you choose for display.
By simply creating a method that represents (with digits) the integer in any base, you will also solve your overflow problem!
Your result is overflowing the integer range. Try using strings instead. This is the pseudocode which relies on strings to represent numbers and it can convert numbers from any base to any other base between 2 and 36 inclusive (using digits and upper case letters):
function ConvertNumber(number, b, d)
newNumber = ""
while number <> "0"
number = Divide(number, b, d, out remainder)
newDigit = ValueToDigit(remainder)
newNumber = Concatenate(newDigit, newNumber)
if newNumber ="" then
newNumber = "0"
function Divide(number, base, divisor, out remainder)
remainder = 0
result = ""
for i = 0 to Length(number) - 1
digitValue = DigitToValue(number[i])
remainder = base * remainder + digitValue
newDigitValue = remainder / divisor -- integer division
remainder = remainder mod divisor
if newDigitValue > 0 OR result <> "" then
newDigit = ValueToDigit(newDigitValue)
result = Concatenate(result, newDigit)
if result = "" then
result = "0"
return result
You can find the whole math and implementation in this article: Converting Number Bases.

Homework about bit sequence in C

I have a homework. The question is:
Write a function that takes as parameter a single integer, int input, and returns an unsigned character
such that:
a- if input is negative or larger than 11,111,111 or contains a digit that is not 0 or 1; then the function will
print an error message (such as “invalid input”) and return 0,
b- otherwise; the function will assume that the base-10 value of input represents a bit sequence and return the magnitude-only bit model correspondent of this sequence.
For Example: If input is 1011, return value is 11 and If input is 1110, return value is 14
This is my work for a, and I am stuck on b. How can I get bit sequence for given integer input?
int main()
int input = 0;
printf("Please type an integer number less than 11,111,111.\n");
if(input < 0 || input > 11111111)
printf("Invalid Input\n");
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
int writtenInput = input;
int single_digit = writtenInput%10;
if(single_digit == 0 || single_digit == 1)
writtenInput /= 10;
printf("Your digit contains a number that does not 0 or 1. it is invalid input\n");
return 0;
printf("Written integer is %d\n",input);
return 0;
The bit that you are missing is the base conversion. To interpret a number in base B, what you need to do is multiply digit N times B^N (assuming that you start counting digits from the least significative). For example, in base 16, A108 = (10)*16^3 + 1*16^2 + 0*16^1 + 8*16^0. Where in your base is 2 (binary).
Alternatively, you can avoid the exponentiation if you rewrite the expression as:
hex A008 = ((((10*16) + 1)*16 +0)*16 + 8
Which would be simpler if your input was stated in terms of an array of possibly unknown length as it is easily convertible into a loop of only additions and multiplications.
In the particular case of binary, you can use another direct solution, for each digit that is non-zero, set the corresponding bit in an integer type large enough (in your case, unsigned char suffices), and the value of the variable at the end of the loop will be the result of the conversion.
First off, the existing part of your code needs work. It doesn't report non-binary digits correctly. The question is "Are there any digits that are neither 0 nor 1". To answer this question in the negative, you need to check every single digit. Your code can terminate early. I also suggest renaming the function to something that clearly tells you what it does. For example haveNonBinaryDigit. The term check doesn't tell you what you should expect on the return value.
As for the second part, read up on the binary representation. It is fairly similar to decimal, except that instead of each digit being weighted by 1, 10, 100, .., 10^x, they are weighted by 1, 2, 4, ..., 2^n. Also the digits can only have values 0 and 1.
Your current code has a problem: it will terminate as soon as it finds one single binary bit (at the end) and call the entire integer correct.
I would take a different approach to this problem. What you want to do is get your hands on every single digit from the integer seperately. You made a good start in doing so by using modulo. Say you had this code:
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
char single_digit = input%10;
input /= 10;
This makes it easy to start working with the digits. You would be checking 8 bits because that seems to be the maximum allowed (11,111,111). Check if each digit is either 0 or 1. Then you can start pushing it in to an unsigned character using bitwise operations. Shift every digit to the left by i, then use a bitwise OR.
