React useCallback does not get updated on state change - reactjs

The sample below is a simplified excerpt where a child component emits events based on mouse behaviours. React then should update the DOM according to the emitted events.
function SimpleSample() {
const [addons, setAddons] = React.useState<any>({
google: new GoogleMapsTile('google'),
const [tooltip, setTooltip] = React.useState<null | { text: string[]; x; y }>(null)
React.useEffect(() => {
// ...
}, [])
const mapEventHandle = React.useCallback(
(event: MapEvents) => {
console.log('event', event.type, tooltip) // LOG 1
if (event.type === MapEventType.mouseoverPopup_show) {
setTooltip({ text: event.text, x: event.coordinates[0], y: event.coordinates[1] })
} else if (event.type === MapEventType.mouseoverPopup_move) {
if (tooltip) setTooltip({ ...tooltip, x: event.coordinates[0], y: event.coordinates[1] })
} else if (event.type === MapEventType.mouseoverPopup_hide) {
console.log('render', tooltip) // LOG 2
return <MapComponent addons={addons} onEvent={mapEventHandle} />
The following order of events is expected:
mouseoverPopup_show is emitted, then tooltip changed from null to a value, a rerender occurs
mouseoverPopup_move is emitted, then tooltip is updated, triggering a rerender
What actually is happening:
Logpoint LOG 2 logs the updated value of tooltip (correct)
When mapEventHandle is called again, the value of tooltip inside that closure (logpoint LOG 1) is never updated, being always null.
Am I missing somethinig? Using the wrong hook?
Here's a codesandbox for it
EDIT: On de codesandbox sample setTooltip is not even triggering a rerender

Thanks for the help folks, the issue seems to be down inside a dependency of <MapComponent/>. It ended up saving a reference to the old callback on construction. Still a caveat to watch for, and which i probably wouldnt face with class components...
//something like this
class MapComponent {
emitter = this.props.onChange //BAD
emitter = (...i) => this.props.onChange(...i) //mmkay

I think event.coordinates is undefined so event.coordinates[0] causes an error.
If you do: setTooltip({working:'fine'}); you'll get type errors but it does set the toolTip state and re renders.

Thanks to your answer it helped me debug mine which was a bit different. Mine was not working because the callback reference was kept in a state value of the child component.
const onElementAdd = useCallBack(...)..
<Dropzone onElementAdded={props.onElementAdded} />
export const Dropzone = (props: DropzoneProps): JSX.Element => {
const [{ isOver }, drop] = useDrop(
() => ({
accept: props.acceptedTypes,
drop: (item: BuilderWidget, monitor): void => {
if (monitor.didDrop()) return;
// missed props.onElementAdded here
[props.onElementAdded, props.acceptedTypes, props.disabled],


React Hooks - keep arguments reference in state

I created a hook to use a confirm dialog, this hook provides the properties to the component to use them like this:
const { setIsDialogOpen, dialogProps } = useConfirmDialog({
title: "Are you sure you want to delete this group?",
text: "This process is not reversible.",
buttons: {
confirm: {
onPress: onDeleteGroup,
width: "360px",
<ConfirmDialog {...dialogProps} />
This works fine, but also I want to give the option to change these properties whenever is needed without declaring extra states in the component where is used and in order to achieve this what I did was to save these properties in a state inside the hook and this way provide another function to change them if needed before showing the dialog:
interface IState {
isDialogOpen: boolean;
dialogProps: TDialogProps;
export const useConfirmDialog = (props?: TDialogProps) => {
const [state, setState] = useState<IState>({
isDialogOpen: false,
dialogProps: {
const setIsDialogOpen = (isOpen = true) => {
setState((prevState) => ({
isDialogOpen: isOpen,
// Change dialog props optionally before showing it
const showConfirmDialog = (dialogProps?: TDialogProps) => {
if (dialogProps) {
const updatedProps = { ...state.dialogProps, ...dialogProps };
setState((prevState) => ({
dialogProps: updatedProps,
return {
dialogProps: {
isOpen: state.isDialogOpen,
onClose: () => setIsDialogOpen(false),
But the problem here is the following:
Arguments are passed by reference so if I pass a function to the button (i.e onDeleteGroup) i will keep the function updated to its latest state to perform the correct deletion if a group id changes inside of it.
But as I'm saving the properties inside a state the reference is lost and now I only have the function with the state which it was declared at the beginning.
I tried to add an useEffect to update the hook state when arguments change but this is causing an infinite re render:
useEffect(() => {
setState((prevState) => ({
dialogProps: props || {},
}, [props]);
I know I can call showConfirmDialog and pass the function to update the state with the latest function state but I'm looking for a way to just call the hook, declare the props and not touch the dialog props if isn't needed.
Any answer is welcome, thank you for reading.
You should really consider not doing this, this is not a good coding pattern, this unnecessarily complicates your hook and can cause hard to debug problems. Also this goes against the "single source of truth" principle. I mean a situation like the following
const Component = ({title}: {title?: string}) => {
const {showConfirmDialog} = useConfirmDialog({
// ...
useEffect(() => {
// Here you expect the title to be "title"
if(something) showConfirmDialog()
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
// Here you expect the title to be "Foo bar?"
if(somethingElse) showConfirmDialog({title: 'Foo bar?'})
}, [])
// But if the second dialog is opened, then the first, the title will be
// "Foo bar?" in both cases
So please think twice before implementing this, sometimes it's better to write a little more code but it will save you a lot debugging.
As for the answer, I would store the props in a ref and update them on every render somehow like this
/** Assign properties from obj2 to obj1 that are not already equal */
const assignChanged = <T extends Record<string, unknown>>(obj1: T, obj2: Partial<T>, deleteExcess = true): T => {
if(obj1 === obj2) return obj1
const result = {...obj1}
Object.keys(obj2).forEach(key => {
if(obj1[key] !== obj2[key]) {
result[key] = obj2[key]
if(deleteExcess) {
// Remove properties that are not present on obj2 but present on obj1
Object.keys(obj1).forEach(key => {
if(!obj2.hasOwnProperty(key)) delete result[key]
return result
const useConfirmDialog = (props) => {
const localProps = useRef(props)
localProps.current = assignChanged(localProps.current, props)
const showConfirmDialog = (changedProps?: Partial<TDialogProps>) => {
localProps.current = assignChanged(localProps.current, changedProps, false)
// ...
// ...
This is in case you have some optional properties in TDialogProps and you want to accept Partial properties in showConfirmDialog. If this is not the case, you could simplify the logic a little by removing this deleteExcess part.
You see that it greatly complicates your code, and adds a performance overhead (although it's insignificant, considering you only have 4-5 fields in your dialog props), so I really recommend against doing this and just letting the caller of useConfirmDialog have its own state that it can change. Or maybe you could remove props from useConfirmDialog in the first place and force the user to always pass them to showConfirmDialog, although in this case this hook becomes kinda useless. Maybe you don't need this hook at all, if it only contains the logic that you have actually shown in the answer? It seems like pretty much the only thing it does is setting isDialogOpen to true/false. Whatever, it's your choice, but I think it's not the best idea

React fader component fade direction not changing

I'm trying to create a small component that will fade between it's children when one of its methods is called. I've been following this code, but so it supports any number of children. So far, I have this:
export const Fader = React.forwardRef<FaderProps, Props>((props, ref) => {
const children = React.Children.toArray(props.children);
const [currentChild, setCurrentChild] = useState({
child: props.startIndex || 0,
direction: 1,
let nextChild = 0;
const fadeNext = (): void => {
queueNextFade(); //Queues the next fade which fades in the next child after the current child has faded out
child: currentChild.child,
direction: +!currentChild.direction,
nextChild = currentChild.child + 1;
const fadePrev = (): void => {
const fadeTo = (index: number): void => {
const queueNextFade = (): void => {
setTimeout(() => {
child: nextChild,
direction: +!currentChild.direction,
}, props.fadeTime || 500)
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ fadeNext, fadePrev, fadeTo }));
return (
{, (child, i) => (
<div key={i}
opacity: i === currentChild.child ? currentChild.direction : "0",
transition: `opacity ${props.fadeTime || 500}ms ease-in`,
Logic wise it does work, but what actually happens is that the first child fades out, but the next child doesn't fade in. If faded again, the second child fades in then fades out, and the next child fades in.
(View in sandbox)
For a while I was confused as to why that was happening because I'm using the same logic as the other library. I did some research on seeing if I could make useState be instant and I came across this post and I quote from it:
Even if you add a setTimeout the function, though the timeout will run after some time by which the re-render would have happened, the setTimeout will still use the value from its previous closure and not the updated one.
which I realised is what's happening in my situation. I start the setTimeout in which currentChild.direction is 1. Then a state change happens and the direction changes to 0. A long time later the setTimeout finishes but instead of changing the direction from 0 to 1, it changes from 1 to 0 because it kept it original value from when it was first called, hence why the second child doesn't fade in and just stays invisible.
I could just change it to:
let currentChild = {...}
and the have a "blank" useState to act as a forceUpdate but I know force updates are against React's nature and there's probably a better way to do this anyway.
If anyone could help out, I would appreaciate it
For anyone in the future, I found this post explaning that setTimeout will use the value from the initial render of the component
To fix this, I changed my setTimeout to:
setTimeout(() => {
setCurrentChild(currentChild => ({
child: nextChild,
direction: +!currentChild.direction,
}, props.fadeTime || 500)

React useCallback function doesn't get current context value

I am trying to implement a use case with React Hooks and React Context API with mouse events.
I want to add mousemove event for a container. If user moves over an object (rectangle), a dispatch action is called and context value is updated. I want to achieve that the action is not dispatched repeatedly by checking context value before dispatching. The issue is that function doesn't get current context value.
This the event function useMouseEvents.js
import * as React from "react";
import { DragToCreateContext, actionTypes } from "./reducer";
export function useMouseEvents(elRef) {
const { dragToCreate, dispatchDragToCreate } = React.useContext(
console.log("out of callback", dragToCreate);
const handleMouseMove = React.useCallback(
(evt) => {
if ( === "P") {
console.log("inside callback", dragToCreate);
if ( === "P" && dragToCreate.sourceNodeId === null) {
type: actionTypes.ACTIVATE,
sourceNodeId: 1
React.useEffect(() => {
const el = elRef?.current;
if (el) {
el.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
return () => {
el.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
}, [elRef, handleMouseMove]);
If you hover over rectangle, you will see in console log:
inside callback {sourceNodeId: null}
out of callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
inside callback {sourceNodeId: null}
out of callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
inside callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
inside callback {sourceNodeId: null}
but it should be
inside callback {sourceNodeId: null}
out of callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
inside callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
The behaviour that you see is because your listeners on mouseMove are removed and added whenever your context value changes. Also since your listener is recreated in useEffect it might so happen that before a new listener is attached, an old one executes and you get an old value from the closure.
To solve such scenarios, you can make use of a ref to keep track of updated context values and use that inside your listener callback. This way you will be able to avoid addition and removal of mouse event listener
import * as React from "react";
import { DragToCreateContext, actionTypes } from "./reducer";
export function useMouseEvents(elRef) {
const { dragToCreate, dispatchDragToCreate } = React.useContext(
console.log("out of callback", dragToCreate);
const dragToCreateRef = React.useRef(dragToCreate);
React.useEffect(() => {
dragToCreateRef.current = dragToCreate;
}, [dragToCreate]);
const handleMouseMove = React.useCallback((evt) => {
if ( === "P") {
console.log("inside callback", dragToCreateRef.current);
if ( === "P" &&
dragToCreateRef.current.sourceNodeId === null
) {
type: actionTypes.ACTIVATE,
sourceNodeId: 1
}, []);
React.useEffect(() => {
const el = elRef?.current;
if (el) {
el.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
return () => {
el.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
}, [elRef, handleMouseMove]);
Working codesandbox demo
I can't really find the answers I was hoping for but here's a couple things for you and maybe anyone else wanting to write an answer:
The inside callback {sourceNodeId: null} tells me that something is causing the Context to reset to it's initial values and the way you used your Provider is pretty atypical to what I usually see (changing this didn't really seem to fix anything though).
I thought maybe the useContext inside of useMouseEvents is getting just the default context, but I tried moving things around to guarentee that wasn't the case but that didn't seem to work. (Someone else might want to retry this?)
Edit: Removed this suggestion
Kinda unrelated to the issue, but you're going to want to change your useEffect too:
React.useEffect(() => {
const el = elRef?.current;
if (el) {
el.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
return () => {
el.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);

Update useState immediately

useState does not update the state immediately.
I'm using react-select and I need to load the component with the (multi) options selected according to the result of the request.
For this reason, I created the state defaultOptions, to store the value of the queues constant.
It turns out that when loading the component, the values ​​are displayed only the second time.
I made a console.log in the queues and the return is different from empty.
I did the same with the defaultOptions state and the return is empty.
I created a codesandbox for better viewing.
const options = [
label: "Queue 1",
value: 1
label: "Queue 2",
value: 2
label: "Queue 3",
value: 3
label: "Queue 4",
value: 4
label: "Queue 5",
value: 5
const CustomSelect = (props) => <Select className="custom-select" {...props} />;
const baseUrl =
const App = () => {
const userId = 1;
const initialValues = {
name: ""
const [user, setUser] = useState(initialValues);
const [defaultOptions, setDefaultOptions] = useState([]);
const [selectedQueue, setSelectedQueue] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
if (!userId) return;
try {
const { data } = await axios.get(`${baseUrl}/${userId}`);
setUser((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, };
const queues = => ({
// Here there is a different result than emptiness
} catch (err) {
return () => {
}, []);
// Here is an empty result
const handleChange = async (e) => {
const value = => x.value);
return (
<div className="App">
export default App;
React don't update states immediately when you call setState, sometimes it can take a while. If you want to do something after setting new state you can use useEffect to determinate if state changed like this:
const [ queues, setQueues ] = useState([])
/* it will be called when queues did update */
},[queues] )
const someHandler = ( newValue ) => setState(newValue)
Adding to other answers:
in Class components you can add callback after you add new state such as:
this.setState(newStateObject, yourcallback)
but in function components, you can call 'callback' (not really callback, but sort of) after some value change such as
// it means this callback will be called when there is change on queue.
// you set it somewhere
and youre good to go.
no other choice (unless you want to Promise) but React.useEffect
Closures And Async Nature of setState
What you are experiencing is a combination of closures (how values are captured within a function during a render), and the async nature of setState.
Please see this Codesandbox for working example
Consider this TestComponent
const TestComponent = (props) => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const countUp = () => {
console.log(`count before: ${count}`);
setCount((prevState) => prevState + 1);
console.log(`count after: ${count}`);
return (
<button onClick={countUp}>Click Me</button>
The test component is a simplified version of what you are using to illustrate closures and the async nature of setState, but the ideas can be extrapolated to your use case.
When a component is rendered, each function is created as a closure. Consider the function countUp on the first render. Since count is initialized to 0 in useState(0), replace all count instances with 0 to see what it would look like in the closure for the initial render.
const countUp = () => {
console.log(`count before: ${0}`);
setCount((0) => 0 + 1);
console.log(`count after: ${0}`);
Logging count before and after setting count, you can see that both logs will indicate 0 before setting count, and after "setting" count.
setCount is asynchronous which basically means: Calling setCount will let React know it needs to schedule a render, which it will then modify the state of count and update closures with the values of count on the next render.
Therefore, initial render will look as follows
const countUp = () => {
console.log(`count before: 0`);
setCount((0) => 0 + 1);
console.log(`count after: 0`);
when countUp is called, the function will log the value of count when that functions closure was created, and will let react know it needs to rerender, so the console will look like this
count before: 0
count after: 0
React will rerender and therefore update the value of count and recreate the closure for countUp to look as follows (substituted the value for count).This will then update any visual components with the latest value of count too to be displayed as 1
const countUp = () => {
console.log(`count before: 1`);
setCount((1) => 1 + 1);
console.log(`count after: 1`);
and will continue doing so on each click of the button to countUp.
Here is a snip from codeSandbox. Notice how the console has logged 0 from the intial render closure console log, yet the displayed value of count is shown as 1 after clicking once due to the asynchronous rendering of the UI.
If you wish to see the latest rendered version of the value, its best to use a useEffect to log the value, which will occur during the rendering phase of React once setState is called
useEffect(() => {
console.log(count); //this will always show the latest state in the console, since it reacts to a change in count after the asynchronous call of setState.
You need to use a parameter inside the useEffect hook and re-render only if some changes are made. Below is an example with the count variable and the hook re-render only if the count values ​​have changed.
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;
}, [count]); // Only re-run the effect if count changes
The problem is that await api.get() will return a promise so the constant data is not going to have it's data set when the line setUserQueues(queues); is run.
You should do:
setUser((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, };
const queues = => ({

React cloneElement not passing properties

In one of my projects I am trying to use a single child of my component as a "template" to render a set of products. I am cloning the child like so
useEffect(() => {
if (!children) {
}, [children, setTemplate]);
useEffect(() => {
if (loading || !products || !template) {
const rc = [];
products.forEach((p, i) => {
React.cloneElement(template, {
product: p,
key: i,
}, [products, loading, template, setRenderedChildren]);
When I render this, the clones are created, however the properties never arrive to the underlying component.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
It turns out, that the child component had some bugs and hence the properties defined in cloneElement are never assigned to my expected Component.
