Can we delete avl tree node in this way - avl-tree

So I was studying AVL trees and came across deleting a particular node from the tree. It was done by deleting a node similar to a BST and then balancing the height difference factor. But if we have the array which contains the order of inserted elements and we have a node to be deleted. I delete the occurrence of that node in the array and then construct AVL from scratch. Can this be a good way to do the deletion?

Of course you can delete this way. But the real question when discussing algorithms is what is the complexity of that?
The complexity of the standard algorithm of deletion from an AVL tree is o(lg(n)) - you can find explanations online everywhere to that fact.
Now let's look at your method - the complexity of converting the AVL tree to a sorted array would take O(n) using inorder traversal. Than constructing the AVL tree from a sorted array is O(n).
So in the bottom line, this method is just less efficient.


Efficiently search a linked list

I have a sorted linked list, one function takes the root pointer and an Id and searches through the list to delete the item, however this takes linear time.
Is there any way to efficiently search through the linked list without doing it linearly using the fact that its sorted? The assignment hints heavily that their is a better way but I can't think of a way to do it without being terribly inefficient or just using a linear search.
Each node in a linked list only contains a pointer to the next node (and optionally the previous node), so without any other constructs the only way to search the list is linearly.
However, since you sort the list, you could build a binary tree in the process. Then you can use that tree to search the list with a time complexity of O(log n) instead of O(n).

Perfect Balanced Binary Search Tree

I have an theoretical question about Balanced BST.
I would like to build Perfect Balanced Tree that has 2^k - 1 nodes, from a regular unbalanced BST. The easiest solution I can think of is to use a sorted Array/Linked list and recursively divide the array to sub-arrays, and build Perfect Balanced BST from it.
However, in a case of extremely large Tree sizes, I will need to create an Array/List in the same size so this method will consume a large amount of memory.
Another option is to use AVL rotation functions, inserting element by element and balancing the tree with rotations depending on the Tree Balance Factor - three height of the left and right sub trees.
My questions are, am I right about my assumptions? Is there any other way to create a perfect BST from unbalanced BST?
AVL and similar trees are not perfectly balanced so I'm not sure how they are useful in this context.
You can build a doubly-linked list out of tree nodes, using left and right pointers in lieu of forward and backward pointers. Sort that list, and build the tree recursively from the bottom up, consuming the list from left to right.
Building a tree of size 1 is trivial: just bite the leftmost node off the list.
Now if you can build a tree of size N, you can also build a tree of size 2N+1: build a tree of size N, then bite off a single node, then build another tree of size N. The singe node will be the root of your larger tree, and the two smaller trees will be its left and right subtrees. Since the list is sorted, the tree is automatically a valid search tree.
This is easy to modify for sizes other than 2^k-1 too.
Update: since you are starting from a search tree, you can build a sorted list directly from it in O(N) time and O(log N) space (perhaps even in O(1) space with a little ingenuity), and build the tree bottom-up also in O(N) time and O(log N) (or O(1)) space.
I did not yet find a very good situation for needing a perfectly balanced search tree. If your case really needs it, I would like to hear about it. Usually it is better and faster to have a almost balanced tree.
If you have a large search tree, throwing away all existing structure is usually no good idea. Using rotation functions is a good way of getting a more balanced tree while preserving most of the existing structure. But normally you use a suitable data structure to make sure you never have a completely unbalanced tree. So called self balancing trees.
There is for example an AVL tree, a red-black-tree or a splay-tree, which use slightly different variants of rotation to keep the tree balanced.
If you really have a totally unbalanced tree you might have a different problem. - In your case rotating it the AVL way is probably the best way to fix it.
If you are memory constrained, then you can use the split and join operations which can be done on an AVL tree in O(log n) time, and I believe constant space.
If you also were able to maintain the order statistics, then you can split on median, make the LHS and RHS perfect and then join.
The pseudo-code (for a recursive version) will be
void MakePerfect (AVLTree tree) {
Tree left, right;
Data median;
SplitOnMedian(tree, &left, &median, &right);
left = MakePerfect(left);
right = MakePerfect(right);
return Join(left, median, right);
This can be implemented in O(n) time and O(log n) space, I believe.

How to store adjacent nodes for Dijkstra algorithm?

Most articles about Dijkstra algorithm only focus on which data structure should be used to perform the "relaxing" of nodes.
I'm going to use a min-heap which runs on O(m log(n)) I believe.
My real question is what data structure should I used to store the adjacent nodes of each node?
I'm thinking about using an adjacency list because I can find all adjacent nodes on u in O(deg(u)), is this the fastest method?
How will that change the running time of the algorithm?
For the algorithm itself, I think you should aim for compact representation of the graph. If it has a lot of links per node, a matrix may be best, but usually an adjacency list will take less space, and therefore less cache misses.
It may be worth looking at how you are building the graph, and any other operations you do on it.
With Dijkstra's algorithm you just loop through the list of neighbours of a node once, so a simple array or linked list storing the adjacent nodes (or simply their indices in a global list) at each node (as in an adjacency list) would be sufficient.
How will that change the running time of the algorithm? - in comparison to what? I'm pretty sure the algorithm complexity assumes an adjacency list implementation. The running time is O(edges + vertices * log(vertices)).

convert a binary search tree to doubly linklist using recursion

As mentioned in the Title , I have a Binary search tree. I want to convert it to sorted doubly linklist using recursion.
My code
for each node in tree
find max of left sub-tree and assign its right to present node ,present node left to max
find min of right sub-tree and assign its left to present node ,present node right to max
and now recursively do same thing to other nodes in BST .
but this solution is not efficient as it reaches each node more than one time .In my quest of optimized code i got a link from google greatTreeList sollution . I have searched the same in SO both sollutions are same and worked for me. I didnt understand the append function of the sollution as it contains code
For tree whose nodes are inserted in following order 10,5,9,6,8,7,12,11,13,14
can anyone please explain how
are linking node in each recursion call.
I think you are over thinking this actually quite easy task - extracting the data from a binary tree in order is as simple as doing a depth first traversal - this is the point of a binary tree that it very efficiently gives you the elements in the sorted order.
So what you need to do is a standard depth first walk of the tree and each time you find a node add it to you linked list.
This in order depth first recursion is fairly straight forward is pseudocode:
Traverse(Node N)
Add N to the linked list
I suggest you try this manually on you example so you see how it works.
In order to convert a binary search tree to a sorted doubly linked list, one typically performs an inorder depth-first traversal, building the list along the traversal.
Try to come up with code that performs an inorder depth-first traversal and prints the items of the binary tree in sorted order. From there, it should be easy to complete your task.
Expanding on Elemental's answer
Traverse(Node N)
Add N to the linked list
To add N to the linked list,
your linked list class or data structure should have an append() method or similar.
Use your imagination, but something like this:
def append(N):
new_tail = node(val=N, prev=self.tail, next=None) = new_tail
self.tail = new_tail
of course you also need to add self.head = self.tail the first time you append.

Binary search vs binary search tree

What is the benefit of a binary search tree over a sorted array with binary search? Just with mathematical analysis I do not see a difference, so I assume there must be a difference in the low-level implementation overhead. Analysis of average case run time is shown below.
Sorted array with binary search
search: O(log(n))
insertion: O(log(n)) (we run binary search to find where to insert the element)
deletion: O(log(n)) (we run binary search to find the element to delete)
Binary search tree
search: O(log(n))
insertion: O(log(n))
deletion: O(log(n))
Binary search trees have a worst case of O(n) for operations listed above (if tree is not balanced), so this seems like it would actually be worse than sorted array with binary search.
Also, I am not assuming that we have to sort the array beforehand (which would cost O(nlog(n)), we would insert elements one by one into the array, just as we would do for the binary tree. The only benefit of BST I can see is that it supports other types of traversals like inorder, preorder, postorder.
Your analysis is wrong, both insertion and deletion is O(n) for a sorted array, because you have to physically move the data to make space for the insertion or compress it to cover up the deleted item.
Oh and the worst case for completely unbalanced binary search trees is O(n), not O(logn).
There's not much of a benefit in querying either one.
But constructing a sorted tree is a lot faster than constructing a sorted array, when you're adding elements one at a time. So there's no point in converting it to an array when you're done.
Note also that there are standard algorithms for maintaining balanced binary search trees. They get rid of the deficiencies in binary trees and maintain all of the other strengths. They are complicated, though, so you should learn about binary trees first.
Beyond that, the big-O may be the same, but the constants aren't always. With binary trees if you store the data correctly, you can get very good use of caching at multiple levels. The result is that if you are doing a lot of querying, most of your work stays inside of CPU cache which greatly speeds things up. This is particularly true if you are careful in how you structure your tree. See for an example of how clever layout of the tree can improve performance greatly. An array that you do a binary search of does not permit any such tricks to be used.
Adding to #Blindy , I would say the insertion in sorted array takes more of memory operation O(n) std::rotate() than CPU instruction O(logn), refer to insertion sort.
std::vector<MYINTTYPE> sorted_array;
// ... ...
// insert x at the end
auto& begin = sorted_array.begin();
// O(log n) CPU operation
auto& insertion_point = std::lower_bound(begin()
, begin()+sorted_array().size()-1, x);
// O(n) memory operation
std::rotate(begin, insertion_point, sorted_array.end());
I guess Left child right sibling tree combines the essence of binary tree and sorted array.
data structure
CPU cost
Memory operation cost
sorted array
O(logn) (benefits from pipelining)
O(n) memory operation, refer to insertion-sort using std::rotate()
benefits from inline implementation
O(logn) (when pipelining with memory operation)
O(n) memory operation, refer to std::vector::erase()
balanced binary tree
O(logn) (drawback of branch-prediction affecting pipelining, also added cost of tree rotation)
Additional cost of pointers that exhaust the cache.
O(logn) (same as insert)
Left child right sibling tree (combines sorted array and binary tree)
O(logn) on average
No need std::rotate() when inserting on left child if kept unbalanced
O(logn) (in worst case O(n) when unbalanced)
takes advantage of cache locality in right sibling search , refer to std::vector::lower_bound()
O(logn) (when hyperthreading/pipelining)
O(n) memory operation refer to std::vector::erase()
