Can not change state value before submitting in reactjs - reactjs

I am using one of react phone input library and getting the value of phone number is in "+9901231231234" format . I want only last ten value is in integer form. So i am converting them in number.
if (this.validator.allValid()) {
const phnNo = // +9901231231234
var lastTen = phnNo.substr(phnNo.length - 10);
const subphone = Number(lastTen) //1231231234
this.setState({ phone: subphone }) // Now I want to set the = 1231231234
alert( // +9901231231234
} else {
// rerender to show messages for the first time
// you can use the autoForceUpdate option to do this automatically`
But I can not change the current state value with the new value i am generating.Thank you.

The setState function will not update your values synchronously, your state will not be changed right away. The second parameter of it allows you to give a callback function triggering when the state has been mutated :
this.setState({ phone: subphone }, () => { alert( //1231231234 })


Making an API request every X amount of seconds in reactJS

On entering CurrencyPage, I am trying to get the list of currencyConversionRates from database and then subsequently set an interval to constantly get the new updated list of currencyConversionRates every 6 seconds.
Up till this point, everything works fine. However, I am unable to pass the value of the setInterval to the cleanup function. The value being returned is always in the format of a promise
PromiseĀ {<fulfilled>: 1}
How can I pass the setInterval value to the cleanup function so that the interval stops being executed upon navigating to other pages
Use Effect
useEffect(() => {
const getCurrencyConversionRates=async()=>{
console.log("Retrieving list of currency conversion rate");
await retrieveCurrencyConversionRateFunction();
//Gets new information every 6 seconds
const intervalCall = setInterval(async() => {
console.log("Getting new currency conversion rates!");
const currTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
console.log("Time -> "+currTime);
await retrieveCurrencyConversionRateFunction();
}, 60*100);
//Have to wait until currencyConversionRateFunction is loaded before the map function is called on it in the render view otherwise will have error
return intervalCall;
let intervalCall = getCurrencyConversionRates();
//Clear interval
return () => {
Solution Based on Azzy's answer
Rather than to try and return the interval in getCurrencyConversionRates(), a simple alternative is to just initialize a variable to store the setInterval as it is created within the function.
Note to self -> It is not possible to pass a variable by reference through getCurrencyConversionRates() as a parameter as changes made to the variable wont be saved. However, in JS you can simply initialize the variable outside of the function and modify it's value from within the function.
useEffect(() => {
const getCurrencyConversionRates=async()=>{
// console.log("Retrieving list of currency conversion rate");
await retrieveCurrencyConversionRateFunction();
//Gets new information every 6 seconds
intervalCall = setInterval(async() => {
// console.log("Getting new currency conversion rates!");
const currTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
console.log("Time -> "+currTime);
await retrieveCurrencyConversionRateFunction();
}, 60*100);
//Have to wait until currencyConversionRateFunction is loaded before the map function is called on it in the render view otherwise will have error
// return intervalCall;
let intervalCall;
//Clear interval
return () => {
This may help
useEffect(() => {
let isValid = true;
let intervalCall;
const getCurrencyConversionRates = async () => {
console.log("Retrieving list of currency conversion rate");
await retrieveCurrencyConversionRateFunction();
// after await if the component unmounts, and this scope
// becomes stale, skip futher execution
// so the interval wont be started, and wont break in dev mode where useEffect runs twice
if (!isValid) { return; }
//Gets new information every 6 seconds
intervalCall = setInterval( async () => {
console.log("Getting new currency conversion rates!");
const currTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
console.log("Time -> "+currTime);
await retrieveCurrencyConversionRateFunction();
// might want to check valid scope inside
// retrieveCurrencyConversionRateFunction
// by passing it a flag to skip execution on a unmounted component scope
}, 60*100);
//Have to wait until currencyConversionRateFunction is loaded before the map function is called on it in the render view otherwise will have error
//Clear interval
return () => {
isValid = false
// if interval was not stared, dont clear it
if (intervalCall) { clearInterval(intervalCall); }
more about useEffect life cycle, to get an idea why
A new effect is created after every render
How the cleanup for previous effect occurs before executing of current useEffect
You can read about why isValid is set synchronizing with effects
If you are intererested in taking a deep dive, consider reading a blog post by Dan on useEffect, its old but explanation the details to build a good mental model about useEffects and functional components.
Hope it helps, cheers

Conditional dropdowns with react-select in react-final-form initialized from the state

I'm using react-select and react-final-form for conditional dropdowns, where options for the second select are provided by a <PickOptions/> component based on the value of the first select (thanks to this SO answer).
Here is the component:
/** Changes options and clears field B when field A changes */
const PickOptions = ({ a, b, optionsMap, children }) => {
const aField = useField(a, { subscription: { value: 1 } });
const bField = useField(b, { subscription: {} });
const aValue = aField.input.value.value;
const changeB = bField.input.onChange;
const [options, setOptions] = React.useState(optionsMap[aValue]);
React.useEffect(() => {
changeB(undefined); // clear B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
return children(options || []);
It clears the second select when the value of the first one changes by changeB(undefined). I've also set the second select to the first option in an array by passing initialValue. As I need to initialize the values from the state, I ended up with the following code:
initialValue={[index] &&[index].secondOption
: options.filter(
option => option.type === "option"
But it doesn't work. Initial values from the state are not being passed to the fields rendered by <PickOptions/>. If I delete changeB(undefined) from the component, the values are passed but then the input value of the second select is not updated, when the value of the first select changes (even though the options have been updated). Here is the link to my codesandbox.
How can I fix it?
I was able to get this to work by taking everything that is mapped by the section and wrapping it in it's own component to ensure that each of them have separate states. Then I just put the changeB(undefined) function in the return call of the useEffect hook to clear the secondary selects after the user selects a different option for the first select like so:
React.useEffect(() => {
return function cleanup() {
changeB(undefined) // clear B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
You can see how it works in this sandbox: React Final Form - Clear Secondary Selects.
To change the secondary select fields, you will need to pass an extra prop to PickOptions for the type of option the array corresponds to. I also subscribe and keep track of the previous bValue to check if it exists in the current bValueSet array. If it exists, we leave it alone, otherwise we update it with the first value in its corresponding optionType array.
// subscibe to keep track of previous bValue
const bFieldSubscription = useField(b, { subscription: { value: 1 } })
const bValue = bFieldSubscription.input.value.value
React.useEffect(() => {
if (optionsMap[aValue]) {
// set of bValues defined in array
const bValueSet = optionsMap[aValue].filter(x => x.type === optionType);
// if the previous bValue does not exist in the current bValueSet then changeB
if (!bValueSet.some(x => x.value === bValue)) {
changeB(bValueSet[0]); // change B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
Here is the sandbox for that method: React Final Form - Update Secondary Selects.
I also changed your class component into a functional because it was easier for me to see and test what was going on but it this method should also work with your class component.
Based on the previous answer I ended up with the following code in my component:
// subscibe to keep track of aField has been changed
const aFieldSubscription = useField(a, { subscription: { dirty: 1 } });
React.useEffect(() => {
if (optionsMap[aValue]) {
// set of bValues defined in array
const bValueSet = optionsMap[aValue].filter(x => x.type === optionType);
if (aFieldSubscription.meta.dirty) {
changeB(bValueSet[0]); // change B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
This way it checks whether the aField has been changed by the user, and if it's true it sets the value of the bField to the first option in an array.

how to get updated state value after updating in a function

I'm trying to get login user detail. I need to put data to state and used the same state for further processing it takes time to put data to state and use this data. nearly it takes 2- 3 sec to use the state with that data.
I solved this issue if we use setTimeOut() function with 3 sec so that we it updates data in this time. if we don't use setTimeOut() and use state wright after updating it then it will provide initial data of the state.
complete_date = date + ":" + month + ":" + year;
var query = firebase.database().ref('attendence/'+ complete_date +"/").orderByKey();
entry_time =null,
l_id = null,
l_id = childs.key;
// __ to check if the user already loged in before.
var att_query = firebase.database().ref('attendence/'+ complete_date +"/"+ l_id).orderByKey();
if(email == data.child('email').val())
email_match = true;
entry_time = data.child('timeEntry').val();
}); //
}); //
this.setState({ last_id:l_id });
this.setState({ emailMatchState:email_match });
this.setState({alreayLogedState : entry_time});
}); // _____end of query.on("value",(data)=>
setTimeout(() =>
console.log("already logged :",this.state.alreayLogedState," email match :",this.state.emailMatchState , " result : ", this.state.result , " last_id :",st.last_id);
I need to use state after updating without the use of setTimeout() for faster working of the application.
The second argument for setState is a callback to execute when all updates are done
this.setState({ last_id:l_id }, () => console.log(this.state.last_id))
setState takes an optional second argument that gets called after the updates to the state object have taken place.
let callback = () => {
// do something
keyToUpdate: valueToUpdate
}, callback)
Additional reading about the use of this callback:
Also, unless something is happening in between the seperate calls, these:
this.setState({ last_id:l_id });
this.setState({ emailMatchState:email_match });
this.setState({alreayLogedState : entry_time});
can be simplified to this:
emailMatchState: email_match,
alreayLogedState: entry_time
}); //optionally add callback

Updating arrays in react component state

In the function below, I am trying to update the state of a react component; the animalMix item is an array. I take a copy, update it and then try to overwrite the original. I have checked that the new array (newAnimalsHeld) is updated correctly, but this is not reflected when i set animalMix in state equal to it.
The whole thing can be seen in context here:
Many thanks for any help.
let animalsHeld = [...this.state.animalMix];
let theMatch = this.flipped[0].props.animal;
let newAnimalsHeld ={
if (animal.animal === theMatch) {
console.log('MATCH! Animal: ' + animal.animal + 'Match:' + theMatch);
return {};
return animal;
console.log('New Animals held: ', newAnimalsHeld);
animalMix: newAnimalsHeld,
doTurn: true
this.flipped = [];
console.log(this.state.doTurn, this.state.animalMix);
setState is an asynchronous function. However, you can print to console after state has updated in the following manner:
animalMix: newAnimalsHeld,
doTurn: true
},() => {console.log(this.state.doTurn, this.state.animalMix);});

React form validation still adds values

So I have a little bit of form validation going on and I am running into an issue. When I first load the web app up and try adding a value and submitting with my button it doesn't allow me and gives me the error I want to see. However, when I add a value setState occurs and then my value is pushed to UI and I try to add another blank value it works and my conditional logic of checking for an empty string before doesn't not go through what am I doing wrong?
addItem() {
let todo = this.state.input;
let todos = this.state.todos;
let id =;
if (this.state.input == '') {
alert("enter a value");
document.getElementById('error').style.color = 'red';
document.getElementById('error').innerHTML = 'Please enter something first';
else {
todos: todos.concat(todo),
id: id + 1,
}, () => {
document.getElementById('test').value = '';
You are checking this.state.input but no where in that code are you setting the input value on the state.
Try adding this where it makes sense in your application:
this.setState({ input: 'some value' });
Also, I recommend you use the state to define the application UI. So instead of using document.getElementById('error') or document.getElementById('test').value, have the UI reflect what you have in your state.
See here for more info:
Instead of manipulating the DOM directly:
document.getElementById('test').value = '';
you'll want to use React:
this.setState({ input: '' });
A good ground rule for React is to not manipulate the DOM directly through calls like element.value = value or = 'red'. This is what React (& setState) is for. Read more about this on
Before you look for the solution of your issue, I noticed that you are directly updating the DOM
document.getElementById('error').style.color = 'red';
document.getElementById('error').innerHTML = 'Please enter something first';
document.getElementById('test').value = '';
Unless you have special use case or dealing with external plugins this isn't recommended, when dealing with React you should update using the virtual DOM.
Pseudo code sample
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
// retain previous states in here removed for example simplicity
errorString: ''
addItem() {
let todo = this.state.input;
let todos = this.state.todos;
let id =;
if (this.state.input == '') {
alert("enter a value");
errorString: 'Please enter something first'
else {
todos: todos.concat(todo),
id: id + 1,
input: '',
// notice the "error" and "test" id this could be omitted I just added this for your reference since you mentioned those in your example.
render() {
return (
{(this.state.errorString !== '') ? <div id="error" style={{color: 'red'}}>{this.state.errorString}</div> : null}
<input id="test" value={this.state.input} />
Every time you invoke setState React will call render with the updated state this is the summary of what is happening but there are lot of things going behind setState including the involvement of Virtual DOM.
