Why is Google Cloud Tasks so slow? - google-app-engine

I use Google Cloud Tasks with AppEngine to process tasks, but the tasks wait about 2-3 minutes in the queue before being sent to my App Engine endpoint.
There is no "delay" set on the tasks, and I expect them to be sent right away.
So the question is: Is Cloud Tasks slow?
As you can see is the following screenshot, Cloud Tasks gives an ETA of about 3 mins:

The official word from Google is that this is the best you can expect from their task queues.
In my experience, how you configure tasks seems to influence how quickly they get executed.
It seems that:
If you don't change the default behavior of your task queues (e.g., maximum concurrent, etc.) and if you don't specify an execution time of a task (e.g., eta) then your tasks will execute very soon after submission.
If you mess with either of these two things, then Google takes longer to execute your tasks. My guess is that it is the extra overhead of controlling task rate and execution.

I see from your screenshot that you have a task with an ETA of 2 min 49 sec which is the time until your task will be run. You have high bucket size and concurrency numbers, so I think your issue has more to do with the parameters you are using when queueing your tasks, especially the scheduled_time attribute. Check your code to see if you are adding a delay to your tasks, and make sure to tune it down.

Just adding here, that as of February 2023, I can queue tasks and then consume them VERY fast using the Python 3.7 libraries.
Takes me about 13.5 seconds to queue up 1000 tasks.
Takes about 1 minute to process those 1000 tasks using a Cloud Run deployed python/flask app. (No other processing done, just receive and reply with 200).
So, super fast!
BTW, pubsub was much slower in my tests... about 40ms per message to queue a message.


How to increase wait time for Google Cloud Tasks?

I am creating a lot of tasks to be processed in Cloud Tasks, but some of them are failing due to lack of available resources (instances). Please see the image below:
As you can see, the average time Google waits before throwing http 500 error is 10 seconds, and sometimes, less than 10ms is enough to throw http 500. This queue has auto-retry set, so, eventually all tasks are executed, but the error remains.
Is there a way to increase this wait time? I don't care waiting 5 minutes to process the task, I just want to minimize the amount of errors like this on my logging panel.
I asked a similar question not too long ago and didn't get any helpful answers. I don't know if you can increase the rate of creating tasks.
A few things to try:
Batch tasks together -- Instead of creating 10 tasks can you create one task that does the work of all 10?
Serial tasks -- Create a first task that does work and then creates a second task. The second task does work and then creates a third task, etc.
Pull queues might allow for a higher task creation rate. Not sure about that.

Best way for running long Python scripts on GCP

We are starting a new project in our company where we basically run few Python scripts for each client, twice a day.
So the idea is, twice a day a Cloud Function will be triggered where the function will trigger the Python script for each client creating new instances of App Engine / Cloud Run or any other serverless service Google's offer.
At the begining we though of using Cloud Functions, but very quickly we found out they are not suited for long running Python scripts, the scripts will eventually calculate and collect different information for each client and write them to Firebase.
The flow of the processes would be: Cloud Function triggered -> function trigger GCP instance for each client -> script running for each client -> out put is being saved to Firebase.
What would be the recommended way to do it without a dedicated server, which GCP serverless services would fit the most?
There is a lot of great answers! The key here is to decouple and to distribute the processing.
When you talk about decoupling you can use Cloud Task (where you can add flow control with rate limit or to postpone a task in the future) or PubSub (more simple message queueing solution).
And Cloud Run is a requirement to run up to 15 minutes processing. But you will have to fine tune it (see below my tips)
So, to summarize the process
You have to trigger a Cloud Functions twice a day. You can use Cloud Scheduler for that.
The triggered Cloud Functions get the list of clients (in database?) and for each client, create a task on Cloud Task(or a message in PubSub)
Each task (or message) call a HTTP endpoint on Cloud Run that perform the process for each client. Set the timeout to 30 minutes on Cloud Run.
However, if your processing is compute intensive, you have to tune Cloud Run. If the processing take 15 minutes for 1 client on 1vCPU, that mean you can't process more than 1 client per CPU if you don't want to reach the timeout (2 clients can lead you to take about 30 minutes for both on the same CPU and you can reach the timeout). For that, I recommend you to set the concurrency parameter of Cloud Run to 1, to process only one request at a time (of course, if you set 2 or 4 CPU on Cloud Run you can also increase the concurrency parameter to 2 or 4 to allow parallel processing on the same instance, but on different CPU).
If the processing is not CPU intensive (you perform API call and you wait the answer) it's harder to say. Try with a concurrency of 5, 10, 30,... and observe the behaviour/latency of the processed requests. No worries, with Cloud Task and PubSUb you can set retry policies in case of timeout.
Last things: is your processing idempotent? I mean, if you run 2 time the same process for the same client, is the result correct or is it a problem? Try to make the solution idempotent to overcome retry issues and globally issues that can happen on distributed computing (including the replays)
#NoCommandLine's answer is a best recommendation and Cloud Run is also a good option if you want to set longer running operations as timeout could be set between 5 minutes (as default) and 60 minutes. You can set or update request timeout through either Cloud Console, command line or YAML.
Meanwhile, execution time for Cloud Function only has 1 minute (by default) and could be set to 9 minutes maximum.
You can check out the full documentation below:
Requesting Timeout for Cloud Run
Requesting Timeout for Cloud Function
You can also check a related SO question through this link.
You can execute "long" running Google App Engine (GAE) Tasks using Cloud Tasks.
How long (which is why I have it in quotes) depends on the kind of scaling that you are using for your GAE Project Instance. Instances which are set to 'automatic scaling' are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes while instances which are set to 'manual' or 'basic' have up to 24 hours execution time.
From the earlier link
....all workers must send an HTTP response code (200-299) to the Cloud
Tasks service, in this instance before a deadline based on the
instance scaling type of the service: 10 minutes for automatic scaling
or up to 24 hours for manual scaling. If a different response is sent,
or no response, the task is retried....
Adding Update (there's seems to be some confusion between 30 mins vs 24 hours)
Standard HTTP Requests have a maximum execution time of 30 minutes (source) while GAE Endpoints can run for up to 24 hours if you're using manual scaling (source)

Custom Metrics cron job Datastore timeout

I have written a code to write data to custom metrics cloud monitoring - google app engine.
For that i am storing the data for some amount of time say: 15min into datastore and then a cron job runs and gets the data from there and plots the data on the cloud monitoring dashboard.
Now my problem is : while fetching huge data to plot from the datastore the cron job may timeout. Also i wanted to know what happens when cron job fails ?
Also Can it fail if the number of records is high ? if it can, what alternates could we do. Safely how many records cron could process in 10 min timeout duration.
Please let me know if any other info is needed.
You can run your cron job on an instance with basic or manual scaling. Then it can run for as long as you need it.
Cron job is not re-tried. You need to implement this mechanism yourself.
A better option is to use deferred tasks. Your cron job should create as many tasks to process data as necessary and add them to the queue. In this case you don't have to redo the whole job - or remember a spot from which to resume, because tasks are automatically retried if they fail.
Note that with tasks you may not need to create basic/manual scaling instances if each task takes less than 10 minutes to execute.
NB: If possible, it's better to create a large number of tasks that execute quickly as opposed to one or few tasks that take minutes. This way you minimize wasted resources if a task fails, and have smaller impact on other processes running on the same instance.

GAE - Execute many small tasks after a fixed time

I'd like to make a Google App Engine app that sends a Facebook message to a user a fixed time (e.g. one day) after they click a button in the app. It's not scalable to use cron or the task queue for potentially millions of tiny jobs. I've also considered implementing my own queue using a background thread, but that's only available using the Backends API as far as I know, which is designed for much larger usage and is not free.
Is there a scalable way for a free Google App Engine app to execute a large number of small tasks after a fixed period of time?
For starters, if you're looking to do millions of tiny jobs, you're going to blow past the free quota very quickly, any way you look at it. The free quota's meant for testing.
It depends on the granularity of your tasks. If you're executing a lot of tasks once per day, cron hooked up to a mapreduce operation (which essentially sends out a bunch of tasks on task queues) works fine. You'll basically issue a datastore query to find the tasks that need to be run, and send them out on the mapreduce.
If you execute this task thousands of times a day (every minute), it may start getting expensive because you're issuing many queries. Note that if most of those queries return nothing, the cost is still minimal.
The other option is to store your tasks in memory rather than in the datastore, that's where you'd want to start using backends. But backends are expensive to maintain. Look into using Google Compute Engine, which gives much cheaper VMs.
If you go the cron/datastore route, you'd store a new entity whenever a user wants to send a deferred message. Most importantly, it'd have a queryable timestamp for when the message should be sent, probably rounded to the nearest minute or the nearest 5 minutes, whatever you decide your granularity should be.
You would then have a cron job that runs at the set interval, say every minute. On each run it would build a query for all the cron jobs it needs to send for the given minute.
If you really do have hundreds of thousands of messages to send each minute, you're not going to want to do it from the cron task. You'd want the cron task to spawn a mapreduce job that will fan out the query and spawn tasks to send your messages.

Task queue doesn't run all my tasks -- App engine backend

I have an app running on a backend instance. It has 11 tasks. The first one is started by /_ah/start and it, in turn, starts the other ten, the worker tasks. The worker tasks have this structure:
done = False
while not done:
time.sleep (30)
if a_long_time_has_passed():
done = True
The execution behavior on app engine is the same every time. The scheduling task runs and enqueues the 10 worker tasks. The first seven worker tasks start running, executing correctly. The last three sit in the queue, never running. The task queue app console shows all ten tasks in the queue with seven of them running.
The app also stop responding to HTTP requests, returning 503 status codes with the logs not showing that my http handlers are getting invoked.
The worker task queue is configured with a maximum rate of 1/s and 2 buckets. It's curious that the admin console shows that the enforced rate is 0.1 sec. Since the tasks run forever, they aren't returning unsuccessful completion status codes. And the cpu load is negligible. The workers mostly do a URL fetch and then wait 30 seconds to do it again.
The logs are not helpful. I don't know where to go to find diagnostics that will help me figure it out. I'm testing in a free account. Could there be a limit of 8 tasks executing at one time? I see nothing like that in the documentation, but I've run out of ideas. Eventually, I'd like to run even more tasks in parallel.
Thanks for any advice you can give me.
There's a limit to how many simultaneous requests a backend instance will process, and it sounds like you're running into that limit.
Alternatives include:
Use regular task queues rather than ones against a backend
Start more than one instance of your backend
Use threading to start threads yourself from the start request, rather than relying on the task queue to do it for you
Note that if your tasks are CPU bound, you're not going to get any extra benefit from running 10 of them over 5, 2, or maybe even 1.
