Is data-reactroot relevant to the hydrate function in React? - reactjs

I was trying to understand what's the difference between ReactDOMServer.renderToString() and ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup() on React 16.8.6.
This is what I understood:
renderToStaticMarkup() is used on the server side when you just want to render the markup and don't want to hydrate it on the client side. (
renderToString() is used on the server side when you want to use the ReactDOM.hydrate() function to hydrate the application on the client side. (
So, if I'm right, the only difference between this two methods is that renderToString() adds the data-reactroot on the main element of the application. React reinforces this on the renderToStaticMarkup() documentation:
Similar to renderToString, except this doesn’t create extra DOM
attributes that React uses internally, such as data-reactroot. This is
useful if you want to use React as a simple static page generator, as
stripping away the extra attributes can save some bytes.
If you plan to use React on the client to make the markup interactive,
do not use this method. Instead, use renderToString on the server and
ReactDOM.hydrate() on the client.
But, I was reading this issue on React's repository where Dan Abramov said:
Instead, use hydrate() to explicitly tell React to hydrate existing
HTML. Then it won't depend on whether data-reactroot exists or not.
...The suggested migration path is to use ReactDOM.hydrate() which
completely sidesteps the problem because it doesn't rely on the
data-reactroot attribute.
So, my question is: Is data-reactroot relevant to the hydrate function in React or is the documentation wrong?
Understanding this will be really helpful to fix a bug I'm having while hydration.


How “hydration” works with react server components?

With SSR, JavaScript must be fetched for interactivity, which is often achieved via hydration. How will this be achieved with server components?
React server components don't have state, event handlers, etc. and cannot themselves be interactive. But they can be interleaved with client components, which can be interactive.
Also - React server components still require Javascript. Even for server components, even though no bundles are sent down, they are still "hydrated" in the sense that they are turned into JSX elements and then rendered onto the page as part of the React tree.
See for a complete look:
Why invent a whole new wire format? The goal on the client is to reconstruct the React element tree. It is much easier to accomplish this from this format than from html, where we’d have to parse the HTML to create the React elements. Note that the reconstruction of the React element tree is important, as this allows us to merge subsequent changes to the React tree with minimal commits to the DOM.

always use renderToStaticMarkup() over renderToString()?

According to the react docs, renderToString() creates extra DOM attributes that React uses internally such as data-reactroot whereas renderToStaticMarkup does not.
And I thought that ReactDOM.hydrate() enables event handlers to be attached to the markup which is string-rendered via renderToString(), thanks to that extra DOM attributes such as data-reactroot.
But I've tested myself that ReactDOM.hydrate() also works with the static markup which is rendered via renderToStaticMarkup(), which means that the combination of ReactDOM.hydrate and renderToStaticMarkup() successfully attaches event handlers to the string-rendered DOM.
According to the Dan Abramov's issue, hydrate() does not rely on the internal react attribute (data-reactroot)
Instead, use hydrate() to explicitly tell React to hydrate existing
HTML. Then it won't depend on whether data-reactroot exists or not.
So I might guess that it would always be better to use renderToStaticMarkup() instead of renderToString(), since performance would be more optimized by renderToStaticMarkup()
Is that ReactDOM.renderToString() just an old way before hydrate() released on React v16, only to be used with render() and dangerouslySetInnerHTML()?
Is it okay for me to think that we can always use renderToStaticMarkup() over renderToString()?
This question is related to my issue, but yet has no clarified answer.

Server side rendering react - Virtual DOM?

I recently started looking into SSR(Server side rendering) and I am impressed with its advantages. To name a few Load times, SEO, No javascript configuration.
However I am trying to understand if react server side rendering is worth it.
React is known for its Virtual DOM manipulations but using react with server side rendering will not give benefits of reactJs.
Can some one shed your ideas on using reactJS for server side rendering?
Using server-side rendering in React does not imply that React will not be used on client-side.
One of completely valid approaches is to start with client-side rendering only. In this case you have to setup a single HTML element in your HTML file that will become a hook for React once it loads.
Just to give you an example, let's say we have an <div id="root"></div> element in index.html file that will be served if we HTTP GET / path on our server. Initial document (in our case index.html) should also reference javascript file that includes React and our code. It can be done by adding something like <script type="text/javascript" src="/index.js"></script> just before </body> tag.
At some point while index.js is executed, ReactDOM.render() method is called (note: we are in the browser right now) - this is a moment in time when React looks for a div element with root id attached in a document. After it's found, it becomes react-root - component tree is mounted under this element and managed by React (ie. virtual DOM, event handlers, state updates).
Please note that this approach requires that at least one javascript file is fetched, parsed and executed before browser can render anything meaningful (other than an empty div) to a user. For some scenarios, this is not acceptable and this is where SSR (server-side rendering) can help.
Server-side rendering requires that you have JavaScript runtime environment available on your server. One of the popular choices is Node.js (others include for example Nashron for JVM).
In approach, you execute React on the server and use ReactDOMServer.renderToString() (or ReactDOMServer.renderToNodeStream()) method to generate HTML response that is sent to the client - instead of an almost empty response with just one placeholder div as previously, now you can send all the markup that will be generated from your component tree (important note here is that in React 16.4(+) only UNSAFE_componentWillMount lifecycle method is called on server-side). After the initial response with a document is sent to the client, browser can render the initial markup before index.js even finishes downloading. Once it does, ReactDOM.hydrate() method kicks in. Hydration is a process of using existing server-side rendered markup and "watering" it with javascript goodies like event handlers. After it's done, this component tree is now completely managed by React with all the benefits.
Please note that in SSR, exactly the same component tree is rendered on a server-side and that's then hydrated on a client-side.
Of course, React can also be used instead of templating engines as a very powerful static HTML markup generator. All you need to do is to render the markup on the server with ReactDOMServer. renderToStaticMarkup() and send it to the client. It should be noted that this approach has a significant performance impact ( and uses a very limited number of React features.

React Redux Server side rendered rerendering on client again

I created server side rendering with approach described in redux's official site, everything is great, but on client side it rendering components again, and this is not good I think. I am passing same state from server to window.__STATE__ variable and passing this to my client side createStore method as initial state, but it rerendering again.
Also please write in comments which part of code is needed to you, if so.
I am not providing since it is very similar to official page instructions code and there is no errors, just issue with rerendering, but as I understand it is not connecting to virtual DOM.
Please help me find valid way for handling this task.
Take a look at this example from the ReactGo project:
They use a function onUpdate that has the conditional
if (window.__INITIAL_STATE__ !== null) {
window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = null;
which prevents a duplicate fetches if __INITIAL_STATE__ is already defined. Your components rerendering may have something to do with the duplicate fetching.
Perhaps I am not understanding what you mean by re-rendering, but it is supposed to "re-render" on the client again. The way isomorphic works is that it renders the HTML on the server, and then the payload includes the initial state as well has the HTML markup - this way the browser "appears" to have faster page load times - since the UI is rendered even before the script is executed. Now once the HTML parsed and the script runs, React internally builds the virtual DOM and then compares it to the server generated DOM and wires up event listeners etc. It does not however, do a full re-render in that no new DOM elements should be created. If for any reason the client run of your React render results in a virtual DOM that is different from the generated server DOM, React will give you a warning.
"Warning: React attempted to reuse markup in a container but the
checksum was invalid. This generally means that you are using server
rendering and the markup generated on the server was not what the
client was expecting. React injected new markup to compensate which
works but you have lost many of the benefits of server rendering.
Instead, figure out why the markup being generated is different on the
client or server:"

How to add universal support existing react project

I've created a react redux project, now how do I add some SEO functionalities to project? I do not want to waste much time while refactoring codes.
You need to setup the redux store on the server and pass its initial state down to the client, so that the server-render and initial client render don't differ
Not all life cycle functions are called on the serverside, mainly componentDidMount is not called. This indeed helps if you want to do some AJAX data fetching (which you only want to do on the client).
If you are using react-router you need to setup the serverside route matching
Here are some more details: React can be used on server side rendering. What does that mean?
