Text to Speech 37 byte file returned - ibm-watson

The wav file returned by the IBM Watson text to speech service is blank.
I have tried many command line arguments (including,excluding braces) and most return blank wav files of size 37 bytes. My OS is Windows 10.
curl -X POST -u "apikey:{my_key_number_here}" ^
--header "Content-Type: application/json" ^
--header "Accept: audio/wav" ^
--data "{\"text\":\"Hello world.\"}" ^
--output hello_world.wav ^
I would like to get a "hello world" wav file but instead the wav file I get is blank and only 37 bytes in size.

It looks you don't have the complete URL in your Curl command. You need to use the URL https://stream.watsonplatform.net/text-to-speech/api/v1/synthesize.

The error is probably still an incorrect url, as hinted at by Mike Kistler's answer. The 37 byte file will be an error code and based on your comments its a
{"code":401, "error": "Unauthorized"}
Which means that either you have the wrong key, or you are using the wrong endpoint. To obtain both you need to create an instance of the TTS service in IBM Cloud. Once created you can create credentials for the service. Take a look a the credentials, there will be an IAM Key as well as an endpoint. You need both. Endpoints differ according to the centre you deployed to. For example if you deployed on to the Frankfurt location the endpoint will be https://stream-fra.watsonplatform.net/text-to-speech/api


Bash: works at command line but getting 'curl: (1) Protocol ""https" not supported or disabled in libcurl' when using in a script

Got stuck with the situation that a curl request works fine with the command line but does not work at a script giving weird errors. Here is the part of the script:
#we already got the $token
#vars defining curl parameters
curl_auth='"Authorization: Bearer '"$token"'"'
for k in $dc; do
# Download the json for each DC using the curl request
curl_combined=\""$curl_url$curl_request$curl_properties$k"\"; echo "$curl_combined"
curlCMD=( -vv --location --request GET "$curl_combined" -H "$curl_auth" -o \""$k.json"\")
echo "${curlCMD[#]}"
curl "${curlCMD[#]}"
When I run this in a script I see the following output:
First, the output from the first echo command
Then, the output from the second echo command which is what curl should take as a parameter, I've skipped the bearer token, but trust me, it is not a problem here.
-vv --location --request GET "https://example.com/api/config/v1/alertingProfiles?tenant=all&stage=prd&cluster=NA" -H "Authorization: Bearer " -o "NA.json"
And I am getting following output
Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred.
* Protocol ""https" not supported or disabled in libcurl
* Closing connection -1
curl: (1) Protocol ""https" not supported or disabled in libcurl
Please note two double quotes in the message above in front of https.
If I simply copy/paste the above second echo output in the command line right after curl and execute, it works as expected and downloads JSON in the file.
If I remove " from curl_combined var, the request is sent without double quotes and now I am getting the message curl: (56) Unexpected EOF from the script.
If I copy/paste the second echo output (without double quotes), supply it to curl, and execute from the command line, I am getting 403 message until I put double or single quotes around the https request.
In short - it seems that double quotes around the https request is necessary but for some reason, curl does not take it.
So what went wrong here? I don't mind even to write the constructed URL in a file and read from it or use herestring if it helps, but want to know what exactly went wrong here.
P.S. Removing --location or --request GET or both does not change the outcome.
The script is using passing the "${curlCMD[#]}" array as parameter to curl. This approach will handle the correct expansion of the url, regardless of any special characters in it. There is no need to wrap the curl_combined with additional quotes using the \" construct.
Suggesting replacing setting curl_combined with:
echo "$curl_combined"
This solution works replacing curl request with array to the following
curl -vv \
--location \
--request GET \
"$curl_combined" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
-o "$k.json"
But it is ugly, let's say politely...

Sending empty string value for a custom request header using cURL

I am trying to send a HTTP POST custom request header (X-Privet-Token) with value set to "" using cURL on a Linux machine. Following is my command:
curl -k -sI POST -H "X-Privet-Token:" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --trace-ascii --data "action=start&user=xyz#gmail.com"
I would like to send an empty string to the server.
Am I missing something?
You can use the following syntax to set a custom header with an empty value
curl -H "X-custom-header;" <some host>
From the man page:
man curl
-H, --header <header>
If you send the custom header with no-value then its header must be termi-
nated with a semicolon, such as -H "X-Custom-Header;" to send "X-Custom-Header:".
I know it is an old question, but I think it is worth to answer it.
I faced a similar issue when calling the privet/info API call in a Java client app, I realized the header was not sent when it was empty. If you want to set an empty header, try to use \"\" (that's what privet documentation states for /privet/info API call):
curl -k -sI POST -H "x-privet-token: \"\"" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --trace-ascii --data "action=start&user=xyz#gmail.com"
On the other hand, the privet/register API call requires a valid x-privet-token. Leaving the x-privet-token header empty, 'curl' may be ommiting it.
Having said that, the error you are getting occurs when the endpoint is not advertising /privet/register API, probably because it's already registered. You can check the APIs that the device is exposing examining the /privet/info response.

Tortoise SVN Post-Commit Hook Windows

I'm working on a simple slack integration for SVN projects via a client side post-commit hook in Windows Tortoise SVN using curl to send JSON. I would like to post some basic information, ideally revision number and comment when a commit is made. I added a post-commit client side hook, that executes a postcommit.bat file that succeeds in sending my slack channel a message. What I can't get working is including the passed in variables from tortoise. According to tortoise a SVN client side hook post-commit will include the following argument PATH DEPTH MESSAGEFILE REVISION ERROR CWD https://tortoisesvn.net/docs/release/TortoiseSVN_en/tsvn-dug-settings.html
Here is my working code, that sends a static string (not including message/revision to my slack channel):
C:\p\curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://hooks.slack.com/services/MYSECRETSERVICE -d "{\"text\":\"Test message\"}"
I would like to do something like this, but the following code does not, it simply posts "RevMessage", or in other words the parameters are not properly passed:
C:\p\curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://hooks.slack.com/services/MYSECRETSERVICE -d "{\"text\":\"Rev%REVISION%Message%MESSAGE%\"}"
Okay, this may have been so specific (judging by view count) that I was bound to answer it myself, lol. Anyway, perhaps someone else will find this useful, here is what ended up working for me. First variables need to be set from arguments, then they can be referenced as shown:
set tsvnPath=%1
set tsvnDepth=%2
set tsvnMsgFile=%3
set /p THEMSG=<%3
set tsvnRevision=%4
set tsvnError=%5
set tsvnCwd=%6
C:\p\curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://hooks.slack.com/services/MYSECRET -d "{\"text\":\"MSG %THEMSG% REV %tsvnRevision%\"}"

How to convert multiple documents using the Document Conversion service ina script bash?

How can I convert more than one document using the Document Conversion service.
I have between 50-100 MS Word and PDF documents that I want to convert using the convert_document API method?
For example, can you supply multiple .pdf or *.doc files like this?:
curl -u "username":"password" -X POST
-F "config={\"conversion_target\":\"ANSWER_UNITS\"};type=application/json"
-F "file=#\*.doc;type=application/msword"
That gives an error unfortunately: curl: (26) couldn't open file "*.doc".
I have also tried "file=#file1.doc,file2.doc,file3.doc" but that gives errors as well.
The service only accept one file at a time, but you can call it multiple time.
for doc in *.doc
echo "Converting - $doc"
-F 'config={"conversion_target":"ANSWER_UNITS"};type=application/json' \
-F "file=#$doc;type=application/pdf" "$URL"
Document Conversion documentation and API Reference.

Send a POST request with some data, including a file, using Curl

How can I include a file in a curl request form my working directory?
Below I've got a POST request that includes data for "first_name" and for "last_name", but now I need to add in the input for file. Theres examples out there where someone is ONLY sending a file along, but I'm trying to send 1 or more files, and other data.
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{ first_name: "Donny", last_name: "P", my_file: ???? }'
This can be only done with a multipart.
Manually building a multipart may be complex, so curl has a built-in -F option.
curl localhost:8000 -F "my_file=#file.ext" -F "name=daniel;last=P" -v
from man curl
-F, --form
(HTTP) This lets curl emulate a filled-in form in which a user has pressed the submit button. This causes curl to POST
data using the Content-Type multipart/form-data according to RFC 2388. This enables uploading of binary files etc.
force the 'content' part to be a file, prefix the file name with an # sign. To just get the content part from a file,
prefix the file name with the symbol <. The difference between # and < is then that # makes a file get attached in the
post as a file upload, while the < makes a text field and just get the contents for that text field from a file.
