Why is files saying Module not found: Can't resolve be? - reactjs

Trying to import my folders but they keep on saying that cannot find folder but the folder I'm import is the correct:
Module not found: Can't resolve '../_actions' in >'/Users/mirasmith/Desktop/KPV1-Project-master/src/LoginPage'
I don't know how to show the image so if someone can help fix it. Here the link to the folder hierarchy.

Does _actions have a index.js? When require is given the path of a folder, it'll look for an index.js file in that folder. If there is one, it uses it. If not, it doesn't know what file you're trying to import.
If you don't have an index.js in there, you'll need something like:
"import actions from ../_actions/filename.js"
If you are trying to do an import of all the files from a folder, this answer talks about how to do that:
import alert from "../_actions/alert.actions.js"
import user from "../_actions/user.actions.js"


Module not found. Can't resolve 'assets/styles/constants'

I've wanted to add Expo in my React Native project to start it in a web browser. After doing that, I try to import file 'assets/styles/constants.ts'. This is my tsconfig.json:
This is constants.ts:
And here I try to import this file:
After that, I get this error:
error message
What am I doing wrong? And how I can fix it?
Small fix of tsconfig.json:
small fix
Now I get the error 'Cannot find a module or it's corresponding type declarations:
Cannot find module
I understood that my IDE and VSCode see files and folders fine by these paths. When I hover on them, I can see their's content. I get the error Module not found. Can't resolve 'assets/styles/constants' when I type expo start --web. It starts in a browser and I get this error.
Maybe the problem is in Expo? I've added it in Create React Native app.
If anyone has any suggestions, please, help.
Replace assets/styles/constants with ../../../assets/styles/constants
If you import like this assets/styles/constants, webpack that compiles your project into common js file that thinks that assets is the package name and that's why it will find in node_mouldes folder and it cant resolve the folder.
so if you want to import something from your local files you can give a relative path to that folder and import it successfully like I specified ../../../assets/styles/constants.
It's the only way that create-react-app provides you to import any file but, there is another way you can build it manually called absolute path.
Like you can tell webpack that make src folder as the root of my project and if I specify # in URL than means its absolute path and root is src
after that you can call it as

React Failed to compile. Module not found: Can't resolve 'Main.css'

To my React project I added "Main.css" file and I imported it in Navigation.js component. Unfortunately, I get this error "Failed to compile. ./src/components/Navigation.js
Module not found: Can't resolve 'Main.css' in '/Users/monikastrzalka/Documents/INFORMATYKA/WEB DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS/PROJECT2/project2/src/components'". I have no idea why this is happening.That's the first time. Please help me. Below you will find necessary data.
enter image description here
I believe your issue lies in the import
import "./Main.css"
There's a few different ways import trys to find what you're indicating. Currently import is interpreting 'Main.css' as a full package - if there was a 'Main.css' library in your package.json and living in your node_modules folder import would be handling this correctly.
The other way to import is to identify a relative filepath. You can indicate the relative path the same way as your terminal.
If you try:
import "./Main.css"
import will know to look for a relative file pathway that exists inside your project.

Where is React actually being imported from?

The top of most React files has:
import React from 'react'
Yet react is not actually a file. So where is it and how is it being imported from nothing?
When you import from react it first looks into the node_modules/react/index.js like other module looks for the index.js if there's no file specified. And you may also ask why does it look for node_modules? The answer is you have not specified relative or absolute file path for eg. ./components/MyComponent. When you do not specify the specific path, it will look for the node_modules directory.
The index.js exports is like:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
module.exports = require('./cjs/react.production.min.js');
} else {
module.exports = require('./cjs/react.development.js');
So, let's continue with development environment. Now, when you look into the file node_modules/react/csj/react.development.js, you will find several exports statement at the end of the file.
So, you're simply importing React means you're importing all of them. And thus, you can use React.Component, React.Children, etc.
It's not necessary that you must have named React but it's standard. So, even if you do:
import ReactApplication from 'react'
You have access to all of them like ReactApplication.Component. Hope, this clears up things.
Further details:
When you specify ./, it will look for the current directory.
When you specify /, it will look for the root directory.
When you do not specify, it will first look to directory in your project and if it doesn't find, it will look into the node_modules directory.
Other post you may be interested to look into: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27218926/2138752
React is available as a dependency in the node_modules directory.
React must also be in the scope of files containing JSX to enable transpilers like Babel know how to handle that syntax.
React is installed as an npm package, so it can be found in your node_modules folder. That's where it's being imported from.

How does a node module resolve a file path?

An imported module contains a .png file that I would like to overwrite with another one. On the web application I can see that the reference to this file isn't change even though it is not just a module of another project.
My question is: How to file paths work in a node module that is being imported? The built project should have another structure, right?
The import statement always takes the relative path from the file or searches the module in node_modules.
If you are writing something like
import Abc from './abc.js'
it will search for abc.js in the same directory. If you want to go to the parent directory, you can use ../ instead of ./. Whatever the location of the file you give, will be calculated from the current file. This current file can be imported again and the next file cares about only this file and not what it imports
If you are not using ./ or ../ then nodejs will look for the module in node_modules folder.
import React from 'react'

importing a git-submodule into a golang gae app

I have a submodule in my golang google-app-engine project that I would like to add to my path.
$ ls ./openid/src/openid
discover.go integration verify.go
discover_test.go nonce_store.go xrds.go
discovery_cache.go nonce_store_test.go xrds_test.go
fake_getter_test.go normalizer.go yadis_discovery.go
getter.go normalizer_test.go yadis_discovery_test.go
html_discovery.go redirect.go
html_discovery_test.go redirect_test.go
In the example code for this package, it imports "openid". I'm new to golang's import rules, and I can't for the life of me figure out what I need to put in the import statement of my main file to import this package. I've tried "openid/src/openid", "myapp/openid/src/openid", etc. Can someone provide some clarification of how this works? Or do I need to actually modify the app.yaml file?
"Organizing Go code" mentions:
An import path is the string with which users import a package.
It specifies the directory (relative to $GOROOT/src/pkg or $GOPATH/src) in which the package's source code resides.
So make sure to use an import statement referring to a path which exists in your $GOPATH/src. (GOPATH being your "workspace", in which you have namespaces, as shown in this video).
Also make sure you build first openid/src/openid sources. And install it (go install).
As detailed in this answer:
Import paths can be be globally unique.
In conjunction with GOPATH, import path can be translated unambiguously to a directory path.
Any directory path under GOPATH can be unambiguously translated to an import path.
