Javascript: Expected result. React: "Unexpected use of 'name' no-restricted-globals" - reactjs

I should preface this by saying that I know next to nothing about the difference between the project I started using npx create-react-app and the project I started using touch app.js touch app.html.
I have the following code:
var departments = {
id0: "Networking",
id1: "Video",
id2: "Desktop PCs",
departments.list = function () {
var output = "";
for (name in departments) {
if (typeof departments[name] == 'string') {
output=output+departments[name].valueOf()+", ";
When I create a 'dumb' javascript app using the above-mentioned touch approach, invoking departments.list() returns Networking, Video, Desktop PCs, as I would expect. However, pasting this exact code into an unenclosed section of my App.js file created by npx create-react-app yields the compiler error Unexpected use of 'name' no-restricted-globals on each line containing the word name.
I was under the impression that any Javascript expressions are valid in React, as React is strictly a superset of Javascript? Why does this happen? Am I wrong?
I also recognize that I'm working with a lot of systems that I don't understand, but I don't even understand them well enough to start researching them yet. Npx, npm, webpack, nodejs and their relationships to Javascript and React are all mysterious to me.

You need the let keyword before your name variable.
for (let name in departments) {
When you assign to an undeclared variable in JavaScript, it manipulates the global scope. If you're using strict mode, trying to assign to a undeclared variable throws an error.
More info here:


Recoil Duplicate atom key when using with Webpack Module Federation

I'm using Webpack Module Federation to create 2 React applications: host and child.
In the host, I create atoms.ts and selector.ts filed and I expose them via the plugin under the expose section:
exposes: {
"./atoms": "./src/recoil/atoms.ts",
"./selectors": "./src/recoil/selectors.ts",
Inside the child, I just consume that via the remotes section:
remotes: {
host: "host#http://localhost:3000/remoteEntry.js",
Then, in the code of the child I use that like that:
import {someSelector} from "host/selectors"
const val = useRecoilValue(someSelector);
It's working fine but I got this warning in the console:
Duplicate atom key "userAuthState". This is a FATAL ERROR in
production. But it is safe to ignore this warning if it occurred because of
hot module replacement.
Does anyone face that issue and know if it's really a problem or how we could hide the warning?
Another related q:
Is it ok that the host will contain <RecoilRoot> and also the child will contain <RecoilRoot> ? because I want both will manage their own state but also share atom/selectors.
Regarding your second question:
Yes, this is totally fine. The nested <RecoilRoot> will create its own context and every atom referenced below the second root will be independent from the upper root. This is also explained in the docs.
Regarding the first question: As the log states this is fine as long as it occurs during development. Sometimes during the hot module replacement recoil throws away atoms and reinstantiates them causing this duplication to happen internally.
But as long as this warning doesn't pop up in your production code, everything is fine.
Are you importing the atoms or the selectors in your host application using a local path?
You need to include in your host webpack config its own entrypoint as remote and import your atoms from 'host/atoms'
I think this could solve your issue.
You can ignore the warning output (if you can bare it), functionality is not affected.
Also, you can install the intercept-stdout package and add the following to next.config.js (outside of the exported configuration):
const intercept = require("intercept-stdout")
// safely ignore recoil warning messages in dev (triggered by HMR)
function interceptStdout(text) {
if (text.includes("Duplicate atom key")) {
return "";
return text;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
This way can omit the annoying warning in console.

Sentinel import inside Terraform Cloud confusion: key "find_resources" doesn't support function calls

I'm using a Sentinel policy inside a Terraform Cloud workspace. My policy is rather simple:
import "tfplan/v2" as tfplan
allBDs = tfplan.find_resources("aci_bridge_domain")
violatingBDs = tfplan.filter_attribute_does_not_match_regex(allBDs,
"description", "^demo(.+)", true)
main = rule {
length(violatingBDs["messages"]) is 0
Unfortunately, it fails when invoked with this message:
An error occurred: 1 error occurred:
* ./allowed-terraform-version.sentinel:3:10: key "find_resources" doesn't support function calls
The documentation and source for find_resources (doc) expects a string, yet the Sentinel interpreter seems to think I'm invoking a method of tfplan? It's quite unclear why that is, and the documentation doesn't really help.
Any ideas?
OK I found the issue. If I paste the code for find_resources and its dependencies (to_string, evaluate_attribute) then everything works as expected.
So I have a simple import problem and need to figure out how to properly import

Unexpected token = for a arrow Function using StandardJS

Why the Standard JS is saying that the sign = is a unexpected token? I'm using PhpStorm.
The code works perfectly, I'm just following the tutorial from and got this error.
handleOnChange = (value) => {
volume: value
Error comes from Standard linter, not from PHPStorm parser, that's why changing JavaScript language version in preferences doesn't help... You are using ES7 proposal for class properties ( But it's not yet a part of any spec, and the parser used by Standard linter doesn't support it. You need using a different parser here - see

Setting up PDF.js to work with Meteor + Reactjs project (want to use text layer)

I've been working on a project using Meteor and React, which needs a PDF viewer with the ability to select text.
I'm currently trying to achieve this with Mozilla's PDF.js, but am having some trouble getting started. I'm a long time reader, first time asker at stackoverflow.
I've installed PDF.js with npm.
npm install pdfjs-dist --save
Now I'm trying to modify the example from pdf.js's github project here to create a React component that will render a PDF from a supplied file path and include a text layer.
import React from 'react';
require ('pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.combined');
require ('pdfjs-dist/web/compatibility');
export default class PDFText extends React.Component {
renderPDF() {
PDFJS.workerSrc = '/node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.js';
const container = document.getElementById('pdf-container');
const scale = 1;
const pageNumber = 1;
PDFJS.getDocument(this.props.file).then(function(pdf) {
return pdf.getPage(pageNumber).then(function(page) {
var pdfPageView = new PDFJS.PDFPageView({
container: container,
id: pageNumber,
scale: scale,
defaultViewport: page.getViewport(scale),
textLayerFactory: new PDFJS.DefaultTextLayerFactory()
return pdfPageView.draw();
render() {
return (
<div id='pdf-container'></div>
If I include this component in page I get the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PDFJS.DefaultTextLayerFactory is not a constructor
The next thing I tried was including 'pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer' in my code, as this is where DefaultTextLayerFactory is declared. I modified the code above to add the following line above the class declaration:
require ('pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer');
When I run the code now, I get a different error.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'PDFJS' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:114918)
at __w_pdfjs_require__ (modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:114838)
at Object.<anonymous> (modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:117449)
at __w_pdfjs_require__ (modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:114838)
at Object.<anonymous> (modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:118157)
at __w_pdfjs_require__ (modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:114838)
at module.exports (modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:114884)
at modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:114887
at webpackUniversalModuleDefinition (modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:114811)
at pdf_viewer.js (modules.js?hash=9dd20a3…:114818)
I'm really unsure what is going on here. I noticed that the function complaining refers to webpack - which I haven't been using.
I've also tried including the following check at the start of my code (this is taken from pageviewer.js in the github link above).
if (!PDFJS.PDFViewer || !PDFJS.getDocument) {
alert('Please build the pdfjs-dist library using\n' +
' `gulp dist`');
My code does in fact trigger that alert (PDFJS.PDFViewer is undefined) but the message doesn't seem correct as I installed the built pdfjs-dist library using npm. That message seems for people who cloned the repo. There isn't a gulp file in the pdfjs-dist directory - which makes sense.
I'm sure part of thep problem is that I'm experimenting with a lot of new tools here. This is my first time working with meteor, react, node, and pdf.js, so apologies in advance if I've made an obvious rookie mistake.
For the record I've tried a few other libraries, including:
mikecousins/react-pdf-js (worked reasonably well for simply displaying a pdf with no text layer).
peerlibrary/meteor-pdf.js (I hit some errors with this one as well, and I didn't pursue it too much further as the repo hasn't been touched in a couple of years).
Hopefully that's enough information for someone to spot the issue. My theory is that there's some other set up step I need to do to get this working for meteor or react (and that's why it hasn't been obvious from the "getting started" in the PDF.js website.
Also, I'm not locked in to PDF.js, so if the easiest solution to my problem is to use something else, I'd be happy to try that.
Thanks for your time

Unable to access variables with ST2?

I'm using the Sencha Command Line 3 tools with a newly generated Sencha Touch 2 application.
Assuming my app.js file looks like this:
name: "CA",
event_code: "test123",
launch: function() {
console.log("application launched!");
My views and object stores depend on generating a URL based on equaling "test123";
During development in the browser, everything works fine, returns the variables I need.
When I compile my application with sencha app build and try to run the minified version in the browser, I get an error like this:
Error evaluating http://localhost:8888/app.js with message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'event_code' of undefined localhost:11
I'm not entirely sure why this is happening or how I can fix it. I am open to any and all ideas or suggestions, any pointers in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
Ran into the exact same issue. You have no access to the namespaced app within the views... really sucks that they let you in development and not when built. Anyway, I got around it by adding a static helper class and using that all over my app:
In /app/util/Helper.js:
Ext.define('MyApp.util.Helper', {
singleton: true,
alternateClassName: 'Helper',
config: {
foo: "bar",
bat: "baz"
staticFunction: function() {
// whatever you need to do...
Then in your view or controller:
Ext.define('MyApp.view.SomeView', {
requires: ['Events.util.Helper'],
someViewFunction: function() {
var someValue = Helper.staticFunction();
// and you can use or Helper.bat in here
For reference, here's some documentation on Sencha Singletons. And one important note: make sure that your Helper singleton is in it's own file! If it's small, you may be inclined to put it at the bottom of your app.js, and things will work at first, and the build process will work, but the code will not. Don't worry, the build process puts all of your JS code in one big, compressed file anyway.
