I am attemtping to implement a file explorer using the Amazon S3 Explorer Plugin from here: https://github.com/awslabs/aws-js-s3-explorer/tree/v2-alpha within a Django Project.
The 'placeholders' for the template in the HTML page are the same Django uses so I am getting errors while attempting to render the template with the same code provided in the index.html file. When I used Vue a bit ago I remember being able to change the selectors from {{ }} to whatever I wanted, how can I do this here?
This is Angular.js code.
I have tried to do this here without success:
angular.module('aws-js-s3-explorer', [], function($interpolateProvider) {
}).factory('SharedService', SharedService)
.controller('ErrorController', ErrorController)
.controller('ViewController', ViewController)
.controller('AddFolderController', AddFolderController)
.controller('InfoController', InfoController)
.controller('SettingsController', SettingsController)
.controller('UploadController', UploadController)
.controller('TrashController', TrashController);
You need a config() block for configuring $interpolateProvider
angular.module('aws-js-s3-explorer', [])
.config(function($interpolateProvider) {
Does anybody have an idea how to create an angularjs app with modules loginApp and mainApp, login will use login.html and mainApp will use index.html?
Below is the scenario I want to achieve.
Run loginApp
Once authenticated, run mainApp
I am currently doing the above scenario since I want my login page to load faster, so instead of using index.html which has lots of <script> included.
Angular app initialization manually.
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('MyController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.greetMe = 'World';
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
More information Bootstrap Angular App
You can manually bootstrap app. see here [more][1]
Manually Bootstrapping an AngularJS Application
Let's start by defining our application's main module:
var myApplication = angular.module("myApplication", []);
Now, instead of relying on the ng-app attribute, we can call the angular.bootstrap function manually. We need to hand it both the application root and the name of our main module. Here's how you call it as soon as the DOM has finished loading:
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ["myApplication"]);
Only one AngularJS application can be auto-bootstrapped per HTML document. The first ngApp found in the document will be used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap as an application. To run multiple applications in an HTML document you must manually bootstrap them using angular.bootstrap instead. AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other. -- http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.directive:ngApp
See also
I am creating a NodeJS app which uses AngularJS for it's front-end. I am Also using RequireJS to load in the JS dependencies and then instantiate the Angular app. Here is what I am trying to do:
Within my HTML file (written in Jade) I include the RequireJS files and then call the RequireJS config using the 'data-main' attribute:
doctype html
title= title
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
block content
script(type="text/javascript" src="/bower_components/requirejs/require.js" data-main="/main.js")
My main.js file looks as follows:
"use strict";
function(require) {
require(['/assets/requiredPathsAndShim.js'], function(requiredPathsAndShim) {
maps : {
// Maps
paths : requiredPathsAndShim.paths,
shim : {
// Modules and their dependent modules
angular.bootstrap(document, ['appNameInHere']);
I have an external file which contains an object with my routes '/assets/requiredPathsAndShim.js' and it looks like follows:
"use strict";
(function(define) {
define([], function() {
return {
paths : {
'angular' : '/bower_components/angular/angular'
I will add that my NodeJS/Express app has the 'bower_components' folder set to serve static files and this is working fine.
Whenever I try and instantiate the AngularJS app using the 'angular.bootstrap...' method it tells me Angular is not defined. I can't see why this is happening and haven't been able to figure it out yet. O can't see any problem with my routes to the Angular files. Can anyone see or suggest why this may be happening?
Just managed to crack it! I had to place the 'angular.bootstrap' call in a callback function of the require.config method as the app was trying to call AngularJS before it had been defined.
Hope this helps anyone in the future.
I am very new in angularJs please guide me ,i have created custom directive called testDirective in separate file and my controller and config files are in separate files i want to use my custom directive in my html page but while loading the application that custom element is loading but not able to fetch content of directive i guess m missing some sort of mapping .kindly help me
//this is testDirective.js
var app=angular.module('mytodoApp');
return {
template:'<h2>This is comes from directive</h2>'
var app=angular.module('mytodoApp');
app.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.awesomeThings = [
'HTML5 Boilerplate',
< test-directive>
< /test-directive>
You have to bootstrap the Angular app, otherwise the HTML page does not know that you are using AngularJS and what you app has.
Bootstrapping is done by using ng-app="moduleName".
<div ng-app="mytodoApp">
As said by #JBNizet, you should add your custom directive code, by adding it trough the script tag in your HTML code.
Since browsers can only load 5 to 10 scripts at the same time, it is nessesary in production to concatenate your files with Grunt or Gulp.
My app is looking good, thanks to Ionic. All the core info is there and I'm just adding the frills - email, sharing, media (one of the functions is a metronome) and so on.
I can't get any plugins to work.
I've had success with a previous Ionic app but the plugins were all called from within
.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
and indeed the Statusbar plugin seems to working fine and it is called from within there.
I'm using the Side Menu starter with tabs built in btw.
My issue, I suppose, is that I've three controller files.
main_ctrls.js - for the main app
menu_ctrls.js - for the menu pages like feedback and email, analytics
extras_ctrls.js - for the "extra" section with the metronome and so on.
I've put 'ngCordova' as a dependency in each module and called the plugin from within the controller with the ready function. Here is the email controller.
angular.module('menu.controllers', ['ngCordova'])
.controller('FeedCtrl', function($ionicPlatform, $scope, $cordovaEmailComposer) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
$cordovaEmailComposer.isAvailable().then(function() {
// is available
alert('Email is available');
}, function () {
// not available
alert('Email is NOT available');
var email = {
to: 'max#mustermann.de',
cc: 'erika#mustermann.de',
bcc: ['john#doe.com', 'jane#doe.com'],
attachments: [
subject: 'Cordova Icons',
body: 'How are you? Nice greetings from Leipzig',
isHtml: true
$cordovaEmailComposer.open(email).then(null, function () {
alert('Email discarded.');
I'm testing it on Android (Nexus 4 with Android 5.1) with Chrome inspect and I just get an error saying "Cannot read property 'isAvailable' of undefined". Needless to say, the alerts don't pop up.
This happens with all plugins called from within controllers in this way.
What am I doing wrong?
It seems like you are invoking the plugins before the cordova device ready is fired. In my angularjs application I have done the following.
1. Removed ng-app from html and did manual bootstrap through script
2. Added cordova.js file to the dependency. ( As the last dependency. After ng-cordova js)
3. Placed the cordova.js in the same folder as that of the index.html. (No explanation for why. From any other location, simply it was not getting added. May be something specific pertaining to cordova.)
4. Added the following script to the index.html
<script type="text/javascript" language="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
onDeviceReady = function() {
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ["main"]);
Here "main" is my main angularjs module. This ensures that the app is loaded only after the device ready event is fired by cordova and all cordova related functions are available. Specific to ionic I donot have anycode. May be the portion where ionic bootstraps the app can be put instead of angular.bootstrap.
My assumptions: you have added the plugins to your cordova project through the command
cordova plugin add <plugin-location>
index.html ng-cordova include are okay if you can use ngCrdova plugins in app.js, I think ng-cordova is bad injected across angular dependencies. Try this:
adding ng-cordova to project involves adjusting the module definition files like:
angular.module('startapp', ['ionic','ngCordova','startapp.controllers'])
angular.module('startapp.controllers', [])
.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope,$cordovaEmailComposer) {
var email = {
to: 'max#mustermann.de',
cc: 'erika#mustermann.de',
bcc: ['john#doe.com', 'jane#doe.com'],
attachments: [
subject: 'Cordova Icons',
body: 'How are you? Nice greetings from Leipzig',
isHtml: true
$cordovaEmailComposer.open(email).then(null, function () {
// user cancelled email
Only include ngCordova in app.js app definition.
I'm new to AngularJS but I really like the way AngularJS works so I want to deployed it as client side for my Google cloud endpoint backend. Then I immediately get two problems:
1, Where to put the myCallback, so it's able to work into the ANgularJs controller?
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=myCallback"></script>
2, How I'm able to do the oauth2? and how the controller knows if the user authorized?
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: myCLIENT_ID,
scope: mySCOPES,.....
Any help is appreciated.
For loading Google Javascript Library with AngularJs, the callback function passed to onLoad of Google Javascript Library is the function that bootstrap AngularJS, like this:
This goes to the final of html file:
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=startApp">
Then, in <head> section you bootstrap angular like this:
<script type='text/javascript'>
function startApp() {
var ROOT = 'http://<yourapi>.appspot.com/_ah/api';
gapi.client.load('myapifromgoogleendpoint', 'version1', function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ["myModule"]);
}, ROOT);
As described by Kenji, you also need to remove ng-app directive from your html.
Regarding the callback - In order to access an Angular controller you need to use an injector (http://docs.angularjs.org/api/AUTO.$injector)
Simply create a global callback function, and then get reference to the controller from it like this:
window.callbackFunction() {
injector = angular.element(document.getElementById('YourController')).injector()
injector.invoke(function ($rootScope, $compile, $document) {
$rootScope.variable = "stuff you want to inject";
In this example I'm injecting the data to the rootScope, but this will also work for a specific controller scope (just inject $scope instead)
Can't help with the second question as I'm not familiar with gapi, though making auth2 calls from angularjs is quite straight forward.
Here you have details on how to use angularjs with google endpoints: