Azure Logic App: How to keep embedded image in email body when forwarding on? - azure-logic-apps

I am setting up a bulk emailing solution combining Logic Apps and SendGrid.
User sends email to a mailbox with attachment of required recipients > Logic App reads email > LA resends 'Body' via SendGrid for each recipient.
This works fine with a plain email. However, when an image is embedded within the body Outlook uses Content-IDs.
Currently the body of the email just says a broken image symbol.
How can the images be kept for the re-sending on?
enter image description here

If you want to implement it directly, it could be done. Because if you try to get the mail body you will find it's like below picture.
The body is escaped mail content and the image content is the contentBytes under attachments it's a base64 code.
So if you want to send a image from another mail you have to get the base64 code embed it to your mail. I use the outlook trigger to test it and send with sendgrid, the content will be like this code.
This is test email <br>\n<img src=\"data:image/jpeg;base64,#{triggerBody()['attachments'][0]['contentBytes']}\">
I test this way could send the image, and it could be seen in the mail. If this is not what you want please let know.


azure logic app not able to retrieve who is the approver after approving the mail(UserEmailAddress- showing Null)

I have created a flow using logic apps where once the owner approves the mail I need to know who approved that mail. While using normal my account I am able to retrieve the user who approved the mail but while using the service account am not able to retrieve the values. All the values its showing as null while using the service account.
How do I get the --> email address <-- of the user that selects 'Approve' or 'Reject' buttons in the email? If an email is forwarded to another person I would like to know who (email address) clicked approve or reject.
After reproducing from my end, I observed that when the mail is viewed in HTML format this doesn't work and also while forwarding the mail, but this works when the response is sent through the adaptive cards and not the HTML message that are received during the Send email with options action. One way that this can work is when you use only the adaptive cards that are send as the request.
and when you use HTML responses then below is something how you'll be receiving the response.
You can also try Creating your own actionable messages for Flow Approvals by StefanS365 where in you add provider in Actionable Email Developer Dashboard and request the approvals.

Blank email is sent with Send Email connector in Mule 4

I am using Send Email connector (SMTP configuration) to send email to gmail. It is observed that sometimes email is sent with blank body. Though in the mule log I am able to see that the email body is constructed correctly just before the Send Email connector, but the email sent is having blank body.
Even though this issue is occurring very rarely but would like to know how we can avoid such situation and is there way to handle this situation? Also, what could cause this issue?
Thanks in advance
There could be two (and more) possibilities:
Your payload being json is not getting read correctly, try payload.^raw when working with email body json. Had to do this when sending a multipart/form-data containing json content for email service
Having said this is a rare scenario it could be possible that your error flow is itself throwing an error ( either while building the body / while calling email end-point) which throws off the body and in the 2nd flow error type being changed without a body the email is sent across? Check your flows make sure http calls are surrounded with Untill-successful scope..
With more info, we could dive deep. What do you think ?

Php mail with html sontent in inline css styles

I have written a php mail with html content with inline css styles but when I execute that php mail I'm recieving mail in microsoft outlook but not in gmail app. Why?
Did you checked your spams ? Gmail has an hard anti spam politic and sometimes it goes directly into spams or you don't ever receive the mail

Ionic + Parse, need to parse Json to csv and send email with attachment

I'm looking for implementation for parsing Json object to csv and send it to a custom email address with the csv file as attachment.
Currently I'm using ionic + Mailgun for sending emails without attachments, but Mailgun dosen't support sending files.
many thanks in advance.
There is no real shortcut here. You'll need to iterate over your data set, generate the csv string and then write to file using cordova file plugin. Then you can either prompt the user to send the email by using the plugin cordova-plugin-email-composer to attach the file you've just saved OR find a service that lets you POST a file as part of the request, or write your own backend code to receive POST requests with the file to send the emails.

AppEngine gmail - missing email in chat message

Is there any reason, why I don't get email along with chat message retrieved by gmail.users.messages.get? When I try to execute the request via API explorer I can see the email in "From" field of the MessagePartHeader, however when I try it programmatically, the email is missing (using the same paramters as in API explorer).
