Struggling with role.setMentionable(true) - discord.js

I have a problem since yesterday.
I try to do role.setMentionable(true), but it doesn't change, no error. I have the same code on another server with all identical role perms, but it works on it.
Back to my first bot, I tried to change a superior and Admin role, no error. I did console.log(role), it returns well the role.
Please help I tried everything :(
var role_id = "id";
var role = client.guilds.get(serv_id).roles.get(role_id);


Discord.js check for member getting a role

I am currently trying to find a way to execute some code whenever a user is granted a specific role
However sadly I havent found any good resources on it
I imagine there could be a way of using the AUDIT log ,however Id like to avoid using the audit log due to security concerns
client.on('guildMemberUpdate', async(before, after) => {
const role = before.guild.roles.cache.get('ROLE_ID');
if(!before.roles.has(role) && after.roles.has(role)){
Pretty simple, guildMemberUpdate event is fired on a guild member update, ie a role update.

LDAP Error: The user has insufficient access rights. : LdapErr: DSID-0C09099D, comment: Error processing control,

I want to get incremental changes from Active Directory using C# and for that I am trying to build a solution as mentioned in the following article (using DirSync Control).
However, I am facing following problems:
When using following code, I am getting exception that The user has insufficient access rights. The user is part of administrators group.
What more permission needs to be given to that account? And how?
LdapConnection connection = new LdapConnection("");
connection.SessionOptions.ProtocolVersion = 3;
connection.Credential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("adfsfed\\username", "password");
connection.AuthType = AuthType.Basic;
var filter = "(&(objectClass=*))";
var searchRequest = new SearchRequest("", filter, SearchScope.Subtree, properties);
DirSyncRequestControl dirSyncRC = new DirSyncRequestControl(null, DirectorySynchronizationOptions.None);
var response = connection.SendRequest(searchRequest) as SearchResponse;
If I am using below code, then I am not getting any exception but getting empty result in cookie.
String[] properties = { "objectGUID", "sAMAccountName", "displayName", "mail", "member" };
String filter = "(|(objectClass=group)(objectClass=user))";
DirectorySearcher directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(myLdapConnection, filter, properties);
var dSynch = new DirectorySynchronization(System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySynchronizationOptions.None);
directorySearcher.DirectorySynchronization = dSynch;
directorySearcher.SearchScope = System.DirectoryServices.SearchScope.Subtree;
var results = directorySearcher.FindAll();
var cookie = dSynch.GetDirectorySynchronizationCookie();
I have only one Domain Controller
I am system admin. So, I can assign appropriate permissions to the user.
Please help.
• Your user ID will need the "Replicating Directory Changes" permission and should be a member of ‘Domain Administrators’ group to use the DirSync LDAP control extension. But please note that it pretty much can read anything in the directory partition, regardless of standard permissions. Though they cannot change anything.
However - you may have some attributes that are sensitive in your directory. Please refer the powershell script in the below link and execute it with the user ID after giving appropriate permissions using C#. It is a dirsync code that will retrieve even attributes like ‘userAccountControl, userparameters, msexchuseraccountcontrol, pwdlastset, unicodePwd (BLANK, So no hashed domain password is returned), lockouttime, accountexpires, unixuserpassword(Its Hash is returned).
Based on the response given by #KartikBhiwapurkar-MT, I figured out the bug.
The error The user has insufficient access rights is completely misleading (User had already Replicating Directory Changes rights and was part of Domain Administrators group). The error was happening in System.DirectoryServices.Protocols is that I was passing out "" as first parameter (distinguishedName)
new SearchRequest("", filter, SearchScope.Subtree, properties);
but it should have been passed as
new SearchRequest("DC=adfs,DC=fed,DC=zzz,DC=com", filter, SearchScope.Subtree, properties);
I was getting empty cookie in System.DirectoryServices because of bug in latest nuget package (6.0.0). At the time of writing this answer, the bug is still open.
Reference to bug

Laravel 8 Fortify User UUID Login Problem

I am currently setting up a new project using Laravel 8. Out of the box, Laravel is configured to use auto-incrementing ID's for the user's ID. In the past I have overrode this by doing the following.
Updating the ID column in the user table creation migration to
Adding the following trait
trait UsesUUID
protected static function bootUsesUUID()
static::creating(function ($model) {
$model->{$model->getKeyName()} = (string) Str::orderedUuid();
Adding the following to the user model file
use UsesUUID;
public $incrementing = false;
protected $primaryKey = 'id';
protected $keyType = 'uuid';
On this new project, I did the same as above. This seems to break the login functionality. When the email and password are entered and submitted, the form clears as though the page has been refreshed. Thing to note is there are no typical validation error messages returned as would be expected if the email and/or password is wrong.
To check that the right account is actually being found and the password is being checked properly, I added the following code to the FortifyServiceProvider boot method. The log file confirms that the user is found and the user object dump is correct too.
Fortify::authenticateUsing(function(Request $request) {
\Log::debug('running login flow...');
$user = User::where('email', $request->email)->first();
if ($user && Hash::check($request->password, $user->password)) {
\Log::debug('user found');
return $user;
\Log::debug('user not found');
return false;
Undoing the above changes to the user model fixes the login problem. However, it introduces a new problem that is the login will be successful but it wont be the right account that is logged in. For example, there are 3 accounts, I enter the credentials for the second or third account, but no matter what, the system will always login using the first account.
Anyone have any suggestions or ideas as to what I may be doing wrong, or if anyone has come across the same/similar issue and how you went about resolving it?
After digging around some more, I have found the solution.
Laravel 8 now stores sessions inside the sessions table in the database. The sessions table has got a user_id column that is a foreign key to the id column in the users table.
Looking at the migration file for the sessions table, I found that I had forgot to change the following the problem.
This is because Laravel 8 by default uses auto incrementing ID for user ID. Since I had modified the ID column to the users table to UUID, I had forgotten to update the reference in the sessions table too.

Grails3/groovy error iterating a list where index 0 was removed

this is my first grails project, so sorry if it's a newbish question but I didn't find anything about it.
I'm using Grails 3.3.2 with mongoDB and the calls to the DB are made with GORM.
I created a method that receives a list of users to create a MAP with the users and their specific roles and render it in a view. Only the admin has access to this page and now I don't want for a logged in admin to have access to his privileges/role, in other words, an admin can ONLY change the roles for other admins.
This way the system don't be with no admin by mistake.
This is the method:
def renderListUsers(def listUsers) {
//remove o proprio utilizador antes de tudo!
def usersWithRole = [:]
for (user in listUsers) {
usersWithRole[user.username] = UserRole.findByUser(user).role.toString().split("_")[1]
render(view: "listUsers", model: [users: listUsers, userRoles: usersWithRole])
This method is working perfectly, the issue is that as soon as I added the "listUsers.remove(...)" (line 7) to remove the logged in user I was getting this error and I didn't understand why, then I find out that the error only occurs if the user removed is in the index 0 of that list.
Now I found if I add that "println(listUsers)" before it just works always! Even if the object removed is in the index 0.
Is this a known error on groovy or what am I doing wrong? I don't want to leave that print there.
Thank you for your time!
Got it to work! This way:
def loggedUser = User.findByUsername(getPrincipal().username)
if (loggedUser in listUsers) {
I knew that I needed to add this verification, but I didn't thought that it would resolve this.

Random access denied errors on User Extensions

When using extensions in the Graph API:
graphUser = graphClient.Users.Request().AddAsync(graphUser).Result;
OpenTypeExtension newExtension = new OpenTypeExtension()
ExtensionName = "CustomName",
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ { "CustomID", user.CustomID }
I randomly get these errors:
Code: AccessDenied
Message: Access Denied
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I can't seem to find a correlation.
When I step trough the code in the debugger it works more often then if I run it without interruption. But if I add a sleep between the lines (to account for processing delay), it doesn't fix the issue.
The application has all the required rights to access the API.
The issue isn't solely in the POST, but also on the GET as illustrated in the code sample below which results in the same error.
User user = graphClient.Users[userName]
user.Extensions = graphClient.Users[userName]
Does anyone have experience with this issue? Thanks in advance!
I figured out that once the errors start showing, the user needs to be deleted. Errors on one user don't necessarily mean errors on another user.
I also posted this as an issue on GitHub. Here you can find more information about this problem. It's now labeled as a bug.
It turns out that the User Principal Name is a cached reference.
Since I was running tests, meaning recreating the same test user a lot, the reference UPN was pointing to the old user object resulting in the Access Denied errors.
The issue can be avoided by using the Id of the object, like this:
I believe the team is going to fix the reference bug, but I can't speak for them of course. In either case I would recommend using the Id attribute to be sure.
Based on the test, when we create a new user in Azure Active Directory, it seems that there is some delay we can operate for that user. Even the user is returned successfully when I using the Graph to filter the user, it still may failed when I add the extension to that user.
For this issue, I added a line of addition code to make the current thread sleep and then it works.
var userPrincipalName = "";
var graphUser = new User() { AccountEnabled = true, MailNickname = "MailNickname", UserPrincipalName = userPrincipalName, DisplayName = "userPrincipalName", PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile() { Password = "islkdifde123!", ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = false } };
graphUser = graphClient.Users.Request().AddAsync(graphUser).Result;
OpenTypeExtension newExtension = new OpenTypeExtension()
ExtensionName = "CustomName",
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "CustomID", "abc" }
However the detailed error message for this issue should be code=ResourceNotFound,message=User not found. Please check whether the error is same and this workaround is helpful.
