PHPSpreadsheet to update an existing file writes only the last record of the query - loops

Hello i am trying to write an existing xlsx file using phpspreadsheet with setActiveSheetIndexByName(sheetname) and setcellvalue with reference and value, but it updates only the last record. spent more than 12 hours on this.
i tried foreach instead of while and used a counter to increment, but none worked.
$prospect = $_REQUEST['prospect'];
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;
$sql1 = mysqli_query($db,"select filename,sheetname, row, responsecol,compliancecol,response, compliance from spreadsheet where `prospect`='$prospect' and response <>'' order by row");
while($row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql1))
$filename= $row1['filename']; //test.xlsx
$sheetname= $row1['sheetname']; // mysheet
$responsecol= $row1['responsecol'].$row1['row']; //D1
$response= $row1['response']; //response
$compliancecol= $row1['compliancecol'].$row1['row']; //C1
$compliance= $row1['compliance']; //compliance
$spreadsheet = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::load($filename);
$writer = IOFactory::createWriter($spreadsheet, 'Xlsx');
i wish each of the row from mysqli result updates each reference cell with value.

The easys way is to set a Limit of 1 to your MySQL query. That takes only one value from your data. If you will the last you should sort DESC.
$sql1 = mysqli_query($db,"select filename,sheetname, row, responsecol,compliancecol,response, compliance from spreadsheet where `prospect`='$prospect' and response <>'' order by row DESC LIMIT 1");


I need to show all data form pinjaman_id but only last data in every pinjaman_id form database

I'm using laravel, I want to make show all last data based on pinjaman_id this mean I only need last data of pinjaman_id, so pinjaman_id cant show duplicate, I just need the last one, and show them all last data with diffirent pinjaman_id
$pinjaman = DB::table('invoice')->where('pinjaman_id', 67)->orderBy('tgl_tempo', 'desc')->first();
if I'm using this, its only show last data in pinjaman_id = 67, I need to show them all but only last data based on tgl_tempo desc
$pinjaman = DB::table('invoice')->where('pinjaman_id', ??)->orderBy('tgl_tempo', 'desc')->first();
this is image my database
You have to use raw query to get the correct data then use UNION ALL to get other data
$results = DB::select("(SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE pinjaman_id= 67 order by tgl_tempo DESC limit 1) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE pinjaman_id != 67)") ;
try this one
$query = "select * from invoice where id IN (select MAX(id) from invoice where user_id = :userId group by pinjaman_id) order by tgl_tempo desc ";
$result = DB::select(DB::raw($query),['userId' => 1]);

Csv file to a Lua table and access the lines as new table or function()

Currently my code have simple tables containing the data needed for each object like this:
infantry = {class = "army", type = "human", power = 2}
cavalry = {class = "panzer", type = "motorized", power = 12}
battleship = {class = "navy", type = "motorized", power = 256}
I use the tables names as identifiers in various functions to have their values processed one by one as a function that is simply called to have access to the values.
Now I want to have this data stored in a spreadsheet (csv file) instead that looks something like this:
Name class type power
Infantry army human 2
Cavalry panzer motorized 12
Battleship navy motorized 256
The spreadsheet will not have more than 50 lines and I want to be able to increase columns in the future.
Tried a couple approaches from similar situation I found here but due to lacking skills I failed to access any values from the nested table. I think this is because I don't fully understand how the tables structure are after reading each line from the csv file to the table and therefore fail to print any values at all.
If there is a way to get the name,class,type,power from the table and use that line just as my old simple tables, I would appreciate having a educational example presented. Another approach could be to declare new tables from the csv that behaves exactly like my old simple tables, line by line from the csv file. I don't know if this is doable.
Using Lua 5.1
You can read the csv file in as a string . i will use a multi line string here to represent the csv.
gmatch with pattern [^\n]+ will return each row of the csv.
gmatch with pattern [^,]+ will return the value of each column from our given row.
if more rows or columns are added or if the columns are moved around we will still reliably convert then information as long as the first row has the header information.
The only column that can not move is the first one the Name column if that is moved it will change the key used to store the row in to the table.
Using gmatch and 2 patterns, [^,]+ and [^\n]+, you can separate the string into each row and column of the csv. Comments in the following code:
local csv = [[
local items = {} -- Store our values here
local headers = {} --
local first = true
for line in csv:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
if first then -- this is to handle the first line and capture our headers.
local count = 1
for header in line:gmatch("[^,]+") do
headers[count] = header
count = count + 1
first = false -- set first to false to switch off the header block
local name
local i = 2 -- We start at 2 because we wont be increment for the header
for field in line:gmatch("[^,]+") do
name = name or field -- check if we know the name of our row
if items[name] then -- if the name is already in the items table then this is a field
items[name][headers[i]] = field -- assign our value at the header in the table with the given name.
i = i + 1
else -- if the name is not in the table we create a new index for it
items[name] = {}
Here is how you can load a csv using the I/O library:
-- Example of how to load the csv.
path = "some\\path\\to\\file.csv"
local f = assert(
local csv = f:read("*all")
Alternative you can use io.lines(path) which would take the place of csv:gmatch("[^\n]+") in the for loop sections as well.
Here is an example of using the resulting table:
-- print table out
print("items = {")
for name, item in pairs(items) do
print(" " .. name .. " = { ")
for field, value in pairs(item) do
print(" " .. field .. " = ".. value .. ",")
print(" },")
The output:
items = {
Infantry = {
type = human,
class = army,
power = 2,
Battleship = {
type = motorized,
class = navy,
power = 256,
Cavalry = {
type = motorized,
class = panzer,
power = 12,

Calculate Sum and Insert as Row

Using SSIS I am bringing in raw text files that contain this in the output:
I use this data later to report on. The Key columns get pivoted. However, I don't want to show all those columns individually, I only want to show the total.
To accomplish this my idea was calculate the Sum on insert using a trigger, and then insert the sum as a new row into the data.
The output would look something like:
Is what I'm trying to do possible? Is there a better way to do this dynamically on pivot? To be clear I'm not just pivoting these rows for a report, there are other ones that don't need the sum calculated.
Using derived column and Script Component
You can achieve this by following these steps:
Add a derived column (name: intValue) with the following expression:
(DT_I4)(RIGHT([Value],2) == "GB" ? SUBSTRING([Value],1,FINDSTRING( [Value], " ", 1)) : "0")
So if the value ends with GB then the number is taken else the result is 0.
After that add a script component, in the Input and Output Properties, click on the Output and set the SynchronousInput property to None
Add 2 Output Columns outKey , outValue
In the Script Editor write the following script (VB.NET)
Private SumValues As Integer = 0
Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()
Output0Buffer.outKey = ""
Output0Buffer.outValue = SumValues.ToString & " GB"
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Output0Buffer.outKey = Row.Key
Output0Buffer.outValue = Row.Value
SumValues += Row.intValue
End Sub
I am going to show you a way but I don't recommend adding total to the end of the detail data. If you are going to report on it show it as a total.
After source add a data transformation:
Add two columns to your data flow: Size int and type string
Select Value as readonly
Here is the code:
string[] splits = Row.value.ToString().Split(' '); //Make sure single quote for char
int goodValue;
if(Int32.TryParse(splits[0], out goodValue))
Row.Size = goodValue;
Row.Type = "GB";
Row.Size = 0;
Now you have the data with the proper data types to do arithmatic in your table.
If you really want the data in your format. Add a multicast and an aggregate and SUM(Size) and then merge back into your original flow.
I was able to solve my problem in another way using a trigger.
I used this code:
, [Type]
, [DeviceSN]
, [Property]
, [Value]
SELECT ms.[Filename],
'Memory Device.Total' AS [Key],
CAST(SUM(CAST(left(ms.[Value], 2) as INT)) AS VARCHAR) + ' GB' as 'Value'
FROM [Table] ms
JOIN inserted i ON i.Row# = ms.Row#
WHERE ms.[Value] like '%GB'
GROUP BY ms.[filename],

Splitting column with XML data

I have a SQL column named "details" and it contains the following data:
<changes><RoundID><new>8394</new></RoundID><RoundLeg><new>JAYS CLOSE AL6 Odds(1 - 5)</new></RoundLeg><SortType><new>1</new></SortType><SortOrder><new>230</new></SortOrder><StartDate><new>01/01/2009</new></StartDate><EndDate><new>01/01/2021</new></EndDate><RoundLegTypeID><new>1</new></RoundLegTypeID></changes>
<changes><RoundID><new>8404</new></RoundID><RoundLeg><new>HOLLY AREA AL6 (1 - 9)</new></RoundLeg><SortType><new>1</new></SortType><SortOrder><new>730</new></SortOrder><StartDate><new>01/01/2009</new></StartDate><EndDate><new>01/01/2021</new></EndDate><RoundLegTypeID><new>1</new></RoundLegTypeID></changes>
<changes><RoundID><new>8379</new></RoundID><RoundLeg><new>PRI PARK AL6 (1 - 42)</new></RoundLeg><SortType><new>1</new></SortType><SortOrder><new>300</new></SortOrder><StartDate><new>01/01/2009</new></StartDate><EndDate><new>01/01/2021</new></EndDate><RoundLegTypeID><new>1</new></RoundLegTypeID></changes>
What is the easiest way to separate this data out into individual columns? (that is all one column)
Try this:
SELECT DATA.query('/changes/RoundID/new/text()') AS RoundID
,DATA.query('/changes/RoundLeg/new/text()') AS RoundLeg
,DATA.query('/changes/SortType/new/text()') AS SortType
-- And so on and so forth
FROM YourTable) AS T
Once you get your result set from the sql (mysql or whatever) you will probably have an array of strings. As I understand your question, you wanted to know how to extract each of the xml nodes that were contained in the string that was stored in the column in question. You could loop through the results from the sql query and extract the data that you want. In php it would look like this:
// Set a counter variable for the first dimension of the array, this will
// number the result sets. So for each row in the table you will have a
// number identifier in the corresponding array.
$i = 0;
$output = array();
foreach($results as $result) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
// Here use simpleXML to extract the node data, just by using the names of the
// XML Nodes, and give it the same name in the array's second dimension.
$output[$i]['RoundID'] = $xml->RoundID->new;
$output[$i]['RoudLeg'] = $xml->RoundLeg->new;
// Simply create more array items here for each of the elements you want
foreach ($output as $out) {
// Step through the created array do what you like with it.
echo $out['RoundID']."\n";

wpdb delete query count

How do you count the number of times a delete query has been successfully executed using wordpress default database class.
for example:
$delete = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM table where and itemid > itemid");
I know one way is to fire a select count:
$deletecount = $wpdb->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table where itemid > itemid");
but is there a direct way to know the count without executing a second query?
Thank you!
The $wpdb->query(...) function returns an integer value corresponding to the number of rows affected. So, if you delete 10 rows then it'll return 10, use it like:
$count = $wpdb->query('delete query');
Also you may use the delete method:
$count = $wpdb->delete( $table, $where, $where_format = null );
Returns the same affected rows on successful operation and false on failure. Read more on Codex.
