How to install missing material-ui files in react - reactjs

After having installed my material-ui for my react project, but when it comes to use it always bring up an error telling me that
'Module not found'
./src/Components/LatestPost.jsModule not found: Can't resolve#material-ui/lab/Skeleton' in 'C:\Users\Zinox\super-surf\src\Components'

You would have only installed #material-ui/core package which would not include the experimental features you are looking for and hence you are getting the error Module not found: Can't resolve '#material-ui/lab/Skeleton'
To use experimental features of Material UI like Skeleton, Rating, Speed Dial and so on you need to also install the Material UI Lab package,
npm install #material-ui/lab
Note that this is needed in addition to the #material-ui/core package that you installed earlier with npm install #material-ui/core
After installing the above package you could import it as,
import Skeleton from '#material-ui/lab/Skeleton';
in your React Component and use it as desired.

you should add two packages into the app first is
yAR i #material-ui/lab #material-ui/core

Stumbled upon the same issue. Skeleton doesn't seem to be contained in the latest package version (4.0.0-alpha.22) at the moment. But it is on their source folder, which is odd.
Maybe you open an issue at their GitHub.
I did:

Module not found: Can't resolve '#material-ui/lab/Skeleton'
If you want to use Skeleton, Rating, Speed Dial, and so on you need to also install the Material UI Lab package.
npm install #material-ui/lab
yarn add #material-ui/lab
Link here.
enter link description here


anyone can help me to use material icons in react project

I have imported two material icons packages
"#material-ui/core": "^4.12.3",
"#material-ui/icons": "^4.11.2"
but the code is not working it shows me errors like a module not found so what do I need to do?
npm install #material-ui/icons
npm install #material-ui/core
i have installed abowe two packeges.
[below is the error of my project]
Material UI with v5 did a rebranding to move away from just "material" and is now called "MUI".
This means, their npm packages have too been renamed.
If you goto #material-ui/core in npm you can see this notice
This package has been deprecated
You can now upgrade to #mui/material. See the guide:
In this case, assume you are importing icons as suggested in which uses v5 where as installed packages are v4 (with #material scope)
You have couple of options:
upgrade all packages to v5 (ie, #mui scope) if you want to use mui v5. Do note, you have to install couple of additional dependencies as well - #emotion/react #emotion/styled as MUI is now based on emotion.
or, update import to #material-ui/icons as mentioned here -
I guess the new way to install material UI is npm install #mui/icons-material. try it out.

Module not found: Can't resolve '#mui/x-data-grid' in 'C:\Users\Syndicate\Documents\GitHub\simserp\sims\src\components\modules\country'

enter image description here
I was working on the "#material-ui/core": "^4.12.3" version, and now the version is changed. I am looking the way for :
import { GridOverlay, DataGrid } from '#mui/x-data-grid';
But it is not working.
can anyone help me in setting up both the version and documentation for the older version so that I go with both version in my application.
Step 1.
// with npm
npm install #mui/material #emotion/react #emotion/styled
// with yarn
yarn add #mui/material #emotion/react #emotion/styled
Step 2.
// with npm
npm install #mui/x-data-grid
// with yarn
yarn add #mui/x-data-grid
Step 3.
import { DataGrid } from '#mui/x-data-grid'
Long Text
Our company also encountered the same problem when migrating, and finally solved it perfectly.
The reason for the above error is because #mui/x-data-grid is dependent on MUI v5, so you have to install it, or you can be used with MUI v4 with some additional steps.
This is a reference guide for upgrading your site from MUI X v4 to v5. MUI X v5 is fully compatible with MUI Core (includes Material UI) v5 and can be used with MUI Core v4 with some additional steps. Most breaking changes are renaming of CSS classes or variables to improve the consistency of the grid.
Refer to MUI doc
You may be wondering, but what should I do if I use mui v4 now?
According to our actual experience and the information provided by the official Material, it is no problem to have the v4 package and the v5 package at the same time, so you can install the MUI v5 first and let #mui/ x-data-grid can be used, waiting for the spare time to migrate the v4 components to the v5 usage.
We strongly recommend you migrate MUI Core to v5 when using MUI X v5. However, this might not be possible, depending on the complexity of the application. The alternative is to install MUI Core v5 and configure it to keep MUI Core v4 running alongside.
Refer to MUI doc
Module not found: Can't resolve '#mui/x-data-grid'
Means you don't have this module installed
If you find this error for any other modules meaning is the same you have to install that specific module
npm install #mui/x-data-grid
npm i #mui/x-data-grid install this one first
Even if you have installed the dependency #mui/x-data-grid VS Code may nag you with this error, the solution is to restart the VS Code.

Box shadows with html2canvas - installing build from git

The documentation for the main version of html2canvas says it does not currently support box shadows, but there are existing versions that do. This page showcases html2canvas working with box shadows working box shadows
I want to add this version to my project and tried
npm install --save
which adds this line to my package.json file
"html2canvas": "git://",
but when I try to import html2canvas with
import html2canvas from 'html2canvas';
it gives the error
Module not found: Can't resolve 'html2canvas'
I've never used a library or npm package straight from git before - what am I doing wrong?
try username/repository#branch in package.json
or try npm install --save username/repo#branch-name.
In your case npm install niklasvh/html2canvas#master.
Please let me know if it does not solve your problem.

Can I add only Material-UI Lab to my project without installing Core?

I want to use the Slider component from Material UI in my React app.
The Slider is part of 'Lab', a 'package that hosts the incubator components that are not yet ready to move to the core.'
npm install #material-ui/lab
npm install #material-ui/core
Do I still need to install Core Material UI to my project or can I only add the Lab?
I do not want to add more bulk to my already big project.
#material-ui/lab have dependency on #material-ui/core, so you must need to added #material-ui/'s your choice how you added npm install or cdn
here some useful for you i guess:
#material-ui/core cdn reference: Here
#material-ui/lab cdn reference: Here
or you can try
they have some awesome tools for you.
Thank You :)
#material-ui/lab has #material-ui/core as a peer dependency. So yes you do need to add it. However if you're concerned about bundle size then rest assured that importing a lab component will not add the complete core to the bundle. It will only add what's necessary.

Module not found: Can't resolve 'material-ui/AutoComplete'

I installed material-ui-search-bar and then I want to use SearchBar.
But I have next problem:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'material-ui/AutoComplete' in '...node_modules/material-ui-search-bar/lib/components/SearchBar'
How can I fix it?
AutoComplete is associated with Lab package of material UI. On Adding the "lab" package AutoComplete can be used. Add using yarn
yarn add #material-ui/lab
or using npm
npm install #material-ui/lab
I cannot upvote nor comment, so I just parrot the working solution.
Thanks, #blackspacer.
This works:
npm install #material-ui/lab
One expects all Material UI elements to be present after the initial package install, but there is an exception.
About the lab
This package hosts the incubator components that are not yet ready to
move to the core.
Installation Install the package in your project directory with:
// with npm
npm install #material-ui/lab
// with yarn
yarn add #material-ui/lab
Install material-ui using this command :
npm install material-ui#latest
This can happen due to multiple reasons.
1) You are using the beta version of v1.0 launch of material-ui which has breaking changes. Try switching to the stable version. Or if you want to use the latest beta version, then use
Refer below link: AutoComplete
2) Try importing like below:
import AutoComplete from 'material-ui/AutoComplete';
import { AutoComplete } from 'material-ui/AutoComplete';
Due to the port going on for #next version the modules are being reorganized and hence few components are breaking.
The only solution that worked is uninstall material-ui-search-bar and install using npm install material-ui-search-bar#beta
Use npm i #autocomplete/material-ui in your terminal.
Then run npm start, issue will be resolved.
import { Autocomplete } from '#autocomplete/material-ui';
Further more information or to try the template on another file for testing - use the below reference link.
npm -i #material-ui/core
as more packages may be needed. For me besides lab i also needed utils. Hope this helps.
yarn add material-ui-icons
Try using this in project directory
Install beta version npm install material-ui-search-bar#beta
My issue got resolved after installing beta version.
This question is 4 years old so some of the answers here are no more correct. In 2022 and on v5.5, this is no more a lab component, but another reason you might be still getting this error:
export 'AutoComplete' (imported as 'AutoComplete') was not found in '#mui/material'
is if you're still using the old name. Its name has changed from "AutoComplete" to "Autocomplete", i.e., the letter c is no more capital.
So if you have something like:
import AutoComplete from #mui/material/AutoComplete
...just change it to this:
import Autocomplete from #mui/material/Autocomplete
This is a nice example for your problem try it.
import Tab from '#material-ui/core/Tab'
I guess you are not importing Autocomplete correctly .
For more information Visit here
Import like this.
import Autocomplete from '#material-ui/lab/Autocomplete';
