Follow https link from outlook message body with Azure Logic App - azure-logic-apps

I have a task to follow first of two links which is contained in Outlook body and avoid second link.
Body example:
True link:
Link to avoid:
I can only handle the message but then i don't know what to do.
Big thanks for any help!

Suppose you could use Contains to check whether the message has the link string. It will return true if the string is found.


Send multi-line signature to Metamask via web3js

Checked all the similar questions suggested and couldn't find an answer, unfortunately.
Is there a way to send a multi-line message to metamask via web3.eth.personal.sign as the first parameter? (The problem is how to get multiple lines, not how to actually send a message there)
A more eloquent example of my question can be seen in the image attached. There are multiple paragraphs on separate lines: 'Welcome to OpenSea!', 'Click "Sign" to sign in..." etc.
Thanks a lot!
You can either use \n or use instead of '' or "" when you send the message. The option with takes the spacing in the content into consideration (in js).

Which fields are required for auth0.webAuth.authorize()?

I'm using react-native-auth0 version 1.6.0, and have been following the guide on the Github page here. In the "Web Authentication" -> "Log In" sections, it recommends passing only scope and audience to the auth0.webAuth.authorize() method. However, I also saw this documentation where in the "Database/AD/LDAP" section they say that response_type, client_id, and redirect_uri are all required.
What I Want To Know:
What is the difference between the protocols followed for auth0.webAuth.authorize() in the first and second guides? Which should I follow?
Some of the params are assumed because of the library or already input when you initialize. For instance, response type is assumed to be code, and you will have already input your client ID when initializing WebAuth.

Azure logic apps condition not working as expected

I've been creating a prototype with Azure Logic Apps using an email response condition. This example is so simple, but I can't make behave as I'm expecting. A few hours later I am declaring defeat.
What is supposed to happen from this Workflow is when I click on 'Approve' it's supposed to go down the YES branch and send me an email that says 'Approved', but it always goes down the NO branch and sends me an email that says 'Rejected'!
The conditionality code is below (with my email address replaced by 'me').
"expression": "#equals(body('Send_approval_email'), 'Approve')"
Use "expression": "#equals(body('Send_approval_email')?['SelectedOption'], 'Approve')"
Using "#equals(body('Send_approval_email'), 'Approve')", you will try to compare:
"SelectedOption": "Approve"
which obviously doesn't match.
Hope this helps :)

mail clients stripping part of angular url

I am sending a signup activation email containing a signup confirmation url with a confirmation token that points to an angular front end app:
Note that the token is a JWT and is fairly long.
This works find for most users, but for some clicking on the link takes them to https://domain/com only without the confirm-signup?token=...
It seems as though the mail client may be stripping off everything after the #, but I can't find any evidence of others having this problem, nor can I reproduce it.
My best guess so far is that some mail clients are seeing the # and somehow treating the trailing part as an internal anchor and stripping it...?
Has anyone else encountered this sort of problem? If so, have you found any solution short of replacing the whole mechanism with something else?
Some clients treat the hash-link just fine. Others don't. There's a conversation about Outlook being dirty about this here: Outlook strips URL hash from email
What we did to resolve this at our company is simply create a handler on our server that redirects. Your email link would become and your server side script would grab the query param url and immediately trigger a redirect.
You'd need to make sure that you find all links in your emails and replace them. Here's a PHP function for that, but you could do this in whatever backend language you're using. Regex here may be helpful at least.
function replaceLinks($html,$hash) {
return preg_replace_callback('/<a [^>]*href=[\"\']{1}(.+?)[\"\\\']{1}/', function($matches) use ($hash) {
return str_replace($matches[1],"".rawurlencode($matches[1]),$matches[0]);
}, $html);
Yes I have encountered this issue before because of the #, I was trying to link to a anchor on a landingpage.. My solution ended up using a short.url service to "hide" the # from the html e.g.
Looks like you need percent encoding!
A lot of times when your href gets parsed (by angular in this case) it doesn't handle the special characters right, or strips them. Find your problem characters and replace them with %3F for ?, %26 for &, and %23 for #. The rest are in a chart in the link.
Once the encoded address hits the browser the url will be decoded in your url bar.

How to read in html files with another method than file_get_contents() in codeigniter and send via html mail without getting shred?

Whenever i'm using file_get_contents() to pass a html-email-template $body=file_get_contents($path); as a variable to the phpmailer method $mail->MsgHTML($body); the mail gets shred.
How else to do? Would file_get_html() of the simple_html_dom script help? How to run that as library in codeigniter? What other possibilities are there? I would appreciate some advices, links etc.
Just a hunch as I don't know what you mean by shred.
$mail->Encoding = 'base64';
