OpenAPI throws exception in ServiceStack .NET Core - Swagger 2.0 does not support null types - servicestack-openapi

I recently added OpenApi to my service and when I run it and nativate to swagger-ui in the metadata page I get a page with the message loading resources... please wait and nothing happens. Opening the developer console in Chrome I see this error: resolver.js:842 Uncaught TypeError: Swagger 2.0 does not support null types ([object Object]). I've tried all I can to look for possible solutions to this problem but to no avail.

I run into this error when I use JsConfig.IncludeNullValuesInDictionaries = true;, when set to false, it works.


ERROR: Firebase Database (${JSCORE_VERSION}) INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED: Reference.ts has not been loaded

I get error message when I am loading my Webapp with IE10 and below IE version.
I am building an my Webapp with React 15.4.0 and firebase 5.5.0.
I have tested the Webapp with Chrome, Firefox, IE11 and it's working fine.
Try to comment line below in file "firebase-js-sdk/src/database/api/Query.ts" may help you to solve this error.
assert(__referenceConstructor, 'Reference.ts has not been loaded');
Other work around are also available in link below that you can try to check.
Firebase Database (4.3.1) INTERNET ASSERT FAILED: Reference.ts has not been loaded.

Angular View fails to load from template, when rendered via PhantomJS

I have an Angular application that is leveraging template caching (part of our Gulp build process). The application runs fine, the cached views load... Except when rendered through PhantomJS (or Google's Pagespeed or Fetch as Google for that matter).
After much investigation, I found that routing is throwing this error:
Error: [$compile:tpload] Failed to load template: /static/app/public/views/about.html (HTTP status: undefined undefined)
I am assuming the HTTP status of undefined is related to the fact that no round trip is occurring... but I can't find any information on why this would fail, and especially why only when using the above mentioned tools.
To summarize:
App runs fine on Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera
The cached template .js file contains the necessary path and html content
The path fails to resolve when loading through PhantomJS, Speedtest renderer, or Google's "Fetch as Google" tools
I have reviewed the Angular documentation on why this error is thrown, but it still doesn't make sense, the template has been populated (as the file template .js has been loaded)
I added the following line for debugging:
var about = $templateCache.get('/static/app/public/views/about.html');
console.log('about', about);
... and I see the proper output in the console log, even with PhantomJS.
It turns out that I was ignoring another error message:
Error: undefined is not a constructor (evaluating 'newUrl.startsWith(target)')
... happening due to PhantomJS's ES5. I didn't think the two issues were related, but after providing a polyfill for String.prototype.startsWith, the issue went away.

Yii2 after composer update returns 500

I'm developing an applicaiton using Yii2 and AngularJS. I've tried to do composer update but after this command something weird happened. Yii2 is returning data as JSON as it should but response status code is 500, and I have no idea what went wrong on composer update.I am using apache server. Function error_get_last() returns NULL.
I've found error in server logs it's:
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method yii\\helpers\\ArrayHelper::filter() in private/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/log/Target.php:136

Weird issue fetching HTTP URL on Production AppEngine instance [Java]

I am quite puzzled by this behavior.
I have a Java AppEngine instance which makes an http call to a "settings.php" on another server. But I get the following error:
ERROR : Could not fetch URL: http://<3rdpartywebsite>/settings.php
I have tried using URLFetchService and even a simple HttpURLConnection class. Even tried with a different User-Agent and other http headers, but to no avail.
What is baffling is that the same code and website works fine on Local Eclipse Dev environment, works via Browser (can see php text) AND works on the Compute Engine too! Only the Production App Engine throws the "could not fetch" error. Unfortunately this is not a transient error, it fails 10/10 times.
Any idea what could be going wrong or something that I can try?
Thanks, Asim

unable to use JSP files in google app engine

Sample application works , unable to proceed with creating modifications to project
JDK included in build path (some posts say that lack of that might cause errors)
Error -> Error 403 in web page nothing else printed in console or web page
when I do localhost:8888/test.jsp I get a 404 error
This works ->
This FAILS ->
my project directory from eclipse
where am i going wrong or missing something
it looked under WAR but it was not under WAR . some internal problem in my eclipse . now fixed
