I'm trying to use named pipe in C to run a child process in the background from a path in non-blocking mode and read the output of the child.
This is my code:
int fifo_in = open("fifo_1", O_RDONLY| O_NONBLOCK);
int fifo_out = open("fifo_2", O_WRONLY| O_NONBLOCK);
dup2(fifo_in, 0);
dup2(fifo_out, 1);
char app[] = "/usr/local/bin/probemB";
char * const argsv[] = { app, "1", NULL };
if (execv(app, argsv) < 0) {
printf("execv error\n");
I will later use read function to read the child process output.
But the problem is that execv is blocking while it is reading the output from the process instead of allowing me to read.
Can someone help me to correct the above problem please ?
You're wrong in that execv is blocking.
If execv works, it will never return. It replaces your program. You need to fork a new process for execv:
if (fork() == 0)
// In child process, first setup the file descriptors
dup2(fifo_out, STDOUT_FILENO); // Writes to standard output will be written to the pipe
close(fifo_out); // These are not needed anymore
// Run the program with execv...
// Unless there was an error, this is in the parent process
// TODO: Read from fifo_in, which will contain the standard output of the child process
Another thing, you seem have two different and unconnected named pipes. You should open only one pipe, for reading in the parent process, and for writing in the child process:
int fifo_in = open("fifo_1", O_RDONLY| O_NONBLOCK);
int fifo_out = open("fifo_1", O_WRONLY| O_NONBLOCK);
But if you only want to communicate internally, you don't need named pipes. Instead use anonymous pipes as created by the pipe function.
A pipe connects the stdout of one process to the stdin of another: https://superuser.com/a/277327
Here is a simple program to take input from stdin and print it:
int main( ) {
char str[100];
gets( str );
puts( str );
return 0;
I can use a unix pipe to pass the input from another process:
echo "hi" | ./a.out
My question is, what is the difference between the simple code above and using the pipe() system call? Does the system call essentially do the same job without writing to the terminal? More on Pipes: https://tldp.org/LDP/lpg/node11.html
The pipe() system call allows you to get file descriptors (one for reading and one for writing) for a channel (a pipe) that allows to stream bytes through multiple processes. This is an example where a parent process creates a pipe and its child writes to it so the parent can read from it:
int main() {
int fd[2];
int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) { // Child:
close(fd[0]); // Close reading descriptor as it's not needed
write(fd[1], "Hello", 5);
} else { // Parent:
char buf[5];
close(fd[1]); // Close writing descriptor as it's not needed
read(fd[0], buf, 5); // Read the data sent by the child through the pipe
write(1, buf, 5); // print the data that's been read to stdout
When a shell encounters the pipe (|) operator, it does use the pipe() system call, but also does additional things, in order to redirect the left operand's stdout and the right operand's stdin to the pipe. Here's a simplified example of what the shell would do for the command echo "hi" | ./a.out (keep in mind that when duplicating a file descriptor it gets duplicated to the first index available in the open files structure of the process):
int main() {
int fd[2];
int pid_echo = fork();
if (pid_echo == 0) {
// Close reading descriptor as it's not needed
// Close standard output
// Replace standard output with the pipe by duplicating its writing descriptor
// Execute echo;
// now when echo prints to stdout it will actually print to the pipe
// because now file descriptor 1 belongs to the pipe
execlp("echo", "echo", "hi", (char*)NULL);
int pid_aout = fork();
if (pid_aout == 0) {
// Close standard input
// Replace standard input with the pipe by duplicating its reading descriptor
// Execute a.out;
// Now when a.out reads from stdin it will actually read from the pipe
// because now file descriptor 0 belongs to the pipe
execl("./a.out", "./a.out", (char*)NULL);
A pipe is an inter-process communication mechanism that leverages I/O redirection. However, pipes are not involved in all I/O redirection.
Since child processes may inherit file descriptors from their parent process, a parent process may change what files the child's standard streams point to, unbeknownst to the child process. This is I/O redirection.
I want to communicate with a child process like the following:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int bak, temp;
int fd[2];
if (pipe(fd) < 0)
// pipe error
dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, fd[1]);
bak = dup(1);
temp = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
dup2(temp, 1);
close(temp );
Mat frame;
std::vector<uchar> buf;
namedWindow( "Camera", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
VideoCapture cam(0 + CAP_V4L);
if (!cam.isOpened())
cout << "\nCould not open reference " << 0 << endl;
return -1;
for (int i=0; i<30; i++)
//cout<<"\nCamera initialized\n";
/*Set the normal STDOUT back*/
dup2(bak, 1);
imencode(".png",frame, buf);
ssize_t written= 0;
size_t s = 128;
while (written<buf.size())
written += write(fd[1], buf.size()+written, s);
return 0;
The process corresponding to the compilation of the source code above is called from the parent with popen.
Note that I am writing to the std out that has been duplicated with a pipe.
The parent will read the data and resend them to UDP socket.
If I do something like this:
#define BUFLEN 128
FILE *fp;
char buf[BUFLEN];
if ((fp = popen("path/to/exec", "r")) != NULL)
while((fgets(buf, BUFLEN, fp)!=NULL))
sendto(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf),0, addr, alen);
the program is working i.e. the receiver of sendto will receive the data.
I tried to use a pipe as done in the child process:
int fd[2];
if (pipe(fd) < 0)
// pipe error
dup2(STDIN_FILENO, fd[0]);
if ((fp = popen("path/to/exec", "r")) != NULL)
while((read(fd[0], buf, BUFLEN) > 0)
sendto(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf),0, addr, alen);
but with this are not sent.
So how to use pipe in this case to achieve the same behaviour of the first case? Should I do dup2(STDIN_FILENO, fd[0]); or dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, fd[0]);?
I am using the sandard(s) since the file descriptors are inherited by the child process so should not require any other effort. That is why I thought I can use pipe but is that so?
In the parent:
if (pipe(fd) < 0)
// pipe error
you get a pipe, and then immediately close one end of it. This pipe is now useless, because no-one will ever be able to recover the closed end, and so no data can flow through it. You have converted a pipe into a hollow cylinder sealed at one end.
Then in the child:
if (pipe(fd) < 0)
// pipe error
you create another unrelated pipe, and seal this at the other end. The two pipes are not connected, and now you have two separate hollow cyclinders, each sealed at one end. Nothing can flow through either of them.
If putting something in the first cylinder made it appear in the other, that'd be a pretty good magic trick. Without sleight of hand or cleverly arranged mirrors, the solution is to create one pipe, keep both ends open and push data through it.
The usual way to manually set up a pipe from which a parent process can read a child process's standard output has these general steps:
parent creates a pipe by calling pipe()
parent fork()s
parent closes (clarification: its copy of) the write end of the pipe
child dupes the write end of the pipe onto its standard output via dup2()
child closes the original file descriptor for the write end of the pipe
(optional) child closes (clarification: its copy of) the read end of the pipe
child execs the desired command, or else performs the wanted work directly
The parent can then read the child's output from the read end of the pipe.
The popen() function does all of that for you, plus wraps the parent's pipe end in a FILE. Of course, it can and will set up a pipe going in the opposite direction instead if that's what the caller requests.
You need to understand and appreciate that in the procedural scheme presented above, it is important which actions are performed by which process, and in what order relative to other actions in the same process. In particular, the parent must not close the write end of the pipe before the child is launched, because that renders the pipe useless. The child inherits the one-end-closed pipe, through which no data can be conveyed.
With respect to your latter example, note also that redirecting the standard input to the read end of the pipe is not part of the process for either parent or child. The fact that your pipe is half-closed, so that nothing can ever be read from it anyway, is just icing on the cake. Moreover, the parent clobbers its own standard input this way. That's not necessarily wrong, but the parent does not even rely on it.
Overall, however, there is a bigger picture that you seem not to appreciate. Even if you performed the redirection you seem to want in the parent, so that it could be inherited by the child, popen() performs its own redirection to a pipe of its own creation. The FILE * it returns is the means by which you can read the child's output. No previous output redirection you may have performed is relevant (clarification: of the child's standard output).
In principle, an approach similar to yours could be used to create a second redirection going the other way, but at that point the convenience factor of popen() is totally lost. It would be better go take the direct pipe / fork / dup2 / exec route all the way through if you want to redirect the child's input and output.
Applying all that to your first example, you have to appreciate that although a process can redirect its own standard streams, it cannot establish a pipe to its parent process that way. The parent needs to provide the pipe, else it has no knowledge of it. And when a process dupes one file descriptor onto another, that replaces the original with the new, closing the original if it is open. It does not redefine the original. And of course, in this case, too, a pipe is useless once either end is no longer open anywhere.
im trying to execute md5sume command in my programm using pipe,fork and dup.i found sum code that run succesfully but i cant understand some line of code. Here is my code:
int infp, outfp;
char buf[128];
if (popen2("md5sum", &infp, &outfp) <= 0)
printf("Unable to exec sort\n");
write(infp, "hello\n", 2);
*buf = '\0';
read(outfp, buf, 128);
printf("buf = '%s'\n", buf);
return 0;
int p_stdin[2], p_stdout[2];
pid_t pid;
if (pipe(p_stdin) != 0 || pipe(p_stdout) != 0)
return -1;
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0)
return pid;
if (pid == 0)
dup2(p_stdin[READ], READ);
dup2(p_stdout[WRITE], WRITE);
execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, NULL);
if (infp == NULL)
*infp = p_stdin[WRITE];
if (outfp == NULL)
*outfp = p_stdout[READ];
return pid;
i dont understand the popen function. What does this line exactly do?
*infp = p_stdin[WRITE];
how can pipes comunicate with each other?
i dont understand the popen function.
how can pipes comunicate with each other?
pipe() : A pipe is unidirectional and a byte stream buffer in kernel. As it is of type byte stream, a writer can write in arbitrary number of bytes and reader can read out arbitrary number of bytes. However, note that sequential reads are possible , but seek (like lseek) is not possible. Since pipe is uni-directinal, the data that is written into pipe shall be buffered in kernel, until it is read from the read-end of the pipe. Also, if pipe gets full, the write blocks.
Let's consider that fd is an integer array of 2 file descriptors (int fd[2]), then the pipe(fd) system call shall create a pipe and return a pair of file descriptors such that fd[1] (stdout is 1) shall be the write-end of the pipe and the fd[0] (stdin is 0) shall be the read-end of the pipe. Unlike named pipe(like FIFO - a pipe with name in File system), the anonymous pipes can be used only between related processes like parent-child. So, fork shall be done to duplicate these 2 parent file descriptors in child, thereby parent shares the pipe with child so that the child shall write in write-end and parent shall read from read-end of pipe or Parent shall write into write-end and child shall read from read-end of pipe. Care should be taken to ensure to close the unused read(fd[0]) file descriptor / unused write(fd[1]) file descriptor by the parent or child as per the scenario.
popen() : popen enables you to invoke another program as a new process and thereby transmit data to it or receive data from it. In case of popen, note that the direction of data flow is based on the 2nd argument. We need not manually create a child process as popen automatically forks for creating a child process, starts a shell and executes the command argument passed via popen. It also establishes appropriate read or write stream between parent and child automatically based on the type argument.
Thus, popen() simplifies things, as it avoids the need to manually call/invoke pipe,fork,exec and simplifies establishment of appropriate streams between parent / child automatically as per argument type. However, the other side of popen is that, it should be noted that every invocation of the popen() shall result in creation of extra process - that is, the shell is invoked every time apart from the program that is being invoked which in-turn leads to high resource consumption.
I'm new to piping and have been trying to create a pair of pipes which allow a child process to write to the parent process, and the parent process to communicate back. There is 1 parent with up to 4 children. The child becomes a different program with exec.
What I have working:
Writing from the parent to the child process. When I read in the child program's stdin, it will receive what I wrote from the parent.
The aim:
To create a card game where the parent talks to each individual client (the child processes) and gives all the moves and information to them, from its stdout to the children's stdin. The individual child processes give back their moves on their stdout, read by the main parent. The moves that the game makes is fully decided by a sequence, not players. So it's a bot game.
What I am stuck with:
I'm not sure how to get it so the parent can read the child's stdout through a file stream. When I try to setup the reading from child lines, the code seems to stop working. Not even the child can read from parent (it seems to stop at the now commented out liens for setting up child to parent).
I also am unsure how to "wait" until something appears. Like, at the start the players have to send a "ready" message back to the parent to let them know they are working. Once I send the "ready" from the child, how do I "wait" indefinitely until the next message appears?
I'm not sure if I'm setting up the pipes correctly. Can someone provide guidance on how to use communication pipes and confirm my logic below?
What I gather for getting parent to write to child is:
Create the pipe first
Fork off the parent process into another process (child)
Connect the pipe's in to the parent's stdout, and close off the reading side for the parent using dup2 and close
Connect the pipe's out to the child's stdin, and close off the writing part for the child using dup2 and close
Get a file stream using fdopen() from the file descriptor and then print to that.
The child process stdin is now whatever you print to stdout from the parent.
Is this correct? I tried applying this kind of logic for child to parent but reversing it.
Connect the in pipe to the read file stream, which is where the child program writes to from its stdout.
Connect the out pipe to the read stream, where the parent reads from.
void start_child_process(Game *game, int position) {
int child2Parent[2];
int parent2Child[2];
if (pipe(parent2Child)) {
printf("PIPE FAIL!\n");
if (pipe(child2Parent)) {
printf("PIPE FAIL!\n");
pid_t pid = fork();
game->readStream[position] = fdopen(child2Parent[0], "r");
game->writeStream[position] = fdopen(parent2Child[1], "w");
if (pid) { // Parent
// Write from parent to child
dup2(fileno(game->writeStream[position]), STDOUT_FILENO);
fprintf(game->writeStream[position], "%s", "test message");
// Read from child -- not working
/*dup2(child2Parent[0], STDIN_FILENO);
} else {
// Setup child to read from stdin from parent
dup2(parent2Child[0], STDIN_FILENO);
// Setup writing from child to parent
if (dup2(child2Parent[1], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "dup2 in child failed\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "dup2 in child successful\n");
if ((int)execl("child", "2", "A", NULL) == -1) {
printf("Failed child process\n");
My child main has the following which reads it:
char string[100];
printf("reading from pipe: %s\n", fgets(string, 100, stdin));
But I'm not sure how
Also, I'm not permitted to use popen() or write(). I'm also encouraged to use file streams apparently.
I speak principally to your main question of establishing two-way communication between parent and child processes. If you would like additional answers then please pose separate questions.
You seem to have a reasonable general approach, but you do have one serious misconception / design flaw: whereas it is reasonable for multiple clients to each connect their standard streams to pipes for communicating with the parent process, you cannot connect the parent's end of all those pipes to the parent's standard streams if you want to be able to handle more than one client at a time. The parent only has one set of standard streams, after all. To support multiple clients, then, the parent process must maintain a separate pair of file descriptors and/or streams for each one, and must communicate via those instead of via its standard streams.
I am uncertain why your parent / child communication is failing when you hook up the child-to-parent direction. The process is indeed analogous to setting up the other other endpoint. Here is a working example:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
int child2Parent[2];
int parent2Child[2];
char buffer[256];
FILE *p2cStream;
FILE *c2pStream;
pid_t pid;
if (pipe(parent2Child) || pipe(child2Parent)) {
perror("Failed to create pipes");
switch (pid = fork()) {
case -1: /* error */
perror("Failed to fork");
case 0: /* child */
// Setup child to read from stdin from parent
close(parent2Child[1]); /* ignoring any error */
close(child2Parent[0]); /* ignoring any error */
if ((dup2(parent2Child[0], STDIN_FILENO) < 0)
|| (dup2(child2Parent[1], STDOUT_FILENO) < 0)) {
perror("Failed to duplicate file descriptors");
} else {
/* conventionally, the first program argument is the program name */
/* also, execl() returns only if it fails */
execl("child", "child", "2", "A", NULL);
perror("Failed to exec child process");
default: /* parent */
close(parent2Child[0]); /* ignoring any error */
close(child2Parent[1]); /* ignoring any error */
if (!(p2cStream = fdopen(parent2Child[1], "w"))
|| !(c2pStream = fdopen(child2Parent[0], "r"))) {
perror("Failed to open streams");
if ((fprintf(p2cStream, "test message from parent\n") < 0)
|| fclose(p2cStream)) {
perror("Failed to write to the child");
if (fscanf(c2pStream, "%255[^\n]", buffer) < 1) {
perror("Failed to read the child's message");
printf("The child responds: '%s'\n", buffer); /* ignoring any error */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char buffer[256] = { 0 };
if (scanf("%255[^\n]", buffer) < 0) {
perror("Failed to reading input");
* If stdout is connected to the parent then we must avoid
* writing anything unexpected to it
if (fprintf(stderr, "received: '%s'\n", buffer) < 0) {
perror("Failed to echo input");
printf("Hi, Mom!\n"); /* ignoring any error */
fflush(stdout); /* ignoring any error */
In contrast to your code, do note
the attention to checking all return values that may signal an error that I care about;
the parent's use of streams other than the standard streams for communicating with the child (though with only one child, that's a convenience rather than a necessity);
the convention for execl() arguments.
Note also that as for waiting for something to "appear", I/O operations on the IPC streams you set up this way will automatically produce that effect. How you can or should make use of that, however, is certainly a different issue.
I'm trying to implement the following simple UNIX command:
cat -n < file.txt
where file.txt contains simply an integer "5".
Im fine with output redirection, but this input redirection has me stumped. This is my attempt at emulating the above command:
int f_des[2];
char *three[]={"cat", "-n", NULL};
// Open a pipe and report error if it fails
if (pipe(f_des)==-1){
int filed=open("file.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
//fork child
dup2(f_des[1], filed);
//fork child
dup2(f_des[0], fileno(stdin));
execvp(three[0], three);
I get the following error:
cat: -: Input/output error
My thinking was that I send filed(the fd for the file) through the pipe, the other end of the pipe would gather the file's contents from the pipe as standard input, then I would execute "cat -n" with the file's contents sitting in standard input.
You don't indicate the context. If all you are wanting to do is implement cat -n < file, you can dispense with the pipe and fork entirely.
This should suffice:
filed = open("file.txt", O_RDONLY);
dup2(filed, 0); // make file.txt be stdin.
execvp(three[0], three);
If you are implementing this within another program and need to resume after the cat call, fork is necessary but you only need to call it once. You don't need the pipe.
So you would do:
int ret;
if ((ret = fork()) == 0) {
// in child
// open file, dup2, execvp...
// in parent
wait(&ret); // wait for child to exit
// do other stuff...
fork clones a copy of the process. It looks like the one you had before except for the PID and the return value from fork.
Checking the return value of fork() tells you whether that process is the child or the parent.
If the return value is zero, you are in the child. Do what you like in the if(ret == 0) {} section. In your case, you do execvp which eventually exits and takes the child with it.
If the return value is not zero, you are in the parent. You will skip over the if(ret == 0) {} section. You should wait on the child to exit before proceeding.