Sybase - how can extract part of a text from a field with repetitive strings? - sybase

I have got fields like this:
and I am trying get extract text after first <newValue> from the left side. It will be either one or two numbers/letters. Also, at the same time I want to get first <oldValue> looking from left. SO the results are:
newValue oldValue
5 1
51 11
The usual mysql commands SUBSTRING_INDEX and REGEXP_SUBSTR do not work.
Please note that I need to do it without defining any variables.


How to add leading zeros in ADF data flow from the expression builder

How to add leading zeros in ADF data flow from the expression builder
For example – have column with numeric value as “000001” but it is coming as 1 only in SQL DB , if I put in entire value in single quotes it is coming but I need dynamic way of implementation with out hard coding.
I agree with #Larnu's comments that even if we give 00001 to an int type column it will give as 1 only.
So, we have to give those in single quotes ('00001') to use like that or import the incoming data as string instead of int.
As you are using ADF dataflow, if you want to use the 00001, you can generate those using derived column transformation from SQL source. But this depends on your requirement like how your leading 0's varies. So, use according to it.
Sample demo:
concat('0000', toString(id))
Use that column as per your requirement, after that you can convert it back to the same input by toInteger(id).

Encoding (?) issues fetching binary data (image type column) from SQL Server via pyodbc/Python3 [duplicate]

I'm executing this query
when I do this on SSMS 18 I get this:
I'm aware these are HEX values, although I'm not an expert on the topic.
I need to excute this exact query on python so I can process that information through a script, this script need as input the HEX values without any manipulation (as you see in the SSMS output).
So, through pyodbc library with a regular connection:
SQLserver_Connection("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};"
I get this:
0 b'#\x12\x90\xb2\xbb\x92\xbbe\xa3\xf9:\xe2\x97#...
1 b'#"\xaf\x13\x18\xc9}\xc6\xb0\xd4\x87\xbf\x9e\...
2 b'#G\xc5rLh5\x1c\xb8h\xe0\xf0\xe4t\x08\xbb'
3 b'#\x9f\xe65\xf8tR\xda\x85S\xdcu\xd3\xf6*\xa2'
4 b'#\xa4\xcb^T\x06\xb2\xd0\x91S\x9e\xc0\xa7\xe543'
... ...
122 b'O\xa6\xe1\xd8\tA\xe9E\xa0\xf7\x96\x7f!"\xa3\...
123 b'O\xa9j,\x02\x89pF\xb9\xb4:G]y\xc4\xb6'
124 b'O\xab\xb6gy\xa2\x17\x1b\xadd\xc3\r\xa6\xee50'
125 b'O\xd7ogpWj\xee\xb0\xd8!y\xec\x08\xc7\xfa'
126 b"O\xf0u\x14\xcd\x8cT\x06\x9bm\xea\xddY\x08'\xef"
I have three questions:
How can this data be intepreted, why am I getting this?
Is there a way to manipulate this data back at the original HEX value? and if not...
What can I do to receive the original HEX value?
I've looking for a solution but haven't found anything yet, as you can see I'm not an expert on this kind of topics so if you are not able to provide a solution I will, also, really appreciate documents with some background knowledge that I need to get so I can provide a solution by myself.
I think your issue is simply due to the fact that SSMS and Python produce different hexadecimal representations of binary data. Your column is apparently a binary or varbinary column, and when you query it in SSMS you see its fairly standard hex representation of the binary values, e.g., 0x01476F726400.
When you retrieve the value using pyodbc you get a <class 'bytes'> object which is represented as b'hex_representation' with one twist: Instead of simply displaying b'\x01\x47\x6F\x72\x64\x00', Python will render any byte that corresponds to a printable ASCII character as that character, so we get b'\x01Gord\x00' instead.
That minor annoyance (IMO) aside, the good news it that you already have the correct bytes in a <class 'bytes'> object, ready to pass along to any Python function that expects to receive binary data.

Data type cannot be converted in matlab or excel

I recently copy and pasted some data from a database (USGS stream gauge data to be specific. I copy and pasted into excel, creating a column of my own for time.
When I import the data into matlab, only the column I made shows up.
obs = xlsread('ObservedMR.xlsx','jun30For');
I tried to convert the values in excel to numbers, but to no avail. In excel, the numbers are left justified (which I know means that they are not being registered as numbers), but there are no other characters visible.
When I create an empty matrix and try to copy and paste data in, I get an error reading that I cannot paste data that contains strings.
Using the following,
p = readtable('ObservedMR.xlsx','Sheet','jun30For')
I get
p =
x0 x0_31
___ _________
1 '0.31  '
2 '0.31  '
3 '0.31  '
4 '0.31  '
5 '0.31  '
6 '0.31  '
I got error messages trying to use str2num (requires string or character input) and table2array.(types double and cell).
I was going to try to use
regexprep(p, ''' , '')
to replace the quotes, but I am getting messages about the single quotes being unclosed.
Does anyone know how I can use this data, by writing a code to edit out the quotes and spaces, import another way, convert it some way, etc?
Thank you!
you can specify the format of the columns in readtable.
p = readtable('ObservedMR.xlsx','Sheet','jun30For', 'Format', '%f%f')
will read the columns as floats. If it doesn't do the conversion correctly, try reading them as strings %s and then using str2num once you have them in Matlab.
Anyway I would suggest correcting your data in Excel. If you click on the cell and look at the formula bar you will probably see a quote ' at the left of the number which indicates the cell is stored as text. Convert it to number, save the Excel and done.

Possible to replace digits in T-SQL

SQL Server 2008 (but have access to higher versions too)
I'm getting a string from another database on the same server. Using the below code i get some data and replace the content
INSERT INTO [DestinationDatabase].[DBO].[Table](ID, XML)
(SELECT ID, REPLACE(XML,'ReferenceID="1234"','PropertyID="2468"')
FROM [SourceDatabase].[DBO].[Customers]
This works as expected but every record has a different ReferenceID so is there a way to remove the current ReferenceID value as in the 4 digits (theres around 1000 records with different values) and replace it with another 4 digit value?
I will get the replacement value from another procedure but at this stage i need to know if it possible to find and strip the 4 digits and replace them.
If you want to use the replace function you can do it like that
REPLACE(XML,'ReferenceID="'+cast(table.field as nvarchar)+'"','ReferenceID="2468"')
REPLACE(XML,'ReferenceID="'+cast(table.field as nvarchar)+'"','ReferenceID="'+cast(table.another_field as nvarchar)+'"')
You can use xml function to do so but it seems like your XML column is not xml data type. is that correct.

Identify all strings in SQL Server code (red color - like in SSMS)

I was not able to solve this by myself so I hope I didn't miss any similar post here and I'm not wasting your time.
What I want is to identify (get a list) of all strings used in SQL Server code.
select 'WordToCatch1' as 'Column1'
from Table1
where Column2 = 'WordToCatch2'
If you put above code to SSMS all three words in apostrophes will be red but only words 'WordToCatch1' and 'WordToCatch2' are "real" strings used in code.
My goal is to find all those "real" strings in any code.
For example if I will have stored procedure 10k rows long it would be impossible to search them manually so I want something what will find all those "real" strings for me and return a list of them or something.
Thanks in advance!
The trouble is, Column1 is nothing particular different compared to WordToCatch1 and WordToCatch2 - not unless you parse the SQL yourself. You could modify your query to take the quotes away from Column1 and it will show up coloured black.
I guess a simple regex will show up all identifiers after an AS keyword, which would be easier than fully parsing SQL, if all the unwanted strings are like that, and its not just an example.
