The field in ORDER BY affects the result of window functions - sql-server

I have simple T-SQL query, which calculates row number, rows count and total volume across all records:
id varchar(100),
volume float,
prev_date date
('0318610084', 100, '2019-05-16'),
('0318610084', 200, '2016-06-04');
row_num = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY prev_date),
rows_count = COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY prev_date),
vol_total = SUM(volume) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY prev_date),
FROM #t;
I get the following result:
However, this is NOT what I expected: in all two rows the rows_count must be 2 and vol_total must be 300:
The workaround would be to add ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING. However, I thought that there must be another way.
In the end of the day I have found out that the ORDER BY clause must use id field rather prev_date field:
rows_count = COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id),
vol_total = SUM(volume) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id)
After this change the query's output is as expected.
But! I don't understand why is this so? How come the ordering affects partitioning?

For Aggregate functions generally it is not required to have order in the window definition unless you want to do the aggregation one at a time in an ordered fashion, it is like running total. Simply removing the orders will fix the problem.
If I want to explain it from another way it would be like a window that is expanding row by row as you move on to another row. It is started with the first row, calculate the aggregation with all the rows from before (which in the first row is just the current row!) to the position of row.
if you remove the order, the aggregation will be computed for all the rows in the window definition and no order of applying window will take effect.
You can change the order in window definition to see the effect of it.
Of course, ranking functions need the order and this point is just for the aggregations.
id varchar(100),
volume float,
prev_date date
('0318610084', 100, '2019-05-16'),
('0318610084', 200, '2016-06-04');
row_num = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY prev_date),
rows_count = COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id),
vol_total = SUM(volume) OVER (PARTITION BY id),
FROM #t;
Enabling order in the window for aggregations added after SqlServer 2012 and it was not part of the first release of the feature in 2005.
For a detailed explanation of the order in window functions on aggregates this is a great help:
Producing a moving average and cumulative total - SqlServer Documentation


Query with window function over slightly different over clauses, remove table spool

I have this query where I can't get the plan I am after.
My query looks like this:
Rows are put in different groups (partition by), from each group I want to pick one row, using row_number to assign a priority.
I also need a flag, which is an aggregate over all rows in each group.
SELECT [ProductReviewID]
,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by ProductID order by ReviewDate) as Prio
,min(rating) over (partition by ProductID) as Flag
FROM [AdventureWorks2008R2].[Production].[ProductReview]
) x
WHERE Prio = 1 and Flag >= 2
The resulting plan looks like this (query1):!Auamqfb9LjGpaoxpkRpYS3iIVbE
The problem are the table spools.
The plan I want looks like Query2, where there is one sort the feeds into a window spool ( I cant show an exact plan, because I dont have a dev-server with sql2016).
select ... <- window spool <- sort <- ...
The problem arises because the optimizer is not smart enough to see that one sort (ProductId, ReviewDate) is good for both window functions.
I can get the plan I want, if make the over clause the same (this should give you a plan like just described):
,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by ProductID order by ReviewDate) as Prio
,min(rating) over (partition by ProductID order by ReviewDate) as Flag
But that changes the result of min() in way that does not meet the required logic here.
Any ideas? Thanks for help.
EDIT: This is what I have with lptrs help, the trick is to put one "dummy" column as the first for order by. I regard it as answered. Thanks.
,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by ProductID order by ProductID, ReviewDate) as Prio
,min(rating) over (partition by ProductID order by ProductID) as Flag

Get the id of the row with the max value with two grouping

We have a data structure with four columns:
ContractoreName, ProjectCode, InvoiceID, OrderID
We want to group the data by both ContractoreName and ProjectCode columns, and then get the InvoiceID of the row for each group with MAX(OrderID).
You could use ROW_NUMBER:
SELECT ContractorName, ProjectName, OrderId, InvoiceId
FROM tab
) AS sub
WHERE rn = 1;
ROW_NUMBER() is what I would call the canonical solution. In many cases, an old-fashioned solution has better performance:
select t.*
from t
where t.orderid = (select max(t2.orderid)
from t t2
where t2.contractorname = t.contractorname and
t2.projectname = t.projectname
This is especially true if there is an index on (contractorname, projectname, orderid).
Why is this faster? Basically, SQL Server can scan the table doing a lookup in an index. The lookup is really fast because the index is designed for it, so the scan is just a little faster than a full table scan.
When using row_number(), SQL Server has to scan the table to calculate the row number (and that can use the index, so it might be fast). But then it has to go back to the table to fetch the columns and apply the where clause. So, even if it uses an index, it is doing more work.
I should also point out that this can be done without a subquery:
select distinct contractorname, projectname,
max(orderid) over (partition by contractorname, projectname) as lastest_order,
first_value(invoiceid) partition by (order by contractorname, projectname order by orderid desc) as lastest_invoice
from t;
Unfortunately, SQL Server doesn't offer first_value() as an aggregation function, but you can use select distinct and get the same effect.

SQL Server loop for changing multiple values of different users

I have the next table:
Supposing these users are sort in descending order based on their inserted date.
Now, what I want to do, is to change their sorting numbers in that way that for each user, the sorting number has to start from 1 up to the number of appearances of each user. The result should look something like:
Can someone provide me some clues of how to do it in sql server ? Thanks.
You can use the ROW_NUMBER ranking function to calculate a row's rank given a partition and order.
In this case, you want to calculate row numbers for each user PARTITION BY User_ID. The desired output shows that ordering by ID is enough ORDER BY ID.
FROM MyTable
There are other ranking functions you can use, eg RANK, DENSE_RANK to calculate a rank according to a score, or NTILE to calculate percentiles for each row.
You can also use the OVER clause with aggragets to create running totals or moving averages, eg SUM(Id) OVER (PARTITION BY User_ID ORDER BY Id) will create a running total of the Id values for each user.
ORDER BY [User_Id],[CreatedDate] DESC)
FROM YourTable
select id
,row_number() over(partition by user_id order by user_id) as sort_number
from table
Use ranking function row_number()
select *,
row_number() over (partition by User_id order by user_id, date desc)
from table t

Using a running total calculated column in SQL Server table variable

I have inherited a stored procedure that utilizes a table variable to store data, then updates each row with a running total calculation. The order of the records in the table variable is very important, as we want the volume to be ordered highest to lowest (i.e. the running total will get increasingly larger as you go down the table).
My problem is, during the step where the table variable is updated, the running total seems to be calculating , but not in a way that the data in the table variable was previously sorted by (descending by highest volume)
DECLARE #TableVariable TABLE ([ID], [Volume], [SortValue], [RunningTotal])
--Populate table variable and order by the sort value...
INSERT INTO #TableVariable (ID, Volume, SortValue)
[ID], [Volume], ABS([Volume]) as SortValue
SortValue DESC
--Set TotalVolume variable...
SELECT#TotalVolume = ABS(sum([Volume]))
FROM #TableVariable
--Calculate running total, update rows in table variable...I believe this is where problem occurs?
SET #RunningTotal = 0
UPDATE #TableVariable
SET #RunningTotal = RunningTotal = #RunningTotal + [Volume]
FROM #TableVariable
ID, Volume, SortValue, RunningTotal
SortValue DESC
The result is, the record that had the highest volume, that I would have expected the running total to calculate on first (thus running total = [volume]), somehow ends up much further down in the list. The running total seems to calculate randomly
Here is what I would expect to get:
But here is what the code actually generates:
Not sure if there is a way to get the UPDATE statement to be enacted on the table variable in such a way that it is ordered by volume desc? From what Ive read so far, it could be an issue with the sorting behavior of a table variable but not sure how to correct? Can anyone help?
GarethD provided the definitive link to the multiple ways of calculating running totals and their performance. The correct one is both the simplest and fastest, 300 times faster that then quirky update. That's because it can take advantage of any indexes that cover the sort column, and because it's a lot simpler.
I repeat it here to make clear how much simpler this is when the database provided the appropriate windowing functions
FROM dbo.SpeedingTickets
ORDER BY [Date];
The SUM line means: Sum all ticket counts over all (UNBOUNDED) the rows that came before (PRECEDING) the current one if they were ordered by date
That ends up being 300 times faster than the quirky update.
The equivalent query for VolumeTable would be:
ABS(Volume) as SortValue,
Note that this will be a lot faster if there is an index on the sort column (Volume), and ABS isn't used. Applying any function on a column means that the optimizer can't use any indexes that cover it, because the actual sort value is different than the one stored in the index.
If the table is very large and performance suffers, you could create a computed column and create an index on it
Take a peek at the Window functions offered in SQL
For example
Declare #YourTable table (ID int,Volume int)
Insert Into #YourTable values
Select ID
,RunningTotal = sum(Volume) over (Order by Volume Desc)
From #YourTable
Order By Volume Desc
ID Volume RunningTotal
100 1306489 1306489
150 907404 2213893
125 898426 3112319
To be clear, The #YourTable is for demonstrative purposes only. There should be no need to INSERT your actual data into a table variable.
EDIT to Support 2008 (Good news is Row_Number() is supported in 2008)
Select ID
,RowNr=Row_Number() over (Order by Volume Desc)
Into #Temp
From #YourTable
Select A.ID
,RunningTotal = sum(B.Volume)
From #Temp A
Join #Temp B on (B.RowNr<=A.RowNr)
Group By A.ID,A.Volume
Order By A.Volume Desc

In T-SQL how to select only the top(not max) value in a group of record

I have some sample data as follows
Name Value Timestamp
a 23 2016/12/23 11:23
a 43 2016/12/23 12:55
b 12 2016/12/23 12:55
I want to select the latest value for a and b. When I used Last_Value, I used the following query
Select Name, Last_Value(Value) over (partition by Name order by timestamp) from table
This returned 2 rows for a, but I wanted it grouped so that I get only the last entered value for each name. So I had to use sub queries.
select x.Name,x.Value from (Select Name, Last_Value(Value) over (partition by Name order by timestamp) ) as x group by x.Name,x.Value
This again returns 2 records for a...I just wanted to do a group by and orderby and instaed of selelcting the max() wanted to select the top record.
Can anybody tell me how to solve this problem?
One method doesn't use window functions:
select t.*
from table t
where t.timestamp = (select max(t2.timestamp) from table t2 where =;
Otherwise, the subquery method is fine, although I would often use row_number() and conditional aggregation rather than last_value() (or first_value() with a descending order by).
Unfortunately, SQL Server does not support first_value() or last_value() as an aggregation function, only as a window function.
