event.target.checked property is not working for checkbox - angularjs

I have some input checkbox which is created inside ng-repeat
<li ng-repeat="item in tasks track by $index">
<input type="checkbox" ng-init="setChecked(item.status)"
ng-model="item.status" value="{{item.id}}">
<span ng-model="item.title" ng-keyup="completeEdit(item.id)"
contenteditable="false" ng-dblclick="contentEdit()"
class="done-{{item.status}}">{{ item.title }}
What I am trying to achieve is, based on a data item property the checkbox should show either checked or unchecked. For that I am using ng-init of the checkbox. Below is the function I am calling in ng-init
$scope.setChecked = function(status) {
event.target.checked = status;
But the problem is the above function is not making change to checkbox. The checkbox is always showing unchecked even if the status is true
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong in the above code?
Any help is appreciated :)

To make the checkbox checked or unchecked I should have used ng-checked and for update the status I used ng-change. This fixed the problem for me.
<input type="checkbox" ng-change="changeStatus(item.id)"
ng-checked="item.status" ng-model="item.status"


Check one checkbox should not select the whole checkbox group

Following is the code I am using to populate the checkbox list.
<label class="checkbox-inline" ng-repeat="item in vm.ItemList track by item .id">
<input type="checkbox" name ="item " ng-value="item .id" ng-model ="vm.selecteditem" />{{item.name}}
The above code selects all the items in ItemList. I need to select only one item from itemList. How do I do that?
This link worked for me!
1) set checklist-model instead of ng-model
2) set checklist-value instead of ng-value
You're attaching the same externalized variable vm.selectedItem to every checkbox. Because of this, when you check one it changes that variable to true in turn selecting all of the checkboxes because they are bound to the same variable which is now true.
My advice to you would be to attach a selected property to each item in ItemList. Then have that attached to the ng-model as shown below.
<label class="checkbox-inline" ng-repeat="item in vm.ItemList track by item .id">
<input type="checkbox" name ="item " ng-value="item .id" ng-model= "item.selected" />{{item.name}}

Checkbox default value don't update table

I have a checkbox code :
<div data-ng-repeat="data in displayCollection | unique:'statut_ticket_id_statut'">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="data.libelle" ng-checked="data.libelle === 'Opened'" /> {{data.libelle}} </div>
It display some checkboxes and if i check them it update the table below with the checkbox filters.
I've set the checkbox "Opened" checked by default.
It works, the checkbox is checked but the table below is not updated.
I have to uncheck that default checkbox and check it again to make it works.
Any solutions?
Use ng-true-value to tell AngularJS which value should be assigned to data.libelle when the box is checked.
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="data.libelle" ng-true-value="'Opened'" ng-false-value="'closed'" />

Getting the checked checkbox on ngrepeat angularjs

I am using ng-repeat in angularjs to display several checkboxes.
<div class="checkbox" ng-repeat="subject in priceinformation.subjects">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="priceinformation.subscriptioninfo.subject.name"> {{subject.name}}
The problem is all the checkboxes are using the same model, hence if I check one, all are checked. I want to do it in a way that the model can resolve to different values. e.g.
{{subject.name}} should resolve to something like English, History etc, hence a different model for each checkbox.
But ng-model="priceinformation.subscriptioninfo.subject.{{subject.name}}" is giving an error.
Note: {{subject.name}} is resolving correctly used elsewhere, and 'priceinformation.subscriptioninfo.subject' is working correctly.
Use [] instead of .
Plnkr Demo
$scope.priceinformation ={};
$scope.priceinformation.subjects = [{"name":"English"},{"name":"History"},{"name":"Maths"}];
$scope.priceinformation.subscriptioninfo ={};
<div ng-repeat="item in checks">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.checked">{{item.name}}
See Plunkr

How to programmatically uncheck checkbox?

I want to programmatically uncheck a checkbox. I know how to it in javascript but since I'm using angular, i think it's different.
Here's the link of jsfiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/TKVH6/499/
This is the first time I used jsfiddle so please let me know if you cant see the script and html.
This is the html
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="v" ng-click="checkAll()" />
<button ng-click="x()">eto</button>
This is the angular
$scope.x = function () {
I know there are lots of question like this, I've already tried those but I can't make it work.
<input type="checkbox" ng-checked="v" ng-click="checkAll()" />
In your controller
$scope.v = true; // or false
First thing : You have specified controller on ul and bind click event of button outside the ul so moved ng-controller on div.
Second thing: In order to check it pragmatically you need to set $scope.Items[i].Selected = true;
$scope.x = function () {
Why we need to set Selected property of Items[i] while I have not declared?
The reason behind that is your html binding is something like this:
<li ng-repeat="item in Items">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.Selected" />
Here every item is element from Items array that means your checkbox checked value is now bind to selected property of that object. Even though you have not defined that property in Items collection angular will create it and will bind it to that property. So you are required to set that property. I hope it would help you.
Here is working fiddle => link

Why in Angularjs on selecting one checkbox, all checbox getting selected?

Hey guyz i am having issue related to checkboxes in html, i am using angularjs.
Whenever i checked one checkbox other checkbox getting selected and vice-versa.
Here's my Html code.
<form ng-show='MyForm'>
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<div name="sampleName" ng-repeat="sample in list" >
<input ng-model="q.sample" type="checkbox" >{{sample.name}}</label>
<button ng-click="submitForm()" >Submit</button>
<button ng-click="cancelForm()">Cancel</button>
But instead of using scope variable name 'q.sample', if i use only $scope.sample then it is working fine.
Still there is another issue with this too, On submitting data my form gets closed, but when i open it again, it shows me fresh form, there is no checked field, but if i cancel the form instead of submitting it with checked values and again opened it , i dont want the checked values to be present but i am getting the checked values instead of fresh form.
I tried to make values false in checkbox field on cancel button . See my Code of cancelForm()
$scope.cancelForm = function() {
$scope.MyForm = false
$scope.q.sample = false
So Basically, i have two questions, one is why i am getting all checkboxes selected on selected only one checkbox when i am using
Second when i am using only
scope value of sample is not reflecting on UI though it is reflecting in JS, i am getting the checked checkboxes.
It is because you are binding ng-model to the same controller property with this:
Instead, if you want to select each individually then you need to have a different ng-model for each checkbox.
At the moment, you are changing q.sample and this, then, binds the value of q.sample to all the other checkboxes that define ng-model="q.sample".
Try something like this instead:
<div name="sampleName" ng-repeat="item in list" >
<input ng-model="item.checked" type="checkbox" >{{sample.name}}</label>
and then in cancelForm():
$scope.cancelForm = function() {
$scope.MyForm = false
angular.forEach($scope.list, function(item) {
item.checked = false;
Indeed as David Tryon mentioned, you are assigning the same ng-model to all the checkboxes and what you want is a different ng-model for each checkbox.
You can solve this by assigning a javascript expression to ng-model
for example:
