React native app doesn`t fill the whole screen - reactjs

I can't get my app to fill the whole screen. Whatever i do, there is always a white bar on the bottom of the page. It's so strange because it works on some devices but not others. i'm going crazy over this!
Ive tried const { height, width } = Dimensions.get('window'); and setting the app height with that, and it actually worked once, but now i can't get it to work again. ive tried rewrapping everything in different ways, with different views and scrollviews.
ps.: i removed all functions and useless code so it's not too much code, but
here is my code
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import { ScaledSheet } from 'react-native-size-matters';
import { KeyboardAwareScrollView } from 'react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view';
export default class App extends Component {
constructor() {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<StatusBar backgroundColor="#50a9f3" />
<ImageBackground source={require('./background.png')} style={styles.imagemBackground}>
<View style={styles.campos}>
style={{ width: 110, height: 110, alignSelf: 'center' }}
<View style={styles.item}>
<Text style={styles.texto}>M²s do ambiente</Text>
onChangeText={mQuadrado => this.setState({ mQuadrado })}
<View style={styles.item}>
<Text style={styles.texto}>Nº de pessoas</Text>
onChangeText={pessoas => this.setState({ pessoas })}
<View style={styles.item}>
<Text style={styles.texto}>Nº de eletrodomésticos</Text>
onChangeText={eqps => this.setState({ eqps })}
<View style={styles.item}>
<Text style={styles.texto}>Nº de janelas </Text>
onChangeText={jnls => this.setState({ jnls })}
<View style={styles.switch}>
<Text style={styles.texto}>Recebe luz solar </Text>
style={{ transform: [{ scaleX: 0.9 }, { scaleY: 0.9 }] }}
trackColor={{ true: '#c0c0c0' }}
onValueChange={value => this.setState({ switch: value })}
<View style={styles.input}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.opacity} onPress={this.calcular}>
<Text style={styles.textoCalcular}>CALCULAR</Text>
<View style={styles.resultadoBox}>
<Text style={styles.textoResultado}>Você precisará de</Text>
<Text style={styles.resultado}>{btu == '0' ? null : btu + '.000 BTUS'}</Text>
<View style={styles.banner}>
onPress={() => Linking.openURL('')}>
<Text style={styles.bannerTexto}>Gerencie suas manutenções preventivas e corretivas</Text>
<Text style={styles.bannerTexto}>Relatório PMOC simples</Text>
<Text style={styles.bannerTextoX}>Saiba mais</Text>
const { height, width } = Dimensions.get('window');
const heightCerto = height - StatusBar.currentHeight;
const styles = ScaledSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
teste: {
flex: 1,
imagemBackground: {
flex: 1,
campos: {
flex: 95,
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
alignItems: 'stretch',
padding: '20#s',
paddingTop: '12#s',
item: {
flex: 1,
switch: {
paddingTop: '15#s',
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
flex: 1,
textoCalcular: {
fontSize: '15#s',
color: '#ffffff',
textShadowColor: 'black',
textShadowRadius: 2,
input: {
padding: '20#s',
alignItems: 'center',
flex: 1,
opacity: {
backgroundColor: '#50a9f3',
borderWidth: '1.5#s',
borderRadius: '10#s',
borderColor: '#000000',
width: '190#s',
height: '39#s',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
resultadoBox: {
flex: 2,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(100,100,100,0.5)',
margin: 0,
borderColor: 'rgba(100,100,100,0.5)',
borderRadius: '10#s',
resultado: {
fontSize: '28#s',
color: 'white',
textShadowColor: 'black',
textShadowRadius: 5,
banner: {
flex: 10,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(140,140,140,0.5)',
margin: 0,
borderColor: '#50a9f3',
borderWidth: '1.5#s',
borderRadius: '10#s',
alignSelf: 'stretch',
bannerContainer: {
alignItems: 'center',
bannerTexto: {
color: '#ffffff',
fontSize: '12#s',
bannerTextoX: {
color: '#50a9f3',
fontSize: '10#s',
textShadowColor: 'black',
textShadowRadius: 4,
inputText: {
fontSize: '12#s',
color: 'white',
textShadowColor: 'black',
textShadowRadius: 5,
height: '38#s',
texto: {
fontSize: '13#s',
color: '#ffffff',
textShadowColor: 'black',
textShadowRadius: 5,
textoResultado: {
fontSize: '16#s',
color: 'white',
textShadowColor: 'black',
textShadowRadius: 5,

I think you're talking about the image background but not totally sure. I was able to get it to stretch to the full height by adding the following height declaration:
imagemBackground: {
flex: 1,
height: height,
link to example:

You are using flex:1 many times in style that is the problem.
please give flex:1 in container style and remove all flex:1 in other styles instead of flex:1 you can use width and height in percentage.
like style={{width:'100%',height:'40%'}}.
Thank you!


Why my horizontal ScrollView is not working?

I´m trying without success to use the ScrollView component in React Native, below the code:
const width_proportion = '97%';
const height_proportion = '75%';
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
height: '100%'
image: {
flex: 1,
resizeMode: "cover",
justifyContent: "center"
text: {
color: "grey",
fontSize: 30,
fontWeight: "bold"
popup: {
color: '#CA0',
box: {
width: width_proportion,
height: height_proportion,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
backgroundColor: 'steelblue',
// position: "absolute",
marginTop: '5%',
marginBottom: '3%',
marginLeft: '2%'
bottomBox: {
width: '97%',
height: 125,
backgroundColor: 'steelblue',
marginLeft: '2%',
marginBottom: 10,
marginTop: 5,
padding: 5
const MyTheme = {
colors: {
background: '#EFA',
primary: '#000',
text: '#000',
function HomeScreen({ navigation }) {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={{ width: '100%', height: 50, backgroundColor: 'steelblue' }}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.toggleDrawer()}>
<Image source={hamburgerMenu} style={{ height: 45, width: 45, alignItems: 'center' }}>
<ImageBackground source={imgBackground} style={styles.image}>
<View style={}>
<ScrollView horizontal={true} >
<View style={styles.bottomBox}>
<View style={styles.bottomBox}>
<View style={styles.bottomBox}>
</View >
When I set the horizontal property to "true" from ScrollView, the component disappears. Only I set horizontal to "false" and the ScrollView workks fine in Vertical.
wrap your scrollview like this
<ScrollView horizontal={true}>
<View style={styles.bottomBox} />
<View style={styles.bottomBox} />
<View style={styles.bottomBox} />
bottomBox : {
width: 40,
height: 125,
backgroundColor: 'steelblue',
padding: 5,
marginRight: 10,

React Native ScrollView will not expand with child size

I'm building an app which uses the Map method to build several different components. I have a scrollview which contains the whole page. Currently, the scrollView won't expand to contain everything despite trying what is seemingly every bit of advice online.
I have tried having the scrollview be inside another view but that still doesn't work as well as a combination of different flex configurations. Does anyone know why this page in particular isn't working. I have compared it to other pages and there is seemingly no reason as to why the flex does not extend.
return (
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{flexGrow: 1}} >
<View style={styles.pageContainer}>
<View style={styles.photoShowcase }>
{, key) => (
<Image key = {key} source={{uri: item}} style = {{width: 200, height: 200}} />
<View style = {styles.cameraContainer}>
<TouchableHighlight onPress={this.handleChoosePhoto}>
<Icon type='font-awesome' name='photo' size={60} />
<Icon type='font-awesome' name='camera' size={120} />
<Icon type='font-awesome' name='map-o' size={60} />
<View style= {styles.detailsContainer}>
<View >
<TextInput onChangeText={(text) => {this.setState({title: text})}} style = {styles.title} >New Day Title </TextInput>
<View style = {styles.description}>
<TextInput onChangeText={(text) => {this.setState({description: text})}} multiline={true}>Description for the text goes here</TextInput>
<View style = {styles.friendsContainer}>
<Text style = {styles.friendsSectionTitle}>I spent today with: </Text>
<ScrollView horizontal= {true}>
<View style={styles.peopleContainer}>
{, key) => (
<View key={key} >
<TouchableHighlight >
<PersonEntryBox name={} backgroundImageToUse={item.image} style = {styles.smallBox} functionToRun = {() => {this.state.selectedFriends.push(item)}} />
<View style={{height: '40%', width: '100%'}}>
latitude: 45.5209087,
longitude: -122.6705107,
latitudeDelta: 0.0922,
longitudeDelta: 0.0421,
{ => {
return (
<Marker {...marker} >
<View style={styles.marker}>
<Text style = {styles.markerText}>{marker.cost}</Text>
<View style = {styles.ratingsButtonContainer}>
<RateTheDayBox style={styles.badDay} dayRating="Bad" onClick={() => {this.state.rating ="red"; this.storeDay()}}></RateTheDayBox>
<RateTheDayBox style={styles.okayDay} dayRating="Okay" onClick={() => {this.state.rating = "yellow"; this.storeDay()}}></RateTheDayBox>
<RateTheDayBox style={styles.greatDay} dayRating="Great" onClick={() => {this.state.rating = "green"; this.storeDay()}}></RateTheDayBox>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
pageContainer: {
paddingTop: 50,
alignItems: 'center',
flex: 1,
flex: 1,
marker: {
backgroundColor: "#550bbc",
padding: 5,
borderRadius: 5,
text: {
color: '#FFF',
fontWeight: "bold",
photoShowcase: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'flex-start',
justifyContent: 'flex-end',
zIndex: 0,
height: 200
cameraContainer: {
flexDirection: 'row',
paddingLeft: '5%',
paddingRight: '5%',
width: '100%',
height: '25%',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'space-around',
iconStyles: {
marginLeft: 10,
color: 'red',
detailsContainer: {
width: '100%',
height: '35%',
title: {
paddingLeft: 10,
fontSize: 40,
textDecorationLine: 'underline',
description: {
paddingLeft: 11,
paddingTop: 10,
friendsContainer: {
width: '100%',
height: '20%',
boxContainers: {
flexDirection: 'row',
friendsSectionTitle: {
paddingLeft: 10,
fontSize: 30,
ratingsButtonContainer: {
width: '100%',
height: '20%',
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'space-between'
badDay: {
backgroundColor: 'red',
okayDay: {
backgroundColor: 'yellow',
greatDay: {
backgroundColor: 'green',
peopleContainer: {
paddingTop: 10,
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center' ,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
EDIT: For anyone suffering from the same issue, REMOVE PERCENTAGES FROM HEIGHTS. This fixed this issue for me.
Maybe just use style instead of contentContainerStyle ? the doc says :
These styles will be applied to the scroll view content container which wraps all of the child views
So maybe here is your problem, you're not applying the flexGrow to the scrollView but to its wrapper

Keyboard Avoiding View Shrinking

I would like my page to scroll up so that the user can correctly type its email and password. Therefore, I am using KeyboardAvoidingView.
However, when I use it, it shrinks my textinput picture instead of moving up the page. Without the keyboard my app looks like this picture.
My code following for this page :
export default class LoginScreen extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
state = {
email: '',
password: ''
handleEmail = (text) => {
this.setState({ email: text })
handlePassword = (text) => {
this.setState({ password: text })
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<ImageBackground source={require('../pics/main.png')} style={styles.background}>
<KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding" style={{ flex: 1}} >
<Text style={styles.title2}>WELCOME</Text>
placeholder="Enter Email"
style={[styles.inputEmail, styles.inputPassword]}
placeholder="Enter password"
<View style={styles.buttons}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.login} onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('MainScreen')} >
<Text style={styles.loginText}>LOGIN</Text>
style={styles.login} onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('SignUpScreen')}>
<Text style={styles.loginText}>SIGN UP</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
area: {
flex: 1
container: {
flex: 1,
background: {
flex: 1,
resizeMode: "cover",
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
title2: {
paddingTop: 10,
color: color.primary,
fontSize: 25,
alignSelf: 'center',
justifyContent: 'flex-start'
inputEmail: {
borderWidth: 2,
borderColor: color.primary,
borderRadius: 10,
width: '50%',
height: '5%',
marginTop: 100,
alignSelf: 'center',
backgroundColor: color.secondary
inputPassword: {
marginTop: 10
buttons: {
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'space-around',
marginTop: 30,
marginLeft: 70,
marginRight: 70,
login: {
borderColor: color.primary,
borderRadius: 20,
borderWidth: 2,
width: '40%',
height: '118%',
backgroundColor: color.primary
loginText: {
alignSelf: 'center',
marginTop: 5,
marginBottom: 1,
color: 'white'
Any idea on what I am doing wrong ?
UPDATE : to avoid shrinking put the text input container width and height not as a percentage but as real numbers : inputEmail --> width: 200, height: 35,
Here is a solution with your code, I have fixed this in this snack with your provided code.
Expo Snack with CSS fixes to avoid keyboard

React Native: Component not rendering

I am importing a custom component (RecipeCard) and it isn't appearing on the screen.
I'm fairly certain it is to do with the styling that I am currently using.
The fastimage component works exactly as the RN component does and can be seen here.
Any help is appreciated!
<View style={styles.container}>
renderItem={({ item }) => <RecipeCard {...item} />}
const styles = {
container: {
flex: 1
source={{ uri: this.props.image }}
<View style={styles.titleContainer}>
<Text style={styles.titleText}>
<Text style={styles.subtitleText}>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
imageStyle: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
alignSelf: 'stretch',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
titleContainer: {
position: 'absolute',
marginTop: 15,
zIndex: 2,
bottom: 13,
flex: 1,
width: '100%',
height: 70,
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: 'flex-start',
titleText: {
color: 'white',
fontWeight: '800',
paddingLeft: 5,
paddingTop: 10
subtitleText: {
color: '#adadad',
fontWeight: '500',
paddingLeft: 5,
paddingTop: 5,
Try to add the resizeMode to the FastImage:
It's also described in the docs of FastImage:
import FastImage from 'react-native-fast-image'
const YourImage = () =>
uri: '',
headers:{ Authorization: 'someAuthToken' },
priority: FastImage.priority.normal,
I tried the example you have given above, I was able to see the image with a little change in imageStyle, just added height and it was showing the images.
RecipeCard component
const RecipeCard = (props) => {
return (
source={{ uri: '' }}
<View style={styles.titleContainer}>
<Text style={styles.titleText}>
<Text style={styles.subtitleText}>
In imageStyle I have added height
imageStyle: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
alignSelf: 'stretch',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
height: 200
Hope this helps!

ScrollView not work

what my screen looks like now click this link
I can not scroll horizontally due to some reasons, but I cannot figure out the problem, I have already set flex for the style and my code show as following:
<View style={styles.contentContainer}>
<ScrollView horizontal>
{, i) => (
<View key={i} style={styles.meetupCard}>
<View style={styles.meetupCardTopContainer}>
<Text style={styles.meetupCardTitle}>
<View style={styles.meetupCardBottomContainer}>
<Text style={styles.meetupCardMetaName}>
<Text style={styles.meetupCardMetaDate}>
Mar 2m 6:00pm
and the styles define as following:
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
root: {
flex: 1
titleContainer: {
flex: 0.1,
paddingHorizontal: '2.5%',
paddingVertical: '2.5%'
title: {
color: '#fff',
fontSize: 25,
fontFamily: 'SignikaRegular'
contentContainer: {
meetupCard: {
height: 200,
width: 175,
marginHorizontal: '1.5%',
borderWidth: 2,
backgroundColor: '#40D4EB'
meetupCardTopContainer: {
flex: 1,
position: 'relative'
meetupCardBottomContainer: {
flex: 0.5,
meetupCardMetaDate: {
fontSize: 13,
fontFamily: 'SignikaLight'
How I can make it scroll sucessfully?
Thanks a lot!
It will scrollable when remove marginHorizontal out from meetupCard or not use percentage
