how to set a text for a group in vis.js using groupTemplate - reactjs

I have an application and using vis.js to build timeline events.
I'm using React.
I want to add an icon near each event, so I using groupTemplate and I want to render there a component with group text and icon.
in the options I add:
groupTemplate: (item, element) => {
if (!item) return;
ReactDOM.render(<TimelineGroupComp item={item}/>, element);
TimelineGroupComp component render function:
return (
<div className="primary-wrapper" key={this.props.item.content}>
<div style="background-image:url(../images/myIcon.svg);"/>
I get the correct Icon but the text is the instead item.content.
I try to add a span with the correct text in the TimelineGroupComp but it renders also the, not only the correct text.
Also I have another problem: when I collapse/expaned the group, I have an error in the console:
Warning: render(...): It looks like the React-rendered content of this
container was removed without using React. This is not supported and will
cause errors. Instead, call ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode to empty a
and the group is render normal, ignored my component.

I know this post is almost a year old, but I thought I'd post the answer to this question anyways for anyone who gets the same issue in the future. I've had the same issue and this is how I fixed it.
Starting with React 16, if you want to use React templates in Vis Timeline you'll have to use React.createPortal in the groupTemplate option, see
For the code above, the correct groupTemplate would be:
groupTemplate: (item, element) => {
if (!item) return;
ReactDOM.render(<TimelineGroupComp item={item}/>, element),


React keeps children from previous render

I have problem rendering page based on array of templates stored in redux. I'm unable to provide the actual code as it is too complex to reproduce in sandbox, but I will try with simplified structure.
I have pinterest-style grid based on flex-grow and js calculations for each item based on its dimensions so I need to have all of this inside one container.
I have 3 groups of items in same div:
blank_item + +
<div className="grid">
{shouldRenderBlankItem && <BlankItem />}
{ => (
{shouldRenderTail &&, i) => (
The problem is - sometimes after render I have EXTRA children left from previous render and React puts them in front of other elements within div.grid so the result I have will look like:
3-4 of EXTRA <Template/> + blank_item + +
As a key for Template I use template.uuid that is coming from backend and I know they're unique and react also doesn't show any warnings for duplicated keys - so I know I'm not getting any duplicated items from API what I thought might be an issue.
Redux is fine - I see correct number of templates in it e.g. 50, grid and react dev tools shows same 50 templates coming as a prop when I inspect parent component, but the actual DOM has e.g. 53 elements in the same moment.
How can I debug issue like this? I suppose something is wrong during reconciliation but I don't know where exactly to start debugging this.
I have React/ReactDOM 16.13.1
Ok so in my case the problem was broken backend api which might return same template twice - so uuid's that I use for keys were unique for each template but they are not really unique in terms of the page and DOM elements.
I faced this only in production build that is why I didn't have duplicated key warning (on dev build I have another DB with much less templates so I was unable to reproduce this).
So anyone facing similar issue: go check your keys are really unique within page, because what happens after new templates load comes:
React wants to remove old item
It searches corresponding DOM element for each key and finds item with key="XXX" and removes it from DOM
Their duplicated items stays in DOM as corresponding key was processed and React doesn't care about this particular key anymore
We load new templates and they get appended to the parent container
Voila! We have old items before newly loaded
What I did here - my key now is:, i) => <Template key={template.uuid + i} />
So in this case I am safe even if backend returns duplicated items.
Of course we will fix backend as well. Thanks for reading and helping!
Just quick example how to search for items with same id in data:
var duplicates = new Set(); =>, i, arr) => {if(arr.filter(item => item == id).length > 1){
console.log("DUPLICATED IDs:", duplicates)

react-animated-css not fired when list is updated

I am using react-animated-css, for simple animation in react. I have a list which I am rendering in a <ul> tag. I am adding animation to the first element of the list.
This list is getting updated every 3 seconds. And new element is added at the first position in the array.
The problem is, on load the animation is happening but not on update.
Here is full code :
I am not able to create a tag with 'react-animated-css' name as I am not eligible. It would be helpful if someone creates one for this.
You must define a key property for every element in a map. If you do not define one the array index is the default key. So the first element with key 0 will be reused after each render and only the last one will be added. If you define a key, the redrawing will based on the key value, and the first one will be added.
{, i) => {
if (i === 0) {
return (
Here is the example:
From my point of view "react-animated-css" this library is not getting re-rendered once the state gets updated.
I have tried it with simple css animation property "#keyframe" and is working fine and getting re-rendered when state changes.
Code-sandbox link :

Ionic4 React framework - IonSlides is not populating pagination - why is params.pagination.el undefined?

I have a simple webapp built with the React build of Ionic4. Two of the 'sections' in the app are comprised of full screen IonSlides, with pagination (pager={true}).
In all browsers, except iPad Air Safari, the pagination is populating correctly and the pagination bullets appear. However, in iPad Safari, there is an empty pagination node (no bullet elements have been populated).
I expect it is a race condition but I can't pinpoint where or what is causing this to occur. When I debug and trace the properties of the slides component (which is an instance of Swiper JS) I see that swiper.params.pagination.el is undefined.
Can anyone help me figure out why it's undefined and/or how to correct?
I have tried dynamically adding the slides after componentDidMount. I have tried calling swiper.update() in componentDidMount as well as when the component enters view. I have tried calling swiper.pagination.update() and other resetting/re-updating methods within swiper.
Here's my stripped down/relevant code.
In the view class, declare the slider ref -->
private slider = createRef<any>();
In the component render() -->
<IonSlides ref={this.slider} pager={true}>
<IonSlide className="twocol">
<IonSlide className="twocol">
<IonSlide className="twocol">
<IonSlide className="twocol">
<IonSlide className="twocol">
In ionViewDidEnter, some of what I've tried (commented out just for reference) -->
ionViewDidEnter() {
this.slider.current.getSwiper().then((swiper:any) => {
// swiper.init();
// swiper.pagination.type='bullets';
// swiper.pagination.el='.swiper-pagination';
// swiper.pagination.init();
// swiper.pagination.render();
// swiper.pagination.update();
}).catch((err:any) => {});
I get no error messages. The pagination is just an empty node. Only in iPad Safari. In all other browsers the pagination element contains the appropriate pagination-bullet nodes.
Ok, well I kept at it and I have a solution that works... not sure it's actually solving the underlying problem because I still can't figure out what the underlying problem is... But, posting a solution here in case it's useful to others someday...
I ended up giving a value to params.pagination.el and then init, render, and updating the pagination via the swiper instance to reinstantiate it.
Code used:
this.slider.current.getSwiper().then((swiper:any) => {
swiper.params.pagination.el = '.swiper-pagination';
}).catch((err:any) => {});

Anyway to debug react-select dropdown from the browser devtools?

I'm mostly interested in seeing the class names used so I can override them. Problem is, as soon as I click anywhere, even on the dev tools, the drop-down gets removed from the DOM, so there's no way to inspect it.
You can get all the classNames straight off the source:
Main element:
let className = classNames('Select', this.props.className, {
'has-value': valueArray.length,
'is-clearable': this.props.clearable,
'is-disabled': this.props.disabled,
'is-focused': this.state.isFocused,
'is-loading': this.props.isLoading,
'is-open': isOpen,
'is-pseudo-focused': this.state.isPseudoFocused,
'is-searchable': this.props.searchable,
'Select--multi': this.props.multi,
'Select--rtl': this.props.rtl,
'Select--single': !this.props.multi,
You can get the menu classnames from there as well.

react-highcharts how to call reflow?

I use kirjs/react-highcharts plugin for react but I have no idea how to get Highchart component in order to call reflow like: $('#container1').highcharts().reflow()
From docs its tells:
For access to methods & properties from the Highcharts library you can use ReactHighcharts.Highcharts. For example, the Highcharts options are available via ReactHighcharts.Highcharts.getOptions().
but I don't see there any reflow() method.
Any ideas?
its located under ReactHighcharts.Highcharts.charts so I can call
but it has list of all highchart instances so I have no information what index is mine
I am using highcharts-react-official and highcharts. They are available via npm . Although I am using different packages, the working principle should be the same.
The way of using reflow() function in react-highchart is also Highcharts.charts[i].reflow(). I have prepared 2 code sandboxes for the demonstration. The first code sandbox shows the way of re-flowing every chart, and the second code sandbox shows the way of re-flowing a particular chart.
The first code sandbox link is here.
There is a button on App.js to hide and show highchart divs.
The child component is React.memo (for performance optimization), therefore the hidden highchart will not be auto resized after it becomes visible.
To let every chart window resize with respect to the window size. The following code is placed in App.js. It looks for all existing charts and re-flow them:
for (var i = 0; i < Highcharts.charts.length; i++) {
if (Highcharts.charts[i] !== undefined) {
The second code sandbox link is here.
Almost the same as the first code sandbox, but there is a ref array of referencing every chart.
The chart which needs re-flowing is placed with an id in its chart option.
Iterate every chart and get the index of the chart with that id e.g. "secondChart" for this example.
for (var i = 0; i < chartRef.current.length; i++) {
if (
chartRef.current[i] !== undefined &&
chartRef.current[i] === "secondChart"
Re-flow that chart.
The Reflow can be set with event load in options.
Workaround: You have to set reflow() using setTimeout() this will trigger the resizing. Time is set to 0 to avoid delay.
const options = {
chart: {
type: 'column',
style: {},
events: {
load() {
setTimeout(this.reflow.bind(this), 0);
title: 'Column Chart',
<HighchartsReact highcharts={Highcharts} options={options} />

