Sync column in two different spreadsheets from imported data - checkbox

I have a private spreadsheet and a shared spreadsheet with data imported from the private one. I want users to be able to make changes to the shared spreadsheet, that will reflect on the private one. For example, I would like users to be able to uncheck column A cell 1 here and have the change reflect on the private spreadsheet here
=IMPORTRANGE("16FJzFqWkyN9vy2E3IFpaifybwfdoq-iLj_qKZsnQau8", "Sheet1!A1:U1000")
I expect to be able to change data in shared spreadsheet and have it reflect on the private spreadsheet

IMPORTRANGE and all other formulae are 1-directional which means that your issue can be solved only this way:
the private spreadsheet consists of green cells with the red formula:
=IMPORTRANGE("ID_of_shared_spreadsheet", "shared!B1:C")
and shared spreadsheet consists of green cells and this red formula:
=IMPORTRANGE("ID_of_private_spreadsheet", "private!A1:A")


WPF Devexpress 18.2 Grid /Tableview Paste pastes only 242 columns

I am using a WPF Devexpress GridControl with dynamic columns generated. UI Rendered all columns one column per month from years(let say 2020 to 2070). So I am trying copy values for a row from excel which has values from 2020 to 2061 which is approximately 500 values/cells. But the default TableView.OnPaste() only copies 242 cells. I tried various ways to figure out why is that? But no use.
I disabled virtualization, tried to scroll all the way to make sure columns are rendered everything is there and another interesting thing is:
TableView Evnent: ClipboardRowCellValuePasting=void OnClipboardRowCellValuePasting(object sender, ClipboardRowCellValuePastingEventArgs e)
this event is called for all 500 cells but after 242 cells the values are blanked. So its definitely in the paste implementation it is setting values to null after certain limit.
So can anyone suggest how to fix this?
Answer from Devex
To avoid this shortcoming, it's necessary to change the clipboard source priority using the SourcePriority property as follows:
ClipboardSourceFactory<ColumnWrapper, RowBaseWrapper>.SourcePriority = new ClipboardSourceType[]

Google sheets copying adjacent cells so they're stacked

I'm trying to create a cell in Google Sheets such that it is the value of one cell, a carriage return, and then the value of another cell. I want to be able to copy the resulting cell such that it can be pasted into a proprietary program that is expecting two cells vertically.
I'm able to create the cell using
=B3 & char(10) & B4
Which displays the values one on top of the other in the resulting cell.
The problem I have is that when I copy the contents of the new cell and paste it into my proprietary application, the carriage return doesn't copy, which was the whole point of making the cell to begin with.
Any ideas what I might do or perhaps there's a workaround I haven't thought of? It looks like there used to a web clipboard feature in Sheets but it's been discontinued.
instead of your
={B3; B4}

How can I handle circular reference error in powerapps when trying to filter selections of two comboboxes depending on each other?

I am using PowerApps to create a small app which contains two comboboxes, which filter information that are being displayed on a data table and come from an excel sheet called Table. More specifically, my first combobox is called ColorCombo and displays distinct values, which come from the column Color of the sheet Table and the second combobox is called SizeCombo and displays distinct values that are contained on the column Size of the Table
My goal is to filter the information of the one combobox depending on the selection of the other combobox.
For instance, I have the colors : [Red, Blue,Green] listed on the ColorCombo and the sizes: [32,34,36] listed on the SizeCombo. If the red color is only available on size 32 then when I select the red option on the colorcombo I want to only see the number 32 on the SizeCombo and if the size 32 is available on green and blue color then when I select it on the SizeCombo I want to only see the options green and blue on the ColorCombo. The code I have so far is:
Sort(Distinct(Filter(Table, If(CountRows(ColorCombo.SelectedItems) = 0,true,
Size in SizeCombo.SelectedItems)),Color),Result,Ascending)
which works ok for the colorcombo. When I add the same statement for the SizeCombo as well though, I get an circular reference error. This is the statement I input:
Sort(Distinct(Filter(Table, If(CountRows(SizeCombo.SelectedItems) = 0,true,
Color in ColorCombo.SelectedItems)),Size),Result,Ascending)
I understand that this is happening because the selection of the comboboxes are depending on each other recursively, so this happens to prevent an infinite loop, but how could I solve this? I appreciate any help you can provide, since I have been trying to find a solution to it since a long time.
Some quick workarounds could be implemented via UI/UX:
Force the user to go through the two boxes sequentially
Start with sizecombo (for example).
Set DisplayMode of colorcombo to If(IsBlank(Size.Selected.Value), DisplayMode.Disabled, DisplayMode.Edit
Adjust the code accordingly.
Another idea: Instead of two comboboxes, have user select a size, then display swatches of Available Colors in a small Gallery. Or vice versa, choose a color then display Available Sizes.
You could accomplish that pretty easily using Filter()

SSRS Chart with multiple labels for a single data point

I have a SSRS report with a chart that has a data point that 3 different sets of data share, so naturally when I show labels that data point has 3 labels. I would like to reduce this to just 1 label, is this possible?
Unfortunately there isn’t a way to suppress/limit labels in this scenario using the UI in SSRS. The only method is to utilize a “custom” SQL command as described in the comments.

How to create little colored shape in a cell that would indicate colors on a chart? SSRS 2012

I have a bar chart with different bar colors. Below in a table I just want to indicate what each color means.
Can I do something like that in SSRS?
Im sure I can create another column on a left and assign each color to a cell. But is any way I can display it the way its on a picture above?
I tried to use indicators for that but I guess it needs conditions.
You can do this with custom code.
Loose steps to follow are:
Create a list to hold the graph
Add the graph
Inside the list and below the graph, add a tablix
The tablix will row group on the same thing as the graph (so you can get a row per coloured item in the graph)
Add a column to the start of the tablix for the colour
Add the following custom code:
Private colourPalette As String() = {"#418CF0", "#FCB441", "#DF3A02", "#056492", "#BFBFBF", "#1A3B69", "#FFE382", "#129CDD", "#CA6B4B", "#005CDB", "#F3D288", "#506381", "#F1B9A8", "#E0830A", "#7893BE"}
Private count As Integer = 0
Private mapping As New System.Collections.Hashtable()
Public Function GetColour(ByVal groupingValue As String) As String
If mapping.ContainsKey(groupingValue) Then
Return mapping(groupingValue)
End If
Dim c As String = colourPalette(count Mod colourPalette.Length)
count = count + 1
mapping.Add(groupingValue, c)
Return c
End Function
For the series fill on the graph, use the follow expression:
Use the same expression for the fill on the initial column in the tablix
You can use any list of codes for colour - this is the list for the default palette in SSRS.
This code ensures the same colour is picked each time the same item is used - so in the image the same colour is returned each time the same Category is returned.
The solution I use is pretty simple.
I use Windows Character Map to find a character I like. For example: ■
Copy that character and add an expression where you want to show the color icon. Your expression text will be
Then go to the Font tab and Color. Select the color you want from the menu. You can use expression logic in here to change the color dynamically. (You can refer to other answer for details there)
