Best Search-Algorithm to search an Input String - c

I have a theoretical question.
I'm trying to find the best search algorithm to deal with the following problem: I want to process a input String, the input String can have up to 7 independent and valid arguments (parameters), which start different segments in my code. All parameters can appear at any position inside the input, which means the input does not have a order.
My first idea was to look at the input string and do a strcmp for all individual valid inputs at every position inside the string, which would mean that I would basically search the string until I find a match or reach the end of the input. However, this would have very bad runtime latency as I would iterate the input with n!.
I'm wondering if there is a better way to search the input, maybe something where I can decrease the sample size after a valid input has been found, so I dont have to look at this position again. I would be glad if someone could help me to find a search-algorithm with a better runtime efficiency.
As far as I know, its not possible to decrease a stack size. I guess the only way to improve the efficiency is to skip positions inside the stack, based on a bool value? Every position that I can skip drastically improves the runtime, as it would have to be compared with all 7 inputs.
Thanks for reading :)

I'd bet that your libc implementation does this quite well ;)
strstr() is the function you are looking for, go check this man :


How to wildcard search with capture in C?

I'm trying to write a routine in C to capture sequences of characters in a string argument. The matching criteria in addition to characters can have ? meaning exactly one character and * meaning zero or more characters. (lazy).
string: ok1ok1234567890
match: *(ok?2*)4*
The result should be the position of the match = 3 and the length of the match = 5
I have tried numerous ways of doing this, have put it aside, come back to it, put it aside again etc. I cannot crack it. It needs to be a purely C solution and able to capture multiple captures.
e.g. (*)(ok??)3(4*)8*
Every solution I come up with works in many cases but not all. I'm hoping someone somewhere might have done this already or have an insight to how it can be done.

Efficient algorithm to search a buffer for any string from a list

I am looking for an efficient search algorithm, that, for a given set of strings searches a large buffer for any one match from the set of strings.
Currently i know a few efficient single-string algorithms (i have used the Knuth before), but i don't know if they really help.
Here is what i am actually doing:
I have around 6-10 predefined strings, each around 200-300 characters (actually bytes, since i`m processing binary data)
The input is a large, sometimes few megabyte buffer
I would like to process the buffer, and when i have a match, i would like to stop the search
I have looked for multiple-string searching algorithms using a finite set of predefined patterns, but they all seem to revolve around matching ALL of the predefined strings in the buffer.
This post: Fast algorithm for searching for substrings in a string, suggested using the Aho–Corasick or the Rabin–Karp alogirthm.
I thought, that since i only need one match, i could find other methods, that are similar to the mentioned algorithms, but the constrains given by the problem can improve the performance.
Aho-Corasick is a good choice here. After building an automaton the input string is traversed from left to right so it is possible to stop immediately after the first match is found. The time complexity is O(sum of lengths of all patterns + the position of the first occurrence). It is optimal because it is not possible to find the first match without reading all patterns and all the bytes from the buffer before the first occurrence.

Is there a known O(nm)-time/O(1)-space algorithm for POSIX filename matching (fnmatch)?

Edit: WHOOPS! Big admission, I screwed up the definition of the ? in fnmatch pattern syntax and seem to have proposed (and possibly solved) a much harder problem where it behaves like .? in regular expressions. Of course it actually is supposed to behave like . in regular expressions (matching exactly one character, not zero or one). Which in turn means my initial problem-reduction work was sufficient to solve the (now rather boring) original problem. Solving the harder problem is rather interesting still though; I might write it up sometime.
On the plus side, this means there's a much greater chance that something like 2way/SMOA needle factorization might be applicable to these patterns, which in turn could yield the better-than-originally-desired O(n) or even O(n/m) performance.
In the question title, let m be the length of the pattern/needle and n be the length of the string being matched against it.
This question is of interest to me because all the algorithms I've seen/used have either pathologically bad performance and possible stack overflow exploits due to backtracking, or required dynamic memory allocation (e.g. for a DFA approach or just avoiding doing backtracking on the call stack) and thus have failure cases that could also be dangerous if a program is using fnmatch to grant/deny access rights of some sort.
I'm willing to believe that no such algorithm exists for regular expression matching, but the filename pattern language is much simpler than regular expressions. I've already simplified the problem to the point where one can assume the pattern does not use the * character, and in this modified problem you're not matching the whole string but searching for an occurrence of the pattern in the string (like the substring match problem). If you further simplify the language and remove the ? character, the language is just composed of concatenations of fixed strings and bracket expressions, and this can easily be matched in O(mn) time and O(1) space, which perhaps can be improved to O(n) if the needle factorization techniques used in 2way and SMOA substring search can be extended to such bracket patterns. However, naively each ? requires trials with or without the ? consuming a character, bringing in a time factor of 2^q where q is the number of ? characters in the pattern.
Anyone know if this problem has already been solved, or have ideas for solving it?
Note: In defining O(1) space, I'm using the Transdichotomous_model.
Note 2: This site has details on the 2way and SMOA algorithms I referenced:
Have you looked into the re2 regular expression engine by Russ Cox (of Google)?
It's a regular expression matching engine based on deterministic finite automata, which is different than the usual implementations (Perl, PCRE) using backtracking to simulate a non-deterministic finite automaton. One of the specific design goals was to eliminate the catastrophic backtracking behaviour you mention.
It disallows some of the Perl extensions like backreferences in the search pattern, but you don't need that for glob matching.
I'm not sure if it guarantees O(mn) time and O(1) memory constraints specifically, but it was good enough to run the Google Code Search service while it existed.
At the very least it should be cool to look inside and see how it works. Russ Cox has written three articles about re2 - one, two, three - and the re2 code is open source.
Edit: WHOOPS! Big admission, I screwed up the definition of the ? in fnmatch pattern syntax and seem to have solved a much harder problem where it behaves like .? in regular expressions. Of course it actually is supposed to behave like . in regular expressions (matching exactly one character, not zero or one). Which in turn means my initial problem-reduction work was sufficient to solve the (now rather boring) original problem. Solving the harder problem is rather interesting still though; I might write it up sometime.
Possible solution to the harder problem follows below.
I have worked out what seems to be a solution in O(log q) space (where q is the number of question marks in the pattern, and thus q < m) and uncertain but seemingly better-than-exponential time.
First of all, a quick explanation of the problem reduction. First break the pattern at each *; it decomposes as a (possibly zero length) initial and final component, and a number of internal components flanked on both sided by a *. This means once we've determined if the initial/final components match up, we can apply the following algorithm for internal matches: Starting with the last component, search for the match in the string that starts at the latest offset. This leaves the most possible "haystack" characters free to match earlier components; if they're not all needed, it's no problem, because the fact that a * intervenes allows us to later throw away as many as needed, so it's not beneficial to try "using more ? marks" of the last component or finding an earlier occurrence of it. This procedure can then be repeated for every component. Note that here I'm strongly taking advantage of the fact that the only "repetition operator" in the fnmatch expression is the * that matches zero or more occurrences of any character. The same reduction would not work with regular expressions.
With that out of the way, I began looking for how to match a single component efficiently. I'm allowing a time factor of n, so that means it's okay to start trying at every possible position in the string, and give up and move to the next position if we fail. This is the general procedure we'll take (no Boyer-Moore-like tricks yet; perhaps they can be brought in later).
For a given component (which contains no *, only literal characters, brackets that match exactly one character from a given set, and ?), it has a minimum and maximum length string it could match. The minimum is the length if you omit all ? characters and count bracket expressions as one character, and the maximum is the length if you include ? characters. At each position, we will try each possible length the pattern component could match. This means we perform q+1 trials. For the following explanation, assume the length remains fixed (it's the outermost loop, outside the recursion that's about to be introduced). This also fixes a length (in characters) from the string that we will be comparing to the pattern at this point.
Now here's the fun part. I don't want to iterate over all possible combinations of which ? characters do/don't get used. The iterator is too big to store. So I cheat. I break the pattern component into two "halves", L and R, where each contains half of the ? characters. Then I simply iterate over all the possibilities of how many ? characters are used in L (from 0 to the total number that will be used based on the length that was fixed above) and then the number of ? characters used in R is determined as well. This also partitions the string we're trying to match into part that will be matched against pattern L and pattern R.
Now we've reduced the problem of checking if a pattern component with q ? characters matches a particular fixed-length string to two instances of checking if a pattern component with q/2 ? characters matches a particular smaller fixed-length string. Apply recursion. And since each step halves the number of ? characters involved, the number of levels of recursion is bounded by log q.
You can create a hash of both strings and then compare these. The hash computation will be done in O(m) while the search in O(m + n)
You can use something like this for calculating the hash of the string where s[i] is a character
s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
As you said this is for file-name matching and you can't use this where you have wildcards in the strings. Good luck!
My feeling is that this is not possible.
Though I can't provide a bullet-proof argument, my intuition is that you will always be able to construct patterns containing q=Theta(m) ? characters where it will be necessary for the algorithm to, in some sense, account for all 2^q possibilities. This will then require O(q)=O(m) space to keep track of which of the possibilities you're currently looking at. For example, the NFA algorithm uses this space to keep track of the set of states it's currently in; the brute-force backtracking approach uses the space as stack (and to add insult to injury, it uses O(2^q) time in addition to the O(q) of space).
OK, here's how I solved the problem.
Attempt to match the initial part of the pattern up to the first * against the string. If this fails, bail out. If it succeeds, throw away this initial part of both the pattern and the string; we're done with them. (And if we hit the end of pattern before hitting a *, we have a match iff we also reached the end of the string.)
Skip all the way to end end of the pattern (everything after the last *, which might be a zero-length pattern if the pattern ends with a *). Count the number of characters needed to match it, and examine that many characters from the end of the string. If they fail to match, we're done. If they match, throw away this component of the pattern and string.
Now, we're left with a (possibly empty) sequence of subpatterns, all of which are flanked on both sides by *'s. We try searching for them sequentially in what remains of the string, taking the first match for each and discarding the beginning of the string up through the match. If we find a match for each component in this manner, we have a match for the whole pattern. If any component search fails, the whole pattern fails to match.
This alogorithm has no recursion and only stores a finite number of offsets in the string/pattern, so in the transdichotomous model it's O(1) space. Step 1 was O(m) in time, step 2 was O(n+m) in time (or O(m) if we assume the input string length is already known, but I'm assuming a C string), and step 3 is (using a naive search algorithm) O(nm). Thus the algorithm overall is O(nm) in time. It may be possible to improve step 3 to be O(n) but I haven't yet tried.
Finally, note that the original harder problem is perhaps still useful to solve. That's because I didn't account for multi-character collating elements, which most people implementing regex and such tend to ignore because they're ugly to get right and there's no standard API to interface with the system locale and obtain the necessary info to get them. But with that said, here's an example: Suppose ch is a multi-character collating element. Then [c[.ch.]] could consume either 1 or 2 characters. And we're back to needing the more advanced algorithm I described in my original answer, which I think needs O(log m) space and perhaps somewhat more than O(nm) time (I'm guessing O(n²m) at best). At the moment I have no interest in implementing multi-character collating element support, but it does leave a nice open problem...

How do you read a file until you hit a certain string in c?

I wanted to know how, in C, you can read a certain file until the reading hits a certain string, or character array. What I want to be able to do is, once the file hits that string, I want the position to be set at that point. I am going to use fseek for that, and that's not a problem. It's just the reading until a certain string is hit that I am not able to do. I've been reading up on some of the functions, but there doesn't seem to be anything that guides with this. Fgets is the closest thing to this, but I don't want to provide a certain number of characters to be read, as I don't know how many. But can you give me some tips on how to do this?
There are many efficient string searching algorithms, each of which can be implemented in C.
If you're looking for a string of length N, easiest is to keep a circular buffer of length N and read 1 byte at a time from the file adding it to the circular buffer. At each step you compare your buffer with the string you're searching for. It's highly inefficient but easy to code.
There's no built-in function to do exactly what you want, but there are a few options.
Option one: Read data in chunks. You don't know exactly where your data is, so read in a few kbs of data at a time, and search within these chunks. Make sure you deal with the case where the string you're looking for straddles a chunk boundrary! Once you've located the string, use fseek() to position yourself at the start of it.
Option two: Memory map the file and use memmem() on the entire file (as mapped into memory). This requires unportable calls to set up the memory mapping, so you'll need to know your OS (or use a portability wrapper library like glib). On 32-bit machines, it will also limit the size of files you can search in to a few hundred megabytes. It is, however, a very simple and efficient approach when it's an option.
If you go with option one, the trickiest part will be dealing with the chunk-straddling case. One option is to always keep two chunks in memory, and restart the search so it begins (length of target string) - 1 bytes before the end of the previous block. The actual search could then be done using memmem() or any other string searching algorithm. You could also convert your search into a DFA (since it is a regular language) and keep the current state across blocks.

Reading a text line using a given pattern

The question is quite simple, and I hope the answer it's simple too :)
Let's say you are given a pattern, and you have to read a text file, and every line is composed by a first digit, that indicates the number of "patterns" in the string, and the the patterns element separed by one space.
For example, given the pattern
key value
a valid line of the text file could be
3 10 "apple" 15 "orange" 17 "melon"
If the number N of repetitions is fixed, I'd use something like
fscanf(inFile,"%d %s",&n,str);
but is there a function that allows me to give the number of repetitions as a parameter, or I should scan each line and extract values I'm interested in, using substr and atoi?
The "trivial" way is obvious, I'm looking for something more "professional" and effective.
Use fscanf() in a loop: first extract the number of repetitions N, then loop N times extracting your pattern.
If you're looking for something more professional or sophisticated, you might want to move away from the standard C library and towards a regex or parsing library, or something mentioned heere: While I won't go so far as to say you can't do string processing easily or well in C, it's not a strong point of the core language.
