I am just trying to restore a SQL Server .bak file in my DBeaver UI. But I have no idea how to do this - can someone help please?
I created a database, but when I right click on it, there are no restore options.
I do not see that option either in my version of DBeaver (6.1.3 - community). What you could do is initiate a restore with TSQL (by clicking on SQL Editor while you are connected to your database). Then in the Script area, use the below, modified for your own environment/database name.
USE [master] RESTORE DATABASE [DatabaseName] FROM
DISK = N'C:\FolderName\BackupName.bak' WITH FILE = 1, NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10
For full Tsql options to restore a database, see this: RESTORE Statements (Transact-SQL)
In my case the database migration was done on windows environment so there was some issue restoring backup in Ubuntu 18.04 which was fixed from below command.
backup file path: /var/opt/mssql/data/
move file path: /var/opt/mssql/data/
Restoring database backup in Ubuntu using DBeaver
RESTORE DATABASE MYDB_API FROM DISK = N'/var/opt/mssql/data/mydb.bak'
WITH MOVE 'MYDB_API' TO '/var/opt/mssql/data/mydb.mdf'
, MOVE 'MYDB_API_log' TO '/var/opt/mssql/data/mydb_log.ldf'
Note: if above does not work for you then remove REPLACE from above and make sure MYDB_API does not exist on SQL Server.
It looks like you are using a macOS which is a system not supported by SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
So I assume you need to restore SQL Server database with .bak file under macOS GUI.
There is no GUI option to retore .bak file with DBeaver.
If you want absolutely a restoration with GUI and not TSQL, an alternative on macOS is Azure Data Studio (from Microsoft) which is an open source data management tool that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
You can easily restore a bak file in GUI with Azure Data Studio.
Here is the tutorial:
Restore a database from a backup file (With Azure Data Studio)
Open the SERVERS sidebar (CTRL+G), right-click your server, and select Manage.
Open the Restore database dialog (click Restore on the Tasks widget).
Select Backup file in the Restore from field.
Click the ellipses (...) in the Backup file path field, and select the latest backup file for TutorialDB.
Type TutorialDB_Restored in the Target database field in the Destination section to restore the backup file to a new database.
Click Restore
To view the status of the restore operation, press CTRL+T to open
the Task History sidebar.
I'm trying to restore a db from Microsoft (AdventureWorks2012). However, when I try to restore the .bak file, it seems like SSMS doesn't recognize it and I get an error:
No backup set selected to be restored
I gave full permissions to the folder which contains the .bak file.
Steps I've taken to restore the .bak file:
Right click on DB -> Restore DB -> From device (selected the .bak file location) -> To Database (selected the DB destination)
Here is a screenshot:
That is the error message that typically coincides with trying to restore a backup from a newer version on an older version. And it looks like you have sql server 10.5 in your screen which is 2008r2. And you are trying to restore AW2012. That will never work. You can't restore a newer version to an older version.
I'm using a backup file to restore a database to a different database. The source database is the only one in the backup file and is selected as source.
A different database is the destination.
The restore option is overwrite the existing database (with replace). The restore as files are renamed to the destination database's files.
Other than the selected database's name in the file, the source is not involved at all in the restore.
After the restore the source database immediately goes into recovery and I have to restore it to get it out.
Even though it is not being touched.
Can anyone tell me how to stop this?
The server and studio versions are below.
Very much appreciated.
SQL Server 2008 (Version 10.0.2757.0)
SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (Version 11.0.6020.0)
(I have searched for this issue but found nothing fitting this description.)
I am trying to replicate or copy a database in SQL Server 2014 in order to create a sandbox. I know SQL Loader does that for Oracle. Is there an equivalent tool in SQL Server?
We use bcp.exe as Loader program. It is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\110\Tools\Binn
You might do this in following ways:
1.Stop the sql server, copy the *.mdf file locating it right clicking on existing database -> properties from the server to the destination sever and attach it to the destination server using SSMS.
2.Create SSIS package and execute that using DTExec.exe.You can create a .bat file ,configure and call the DTexec.exe from that .bat file.This will be alternatve to oracle SQL loader for ETL tasks.
One method would be to create a database backup. Once the backup is completed, restore that backup under a different name.
right click database from SSMS
Tasks -> Backup
Follow wizard
Once backup is complete, right click databases folder from the server and select restore database
Follow wizard, ensuring you're restoring the database to a new name.
Here are more detailed tutorials:
Note that if your intention is to test an application with the copied DB, ensure you're updating connection strings and whatnot to point to the copy.
We've had a harddrive on a PC go belly-up. We were able to partially get it up and running, enough to get files off, but most of the services (including SQL-related services) cannot run. Therefore, we cannot connect via Management Studio.
We do have a data backup, but it's a little old (it's a non-critical bunch of data).
Is there any way to restore a database on a new machine with just the database files?
MSDN for attaching a database (MDB File)
In SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.
Right-click Databases and click Attach.
In the Attach Databases dialog box, to specify the database to be attached, click Add; and in the Locate Database Files dialog box, select the disk drive where the database resides and expand the directory tree to find and select the .mdf file of the database; for example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2008R2_Data.mdf
Optionally, to specify a different name for the database to attach as, enter the name in the Attach as column of the Attach Databases dialog box.
Optionally, change the owner of the database by selecting a different entry in the Owner column.
When you are ready to attach the database, click OK.
Restore database dbnamegoeshere from disk='path to backup file here'
You can just copy the database files to another machine with SQL services running, and then attach them (right click on Databases, select Attach...)
I have created a database "test" with some tables in MS SQL Server 2008 R2 (i.e. MS SQL Server Management Studio).
Now, I need to export this database as a MDF file.
What should I do?
If you mean that you want to be able to attach the database on another server, then this is what you can do:
detach the database (right click the database and click Detach)
copy the mdf and ldf files to your backup location
attach the database (right click Databases and click Attach)
This is the path where you will find MDF file:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\
right-click on database from Management Studio -> Detach. Then you have the MDF file you can export to wherever you want :)
I think the best way is to create a .bak file from SQL Server .
Right click on the database => Task => Back Up -> Choose the database in Source , and hit OK .
If what you want is a replica of your SQLEXPRESS/MDF local file- on a remote server (SQL Server 2005)
You can right click in the "Server Explorer" on your db.mdf file and press "Publish to provider..."
You can choose a variety of compatibilities with SQL Server 2005, 2008, etc.
The output is a .sql query file ..
Came across this question and thought this would be a good alternative answer, since I got here by searching for the exact same thing!
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\
This is the path where you will find MDF file
If you are in Visual Studio, go to SQL Server Object Explorer. Find the database you want, right click and select properties. In the properties tab, look for Data File, next to it will be the location for your mdf file.
In my experience, its easier to use the commands sp_detach_db (MSDN) and sp_attach_db (MSDN). I was trying to attach a database that was offline when detached and SQL Server Management Studio (2014) kept crashing when I used the Attach option from the right-click context menu. The commands worked - hope this saves someone some time.
NOTE: Run SSMS as an administrator if you see an access denied while trying to execute the attach command
Go to the path C:\Users\your pc name
then you will find mdf , ldf file here