Create array of "deep" struct (scalar) fields - arrays

How can I collapse the values of "deep" struct fields into arrays by just indexing?
In the example below, I can only do it for the "top-most" level, and for "deeper" levels I get the error:
"Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were XXX results."
The only workaround I found so far is to unfold the operation into several steps, but the deeper the structure the uglier this gets...
clc; clear variables;
% Dummy data
my_struc.points(1).fieldA = 100;
my_struc.points(2).fieldA = 200;
my_struc.points(3).fieldA = 300;
my_struc.points(1).fieldB.subfieldM = 10;
my_struc.points(2).fieldB.subfieldM = 20;
my_struc.points(3).fieldB.subfieldM = 30;
my_struc.points(1).fieldC.subfieldN.subsubfieldZ = 1;
my_struc.points(2).fieldC.subfieldN.subsubfieldZ = 2;
my_struc.points(3).fieldC.subfieldN.subsubfieldZ = 3; = 'Note my_struc has other fields besides "points"';
% Get all fieldA values by just indexing (this works):
all_fieldA_values = [my_struc.points(:).fieldA]
% Get all subfieldM values by just indexing (doesn't work):
% all_subfieldM_values = [my_struc.points(:).fieldB.subfieldM]
% Ugly workaround:
temp_array_of_structs = [my_struc.points(:).fieldB];
all_subfieldM_values = [temp_array_of_structs.subfieldM]
% Get all subsubfieldZ values by just indexing (doesn't work):
% all_subsubfieldZ_values = [my_struc.points(:).fieldC.subfieldN.subsubfieldZ]
% Ugly workaround:
temp_array_of_structs1 = [my_struc.points(:).fieldC];
temp_array_of_structs2 = [temp_array_of_structs1.subfieldN];
all_subsubfieldZ_values = [temp_array_of_structs2.subsubfieldZ]
all_fieldA_values =
100 200 300
all_subfieldM_values =
10 20 30
all_subsubfieldZ_values =
1 2 3
Thanks for any help!

You can use arrayfun to have acces to each individual 'point', and then acces its data. This will return an array with the same dimensions as my_struc.points:
all_subfieldM_values = arrayfun(#(in) in.fieldB.subfieldM, my_struc.points)
all_subsubfieldZ_values = arrayfun(#(in) in.fieldC.subfieldN.subsubfieldZ, my_struc.points)
Not optimal, but at least it's one line.


Change an array to an integer percentage value

I have a function that gives me a value in the form of an array as an output when run but I need the output as an integer percentage for a results piece
def pred_datsci(file_path):
prev_precompute = learn.precompute
learn.precompute = False
trn_tfms, val_tfms = tfms_from_model(arch,sz)
test_img = open_image(file_path)
im = val_tfms(test_img)
pred = learn.predict_array(im[None])
class_index = (np.exp(pred))
class_index1 = np.argmax(np.exp(pred))
return data.classes[class_index1]
learn.precompute = prev_precompute
This is what the output looks like:
My question is how do I get these two values to display as :
Cat % = 15.81724%
Dog % = 84.18274%
You can use zip function as:
for z in zip(['Cat', 'Dog'], [15.3, 84.6]):
print('%s %% = %s%%'%(z[0], z[1]))

How to use a self made Type in F#?

I made a type, but I don't know how to use it properly and I don't found any solution on google.
type Sample =
TrackPosition : int
TubePosition : int
Barcode : string
let arraySamples = Array.create Scenario.Samples.NumberOfSamples **Sample**
let mutable trackPosition = Scenario.Samples.StartTrackPositions
let mutable index = 1
for i in 1 .. Scenario.Samples.NumberOfSamples do
let randomNumber = System.Random().Next(0,9999)
if index > 24 then
trackPosition <- trackPosition + 1
index <- 1
arraySamples.[index] <- **new Sample{TrackPosition= trackPosition, TubePosition = index, Barcode = sprintf "100%s%06d" ((trackPosition + 1) - Scenario.Samples.StartTrackPositions) randomNumber}**
So my question is, what should I changed so that it works, when I will give the type of the array and when I will give the sample with data to the array?
You have created what is referred to as a record type. You can initialise it with the following syntax
{TrackPosition = 0;TubePosition = 0;Barcode = "string"}
your syntax in the last line is almost correct - it should be
arraySamples.[index] <- Sample{
TrackPosition= trackPosition;
TubePosition = index;
Barcode = sprintf "100%s%06d" ((trackPosition + 1) - Scenario.Samples.StartTrackPositions) randomNumber}
The changes are
Eliminate new
replace , with ;

Appending Int to an Array Matlab

I am using an API to get real data times of trains and am trying to get the closest train time to a user entered time and then display that train time, and the next 4 granted the trains are running. I am reading in the information and the code goes through what its supposed to do but when I look at the array its a bunch of [] brackets in 7 cells instead of the calculated numbers. Any suggestions? Code is below with the API
requestStationSelected = 'University%20City' and requestEndStation = 'Roslyn'
%this is the API link for the live data from Septa this will get 30
%results and see which time is closer to the user entered time
requestInfoSeptaLive = ['' requestStationSelected '/' requestEndStation '/30'];
%Again tries to get the information and if there is a failure it will give
%a probable cause and terminate the program
getInfoSeptaLive = urlread(requestInfoSeptaLive);
if getInfoSeptaLive ~= '[]'
('Either the arrival/depart stations dont quite match up or theres a server error. Try again.');
disp('Unable to fetch the information from Septa, please try again')
%parses the information returned from the Live API
dataReturnedFromLiveAPI = parse_json(getInfoSeptaLive);
dataReturnedFromLiveAPI = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1};
%gets the size of the API in case there are no trains running
sizeOfDataNoTrains = size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI, 1);
sizeOfData = size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI, 2);
counter = 0;
for i = 1:sizeOfData
scanForClosestTime = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,i}.orig_departure_time;
trainTimeGivenH = sscanf(scanForClosestTime, '%i');
findColonTrain = strfind(scanForClosestTime, ':');
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(findColonTrain+1:4);
trainTimeGivenM = int32(str2num(trainTimeGivenMStr));
trainDepartTimeM = (trainTimeGivenH(1,1) * 60) + (trainTimeGivenM);
differenceBetweenTimes = trainDepartTimeM - userEnteredMins;
if trainDepartTimeM < userEnteredMins
differenceBetweenTimes = userEnteredMins - trainDepartTimeM;
stopAtEndOfData = sizeOfData;
goodTimeFrame = 60;
closestTime = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
storeTheDifference = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
if(differenceBetweenTimes < 60)
if (counter < 5)
closestTime{i} = scanForClosestTime;
storeTheDifference{i} = differenceBetweenTimes;
counter = counter + 1;
You assign your cell arrays inside the for loop:
for i = 1:sizeOfData
closestTime = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
storeTheDifference = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
This means that you turn both of them into an array of {[],[],[],[],[]...} on every iteration of the loop - so unless the last iteration has a valid "closest Time" in it, your cell array will be all empty arrays - and if it does, all but the last element will still be [].
To fix this, move the two lines to before the start of the for loop.
The second problem seems to be the indexing of the arrays where you store the results. If you only want five results, I am assuming you want to store them in elements 1 - 5 of your array, and not in "just any" locations. I would change the code to
if (counter < 5)
counter = counter + 1;
closestTime{counter} = scanForClosestTime;
storeTheDifference{counter} = differenceBetweenTimes;
But maybe I misinterpreted how you want to handle that?
Unrelated to your question, you might want to take a look at the line
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(findColonTrain+1:4);
It is quite possible that this is not what you intended to do - looking at an example of the response, I found the string "orig_departure_time":"11:57PM". I expect that findColonTrain == 3, so that the above line becomes
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(4:4);
just a single character. Perhaps you meant
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(findColonTrain+(1:4));
which would turn into
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(4:7);
so that
trainTimeGivenMStr = '57PM';
I hope these three things help you get it all working!
EDIT: had a chance to run your code this morning - discovered a number of other problems. I include below an annotated "working" code: the biggest problem was most likely that you were not handling AM/PM in your code. Note that I used a different json parser - this changed a couple of lines very slightly. I'm sure you can put it back together to work the way you want. This returned valid data in all cells.
dataReturnedFromLiveAPI = loadjson(getInfoSeptaLive);
% next line not needed - loadjson returns struct array, not cell array
%dataReturnedFromLiveAPI = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1};
%gets the size of the API in case there are no trains running
sizeOfDataNoTrains = size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI, 1);
sizeOfData = size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI, 2);
counter = 0;
stopAtEndOfData = sizeOfData;
closestTime = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
storeTheDifference = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
userEnteredMins = 12*60+30; % looking for a train around 12:30 pm
for ii = 1:sizeOfData
scanForClosestTime = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI(ii).orig_departure_time;
trainTimeGivenH = sscanf(scanForClosestTime, '%i');
% since we'll be considering AM/PM, have to set 12 = 0:
if (trainTimeGivenH == 12), trainTimeGivenH = 0; end
findColonTrain = strfind(scanForClosestTime, ':');
% change next line to get minutes plus AM/PM:
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(findColonTrain+(1:4));
% look at just minutes:
trainTimeGivenM = int32(str2num(trainTimeGivenMStr(1:2)));
% adjust for AM/PM:
if(trainTimeGivenMStr(3:4)=='PM'), trainTimeGivenH = trainTimeGivenH+12; end;
% compute time in minutes:
trainDepartTimeM = (trainTimeGivenH * 60) + (trainTimeGivenM);
differenceBetweenTimes = trainDepartTimeM - userEnteredMins;
if trainDepartTimeM < userEnteredMins
differenceBetweenTimes = userEnteredMins - trainDepartTimeM;
% added a couple of lines to see what is happening:
fprintf(1, 'train %d: depart %s - in minutes this is %d vs user entered %d\n', ...
ii, scanForClosestTime, trainDepartTimeM, userEnteredMins);
goodTimeFrame = 60;
if(differenceBetweenTimes < 600)
if (counter < 10)
counter = counter + 1;
closestTime{counter} = scanForClosestTime;
storeTheDifference{counter} = differenceBetweenTimes;

Function that outputs multiple datasets

I am working in MATLAB.
I have a function that loops through all the files in a directory, runs them and concatenates their dataset outputs into a single dataset.
Is there a way that I can alter my function so that it outputs all the individual datasets as well as the unified one?
Below, the array named "FileInfo" has 3 columns. The first has the file name, and the second and third columns are the inputs
function [AllFunOutputs] = RunAllFuns(FileInfo)
fileDir = dir('C:\MATLAB\Funs'); % get all file names in directory 'Funs'
files = {};
funNames = strrep(files, '.m', ''); % strip the '.m' suffix from all files
funNames(:,1:2) = [];
funNames = transpose(funNames);
k = 1; % below, match the function name with its argument
for i=1:length(FileInfo)
if strcmp(FileInfo(i,1),funNames(k,1))
funNames(k,3) = FileInfo(i,2);
k = k+1;
% create function handles
fh_array = cellfun(#str2func,{funNames{:,1}},'UniformOutput', false);
X = []; % below, concatenate all output datasets into a single dataset
for i=1:size((funNames),1)
X = X+1;
so..... why doesn't this work to give me the output dataset of all the functions?
nFcns = numel(fh_array); % number of functions to evaluate
for i=1:size(nFcns)
[allresults] = feval(#(i)funNames(i,2),funNames(i,3));
Thank you so much for your help and time!

MATLAB: Select all of an array EXCEPT in given ranges

I'd like to perform metrics on the contents of an array that do NOT fall within certain ranges.
For example, I have an array with 1000 rows and 2 columns. I'd like to perform a mean() calculation on all the elements in one column (let's say column #2) that don't fall in rows 50-150, 250-300, 400-700 and 900-950.
Thus, the mean should be calculated based on rows 1-49, 151-249, 301-399, 701-899 and 951-1000.
Any ideas how to go about this?
Edit: I should point out that those items which are included will change each time the program is run. Therefore, I can't just hard-code the inclusions in; they need to be worked out based on the exclusions.
How about:
M = rand(1000,2);
idx = setdiff(1:size(M,1), [50:150, 250:300, 400:700, 900:950]);
MM = M(idx,:)
Now apply any function to the filtered matrix:
You can define the exclusion ranges and then use logical addressing:
LowerLimit1 = 1;
UpperLimit1 = 50;
LowerLimit2 = 151;
UpperLimit2 = 249;
LowerLimit3 = 301;
UpperLimit3 = 399;
LowerLimit4 = 701;
UpperLimit4 = 899;
LowerLimit5 = 951;
UpperLimit5 = 1000;
MyVector = MyMatrix(:,2);
MeanValue = mean(MyVector(~(MyVector > LowerLimit1 & MyVector < UpperLimit1) | (MyVector > LowerLimit2 & MyVector < UpperLimit2) | (MyVector > LowerLimit3 & MyVector < UpperLimit3) | (MyVector > LowerLimit4 & MyVector < UpperLimit4) | (MyVector > LowerLimit5 & MyVector < UpperLimit5)));
